sf a 7 oa i ‘i ce Se — eee a oe a ee ords. Two Phones 82 & 200 There’s Pleasure for all in the good music you can produce so easily on one of our Columbia Grafonolas Come in and hear the newest rec- Ormes, Limited wert a At Y our Service ee THE DADLY N | { PH iii nth ih ie 4 a! f tt Saves Them Your woollens must be made to lust as long as possible, they're so dear now. Sunlight Soap is the purest and best of all iaundry soaps so it’s the safest cleanser--end it's the most econ- omical because, being pure, it takes less to do the wash. Insist on’ getting the Soap you ask for—SUNLIGHT SOAP. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. Toronto, Ont 38 HERRING PLENITFUL TS GENERAL REPORT Y ~e die Se a Run Has Conimenced Much Ahead } Life Insurance ‘alt, Is In Certain Respects Unique } Other kinds of insurance provide for lesses that MAY be sustained, provides for an in Life Insurance evitable loss. | north-West west 80 chains, thence chains, Dated this 22nd SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary B.C., settler, intends to apply | for a license to prospect for coal and [petroleum on and under the following \deseribed lands :— Commencing at a@ post planted at the corner of DL 498, thence thence north $0 chains, east 80 chains, thence south 80 to point of commencement, day of October, 1919 WILLIAM _J._ Le iy, Applicant, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of si Skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply The premiums on other kinds of | for a license to prospect for coal ppy insurance are an expense, The pre- }petroleum on and under the following miums on a life policy are pay nents on account of an asset; for at some time the policy must mature and be paid, Other kinds of in- surance are expedient; Life Insurance is essential. A building may ship may never sink, but ALL must die. never burn, @ | men } | borth-east north 80 chains, thence south | chains, Dated this 2ist day of October, ide scribed lands: Commencing at a post planted at the corner of DL 2799, thence thence east 86 chains, 80 chains, thence west 8&0 to point of cofimencement, 1919 Applicant __ WILLIAM J, LEARY, SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION. DISTRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE x ISLANDS. The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of iene ware E that William J. Leary of ij hee Skide gate, C., settler, intends to appiy Canada Policies are safe. for a license to prospect for coal and = gore on and under the following deseribed lands McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Commencing at a post planted at Limited, - Agents. north-east corner of DL 2799, thence west 80 chains, thence north- 86 chains, Phone 11 - - 3rd Avenue thence east 80 chains, thenee south &( chains, to point of commencement. Dated ihis 2ist day of October, 1919 _____ __ WILLIAM J. LEARY, ‘, Applicant, FOR SALE Four -roomed plastered +4) house, on Eighth Avenue 4) between McBride St. and King Edward School with ex- 2) cellent lot 1? $1,500.00 § 9 ° Is Terms. ‘Y Oa a Te | M. M. Stephens Rea! Csteie Insurance Financial Agent POOR Oe - Cadomin Coal Full weight. $12.50 $13.75 | ee LOO OOD A LODOOR: . No wait. Ton, Loose Ton, Sacked Censumers Coa! Company Phones--Black 51, Black 293 At Christmas Time Solve your gift problems with Photographs. Make the appointment to- day. It’s none voo early. PHONE Red 328 Te Pes Gu Suite 22, Alder Block All busses stop at our door A. G. GRAY Teacher of Piano Studio 137 Second Avenue PHONE 182 or 444 | OPO ORONO SKEENA LAND RECORDING DIVISION » PisTaict T OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE NOTICE that William J. Leary of skidegate, B.C., settler, intends to apply for a license to prospect for coal and ® ; e i petroloum on and v der the follow ng described lands Commencing at a post planted at the ; a Conve a” or north-east corner of DL 2795, thence Meta aS ‘atl: y east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, to point of commencement. Dated this 2ist day of October, 1919 WILLIAM J, LEARY, Applicat $2650.00 Buys 2 lots, 7 room house, complete furnishings, coal and wood supply. The Easiest Possible Terms LOCUGLAS SUTHERLAND 524 Third Ave. EOL OP ELL MAM OPE I PODE DL POE SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING “ner wo EKGIXEERS Ustimates furnished. — —- . Address, &rd Avenue, head 3 of Second Street. ; Phone 174 —— P.O. Box 274 ; ~ on TUESDAY Special Jonathan Apples This is the last chance per box $2.10 Rupert Table Sunply Co. | Phones 211, 212 ad of Usual Time—Quality of Fish Reported Excellent. i. T. B. Telegraphs.) VICTORIA, Dee. 29. eispector BK. G. Taylor, in of District No. 3, Spe i via Fisheries charge reports that the herring season is this year con- siderably earlier than usual, with an excellent run of fish. Reports from Nanaimo are to the effect that the prespects are better than ever known, and sim- ilar information also comes from! the operators on Barclay Sound,, who state that they are already; running to capacity. PRICE OF CANNED GOODS IS SHADED (Special by G.T.P TORONTO, prices for canned goods are loo ing up on the horizon as a result of a statement made by Chairm W. A. O'Connor at a sitting of the Board of Commerce, He that he would make a declaration from Ottawa that the rebate «f two and a half cents a dozen on eanned goods now allowed by th Dominion Canners, Limited, would be illegal. In consequence, who! salers may be advised to sell ec. ned goods at somewhat prices. Representatives of the Cana dian Wholesalers Grocers Asso- ciation intimated that there would Tetegraphs.> Dee. 24. Lowe! statod low i not be any rebate paid to the wholesalers, but that the public would ultimately benefit from it ARMY OF FOUR MILLION WOMEN TO FIGHT H.C.1. Special via G. TT. P. Telegraphs. W VASHINGTON, Dec. 29. An army of 4,000,000 women repre- senting ten’ national organizations has been organized by the savings division of the treasury depart-' ment, to enter the fight against the high cost of living. Beginning January 1 April, a campaign witi be conducted in an effort to induce women to keep trict accounts of their daily ex- penditures in order by study of them to eliminate unnecessary items. According to the plan, amounts saved by this means would be invested government | and ex thrift : , tending to great securities, alii ii is just as cheap to get your printing done wel' and done at 1ome as it isde send it away. Trv ‘The News Print Bho. The “Dine tor” Corset, Manu- factured in Prince Rupert. Phone Blue 92, ti | | Sen | ” | | | : : a DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your eificiency } DR. BAYNE Office Hours- -Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur. } dy, 9 to 2 only. Evenin 8, } ‘Paesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9, DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FORK APPOINTMENT iH. R. ,by Mrs. ii. L. /WANTED Ews | ~. > Om. =. i Local News Notes , | imei iting in shoe repairing at MeArthur'’s Shoe Store. if Pianos correctly tuned. $86.00, G. OC. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf , * 7 “a, l Aijien and son left for Pitman on this morning's train . + . lor first class shoe repairing, B. M. Simpson, Fifth and McBride Grant Mahood, of Stewart, went south on the “Beatrice” Saturday night. New shoes arm expen ve, llave your old ones rebuilt at Me Arthur's. ti Phe greal Russian actress Nazimova at the Westholme to night. e . : . Vhen you need a pair of shoes qv y } of better grade, Shoe Store. tf . . * Mr and Mrs. B. W. Bob, of Hyder, left for the south on Sat urday night. We don't cobble shoes at Simp- son's——-we repair them, Corner Fifth and MeBride. ti >. * ’ Revelation,’ a miracle photo play starring Nazimova, at the Westholme tonight, . . . James Turnbull, Hazelton dis trict forester, returned east on this morning's train. * > . Mrs. Helen Longpre, of Hyder left for the south on the Princess Beatrice Saturday night. * . Nazimova the greatest emo tional actress of the present day stage, at the Westholme tonight 7 . * Archie Rev. Dr and Mrs. Grant, returned up-river this morning § after spending the Christmas week wit! Grant, son of lhis parents. * . . The Prince of Wales in New Youk City, Fatty Arbuckle “Out | West and Nazimova, the great Hussian actress, at the Westholme Theatre tonne * The prize winners in Wallace's drawing are as foliows: First, Mrs Mercer, Seal Cove; second, pot claimed; third, Mrs. Pirillo, 809 Eighth Ave., W. > = 2 rhe first prize at Tite’s Furr ture Store prize drawing was by Mrs. M. Clark with ticket No 2343. The second prize was w by No. 5765, and the third prix: with number 1666. 3 There promises to be som thing swift in the basketball lia tomorrow night at the rink whe: the married members of th: deague meet the bachelors. Tix two teams have been fairly evenly lined up and a good hard fough! match is being looked for. W.! Williseroft will be referee, With a full list of passenge:s | Which occupied most of her ac- commodation, the “Princess Ben trice,”’ Captain Rippon, sailed at 8 o'clock on Saturday night for Vancouver. Many of her passen gers were from Stewart and Hy der, the Saturday night proving quite convenient popular witii these passengers. . . . steame ane The Girl Guides Chapter L. 0. D. E. are taking a great interes in the furnishing of the convales- cent ward in the General Hos pital. ‘Bhey are presenting a gramaphone and have already given twenty-four reeords. Unti! their machine one was lent for the Christmas festivities Roberson, which appreciated by the was much patients. MACHINISTS ATTENTION Meeting tonight o of Lodge 207 in the Carpenters’ Hall at 8 o'clock Election df officers and other im |} portant business. SECRETARY, eee e#ewwteweeaeaegeeeeeene * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * ee ee ee ee FOR BALE One four-hole Me Clary Range, one six-hole Can adian Oxford, both secondhand at bargain prices, Harry Han son, the Reliable Plumber, 139 Second Avenue. tt FOUND—-Black and white rooster, Apply Miso Mary Johnson, 22° eighth Wvenue West. it WANTED Two adentitibed roosters—-Rhode Island Reds Phone Green 165 1! 300 pieces of hemlock piling, 30 to 80 feet lone. Apply to H. BK. Myers or M. H, call at McArthur’s |} VOL, X. NO, $09 WESTROLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY — The Greatest Emotional Actress of the day NAZIMOVA in a Seven Part Feature “REVELATION” The Prince of Wales’ Official Visit to New York City ARBUCKLE in “OUT WEST’ and 25e FATTY ADMISSION 55c ke eee 2 Oe oe ee eee ~ > a ym; WATCHES (-~;) are in demand Koy GRU There are Styles in Men’s same as anything eise. The Gruen Verithin is one of the neat- est and best at from $25. to $150. We carry the Waltham from $12. to $100. and you'll find a wide variety of cases, Also we stock Hamilton Howard and Regina. Watches the -RICES JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Gift Store STANDARD In Rings We are showing some ps larly go@a) designs t! at young people will especially appr ate. Our stock of Fine Jewelry orna includes many dainty ments at moderate prices and useful articles for old or young people. if you are about to iH | HI Hil TT | purchase a gift, don't fail to look over cur display first , The Jewellers 622 3rd Ave. RCW. Cameron & Ca. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC | Mr. J. BK. Dyer will operate a bination ‘bus and transte ness as before. General” bus tickets available on a ist of January By mutual agreement, General Omnibus & ars dissolving from January tat, with give we of the Pransfer Co., partnership, as} be 1920, and here that all- accounts the pany be tendered by i920, P. O, (renera from the notice . Queen Charlotte Islanders ca!- 1ot do better than mail their printing needs to The News P int for and against said com- January 15th, Box 885. Messrs. Reid & Crane intend to shop and get the work done na pa eng bus service romplly and well. only and will operate as the GENERAL TRANSPORTATION GO \dvertise in the Daily S @EGLAR TEALERS © ve / Gimme 6. CENTS WORTH A ANIMAL « BACKERS MisTFR ANO PLEASE TAKE TRE ELEPHAMTS Ovut Sec AOSE THEY FRIGHTEN THE Rasy y in -~ Large,