1032 nnrfry April 11. TTTP! DATLY NFWB Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC, THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS for Kale and all other small advertisements I or rent, In this section charged at the rate of 2 cents a word, per Insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. Br the month the charge Is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR SALE jR SALB Maple Sideboard, high bu lc $8J or efler. Kitchen Ti.-bit ISc.. Airtight wood heater, $150 Apply 612 Hays Cove fir- tie. (iUDIOLAS AM) DAHLIAS tiltatMi (TWVcrv nnrl meat I Bargain $3"S; 1927 Pontiac. Snap, $175; many others. Terms, Open evenings. Kalen Motors Lti. Pnnoe Rupert, Phone 62. FARM FOR SALE FARM M0 acres, good location, 13 miles south Burnt Lake. Best of uill llaen with havlnft nhiknt I1KLP WANTKI) RELIABLE man for one hundrrtii store route; this e&antry, expr ence unnocoMary; no sellin distribute and collect Should J 11 ... rt v . . 'iiiijr uuuart weeny, oimnm j Mfg. Company, New Toronto.; Ont. LOST j kOST pin Friday between Post 0( ! lice and Capitol Baby Bhoppj.' Rewbrd to finder at the Shopp' I U; i TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 171 for Dry Birch. Cedar and Jaek nne. tf T and R Transfer. Wood for ' ana price reasonable. Phone Orccr 609. I.ANU ACT l Inleirtlnu la apply lo Uf l.ani i.i vutn, cUnUu laland DKWIvt r' w,'Mnat tHatrtet of Trloce Rti-r 'ci UUiaie on Hit BotAltrrl) prt ' i j ura MtM. Parr TtMaf 'ti ' " ; foreahure adJolDlna the trc- "I..H w,m half of the fractional hW , ;irir of Ut 074. Queen Cr- "; I i. .nd Dlttrlct. hotln that ik. tttm. fti ri.. 'rn, (I ' UmUed of Vuitiuvif rtntl.n "":'. "ccupaMon a mercbandU.u;. i u nuwniu to to appl tnlr rof a ilaaerlbed , , " pw piantea at trie WkV.1 of th fraction! "r''' hula .. . . C 7,'!,.Ut 7- Charlotte I. riov thenoe South one thma loii mark: thenc Z ..low mM-k lu 8ot'' u, . , , 1 "lr,lion 20 chains more or It rr , ouu South-wmat cOf. 'h. ,r mla tractlonul West half of ' 'r.. noiul Bouth-eaat quarter of Li. v 'Mm North one cnln nrtre tlM-h! k' BoutU-wett ooruef, 'miL,vN?h-?,,rly toolng th' n bouwdarj of tna aald UH 67 MT,.ft I,."d o"Hn)ng" two. U v wliOMMpji, DlsTitiBumna fc,, '""" NI.U Page. Agenr Why rn get the best in Shoe Repairs for the same price? LOUIS filllBiG 318 Sixth Street CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ABpinall i rhree Year Graduate Chiropractic; Modem Itay Treatments Given Phone lor Appointment j Green 211 and 519 ! OLOKWIUI GLADS. 100. assorted open Evenings names, only t.50; 50 for $1.5(1; Dntrd March 10. 1931 1 S Exchange Blk. Damns. 12 assorted J3.00; 6. 1- 75 Postpaid. O. Dodds, Sorrento. isALiVAlib & vnwiKin lUWINb B. C 1 ., JIf It's on or unaer the water we do it." business. Gexkl location in ciiy.j Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. easy terms can be arranged or Fully Equipped Tor Diving and will rent store and fixtures. Ap-i General Salvage Work ply Box 129 Daily News. I Agents for EAST1IOPK EN G INKS ...... . I Boats and Scows of all dessrlp- SPECIAL Chevrolet i Six. .i. good j.i tires. , excellent """aS? SSSSl mechanical aHnSZ conditlor.i 1 Row .........mc ra.it! IIlre rrice 9iau, i&tw x uui voaunuir. Northern B.C. Distributors ' Oolldje Propellers I Band and Gravel in any quantity i delivered anywhere by water ( Phone Day or Night 5C4 tJO. Box 15M I UMi ACT home. Two shuck. Good well of ' "" JniiU u ny to u land water. Have grown all gaxun produce and grains. Part fenccti. . rmtificK " . . , j In OvMt Disarm Ukd Reaordlng Dw- )(tln.i mam road; Close to twoiin Qr prince Kuprrt, b.c. na ttuu tin hkei; taxes low: lear till" ! anrtii iud oabom fomi Jun. Price $1500. Apply W. E. Fun- tn ta trom nt x nell prlnoe Rupert. B.C. FOR RENT FOR KENT Modem flat Rand Bl. k AppUr Mix; H1brtinr. tf .... , ton RENT Very choice modern i; irttucnt. 3 bedrooms. See J. C. M f i nnan. tf dOI9. Rant 5 coast dlatflet. Take notic that W. lnipvrUl Ot Lioritad of Vancouver B C . uecttpatioii utl Ciairtbuton. Iainb W apply tot k laM of ttic fbltotflttt tfaarrlbM iaMli:- at a Mat ttauwd at 4r loatk and t 8 E. Corner o; L. W18. Rant S. cut district. Uiencr I ehaiu. at; tkeaoe 10 okaina Narth tbriice 3 rliaiiwt West, thence 10 ehejna toMtli following and containing J acrta. nx,re ur lew. the xhofe line m H WJJ. ta poHit oi eomnwneweiit. 1MPBR1AI. OR. LIMITED per M A rinarrt. Alent 2! Steamship Sailings For Vancouvri Tuesday ss. Catala ... 1:30 pan. Thursday as. Pr. George 10 pan. Friday at. Prtn. Adelaide 10 pan. S. Cardirrt midnight . Apcfl 3 .Pfln. Noma p.m. April 13 a. Prln. Norah pan. April 24 m. Prtn. Norah pan. Fiom Vancouver-Sunday s. Catala pan. Wd. . Pr. George ... 10:30 aan. Friday ss. Garden p.m. Ss. Princess Adelaide pan. April i ss. Prln. Norah a.m. April 20 ss. Prln. Norah .:.. aon. April 30 ss. Prtn. Norah aon. For Naa lilvrr aud Porl Slmpi- Sunday ss. Catala 9 P-m-; From Naas River & fort Simp"" Tuecday as. Catala .. 11:30 aon. For Stewart astl Anyox Sunday ss. Catak 9 pan. Wed.. Pr. Oeofite 4 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 aan. Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pan. For Ocean Falls-Tuesday ss. Catala . 1:30 pan. Thurs. ss. Pr. George 10 pan. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pan. Manure For Sale $2.00 a Yard. Delivered Phone: Red 608 Manure For Sale So Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me AUCTIONEER LUryou goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. ML HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red ST! PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone "234 Painting and Paperhanging By Day or Cod tract Charges Rea&onable J. P. MOLLKR Phone Red 802 Guide to Correspondents The Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other subject of public Interest, but letters must be brief and to the point. The long-winded correspondent has no place In modern Journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily for publication but as a matter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper basket. Letters of a caustic character must have the signature appended for publication. Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avoid personalities and the language should be such as would be allowed in the ordinary rules of debate. "TJLLIE THE TOILER" L Mac :JTSrt xT pAV My kvstS fA THE MARKET Prices current -on the local retail market today are as follows: I Butter Faney cartoned," lb M (No. 1 Creamery. 3 lbn. 1.00 Flour Pastry Tloux, It) lbs Fish Smoked Kippers, lb Salmon, Ixesh, lb. Halibut, lb. Et BjC. Fresh Pullets, doa. B.C. Fresh Firsts, doz. .21, l B.C. Fresh Extras, doz 2i j Local, new laid, tloz. ivieuM I Fowl, No. 1, lb .30 Roasting Chicken, lb. 35 Ham, sliced, first grade 35 Cottage Rolls, lb 20 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb . .18 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. 35 Pork shoulder,' lb. .15 Pork, loin, lb 22 Pork. leff. lb. "...u '. 20 1 Pork, dry salt, lb jiOi Ayrshire Bacon, lb. W Veal, jhouldcr, lb 16, GEO. J. DAWES Phone Black 120, Veal, Join, Jb 2b . i' ' Beef, pot roast, lb .15 :Beef. boiling, lb., 10c to 12V1 j Beef, roast, prime rtb. lb 20 I Lamb, shoulder, lb. 30 Beef, steak, lb. 25c to 30 Lamb. leg. lb 30 Lamb chops, lb 25c to .30 Mutton, shoulder. Ib. j Vegetables i Potatoes, 12-15 lbs sack, $150 to New Potatoes, Texas, lb. B.C. Beets, hulk, a lbs. Asparagus, lb. Sweet Potatoes, lb. I Onions, lb. Bulk Turnips. 10 lbs 'Carrots. 4 lbs Oal Nev.' Oarrots. bunch Parsnips, Ib. Leks. bunch Hothouse Cucumbers, each .15 i I 35 i nr. I 13! 2j 35'; 'Parsley, bunch 10 lOallfornU Celery, head 35 1 ISplnaeh. CaL, lb. 15 : Garlic, Imported, pe" lb W' ' .Cabbage, green Oft' lOallf. Head Lettue. head 10c to .13 I Mexican Field Tomatoes, 25c to 39" Onl. Cauliflower. 2ac to 35 .10 .Oft 35 35 la .05 .08 35 Apples Delicious, faney box 3.10 Newtons. faney, box 2.90 Jfewtons. C strode, box 2.WI Wlnesaps. fancy, box 2.90 Wlnesaps, C grade, box 2.80 Fruits Valencia Oranges, doz 25c to Lemons. California, large Orapefrult, California, 5c to .... Grapefruit. Florida, 12t4c to .. Bananas, 2 lbs. Al as .10: .20 35, Rhubarb, hothouse, lb. II; Dried Fruits ; Extracted Honey, per Jar 35 i Comb Hone 35: Dates, bulk, lb., 8c to 15 j Lemon and Orange Peel 23 J Black Cooking Figs. lb. 124; Currants, lb 13. Citron Peel 30 ; White Figs. lb. .15 Apples, dried 30, Peaches, peeled .. 30 j Apricots, lb 30; Prunes, 60-70. lb. .. JO; Prunes. 30-40. lb. 15 Prunes. 40-50. lb. .12Vi! Raisins, CaL seedless, 2 lbs. .... 35 j Surar i White. 100 lbs 5X0 ! Yellow. 100 lbs. 500 My GOSH A fci-owoe AftfaM'T you Till IE iJta"rr...., time ' j VfStfa. 1 f II I A FT V-5. 1 I 11 Vr--. k (3r-T . reed Wheat, Ho. 3 Alberta ... Wheat, flulklcy valley No. S Alberta Oats i Bran Shorts . Middlings Barley ... lOyster Shell Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat .. 1.60Beef Scrap .. SOIGround Oil Cake Fine Oat Chop3 iSlCrusned oau 5fFlne Barley Chop .... ;1S tad Pure, lb. 13c to .... ym nuts ....... 2.651 ..-..i U0 3.90 23s Almonds, shelled Valenclas ... California soft sbelled WalnuU Walnuts, broken sneiled 35l' Walnuts, shelled halves I Gilding the Lily Phone 98 'Peanuts . .....p.,............. 135 ; Cheese 1.75 ! Ontario solids, new lb 1.65 'Ontario Solids, mature, lb. Birth 'oticea ROc, Kmifrfil NotL-eM V 'tords nf Thftnkn. 12 Piinrsl Floer 10c Ml ocr .4a 4,,4 i as j 391 l"'itwinu m iiw jour j 1'85 ! ' t 'tturu matte -far rfadintf'l 130 .15 0 35 ! a 1 4 : 1 Mail Schedule 1.75 Stilton, lb 35 ' closes at post office: 1.55 Matures, lb iFor the East 1.60 Edam, lb . A Monday. Wednesday and Frl 2.00 Roquefort, lb day 2 p.m a.70 Gorgonzola. lb fiO From the East- I Saturday, Tuesday and Thurs. ' day . yl0:40 aan. ' ' For Vancouver- Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday .'. . 'Jt p.m. v Friday 11 pan.' Anrll 3. 13 and 24 ; ji njn. lrirrt.uf huA Umrairpmitnt '. From Vancouver ' -Jm noil Mvm(fntf f.2. Sunday pan. Wednesday 10:30 a.m, Friday pan. April 9, 20 and 30 aon. For Stewart and Anyox v Sunday . ...8 pjn. Wednesday .... , 3 pm The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. -The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton, The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS 'zrt '-PAPER MILLS- FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twiqe as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per t week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. By Westover- AM HOVAl tJO VOU LttcF ME MOVsl ; CMIN f.M titMI. hVOU LOCI -icaBl.F ' -CUT if Tvvvr's -rvu I I Wur--':f-il r...-'?c J CS3 W y - jfcrrrjwi EES