1 1 - !i ELEVATOR DISCUSSED I ! J should like to have some Uiforma Ptlon from the Minister of Trad? and Commerce (Mr. Stevens) in connection with the elevator at Prince Rupert which was built in MS rtifopfrdlately iftenH iM'j Questions and Answers Regardirj er.ed. ft was leased to the Alberta Local Grain House Are Kepor- . wheat pool Duljf 1926 anL Vetted In Hansard several"TnTIftoriTXsneTs oT "gfifi went through the elevator; In 1928 The following Is the report from and 1929 about the same amount; Hansard of recent questions b in 1930 and 1931, there was one Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, and. cargo and In 1932 there has been answers by Hon. H. H. Stevens no cargo so far. I ask this question minister of Trade and Commerce, because I understand the lease regarding the operation of the o- will expire within a short t!m cal grain elevator: , Does the government intend to re- Mx. Hanson: Mr. Chairman, I ' leaser li ta the Alberta wheat pool which uses it only as a stgrehouJUj1? Will the minister enlighten me on lhat subject? . Mr. Stevens: This elevator Is rafjto pf&M'.i do not know of any other body of exporters that are more efficient in tne Handling of their export business than are the pool operators of the prairie provinces. They ere now divided Into three pools, but sometimes the three operate under one sales agency. They now operate their own sales business which is efficiently handled and whlth is in charge of the export trade. At the present time this el-1 THE DAILY NEWS imvatat i full of tmln not innrttTj , Piwp Rupert it tne owner's or iheureiipw the lease; incis so tinureor; - js a. MelnHki I I Rdmhv-owned by the- pool. Ths. grain do not find the facllltntj Pacific coast calls at Vancouver, Through that port, 'if I recollect rightly, the export of grain ismuca larger than It was last year and has reached around 63,000.000 bushels; the movement Is free and very large. There is nothing the government has done or can do that will move that grain through very moderate one: the rate Is low: ) the freight rates are low; every-' thing that the country can do- has ! been done for the movement of shipments through that port. The lease, I may say, expires next' year, when the time comes the government will consider what U the best thing to do, whether to lease wun ourarclty. oh tiie r9.,i. . "rcl movement of grain through Prince there lor Its movement to be an ipartlest but. that point has not yer from a trip to Vancmit iiuperu aepenus luiburuuy uu ic w,v w nu wu utu vo.v : nwiu cjuujunauon nniw r .Viinninir .nn4 t Via I Mn isp nt nther. nnrts. As I stiifv ii l Mr Hnnsnn Has the . Alberlfek fortunately for Prince Rupert I other matter, the grain is in the suppose I can only put.tf in. thahands of.Jts owners and. -they, rtl-way -the main shipping on the ; rect Its movements. The lease Is a jto' make a new ol the lease? Mr. StevensNob yet Aaveruse m me uauy News. ; The followm? it : of charges made for , CN.R. THAWS ! notices. rH Daw . X. W- i I . ... ,T iwjunage and Enti.J Mondays. Wednesdays: and Frij announcement $1 1 oays J pjn.i Birth Notices 500 From the East j Funeral Notices 11 Tuesdays, Thursaays ana Satur- : Cards of Thanks aya - 1U:40 Bon.; Funeral Flowtrs 10J P5 HERE is in Canada an irresistible forward motion a constant, fc flp un'abourecJ progress, a current so deep and permanent that it c?l..cannotbe stopped or even stemmed by periodic adyances and recessions of business. . Consider these facts about Canada's progress In the ten years, 1922.1931, inclusive: Her total trade increased 14.75; her population 17.75". ., . . Her newsprint tonnage 115; her mineral production 24'. ' The gold output more than doubled, made a record in 1930 and broje k .it again.in 1931. Sted production grew 23. . y Hydro-electric power arose 22. Life-insurance in operation increased 105l . , " '' The employment index arose 1 1. Savings bank deposits 22, and bank debits 11V f The true nature of this unlaboured progress of Canada in motion Is k revealed in the fact that dividends amounting to $226,351,000 were paid by Canadian corporations in 1931, AN INCREASE OF $32,500,000 over theaverage of the six years ending 1930 and $50,000,000 BETTER than any year previous to 1929. " The basic forces natural wealth and national character are moving l'orward.to-day as steadily as they were in 1922, and they will undoubtedly produce by 1942 beyond what men to-day do not even frope or anticipate, I iv The men who march forward with Canada must tMnk m and maintain their business momentum, never km track' wfrj market; never losing faith in the consumer with what tk Ul newspaper Keeps m constant ana intimate ce-nuct. This advertisement is sponsored by the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, I