S s E PAQE SEC i WALLACES DISSOLUTION Last Day Saturday MS THIS WILL BE GRAB-BAG Siil; Door Panels, values to $1.75 for Prince Rupert Ladies Will be Interested in the Capitol Baby Shoppe Opening in the Capitol Theatre Block, TODAY, APRIL 1 Parents like their children to be well dressed, especially Intlie spring;. All our goods are the best of their kind and rifht'up lorthe rnlnute. We have no old stock. Prince Rupert ladles are' MVUe'd" to lomV lii and "look over our goods and consult us in regard to their needs. Bring the little folks along and we will fit them out. If there's anything we do not carry we can easily get it. Capitol Baby Shoppe (Mrs. Anna Johnsen) SALE Carrying a full line of the latest things in . Exclusive Babies9 and Children's Wear I SATURDAY! Wc have prepared a number of parcels, which will be divided into two prices, 25c GRABS AND 50c GRABS. Wc can only say of these parcels that you will be assured of at least double the value, This is a conservative statement, some parcels will be worth very much more. Gossard Corsets, finest brocade front lace; for the medium figure; original flrt Q(? value to $6.75; for ip&&D Gossard Wrap Arounds, made from very finest materials; we have not a full line of these, but if we have your size, you can buy these models, originally $850 C4 ts values, for lixD Girls' Silk and Wool Sweater Suits, in sand and nile only; originally priced Q flff $5.50; for tP4U Ladies' Mercury All Wool Union Suits, sleeveless and knee length; a wonderful C-f QC value: reg. price $350; per suit 9 Boys' Mackinaw Reefer Coats, in navy pr brown heather mixture; double breasted style with belt: sizes 24, 26 and CJtt nr 28; rcg. $550; for ' Comforters, cotton filled: in art PO iff coverings; rcg. $3.05, for Wool Blankets, grey; warm and durable; at the price a far better buy than the flannelette blanket and at a less price; CO Qff reg. $6.00: per pair yAiJd Linen Towels, huckaback, hemstitched: plain or damask ends; a great wearing towel for home or hotel use; reg. $150 pr. HCkn per pair I tS Is Feather Pillows, in nice clean pattern; QQp ticking covers; reg. $1.25, for OtL White Bedspreads, large size; values to $2.75, for $1.49 Table CI0U13, white or colored damask; 57x57; in blue, yellow, green or white C-fl tn reg. $2.25; for Large White Turkish Towels, with ends, heavy quality, 24x48 inches; reg. value 90c each; for, each hemmed 50c 98c Wabasso Pillow Slips, hemstitched, heavy quality, free from dressing; size 40 CQp and 42 inch; reg. value $1.25; pair "vl Pantle and Bobctte Bloomers, lace and fancy 'trim; in a choice range of colors; fiQp finest quality; val. to $1.25; per pair"'' Full Fashioned Silk Hose, Corticelli quality service weights; values to $1.75; QQp 3701 per pair 54-Inch All Wool French Broadcloth, in shades cf wine, fawn, peacock, blue, black, grey and brown; for suits or coats (g-f Qff value to $350; per yard ?JU70 This list comprises but a small portion of wonderful bargains wc arc offering EVERYTHING IN THE STORE REDUCED Anniversary VClCUIcUCU Ladies of Itoyal Purple Hold Whist and Brldfc Tarty to Mark Eleventh Birthday To celebrate the eleventh anniversary of the organization of the local lodge, the Ladles of the Royal Purple held a very enjoyable bridge and whist party last night In the Elks" Home. There were 18 tables of bridge and six of whist and prizewinners were: Bridge, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitch; whist, Mrs. Hugh Smith and C. R. Biggart. After cards, delicious refreshments were served before the gathering broke up. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. W. P. Armour, Mrs. Charles Larkln, Mrs. G. J. Frlzzell and Mrs. F. M. Crosby. Swans Swept Over Niagara j Lower River Strewn Yesterday With Dead and Injured Birds NIAGARA FALLS. N.Y.. April 1 Waters of the lower Niagara River were strewn yesterday with hundreds of dead and wounded swans. They had been caught in the current and swept over the falls. i u I New Store for Children THE,PAILY NEWS Friday, April 1, 193a EASTER is OBSERVED came to The Father's House full of thankfulness and praise In the knowledge that "Jesus Christ is Risen from the .Dead," and "Is Alive for Evermore" was full re compense for any effort. D. Rundle, who has been employ sd as steward at the Prince Rupert Club, left last nigra on the Prince George for a holiday visit with friends In Vancouver and .Calgary after which he will proceed tc his home in Scotland, sailing from Montreal on the Duchess of Week-End Specials Malkln's Best Tea 1-lb. pkg. Albeita Rose Flour 49-lb. sack .. Nabob Orape Fruit Marmalade, 2'2-lb. Jar Malkin's Best Loganberries, 2's, tin Columbia Strawberry Jam, 4-lb. tin Nabob Seville Orange Marmalade, 4-lb. tint . Malkin's Best Spices 3 tins Kadana Cocoa per lb. Choice Black Figs per lb Loganberry or Cherry Jam, 12-oz. Jar Lyles Golden Syrup 2's per tin Libby's Corned Beef 6-lb. tin Qlobe Lunch Tongue l's per tin Globe Roast Beef l's per tin Purity Quick Cooking Oats per pkg. Sweet Navel Ora,ngc3-r ! 4 ,doz. .' 40c $1.35 40c 20c 45c 45c 25c 25c 10c 15c 25c 95c 25c 20c 20c 95c Alberta Market T. GAMULA. Proprietor MMBMIbmmb -! Fifth Street, Q Phone 208 District News SK1DEGATE Kcv. K. I'. Graham Had Busy Sun- day in Alassett Inlet !-" j j Rev. James Glllett of Massett. In- J i , dian Agent lor the Queen Charlotte j MASSETT, March 31: Easter Islands, paid a visit to Skldegate I Day was a very full day in the Mission and Queen Charlotte City j Massett Inlet Mission. Commencing last week on official business. at 6 a.m. a sunrise service at Old I Massett St. John's Church was con- 1 rli.nfrtJ t -. 41 ai . a . juumu vy uic iiiurcn Army unaer the leadership of Captains II. Ed- enshaw, A. Adams, Ed. Russ and G. Price. At 7 a.m. a celebration of Holy Communion with a full choir In at- 1 tendance, was conducted by the minister, Rev. R. P. Graham. A large j number of communicants took ad vantage of this service. The choir gave a splendid rendering of the anthem, "Christ Our Passover." At 10:30 a.m. choral morning prayer was conducted by Lay- ipader H. Edenshaw and at 11 a.m. Holy Communion, by Rev. R. P. Graham. The service at Massett in St. Paul's Church at 2:30 p.m. was very well attended. The special Easter music. In which the assistance of A. Adams and D. Jones from Old Massett was much appreciated, was much enjoyed by all present. At the close of this service a dash : Capt. Charles Valley of Queen Charlotte City Is building an addl tion to his bungalow. Freeman Tlngley has sent up an other boom of logs from his camp at Copper Bay. The logs were bought by the A. P. Allison Logging Co. of Queen Charlotte City. Robert Schuffer of Skldegate shipped out sixteen ounces of gold dust last week. The gold was extracted from the gold-bearing black sands of the east coast of Graham Island. The A. P. Allison Logging Co. is now operating its large camp at Queen Charlotte City full blast, nearly all local men being employ- :ed. The company has also started ouueung Davis rafts near Queen Charlotte City. Inquiries have been received at was made for the mistson boat sklde8ate from Seattle regarding 'Western Hope" in waiting at thcjtne Possibility of planting oysters Masdett dock and the trip to Port on tne Qucen Charlqtte Islands. It Clements began. The tide was very 14 bel,eved that oysfers at one time helpful and a record trip was made. Bboundi on the Islands and it Is Here the minister was met by a thou8ht that they cduld again be very enthusiastic conereeatlon for uiui.y grown here, the 7 p.m. service of Holy Communion with suitable hymns and music in St. Mark's Church. At 10:45 pjn. in a steady rain with a cloudy sky the "Western Hope'' left Port Clements on her 26-mile trip back to Massett. In spite of the weather a good trip was made and the tide being favorable landing was made at Massett at 1 a.m. on Monday. It was a long day, but it was worth It. The Joy and happiness shining In the faces of those who CN.R. TRAINS Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 3 p.m. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays io:40 a m Fhone 953 Malkin's Best Tea - per lb. Phone 933 De Jong's Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday SPECIALS Malkin's Best Coffee per lb Ensign Golden Wax Beans per tin Aylmer Seville Orange Marmalade, per 32-oz. Jar Ashcroft Catsup large bottle Sliced Peaches, Size 2's per tin Elk 5-Strlng Broom each Crlsco per 3-lb. pail Rowntree's Cocoa per 1-lb. can Jiff Soap Flakes and String of Beads Red Arrow Ginger Snaps 2 lbs. for 41c 41c 10c 29c 21c 15c 39c 79c Clark s Soups OCs All kinf1 a t;naHO, Free Delivery on Orders of $2.00 or over Westinghouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. McRAE BROS., LTD. E a s s Monday & Tuesday SB TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. 5 Feature Starts at 7:30 & 9:39 f ADMISSION 15c & 50c Saturday Matinee at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:00 15c & 35c ' 2 Greta Garbo and Ramon Navarro 5 in "MATA HARP' g With Lionel Barrymore and Lewis Stone. The siren spy coincs (0 g you in all her scarlet intrigues and dies for love. 1 Novelty "A PAIR OF FRENCH HEELS" METRO NEWS Cartoon MICKEY MOUSE in "FISHING AROUND" Jj MONDAY & TUESDAY "UNION DEPOT" svivni'ia'iai:n:iiTJiia'tiaiB raiaxiti iminurcn !t':uimx:i :r MADE OF CANADIAN WHEAT SHRE DDED iWHEAT ECONOMICAL HEALTHFUL SATISFYING THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. RUPERT MOTORS Garage and Service Station Distributors of DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS DODGE COMMERCIAL VEHICLES Phone 566 Phone (Night Calls 161 ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured In setting full weight JASPER WILDFIRE EGC.-Per Ton, $12.50; Cash Price $11.50 JASPER WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50; Cash Price . 12.50 PEMIJINA EC.G Reg. Price, 512.50; Cash Price 11.50 Thrsc Coals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 SPECIAL SERVICE OFFER For $5.00- Wc will lubricate chassis, change motor oil, spray springs, etc.. tune un motor, adjust dis tributor points, clean and udju.st spark phiRs, tighten Intake and exhaust manifold studs, dean sediment bulb, clean and adjust car-burator. check generator charging rate, check battery, and inflate tires. The best grade of engine oU and grease included in price. S. E. Parker Ltd. - Phone 83 9 1 1 m 46c Ami 23c PfiKI 29c nvll 1 WMY nHnusnn TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City SPRING IS HERE! Get Your Garden Seeds and Equipment from Thompson Hardware Company Ltd. COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with' our Famous Edson Alberta & Bulkley Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats & Darley. Pratts Baby Chick Food, Seeds & Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 5.18 If you lose anything, try a classified ad. ,t xmsrw'zz'iw m mii'i hi n mi YW.WinTsssa.Tr'j(-''