Tody's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Saturday, April 2, 1932 rrlncc V V'loudy, strong southeast vfy meter, 29.82; sea choppy, Vol. XXIII.. No. 73, riff,!., Bennett Says S. J. Hungerford Aun'u: m ' yervji ' Ctxi.idJ.-a National Four Fire Alarms Recorded in March Damage Was Done in Two InstancesNineteen Calls Turned In So Far This Year The fire department responded to four alarms during the montn of March this year as comparer with elfht alarms In the sam. month last year. So far this yen: 19 calls have been turned into the department a against 18 in tin first quarter of 1831. Of the four alarms turned in the month of March this year four were attended with damage to pro perty. Slight loss was occasioned by a roof fire at the home of T Ross Mackay. Tenth Avenue East, while u few hundred dollars damage was done the night before last by fire in the basement of LeVour-neau Apartment. Sixth Ave. and Fulton Sirect. Insurance has not jet been adjusted in either case. IS LAID TO REST The funeral ?oti the , late John PrlCc Terhicc rJrwp'ector. who passed away earlier in the week In the Prince Rupert General Hospital, took plae at 11 o'clock this morning. There was a service In the chapel of the n. O. Undertakers at which Rev. W. D. Grant Hollingworth of First Presbyterian Church officiated, interment in Fairvlew Cemetery fol lowing. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PUSH THROUGH MORE WARFARE IN EAST Closure To Be Applied Premier Liberal Members Continue Their Opposition to "Blank Check" Features of Measure For Relief of Worklcss Vole Expected By Tonight OTTAWA, April 1: The House of Commons did not get the government's unemployment relief bill out of the committee stage yesterday and Premier Bennett announced that another closure would be applied today, forcing a vote by 2 o'clock Saturday morning. The closure may also be used, if necessary, for the third reading in which case a vote would be caused by late Monday night or early Tuesday morning. The Liberal members have been continuing their blockade of the government bill in protest at its "blank check" feature. LAYING OFF 1 MECHANICS Canadian National forced by Falling Trafllc to Cut Number of Men in Shops j J MONTREAL, April 1 Lay-oi l in mechanical departments of thei Canadian National Hallways thro- j ughout the country will occur al- j ter next week. In a statement issued today. S J Hungerford, vice-president in charge of operations and construi linn, stated that falling off in traffic ha reduced the amounl oi work available in the railway shops. It has been necessary.-ao a consequence, to dlapence temporarily with a number of employees. I The number of men affected w.u j not stated nor was any estimate ol : the number offered. j Schumann-Heink Being Treated! riivsirlans Endeavoring to Prevent Aged Prima Donna From netting Pneumonia BTEVEN8POINT. Wla.. April 1: Local physicians are endeavoring to ward off an attack of pneumonia for Madame Schumann-Heink, famous German prima donna, who is receiving treatment here for a combined attack of bronchitis and laryngitis. After having been forced to ab andon a concert tour at St. Louis owing to a severe cold, the 70-year old contralto arrived here a few ! days ago to visit with a grandchild. REVENUE INCREASE Customs Collections for This Year to Date Show Substantial Gain Over 1931 Customs and excise revenue at the port of Prince Rupert for the month of March this year totalled 113,099.66 as compared with $0,-560.96 in the same month last year. Revenue for this year to date to-$32,213.73 which Is a substantia Increase over $24,628.33 recorded in the first quarter of 1031. PRINCE EARLY DAYS OF CHURCH1 St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Celebrates Its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Last Night Social Held Days Since Opening By Late Archbishop DuVernet Are Reviewed To cebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the Church; Hall of St. Andrew's, which was conducted on March 31, 1907, by the late Archbishop F. II. DuVernet, then Bishop of Caledonia, a largely attended and Interesting congregational social was held last night In St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Hall. A splendid program of music and speeches had been ar ranged for the ocasion and many an Interesting anecdote and asso ciation in the real early church life of Prince Rupert was recalled. The program was as follows: O Canada. Community-singing under leadership DLMmdfett;Q&&r Resume oT ehufcnhkitory, Very Rev J. B. Gibson. Vocal solo, Mrs. J. II. McLeod. Recitation. Miss Beryl Birch. Address. Bishop O. A. Rlx. Vocal solo. Mrs. A. J. Webber. Piano duet. Mrs. Robert BarUctt und Mrs. E. J. Smith. Address. R. L. Mcintosh. Remarks, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Vocal solo. Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby. Address. Canon W. F. Rushbrook. Vocal sok). Mrs. F. N. Good. Mrs C. E. Cull in was responsible fur the arrangement of the program Acompanlsts were Mrs. Cul-m and Mrs. E. J. Smith. Following the program, delicious refreshments were served to the guests Mrs. O. A. Rlx and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh poured and servlteurs were Mrs. W. J. Oreer, Mrs. Oeorge Rorle. Mrs. W. C. Asptnall. Mrs. Bert West, Miss S. A. Mills. Mrs. C. W. Homer. Mrs. Oscar Smith, Miss Florence Grosvenor. Miss Kathleen Klelback, Wise Winnie Tucker. Miss Annie Ollchrlst. Miss Eleanor Mox-ley, Miss Joyce Collison, Miss Helen Stamp-Vincent and Miss Alleen Gibson. The hall was appropriately de- kofAted for the occasion, prominent among the adornments being. a 1907-1D32 banner. In a corner were displayed some Interesting pioneer exhibits including photographs, arty papers, etc. The Original Opening When the original hall was op-( Continued on Page Two ) Halibut Landings Canadian Molly B., 500 lbs., Storage. 0c and 9c. BRITISH BUDGET IS AT LAST BALANCED LONDON. April 1: That ef- forts of the British govern- ment to balance the budget had met with success was re- vealed last night when It was announced that for the fiscal year 1931-32 ending yesterday, books of the United Kingdom showed a surplus of 364,000 of revenue over expenditure. RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, s t. -I. UNEMPLOYMENT BILL FEARED AS RESULT OF INCIDENT Aerosleds 1 wMw0BsBav Aerosleds help Russia speed up he shown arriving at Moscow after e grad to take part in the 14th UNREST AT SHANGHAI Fatal Wounding of Jap by Chinese Bomb Causes War Clouds to Gather Again SHANGHAI. April 1. The possibility of renewed Slno-Japanese warfare In the Shanghai region loomed yesterday & a result of the probable fatal wounding of a Japanese In Shanghai by a Chinese bomb In the French concession. The Incident provoked an ann-Chlnete demonstration by Japanese residents of Shanghai and di ma nets for reprisal. Death of the Japanese it w--feared might halt trure ntgotia lions which have been continual-' and which adjourned yesterd;.? until Saturday with the announce ment that no definite basis of settlement of Sino Japanese differ ces had been reached. Flrinp was agin heard on thi front yesterday. Preparations foi general warfare were being con tlnued by both Japanese ana Chin ese. WELLINGTON HAY PASSES Prominent Member of the liberal Party Victim of Heart Failure j at Lis towel Today j LISTOWEL. Ontario, April l.-B. ! Wellington Hay, former leader of the Ontario Liberal party and for-, mer member of Parliament, died of heart failure here today. ALASKA WEATHER Ketchikan High. 44: low. 40. Juneau High, 42; low, 34. APRIL 1, 1932 sHbswI'ssP" In Russia r five-year plan Tr.w one is omlng all the way from Lenin-anniversary of the Red army. Increase in Gas Tax is Approved Third Reading to Rill is Given in Legislature on Thursday VICTORIA, April 1. Third reading was given by the Legislature yesterday to the bill to raise the gasoline tax two cents. Col. T. A. Hiam Oil tc Orien' tn ai. usury capacity on Manchunan situation. TWO SKULLS FOUND IN VANCOUVER ONE HAS BULLET HOLE VANCOUVER. AprU I: Two human skulls were found In a garbag6 dump here yesterday, one appearing to have had a bullet hole through It. The police are Investigating. High Low DATE IS CHANGED Imperial Conference in Ottawa to Open July 21 Instead of July 18 Rumor Denied OTTAWA, April 1: The date of the opening of the Imperial economic conference has been changed from July 18 to July 21 in order to meet sailing conveniences, it was announced in the House of Commons yesterday by Premier Bennett. The Premier, in a lengthy statement, contradicted emphatically. In order to repair the "injury done to this country." a dispatch appearing in the Toronto Star cn Tuesday to the effect that representatives of the Irish Free State might not be invited to the conference. UNEMPLOYED ASK CLOTHES None Have Been Received So Far From Government at Victoria mmw-y - At a meeting of the central committee of the Unemployed Association last night It was decided to set at rest a rumor that the men were getting clothes handed out to them and they asked that some steps be taken to enable them to secure clothes In the near future. A delegation waited on the Dally News this morning and stated that rumors had been current to the effect that free clothing had been Issued to men In the camp; that the men did not require clothes and that enough money was earned before work closed down to enable them to purchase their own requirements. These rumors they Jeny. The matter Is again being 'aken up with the departmental officials with a view to alleviating the present condition. A new list of requirements has jeen prepared and a request made 'hat the matter be taken up with he authorities at Victoria. Aberdeen Fish Boat Wrecked Nebraska Lost When She Runs on Rocks Off Point Chehalis On Thursday I ABERDEEN. Wash.. April 1 : The fishing boat Nebraska was smash-led to pieces when she ran on the ! rocks off Point Chehalis near here i yesterday. Prominent Oil Man Has Passed VANCOUVER. April 1: Funeral services were held yeuterday for Roy Edward Williams, prealdeni and managing director of Fabyan Petroleums Limited. D0UKS BOMB SCH00LH0USE NELSON, April 1.-Glade schooj house in the Doukhobor comnfun Ity, a few miles west of here, wa. bombed last night, but little dam age was done. .11:18 ajn. :18:9 ft. 23:55 pjn. 19:2 tt. . 5:25 a.m. 7:8 ft. 17:44 pjn. 5:1 ft. PRICE: FIVE CENTS WEATHER IN MARCH More Sunshine and also More Rain Fall Recorded Here So Far This Year A So far this year there has been j. totai of 109.4 hours of sunshine in Prince Rupert as compared with 92.4 hours In the first quarter ol 1931. Rainfall so far this year has aggregated 30.81 inches as against 29.68 Inches in the first three months of last year. In March this year there was 54 hours of sunshine as against 79.7 hours In the same month of lait year. Precipitation for this March totalled 6.6 Inches In comparison with 68 Inches In March last yea?. Following was the weather sum mary for March this year as announced this morning by R. CT. Emmerton, Digby Island. Dominion meteorologist: High barometer reading at ssa level, 30.29 on March 2. Lowest barometer reading at sea level, 29.06 on March 20. Maximum temperature, 57 on March 12. Minimum temperature, 25, on March 2. Mean temperature, 405. -Precipitation. 6.6 lriches." ' Sunshine, 54 Inches. RESOLUTION ' ON SILVER British Columbia Legislature Will Take Matter Up at Parley i VICTORIA, April I. The Legis lature yesterday passed unanU mously a resolution by Capt. James! Fltzslmmons, Conservative mem ber for Kaslo-Slocan, urging dls cusslon by the forthcoming Imper ¬ ial economic conference at Ottawa of International steps to stablllzd the price of silver. Movie Director Charged With Evading Taxes LOS ANHEI.ES Anrtl 1 tMn,l Carewe, well known movinir Dlctufs director, surrendered to the author ities yesterday and was released on $5,000 ball on a secret Indictment charging him with Income tax eva sion, carewe denies any wrong-doing and declares It must be a bookkeeping mix-up. WEATHERREPORT Dead Tree Polnt-rCloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.7 temperature, 44; sea rough. 1 Triple Island Raining, light southeast wind; sea moderate. 1 Langara Island Overcast, lighl southerly wind; soa smooth. SOVIET RUSSIA BOOSTING WAGES . , ., MOSCOW,. April' l.-A three- fold Increase In wages of workers who are members of the Communist party Is under consideration by the Soviet government. Increases of from 4 UV, to 18 In the wages of certain classes of workers were announced yesterday. MM