v1 jfontoy, 'April II, 1932 PAOB THRK2 rr-r UNEMPLOYED IN SESSION (Continued from page one) An appeal having been made foi married men with families, In thcli own interests, to take a more active interest and part In the affairs ol tu,. association, C. Wallace, M, qra?' vm, W rawchuk, W. CrahonnjfyE. fikoumo and T. Scully were addeftto imp membership of the central comma tec. The central committee will , Mintlnue its efforts on behalf of more adequate relief being provided ,,,, Uioie requlrjng It. A proposecicale of wages for var ious classes of work at Cloyah Bay vims read. It was felt by speakers that, under relief, all classes of workers should receive the same al lowance with no discrimination In favor of certain classes of work. A communication telling of conditions in unemployment camps In hi Itcvelstoke and Hope-Princeton districts was handed Into the mrriing and read. Men there were also holding out against $7.50 per month. T Mohoney moved the resolution askniK for the $4 rate of pay on relief work. Among those speaking In favor of this resolution were George Murray. Oscar Larsen, Mr. Brown and others. Move Forestalled A move was made to have the total association Join up at once with the National Unemployed Workers' Association of Canada. A. O. Morse spokr emphatically against affiliation with this organization and inquired if the meeting knew whether it was a subsidiary of some other organization. A lively discussion en-furd and, finally, an amendment was carried tabling the proposal to affiliate with the National Unemployed Workers' Association of Canada until more Information had been received regarding the organization At the suggestion of Mr. Chap man the meeting passed a resolution for conveyance to Premier R. j B. Bennett protartln? at the proee-i juui) of Estevan, Sask.. coal miner is a result of a recent demon-si 'at ion there when three men were killed Another resolution requested the MrtkniK out of Section 98 from the ( riinin.il Code of Canada and any t.'lirr sections antagonistic to the u'X'icstK of the working cUuot. D i approval ww expressed by re-iluimn of the action of landlords LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Twenty percent, oft all dresses, unc week only. Dcmers. 81 , Reliable Messenger. Phone 131. Day or? Night. Stand Besner Blocc tl Basketball meeting Basketball Asm. Tuesday, 7 p.m., City Hall, '.i fit Table Oil Cloth 50c. a yard at the Dollar Store's Removal Sale. M Oeneral meeting Prince Rupert Football. Association City Hall cn Thursday, 8 p.m. Vi-ton Ford Light Delivery, 1931 Model for sale, good condition. Apply Box 130, Daily News. 85 "Watch your years and tean drop oil like withered leaves, at the "Laughing Cure" in the United Church Thursday and Friday, April 14 and 15 at 8 pan. Northland Navigation Co. s rao-torship Bellingham arrived In port at 8:15 this morning from Ketchikan with , four carloads of fresh halibut for shipment to the United States by this afternoon', train. After discharging, the Bellingham sailed on her return to Ketchikan. Robert Arthur. Jr., who has beer, residing for the past three years In Victoria, returned to the clt from the south on the Calala lasi evening and plans on n -locating here. His wlfv and family are expected from Victoria in about two weeks' time CANNERIES TO OPERATE Officials and Members of Crews of .Mill Bay and Arrandale Here Last Evening Northbound Offtdtlt. and merobtffc of., the crews of two Naasr Riyer canneries the B. C. Pickers plant at Mill ir M. ting persona who were unable llimhl. rn Arr.nrfu ;o iuv their rent. DUress of people living on relief y Port Esslngton was mentioned ami it was left to the central committee to get further In formation nnrt take the matter up In the proper quarters. If necessary. Announcements Presbyterian spang sale April 14 The "Laughing Cure' Church April 14 and 15. United Eauley Daffodil dance Fridfcy, April 15. Admission, ladles refresh menu gentlemen 50c everybody welcome. Anglican April 19. Cathedral Spring Sale, Prince Rupert Singers April 20 Capitol Theatre. Elks" Dance. April 22. Ridley Home Baaaar May 5. Mrs. Russell M. Smith returned " the city on the Catala last ev from a ten-day trip to SERVE were aboard the steamer Catala last evening bound north from Vancouver to Institute work preparatory to the season's operations. The party for M01 Bay Included George Harris, manager; E. Cum-mlngs, accountant, and Watson D. Noble, storekeeper. Mill Bay. which operated only as a camp last season. wtU be packing salmon again this summer. The party for (Arrandale was headed by W. B. Walker, manager, and C. F. Griffin, accountant. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert . . U. 1932 O. M. Httgeison of this city hat been pulling off some big deals hi real estate In Saskatoon. He ha bought one double corner in the Saskatchewan city for $75,000. O. II Partridge and J. M. Ruff !ner, well known Atlln district min- ilnt men, were among passenger- 4 'going nortn aboard the steamei Three Plays. Presbyterian Church prjnceM Mary which was in pot May 5th and 6th. iagt evening. The former has beer 'on a trip to Kngland In connei- prlng Sale, St Peters Church. Uon wlth rinanclng of a pro- :i 10 19 . May Iperty at uen-wy-unree. William Sweeney ano party hav left Hoitelton to locate some more coal lands In the Groundheg CHEESE! VheJlristacrat of the Cheese 9amily m Save your spare plants for the Ridley Home Bazaar. f , Annual Meeting Regiment Foot ball Club Armory, Tuesday, 8 p.m. It costs nu more to ride in a Nash Special then In any other ear. Just call Nelson's Taxi 849. tf Exceptionally good value In Lawn Mowers. Made in Canada Prices from $7.00. Gordon's Hardware. Phone 311. tf The Grotto Cigar Store Is now operating their own taxi service. Phone 45(. Driver: Reuben Scherk. Operating day and night. Just Phone 456. We do the rest. tf W. L. Clark, Vancouver salmon buyer, arrived In the city from the nouth on the Catala last evenin? and will be here and on the Skeena River on business until next Friday night when he will sail by the Cardena on his return to Vancouver. He i fla ad Colds I3L Vapors inhaled quickly clear head VJCKS VapoRub NUrk Hyde was fined $25, with option of thirty days- imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in :i'.y police court this morning for lrunkenness. The fire department had a call ?.t 2:30" Saturday afternoon to Water Street where there was a eras lire on the Canadian National Rill ways reserve. The fire was cr tlngi'lshed before It occasioned lny damage. FAMILY MEAT MARKET STC Loin Pork Chops QCn 2 lbs Loin Veal Chops QPn 2 lbs Loin Lamb Chops 45C Spare Ribs )C Uver. 1 lb. AOX 9?P Bacon. 4-m Shoulder Lamb, 5 lbs. 04 A(i V Braid's Tea, I lb. ?iV Shoulder Veal. 5 lbs. ?fl A A Braid's Tea. 1 lb. ?J.UU Shoulder Pork, 5 lbs. Q1 00 Braid's Tea. I lb. ?X.UU Freeh Side Pork 1f)p xuu per lb Pot Roast of Beef 50 C Stewing Veal, 4 lbs. t,Ufw CAp Peas, 1 tin Stewing Lamb. 4 lbs. CAn OXIK Peas. 1 tin 0 $1 Cash & Carry Special 1 lb. Braid's Tea 1 doz Loral Eggs-1 lb. Butter 1 lb Baron dill fiV,M'r!lM Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. l'Elt DAY AND UP J. Zarelli THrphonf ISI M Linstau, city. MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe Revised Prices to Suit Your Pocket Permanent Wave. $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 35c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 Supreme Jingles Just For Fun and Not Competition A local lad delivered at the office of Stewart Ai Mobley an envelope containing a number of "Su preme Jingles," not for entry in their competition but "Just for fun." The roasters of Suprcm6 Cof fee ask him to return and he will be given a pound of Supreme Just for fun. Here arc a few of the Jingles: Mary bought a little lamb And all the trimmings line, Then asked mama and pa-ln-law, That night to come and dine. The dinner was a great success, The angel cake, a dream, But the crowning glory, you can guess, Was when Mary served Supreme. Jack Spratt could eat no fat, His wife could eat no lean. But they both liked coffee. agreed on that If the coffee was Supreme. Fire Under Walk they Little Jack Horner sat In a corner And would not be satisfied with toffee, He liked Christmas pie, But how he did cry For a cup of good Supreme Coffee. Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been? I've been up to London for a. pound of Supreme; Pussy cat, pussy cat. why go so far Why no other coffee would do for my ma. Three blind mice, see how they run. They all ran after the farmer wife For they smelled Supreme Coffee you can bet your life, They are not afraid of her carving knife. These three blind mice. Roses are red, violets are blue. Drink Supreme Coffee like wise men do. Saturday Night Spectacular Blaiy tThlcd venue,; Caused lo Damage siarica In Waste Paper Billows of heavy smoke and flashes of flame Issued early Saturday evening from a fire , whicn broke out In the foundation of the creo-soted lumber sidewalk on Third Av enue across from, the Daily News but. although the fire was rather spectacular and drew a big crowd of spectators. It occasioned no material damage except to scorch the sidewalk foundation. The blaze is believed to have started In waste paper which had been stowed under the sidewalk after being removed from a nearby hoarding. The fire department was called and soon xtlngulshed. C. P. Ashmore, general manage' of the Granby store at Anyox. was passenger aboard the Catala tool evening returning to the smelter town a,f ter a business trip to Van eouver. I i 8 i 1 I B 1 I I B I ? I Do You REALIZE Every Time You Throw Out a Coffee Tin You Throw Away 5c? Is It Worth It? A coffee tin costs 7c . A carton costs 2c The Customer ficts the Advantage e SupremeCoffee Is Dated and Always Fresh Keep the Coupon ! ! It is worth lc. When you have 10 hand them to your grocer for 1 b. SlirKK.Mi: COFFEE k'tAtM (.Mia tMtm iMtUiMiu Mi.mv Tuesday Special , Ontario Cheese OAc per lb. LU MUNRO BROS. Halibut Landings SUMMAItY American 200,400 pounds, 5c and 3c to 7.3c and 3c. Canadian 82,500 pounds, 5c and 3c to 5.2c and 2c. AMERICAN Reliance, 2,400; Addlngton, 12,- 000; Spray, 3,500, and Eastern Point, i,000, Cold Storage, 7.1c and 3c. Grant, 47,000, Pacific, 5c and 3c. North. 25,000. Atlln. 5.1c and 3c. Atlantic, 24,000, and Rainier, 36.-000, Cold Storage, 5c and 3c. Bonanza, 24.000, Booth.6c and 3c Norma, 6,500, Atlln, 7c and 3c. Avona. 11.000, Booth, 7.2c and 3c. Eureka, 5,000, Cold Storage, 7.3c and 3c. CANADIAN Ingrid H.. 3.000; White Hope. C- 500, and Johanna, 5,000, Booth. 5.1c and 2c. Capella, 5,000; R. W, 4,000; 8,000; Gony, 10100 and Gibson 6,000. Cold Storage. 5c and 2c. , 2c. Livingstone, 10.000, and 15,000, Cold Storage. 5.1c and Melville, 10,000, Cold Storage. 5.2c and 2c. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. April II: Wheat was quoted at 62c on the local ex change today. Common Table Salt Often Helps Stomach Drink plenty of water with pinch of silt. If bloated with gas add a spoon of Adlertka. This washes out uuni stomacn ana ooweis ana nas you of all gas. Orme's, Ltd., Drugs. "Build B. C. Payrolls" !. -- Good for Infants -"if JwwmtffJ. A lady after trial with milk that failed sought advice from her physician and began giving the baby Pacific Milk. There is specific reason why Pacific Milk is good for infants and a reason why In certain cases It is best of all. Immediately the child began to Improve. Pacific Milk "100 B. C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT At ABBOTSFOBD Income Tax Returns Dominion returns must filed by 30th April b GEOKGE KORIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Ave. W. Phone 387 SPECIAL From April 1 - April 15 We will wash your Double Blankets for GOc Single Blankets for 10c Lace Curtains 50c (per pair) Scrim Curtains 30c (per pair) Pillows, each 35c Carpets 35c (per square yard) Let us help you do your , spring house cleaning Canadian & I'ioncer Laundries Limited SLEEPLESS, PALE, NERVOUS Mrs. Hart Completely Restored to Normal Health After Taktef 6 Boxes ol Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. FEELING WELL AGAIN.., , "I was in a weak, run-down condition sleepless, pale, nervous and with loss of appetite," writes Mrs. R. M. Hart, of Toledo, Ont. "I was often taking weak and fainting spells, and weighed only 105 pounds. I finally decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After taking six boxes I was completely restored to a normal condition. I also gainid 23 pounds. My condition began to improve after taking the second box. I have had no recurrence of my trouble since. I strongly advise Dr. Williams' Pink Pius for anyone in the same condition as I was in." Mrs. Roy Holland, R. R. 4, Dunnville, Ont., describes her case as follows: "Just about a year ago I wis in a general run down state of health. No appetite, nerv-qus and irritable. Could not sleep at trightjW evW keep still My limbs would twitch !, would or over nothing and I was ashamed. to find myself cross with the children. 1 tried. Dr. Williams' Pink Pius again, as I had used them before with good results. The results were excellent again. I am now feeling well again, can do all kinds of work, and weigh more than I have for a long time." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have earned the praises of thousands of sufferers like these whose health has been restored by Uieir aid. These Pills actually create new red blood, which supplies to tht nerves the very elements they need and builds u? the whole system. Try them if you are run down, anaemic or rheumatic. Now obtainable in the new glaa containers at your druggist's. 50c a package. 81 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TK.UI, BUITISII tOl.l MUIA Uanutaciuren ol ELEPHANT llrand tllKMIC.tl. lEKTlMZmS Producers ti Refiners o! TADANAC Brand r.UA TKOI.YUC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TKIPLE SUFEKriIOSriIATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH UMION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hlramrra Irate Print Hunert I or Vanmurrr: T.S.K I AT.l..t r.VEBV TtESDAY. JJ'1 P.M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. TJ.K. JAHDKN.l EVERY IKIDAV MlltMClIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday nildnlgtu pjro Weekly aalltngf to Port SlmpAOn. Alloc Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Nut Rlvtr points. Sunday, 9 p.m. Further information regarding all laihnji and ticket at PUINCT KUPEKT AOCNCY: krrond Atrnur. Pbone VW LrttK MILK . .. IT wVTQPS OTART a savings account for your child at the Bank of Montreal and make his or her future safe. BANK QF MONTRBta Established l8l7 Total AtU In Bxcess of 750,000,000 Prince Hupert Branch: P. A. MacCALLUM, Manager