DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE UUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, ,Th.iri Avenue. , . . n , , , . - . H. F. PULLEN Mh1- MonaglrtiJi-Edltori' tfiorn SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advancr . per week lOo By mall to all parts or Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.09 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British .Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year $6 00. By mail to all other countries, per year rr,.....,..a..... 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word ...'.. .03 Local readers, per Insertion, per line ... .25 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line .15 Tranciet display advertising, per inch, per insertion IA, Contract rates cn application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone 8C Advertising and Circulation Telephone S8 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations PROTEST OP FARMERS Monday, vky 3, 193.; Down in Quebec the farmers are protesting against the prices they have to pay for services in the cities. They claim that, while their prices have dropped to a point vht tha vohD-no fnr rhn talmi ovnnnrlmi nw v.nit r11.. BASEBALL IS EXCITING Sons, of Canada. Takr Empress In 10 Inning-Game to Tie Up League Standing FORBES STRIKES OUT 25 Sons of Canada defeated Young Empress by a score of 8-6 in the In termediate Baseball League fixture yesterday afternoon, but it took three extra Innings before the Issue was decided. Young Forbes, who pitched for the winners, was the hero of the encounter, as he struck out no less than 25 batsmen in the in three innings, while four whiffed the ozone in the second, one of them being safe when the catcher mis- jsed the third strike. In every other 'frame ho managed to retire two imen by the strike-out route. His control was rather wobbly at first, as he walked six men in the first four innings. After that, however, he tightened up and, although he V mvi M.o-aa ti'-i 1 1 1 1st nnt laeita n n a nice lCe game in the field, but a few nil, the city services in many cases remain the same. One them the game. nf thflm flips that ru'n vpflrs ion when ho wnniaA n tnnfVi tiu ,i ..im v,r hi,. ....... 'sttattstiaUattaUsttiaaUasi News , of The 3pqrt Jorld SENATORS Big League Scores PICNIC ON Baseball Standings ARE JN LEAD New York Yankees and Washington Start rucial Series Boston In ' First Place in National WASHINGTON, May 2: The Washington Senators and New York 10 innings. He whiffed three men g f(jm won us k.ng possession of first place in the American. League ahead of the Yanks. Cleveland Indians made it two straight over the Chicago White cu and moved into a tie with Deceit Titers for third place. Altsr continuing their losing trtfk by dropping a close game to ihe Washington Senators on Satur- """" u""w day. the luckless Philadelphia p Ath- more fm-prec. Batt. who wen the route for the Ion struck out ' " l 'y, "e: Cub. Offered decisive defeat at I " I?uT7,r.T the hands of the St. LouU Cardinals and dropped to second place behind the Boston Braves who had defeated the New York Giants on Satur- pulled, a sack of potatoes would pay for the service. Today lmade b fang in the first inning Reds defmted the it takes at least two sacks or more for the same. They com- en he dTe ,n tw? runners for pituburg Pirates but the phtnie. plain of the price paid for doctor's fees, particularly forS" TxiZ wno h,d won over Drook,yn Dod maternity work, and thev exclaim atralnst the charges nf . ... . ... v.. R" m a close game Batumay, thP lmwvP)s All tWo thav en,. wr,n nf w, i.v.. JL.u nutlntalned a mathematical hold - uivuv --j viaj iiiiunj uub vi jji upui -1 c num oujrs, vuvcib uic ulillal tion to the services rendered compared with the services i ack a veteran and it would not given by the farmers. Salaries of school teachers, clergy-1 be urPrising if he should see faster men and others have been cut but over some of the char-!60?3 "y Mo the endt . ges there is no control and it is said that a monopoly ex-j. af?iTwifh Vi ! margin at the befinnlns of the The farmers carry the arrniment for lower nrices fur- i fifth, son of Canada managed to on third place. ther. They say that the professional men have been edu-!" the score ln the seventh and junior League Resumes with nigh catetl very largely at the expense of the state and then !lnj!"y.ra? Jn two Kmt ,n lh Sch001 'ting Borden i when a depression such as the present comes they use ttolStiS'SS second1 monopoly given them for the purpose of retaining their him in the last inning to eineh the part The ofT omng nTootin of the Sue scale of high charges. They counter the argument that of- eonteat. brought Borden and High schools ten the doctors work for nothing by saying that the far-; 80016 h wnings: together on Saturday afternoon mers do not want to be the subjects of charity. They want i R 11 K wth k00 game resulting, consia- a fpp that thpv run nnv anrl u-ant tn L ,.A ,inL !, " - C. 1 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 2- 8 4 erlng it wtu the first match for zsniti frkrrrer " o i n 0 o 0 o - 5 7 month,. ...m miciii w ut iimciucm. ; Batteries: Forbes and Eckert; JBatt and Erickson. TAMPERING IS DANGEROUS Vhfin it WAS flnnminPPrl rhnt thp nfAVinnial nmummnnf LOCAL ITEMS FOOTBALL IS PLAYED score was nine to nil. The opening exchanges were very even with Borden holding its own. jits defence tackled nicely, Hong, jVeitch and Naylor showing up well, i with Campbell, Shrubsall and Mc-I Quire the best ot the forwards. Iv- planned to ask the Legislature to pass a moratorium act; h. f. oiay sailed last night mlSllSSSiS wiC an2 an uiui criges it semeu nne a goou ining at mis time 10 " iu protect the people who might find it difficult to secure the stewart- money and who might consequently lose property which; gehoo, InJZ7ln .n i,-otherwise they could hold. The protection afforded seem-:Sn Zl "1 T!Z ed particularly beneficial where the mortgage covered a (Port Simpson on official duties. home. Now comes word that the mortgage companies are hold-i Anton Hovich of Porcher iiaui ing back in the loaning of money because of the danger of f"!1 ta, the on not hi, able to .collect. Owing to the moratorium it ms- that people are taking advantage of the condition and not; winter m Vancouver, making payments when thev were able to do so. The re-! lusai oi loans is reaucmg tne amount oi Dunning and ac-1 pt- a. walker, marme super centuatmg the already dull condition of business. What seemed like beneficent legislation is tending to become a menace. This advertisement Is not published or dlspuyed by tne Liquoj Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK 0 Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. lntendtnt of the Union Steamship Co., and Mrs. Walker are making ,the round trip north aboard the .steamer OaUladhU trip. They wtrj here last night northbound am will call again tomorrow morning enroute back to Vancouver. i Merely routine business was taken up this morning at the regular monthly meUng of the Prince Itu. pert Ministerial Association with Rev. W D. Orant Holllngworth. :he preaitent, in the chair. There was some discussion of the prr ent world situation and the part i the church might play In con-ntctlon with It. II uimuu news j BURNS LAKE A delightful Mother and Daugh ter banquet was held In the United Church ihurch heraoi here-pri'Monday evening of st week there belns "about ' Chrlstlson, with Cromp a fine cen tre half. In the second half, Borden still played hard but was weak in attack. Lindsay was a disappointment and missed several chances. O'Neill was clever and plucky and Houston showed up well In defence. Annesley, in goal, cleared many a hard drive and had no chance with the goals that were scored. Willis-croft and Dungate were safe defenders and Faw was very reliable. Nakamoto and Morgan were dangerous ln a tuck. Morgan kept goal the first half for High and, in the second, Allen kept goal. Goal scoreri for High were: Irarson U. Alton 12), Morgan. Chrlstlson and Wilson, one each. Teams ' High Allen; WlUlscreft, Dun-gate; Faw. Cromp, Klrkendail; Na-kamota, Wilson. Ivarson, Morgan, Chrlstlson. Borden Annesley; Currle, Hong; Naylor, VeUch. Houston; Lindsay. O'Neill. ShrubsalL Campbell Mc Quire. Referee, J. Campbell; linesmen, W. W. C. O'Neill. T. Church. The next regular fixture Is for Wednesday evening when Bordei. and Booth meet. The teams are well matched and the games are al ways eagerly fought out with little to choose so that a good game U New Express Agent In Vancouver City VANCOUVER. May 2 Accord- fifty fifty I ihg to an announcement made to- pitfent. MUs Olive Nourse was day by C. A. Cunnlnaliam. general j talistmhtrfts -ahd there wai'fln lh- sUperlhiendent, Cdr4t)lan, .KaUonaJ v " 'terestlng program of musical niim- Express, Western region,' Harvey bers and appropriate soeeches by Boale. who for he p31 two years the girls and their mothers. has been agent for the company in - (Victoria, has bt-tq transferred to Mrs. E. S. Fleming entertained at Vancouver as m nerol agent, tea last Wednesday afternoon In Mr. Boale cume to the Pacific honor of her mother, Mrs. McKeen, , Coast from Moose Jaw and has been who Is leaving soon for Vancouver. ' with the company for 20 years. In . J , , T ' Vancouver he will succeed W. C.; A daughter was born to Mr. and Cranston, transferred to Winnipeg Mrs. Sam McCleary of Decker Lake last week as general agent. Mr at the Burns Lake Hospital last Boale will a.s.sum. hu new duties at ( Monday evening. once. Week-end scores were as follows: SATUKDAV SCORES American League Detroit 4, St. Louis 3. Philadelphia 1, Washington 2. Boston 3, New York 6. Chicago 7, Cleveland 10, National League Brooklyn 7, Philadelphia 8. St. Louis 3, Chicago 5. New York 4, Boston 7. SUNDAY SCOKES American League Chicago 1. Cleveland 11. New York 2, Washington 4. Only two games, played. National League Pittsburg 5, Cincinnati 7. St. Louis 7, Chicago 1. Other games postponed. SATURDAY American League w. I Washington, 12 ! The, Sunday School picnic season 10 got away to an early start on Sa- Detroit 10 iturday afternoon when the four Cleveland renior classes of the Sunday School St. Louis of St. Peter's Anglican Church had Chicago their annual picnic at Tugwell Philadelphia Island. Albert and Arnl Eyolfson Boston 12 6 5 4 3 loaned their gat boats for the occa- slon and about forty persons in all National IxajjUC enjoyed the outing. Ideal weather W conditions favored the event, races, Boston lb t awtmmjng and the usual picnic Chicago 10 4 sports were Indulged In and houn- Philadelphia 4 l teous refreshments were provided. Cincinnati 9 It was a "red letter" day for all the Pittsburg 6 u young folk who were ln attendance. New York 5 The four Sunday School teachers St. Louis 6 io were in charge of the outing. Brooklyn . 4 u IT tkftKMr iir Available Bed Rock of our our at oconomic '"PESTED Ly every major cataitrophe world war, world --epiileuiic and world depression Life Iiuuranre Las drinorutrated its Mreuglli and stahility. It lias provetl a teriuLle bed-rock of our economic life. It has met every; obligation 100 rents on the dollar ami met it promptly. It lias relieved financial dUtre. guarded families and homes, proved a sure protection against (toverty and want. Life Insurance companies in Canada liave greater lioldings of goveriuueut and municipal bonds tlian the cliartereJ lianLt. Tlieir real ctute loans are doulde Uiooe of tlio mortgage loan and lrut companies combined. The policyholders' fund exceed the total deposits in banks, trust companies and all government depositories combined. TlieMs combined awets male Life Insurance pre-minentlf aafe and sound. Life Insurance is reliable because It is ctliblibe upon a sounj trjcnlific basis. Iii(bic from prtiniums Is sufGriviit lo provlJs s largfl msrsin of safdy ifaiii, all ronilOiencles. No pUc)bolJcr bai ever lost a dollar tbroutli tbe fallors) of any Life Insuraiire company, liffiwpj In CanaJa,loful- ' fill its oLli(atlons promptly anj to pay all cljiiui In full. All Lift Imyranre rompsnirs are subject lo cuulliiuout faa iuMKilioM aaJultoL ... ,. N . Hold fast lo your Life Insurance and add to jo holdings whenever poaailde. f life Insurance $,ennj& L fwou CbmfmnUt ' Prt. "ft Ml iff! XI