THE DAILY NEWS. rillffOE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTJONJ RATES City delivejry, Jjy,mail or carrier. -yearly period, paid? to advance V5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advanw . $er week 10c Uy m.rdl to alj parts or Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per yean : 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified ftdltyng, per Insertion, pea word :...,..., Local reaioWs, pp itasertion, per line jfL r... Legal notices, esch Insertion, per agate line .... Transiet display a dwtteing, per Inch, per insertion .. Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone ,,..86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION MAKING AN ESTIMATE l or !-iilc fk Albert & McCaffcry, Ltd. - . WHEN you nre building is (he best time to make your home safe from the damage fire can do. Order timeand-labour savinjr Gyproc Wallboard for all interior walls, ceilings and partitions. When remodelling,' extra space may be gained by dividing the attic and ba'se-menl with Gyproc partitions. You can paper it or panel it if you wish and it fe an excellent base for Gyptex or Alabastine. Oyproc may bi easily idtntifitdby tbtnamt on tb board and tb iiutn s(ripi4loii tb tdgt. GTPSUM, LIMB AND ALABASTINE, Cut. LiiM ViuHTir, B.C. It V .02 .25 .15 1.40 Tuesday, May 31, 1932 Most people at some time or other make an estimate of the affairs of their neighbors. It may be a stated estimate or simply a mental estimate but in any event it is made. Many people judge of a person's affairs by the amount of money he spends. This naturally is a fallacy. One of Dickens' characters judged by the amount saved and considered a person rich as long as he balanced his budget and had some little left over. It will often be found that the best spenders are the poorest people. They have no reserve for a rainy day. On the other hand the man who is shabby and whose wife and children are not always going out clad in the latest hats and gowns .often has money in the bank and a dollar to ELECTORS QUESTIONING In Manitoba they are having a provincial election and the Free Press asks the following questions: , "Has the government been equal to its responsibilities in these difficult times, or has it not? Has it made all the economies that could be expected in order to keep down taxation ? Has it managed efficiently the various government enterprises, whether initiated by the present government or its predecessors? All governments are imperfect. Has the Bracken government seriously failed? Are the statements of the opposition convincing as to their ability to give oetter government r Presumably we shall be asking similar questions pretty soon on behalf of the electors of British Columbia and they w ill answer with their votes. 1 nn?ra rss2i ttUJ Prince liunert. B.C. M. r. Noursc ...... Burns Lake, B.C. II. S. Sargent, Ltd. Hazclton, B.C. The George Little Lumber Yard Smitliers. Hazclton and Terrace, B.Q.. A Week's Doings at Parliament By Tom Reid, M.P. Pdrt (Jiiurclull jnUiii Under Fjre Radio llcport HijfHJy CoiriniC,ndcd--Expcriniontal Farms Discussed Friday, May 13 : As is frequently the case on Fridays there was a slim attendance in the House, and practically the whole of the day was taken up with agricultural matters. The minister having his estimates for agriculture before the House, many members took advantage of the occasion to say sdmething on this very important industry, right up to 11 o'clock with not an Jtem passed. The principal subjects for discussion and which were elaborated on were butter, wool, eggs and hides and It was evident, from the speeches made, that agriculture I generally throughout Canada was in, pretty bad shape Indeed. The matter of an export market board ' was mentioned and advocated by most of the speakers. It would seem to me Uiflt nearly every member wpt willing that a board of this kind should at least be given a fair trial. The weather has turned fairly warm which has the effect of mak ing many of the members more eager now for the close of the Monday, May 1ft The question of grain being routed through Port Churchill was brought up at the beginning of the day, Dr. Manion. minister of railways, having a prepared statement ready for the House in connection with the de velopment of this port. Considerable feeling Is usually engendered when this port is brought up for discussion, many members taking the stand 11 1 1 ,1.., . . ... , me vauu that uinv the uic building uuiiuuiK Ul of the MIC help a neighbor difficult time. The credit poorer over a 'railway to Churchill and placing the man aoes not, iook ai me ouiwara appearance. And yet it is not always wise to go shabby, giving the impression of poverty. The medium course is usually the best. The well dressed person is the least conspicuous, always seeming to fit in with his or her surroundings. Good quality clothes always look well. port on the Hudson Bay was not entirely warranted but, as some $66,000,000 has already been spent on it, something has to be done to encourage its use. Trie information given in regard to this port is that It is open on an average only three months a year. Some estimates were also gone into, the minister of national defence coming in for a good deal of Questioning regarding expenditures both military and naval. After recess the House was still sitting as a committee, estimate in connection with the finance department being discussed. The question of the expenditures on the Montreal bridge was under fire, many members declaring they would like to have this matter investigated as. when the 'bridge was first mooted, it was estimated at the time to cost some $10,000,000 which has been increased to $10,-000,000 on the completion thereof. The Prime Minister intimated that, on the following day, he would Introduce a bill In regard to radio broadcasting. Up to 11 o'clock the House was still discussing estimate in connection with the department of national defence. Gasoline Ileport Tuesday, May 11 The committee thai had been sitting inquiring into the matter of gasoline brought in its report. It had held some 22 meetings in all and some very In teresting figures were brought out in connection with gasbline and gas prices throughout Canada. The Prime Minister brought in a resolution for the House to sit at 11 a.m. on Thursday next which portends the dying days of the ses sion. When the ten percent cut of the civil servants' salaries was brought down. Judges and those connected with the navy and military force of Canada were exempt. This has caused a great deal of opposition ItJcles being hide.'. Tnis subject created a great deal of discussion, two members of the government rising to condemn Mr. Stevens. They also claimed, Itke the members of the opposition, that the effect ot duty on hides would simply mean that the people of this country tould pay more for their boots and shoes and that the farmers woulc i leo pay more for their harness. An interesting fact was given to the House that tns eattle In Canada at present were not suitable to pro-, duce the best hides and that the best hides in the world came from the Argentine where no barbed wire is allowed and where there If no warble fly as we have here Ir Canada and which punctures holer, .n the hides -of skins of all animals The six percent sales tax also me in for a great deal of comment, and the Hon. p. N. Rhodes, minister of finance, was subjected to a great deal of questioning ir. connection with this matter. The nutter of the tax on telephone calls and telegrams brought many members to their feet. They were desirous not only of criticizing It but wished definite information as to the effect of this tax A tax is now to be made on those Insurance policies taken out in companies which are not listed In Can-da. The day ended with only half if the customs la riff having been -assed. Considerable discussion will 'et take place before it Is finally iut through the-House. Kadl6 Bill In . Wednesday, May 18 After pray ers the Prime Minister Introduced he radio bill as promised the day xf ore. and I am lrftnk to state that no bill has met rwlth such universal approval from all sides of the :ioue as the bill which was Introduced in regard to public owner ship and control of radio. It is the ntentlon of Parliament to appoint 1 commission clothed with very wide powers and also to have nine 1fuVy commissioners, one for each province. It was interesting to learn that the air lines were very limited ind that, as radio was only In Its .nfancy. it was very proper that Canada should obtain control for the people of Canada of so lmpor-(nt a natural resource. It is a pity that most of our natural resources nave been given over to private Interests and many of the natural re-ources of Canada are now gone. There may be difficulties and cri ticism arise In the future but I believe it was a wise step and one taken In the interests of the Canadian people to take over radio now before It was too late. Any oppositior. that has been heard In the mattei has come from private interests entirely. All the money derived from Ueenses, etc. Is 10 be plaeed with the department of radio and advertising matter Ls u be limited to five percent of the radio programs. The rest of the day was taken up by the department of agriculture supply and, as it was a short day. noi much progress was made. Agrl cultural eswmaus generally, come in for a great oVal of otitic Um and comment and It usually takes somd days before the minister can get the and the government, to meet the ! various items throuch the commit- opposition, now Introduced a bill to'.Ue. Last year it was not until the take ten percent of the income tax very last day of the session that th uhi juages ana naval and military j minuter of agriculture Introduced iorces. as one member had said,! his expenditures and anything In- uuiius 111c buiu uiscussion, in nis opinion the best way to foment trouble was to start exempting any troduced In the dying hours of tho session is usually none through very quicKiy. unce the date and the hour one class. The Prime Minister, for nrorooation k ita.,.. i. " ' ttVUdW sa however, declared that the judges not In a good mood to entertain ion i were In a class by themselves. It was , and protracted discussions. It li I easy to distinguish the lawyer mem- ' during closihR hours of the session jbers by their speeches In the House. I that a member, if he has anything j it being evident that a strong bond to say. has to bp very alert and ,of unanimity existed amons the ready to Jumo to hi fpet imm. members of the fraternity and I dtetely the Item is called. Woe be-suppose It ls cqrrjrcito say evefy tlde him , if he hesltWes. lawyer is, a poteCalJPdRat.leosti 'Thqjsday. My 19-lthough thfl - ".... w.v uauui v-u.iiuin vu biic iiuutc iijci a 1 11 o clock It was sur-defeated candidates a position on . prlslnjr to see the grent number of the bench. I members who were in their places A great deal of the time of the at this hour. House" was taken up over changes. After prayers, a message was In the budget which were being read by the 8peaker trbrrt the Oov-made at the request of. New Zealand ernor General intimating to the which had asked tlfafc the tariff on House that he hntl given Royal Ascertain articles be raised against sent to many measure that had other countries, one of these ar- been parsed by both House. All the members stand up hen a message from His Exigency the Governor General Is being read. The Prime Minister would have liked If the House would sit on Saturday but, as unanimous consent was riot given to this, It could not be put Into effect. The new Act In conn,eclft!n ( hnnknmtf v was Introduced into fhe House; the discussion on this lasting until the hour of six. It is interesting to watch the attention I (he lawyers give to all bills affect- j ing their trade of the nation. The object of the bin in Drier is 10 set up 3 central control bod.y In charge of insolvency. No doubt the lawyers understood what it was all about but, to many of the tay members, it was just another bill. When the House met at 8 o'clock agricultural estimates starred In again, and a great deal of discus- slew ensued regarding the item of expenditures for experimental , farms. The chairman had some ! difficulty keeping many of the , peakers to the subject under discussion ac many of them endeavor- j d to take advantage and speak of "very thing else Jwt experimental farms. However, as the feeling of the Houee is getting towards the clore. no such latitude is how being allowed. At 0:35 this gave place to the Post Office estimates and mat ter affecting the dismissal of post masters was discussed right up to wie uour 01 isc wnnoui any items 1 having been passed. Jt was really a Quebec nisht anI hpllM m than I take pontics seriously In that pro vince. For years before coming to Ottawa I oftentimes wondered why a French-Canadian was generally Variety Sale This sale is to reduce oar stock, l or your benefit we offer very low prices. Uuy now and save money. Every penny counts. lOHNSON FLOOR WAX I s, per tin wIQUIO VBNEER large 'bottle x .-.'ti.-.t:...;.... ATXDAL For fine laundering, 3 pkgs. . RICKirrT'S BLUE 5 pkgs. TOILHT SOAP -Good sized bar, dozen SUNLIGHT SOAP- per pka. LUX FLAKES 3 packages 3HOE POLISH-AM colors except black. 3 for CANNED GOODS HOYAL CITY CORN 1 1 O Z's. nr tin XXI ROYAL CITY PEAS T$, 2 tins ROYAL CITY PORK & DEANS EANS 18 15c 3" 24f 34c At,v' Olix 2 tins a tins ROYAL PRINCE PEA8 Siae A it a, per tin DUFFCT SIZE FRUIT All variety, 2 tins for Bxeept strawberry and raspberry fDherrv iruit salad) per tin OOQ8EDERRIB6 2-lb. Un. 2 for BLACKBERRIES 2-lb. tin, 2 for RASPBERRIES 2-lb. tin. 2 for URISCO All Stees per lb. 80DA BISCUITS 1 B.C family size, 2 pk. 50c 40c 25c 25c 48c 19c 25c 25c 35c 10c 25c 15c 39c 39c 49c 25c 39c FRESH STOCK ASSORTED S)(n niSCUITS 1 B.C.. per lb PEAK FREA.V IJISCUITS f" 45c per tin 5 to 8 lbs. 4 00 per lb 141 This ls the cheapest price ever offered in this line. Oet yourself a tin for afternoon tea. INTERIOR POTATOES per sack $1.10 HEINZ PICKLES Reg. 30c St 35c per bottle 4Qp sale price, 2 bots. for f HADLAND MEAT .BALLS OCf quick dinners". i,8.rier tlnAt' Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" 310 Third Avenue Phone 18 & 300 picked 4$ P'ostmastei-Oeneml but, after listening to the discussions! from the Quebec members, this is easily understood. The Hansard reporters have a 'Ul (hese, as someum. , busy time during discussions like made peaking will sudden; T, French into Enirlish , .. ! without much proun , Bring Back Prosperity In times like these... more than ever. life insurance is a boon to all to the Unimtirvtl a well as the Insured. As its premiums accumulate thev are promptly used to assist in pur chasing homes, in aiding farmers and financing industry thus keeping Canadian citizens gaiafullyemplnyed It insures more than Life it helps to provide work (or the Breadwinner and Food, Comfort and Shelter for bis family. . It supports the Nation, loo the collective enterprise of all the people During the Great War, for instance the Sun Life Assurance Company .( Canada itself subscribed for $70,000,000 Canadian and allied government war loaj,b,end,$. Last yea'r the Sun Life subscribed $23,000,000 to Canadian government issues. A portion of the proceeds of these loans was to relieve Unemployment. Even the jobless share indirectly in the benefits of life insurance. Tht Sun Life U on important fuclor in restoring prosperity to Canada. For over sixty years it has been privileged to serve its policyholders and proud to serve the State. To-day, its world-wide organisation and facilities make il more serviceable than ever to the whole community. "1 'l:'0.. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada HEAD OFMCI MONTREAL S. J. (Sam) JABOUR Northern Representative Prince Itunort, B.C. I I OBI SUN LIFE Phone C15 Office No. U, Smith m TheFish which made Prince Rupert Fatnoui "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ltd. I'KlNCE RUPERT, ll.C.