Many Changes in London Indicate People's Faith In Recovery' of World' V- ff : tijlO W0U1U unu t a ctJr t r.' ( !' 1 V T!: 'f I tunc; (By 8. O. Webb) ,- whit of London today, the heart of the Old Country? . . r.,n nf the west end and the citv nroner. snpnUncr ' 11 I ,Ini ir si H n it m n rv ti - rt m s. ... . ! .1 1 tmcturaiiy ua,v wnanKiJiK auu un uvury biuu one nears he "his- of the pneumatic anus anu trie "tip-tap-tap" of ! pneumatic hammers as workmen hurry on with the roption 01 new mm iiiuutui uuwuuiys uiiun ancient sues. 'I1 . ... M Innrtfin nnlvM nd improvea looiung cuy fjr im urcnueciurai view- -iib raith of Capital . have read or : : ,mr u may . the business depression inn uniiea jtvmgaum, it , ii at-.h a state of tran-: which undoubtedly ex-v t.i'iii' world over has not , , ! nth of big capital In , , , , , prosperity of London .-'v '' i at large. JFrom Tra-s,n n' up the Strand and i: xr. M,'1 Street the hub of , , British newspaper unl-Ti: . stupendous buildings .;,! advertising sign nu h to the front in A :-.:-ht this world-famed : w i blaze of colored and ' i neat signs which messages from all nm In the street. The Miu'ti t inn Board has erec- r Is housed In a newly mid pnlatial theatre i ' has recently revcr-British ownTfthlo. 1 'it Square ln Coven-' r Piccadilly Clr- marvel of engineering skill and took several years to finish. There are four step entrances from the four compass sides of the circus which take one to the main entrance hall ( iv lire mawuil tUUVttUUim me OOOK- lng offices, automatic ticket delivery machines, money changing booths and moving stairways, or escalators, to the platforms below. The entrance hall Is built in a tre mendous circle, surrounded by shop windows in which are displayed women's wear by Swan and Edgar, the large London store controlling a new building Immediately overhead. Tills station handles more passen gers per day than any other station Vy i, n up nice niuiirouma inMn tne world. One of the Interesting n: : ' ba. unlike mushrooms, exhibits In the hall Is the clock dials v.'.t t" 11 ls 0i a vcr i1""""""- ox tne various underground services :, ,:e Bt ii "he Dally Telegrapn" which automatically check off the : Daiiv Express," the latter numbers of trains passing a given .. .,: product of Lord Beav- point. In the rush hours, when the ...,2 , n ils, have erected beau- thousands of business people are edlfi '' Tne lormer is a giant bound for work or home. It Is very , at .lid stone on the Ep- intriguing to see the pointers make . , r architecture while the a mark on the charts indicating -1 ,:,. on the ultra-modern that a train a minute passes. As one T Fxpress' building is er- goes down the escalator to the . -is of glazed steel and trains, the floodlighting effects on v.. . ivps it the appearance the various advertisements adorn- - , :mcr. The interiors are ing the sides gives a remarkably r- u iiderful than the ex-, pleasing effect while overhead -. every modern Improve- beautifully colored paintings de ' ;y rapid production of corate the ceilings. This station is t ... newspapers has been indeed one of London's wonder Trafalrar Square j suburbs f ur steps to Trafalgar; gven ln the luburbs of London an formation ha ta- lbeen erected recently, the majority hui me paw twelve an entertainment character. At i mionabie nosieines i Pleture Como ration aig public has van- gnoW8 tllnu Interspersed with var-its place, a colossal ety tUnu. The Interior is tocl and stone has led ln Spanish art and resembles a ! ' bo part hotel and Spanish vUlage. In effect with deli recent yean the use mi-atiy ru huns from the boxes and top of the stage. The centre roof rises to a massive dome which resembles the sky ln all Its realistic ... , 1 kl... . i V .ImJ. mI Ocauiy pair uiuc wiw uvuw sw stars By artificial means tnia sicy has the appearance of the real heavens the stars actually twinkling and the clouds passing over. An "lertrlc sign reading 0tf,er special feature of this the Nelson vellous theatre ls the Interior ven-;tllat!on. ( ma to note that the Kverv (.ublc foot of atr ta washed rfnn Pacific and before entering the imshfps are situ- aulllor,ara and If is the only thea- rnrc. aiso e-anaaa tre ,n derigned to prevent; irr tiy opposite the the fog from qenetrattng bulWhit.; " and Trafalgar Tnl, ,,how hmut wUi wat an and- J lence of between Ificfslfr Square thousand. mare, ttw heart of To sum up tnte ratner rambling 1 ' l;id. find almost aiUde-the fact that such str-T : . Square, several pencious sums of money have been ' luve taken nlace. invcs'pd In theatres, hotelt. etc. In n-sult of American London In recent years goes to 1 t Facing the small prove that far-sighted business men north side is the Brl- have implicit faith In the ultimate 'tp Metro-Gold wyn- recovery of the world's financial pi "ductlons, "The Em- position for they realise that It is Facing thin theatre not only the "natives" who will Kir of the square the make them pay ut tne transient timheum circuit, un- travelers wlh the price to travel and sec for themselves. The sure baromet?r of better times for any city whether London or Prince Rupertis the faith of capital to build either houses, hotels, factories or cinemas In them. rti.ilto" picture theatre, . t 'mmr of tho Universal " "ion. in fact Uiis D O. stenstrom, resides nrnrta- i! be said to be "Lon- ger of the Pacific Mills at Ocear Hollywood." Falls, and Mrs. Stenstrom and son, ' "nous landmark, Pic- .ick S'enstrom. disembarked from 11 has also undergone the steamer Catala at Bella Bell 1 11 The world's largest Saturday night, having come nonh d Nation has recently from Vancouver. They were met "f at this important bv a gasboat at Delia ueua wu n This station ls a taken n to Ocean Falls. Dr. Maguire - Dentist ROOMS 7-8-9, SMITH BLOCK 525 - Phone - 525 kIMjMV J MSsBWisssiagafl LOCAL ITEMS Grotto Taxi, rhone 456 tf Son ol Norway dance lonleht Metropole JIall mIQrf3.A.'Pridg &ndi WhWuMet-J ropole Hall, May 12, 8.30, Adm. 35c. Howard W. Chambers' of Inver ness cannery was an overnight vultor In town on business, having arrived from the river yesterday by gasboat. iieiger jonnson, . for vagrancy. was fined $Sj with option of seven clays' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont ln city police court this morning. J. P. McMillan, manager of Clax ton cannery, arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from the Skeena River for a brief business visit to town. Constable Ronald M. Stewart, provincial police officer at Atlln, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah Saturday afternoon returning to his post in the north after a trip to Vancouver on escort duty and vacation. Herbert Wheeler, president of the Yukon and White Pass Route, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah Saturday afternoon going north to spend the summer at Skag-way. He has been wintering at Vancouver and Seattle. John Dybhavn returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a ten-day business trip to Vancouver ln the course of which he attended a meeting of the Pa clflc Coats sub-executive of the Bi ological Board of Canada. The fire department had a call at 2:30 yesterday afternoon to the home of Alex Bard, 940 Tenth Avenue East, where the roof had taken fire frdm sparks from the chimney. Minor damage was done before the flames were extln gulshed. W. Sargent, nephew of Miss Bar- beau of this city, arrived on the from Vancou- "id OoIdenCrosiJloteL jFtatowf Park areatnednemdJI feftttna Saturday a decade as one of Lon-. haa pee,, constructed -t wnlefr the ? hi.hi. Kn.i.irtu . . . T-.. 1 we University unjversiiy or of ftjattcndlng British Col urn Ha and will proceed to his home in llsselton where he will scend the sinner vacation with hit par ents, M. and Mis. R. S. Sargent. KIXI)LlNO FREE Tha.&eal Cove Transfer will give to aaiy customer who buys a cord of wocd, stove length, a sack cf kindlinu free. This offer ls made for one week only. Phone Green era. toe TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR 8ALE-8eed Potatoes. Certl fled Gold Coin. l 36 pr bag. five bags $6.00. per ton $17.50. FO B Telkwa. E. J. Letch ford, Telkws ac 102 MI-LADY Beauty Shoppe , Kotcx Special, 10c Permanent Wave $5.00 Ladies' Hair Cut . . 33c Children's Hair Cut 25c Phone 655 La Cassc Bakery Phone 190 BREAD 4 Loaves for 25c rhone For, Delivery COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with mii Famous Edson Alberta & Bulklcv Valley Coal; No. 1 Bulkl' V Valley Timothy Hay. Wheat Oats & Barley, Pratts Baby Chick Food, Seeds St Ft'i'ttlizcr. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 &, 558 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday Special Ready Cut Macaroni Cp per lb . Munro Bros. Bring your Painting Problems to us. We will save you money. Gordon's Hardware. McBrlde St. Phone 311. tf J. Lauderdale. 'chlef engineer of the steamer Tutschi, which operates on Taglsh Lake, was among northern lake and river steamboat men going north aboard the steamer Princess Norah Saturday afternoon for the summer's work. DOWN IN WEIGHT AND VERYPALE Mrs. Beare Thankful for Way in Which Dr. Williams' Pink rills Helped Her Back to Health Gained Weight and Color " I can trly recommend Ur WUIlams' Pink P1IU. for they aid trawler for me." write lire. Mabel Tl. Rr rt. New Westminster. B r Alter long nd very trying Utoiew. 1 m down to 89 Van. ln weight I oould not eat a beauty meal. In fact, I have bad to go away from the table hungry, from a d toner I dared not touch. I wa alsa very pale. I had often lead about Dr. Win lama Pink Pllla. ao thought I would give them a trial. I soon found I was able to eat with any one, and life began to losk brighter. My weight oame up to 118 lbs and tny lips and cheeks bad Iota of color. I am more than thankful I ever took Dr. WUIlams Pink POls. and I only hope ethers wUl try thein." Dr. Williams' Pink POls actually errate an abundance of new red blood, which is the reacon they hare given rew vitality and strength '3 thousands of such nervously exhausted women. Equally helpful for growing girls. Try them, At your druggist's In the new glass container. 50c. Lawrence Greig Has returned to his home in Terrace after a visit In Vancouver. Countecs de Bucey of Tlell sailed by the Prince John Saturday night on her return to the Queen Char lotte Islands after spending a few days in the city. ; A. D. Matheson, -manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery at Carlisle, arrived on the river at the end of the week from Vancouver aboard the steamer Cardena. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torshlp Belllngham arrived ln port at 9:30 this morning from Ketchikan with four carloads of fresh halibut for transshipment to the United States on this afternoon's train. Mrs. Anna Mldburst of Ketchikan sailed by the I?i Incest Ncrah Sunday afternoon on her return to the Alaska city after a week's istt here with her sitter, Mrs. Nets Pedersen, whose husband re renlly died. Miss Lottie Bowron, welfare officer of the GducaUon Department, left on this afternoon's train on ner return to the Interior afttr fpcndlng the week-end ln the city She will return later to her headquarters In Victoria. ' . i 1 1 Bringing north a fair-steed list of passengers. Union steamer Ca tala. Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived ln port at 6:45 last evening from the south and sailed at 9 p.m. or ! Anyox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow southbound. NOTICE Men should not go to Anyox looking for employment as there are many there out of employment and no accommodation for more. ORANBV CONSOLIDATED MINING, SMELTING & POWER CO. (104) Announcements Ridley Home Ba&iar May 5. Th'rce'Plays. Presbyterian Church May 5th and 6th. ' ' Moose Dance May 6. Legion Dand Conce"rtlay 13. 87 Eagles nutti'rtly Dance May 13. Ladies refreshments. Gentlemen 50c. Spring Sale. May lb. St Peters Church Elks' Balloon Dance May SO. LOCAL ITEMS Reliable Messenger. Phone 131.; Day or Night. Stand Besner Block, j tfi 'An" t vetting' '"different'' !Jnt talnrrfeht," Thursday4 ind: Friday Ln First Presbyterlarr Church. Tickets 50c. 102 L. Sheppard of the Dominion Fisheries department arrived In the 'city on the Catala last evening from Victoria. Game Warden F,d' Martin, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere ln the south, re turned to the city on the Catala last evening. II. P. Bell-Irving, son of Richard Bell-Irving, was a passenger on board the Catala last evening go lng through to Arrandale where he will be employed ln the cannery. Joe Edwards, well known as an artist and painter, ls one of those whose (ervlces have terminated a lesult of lay-offs ln the shops of the Canadian National Railways here. George E. Windsor, manager of the Canada Fishing Co.'s cannery at Wales Island, and Mrs. Windsor were passengers aboard the Ca tala last evening going north for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. F. Sailer arrived at Haysport from Vancouver aboard the steamer Cardena at the enil of the week. Mr. Salter ls manager of the Canadian Fishing Co.'s can nery at Haysport. A. G. McDonald, son of Dr. Mc- Donald of Ktncolith, was a passenger aboard the Catala last even ing bound for his home on the Naas River from his studies at the University of British Columbia. There were sixty passengers on board the steamer Princess Norah which was in port for an hour Sa turday afternoon bound from Van couver to Skagway. Through pas eengers consisted largely of mem bers of the crews of northern lake and, river boats going north for the season. One passenger disem barked from the vessel here while ten went north from here aboard her. Stop Using Soda! Bad for Stomach far better. One dose will rid you of bowel poisons which cause gas and bad sleep. Orme's. Ltd.. Drugs. Much soda disturbs digestion. For sour stomach and gas, Adlerlka ls Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat ;5c. PER DAY AND UP J Zarclll Tlfplion Ml F. Wezek. SmlUiers; L. Bouduk. I Snrkoyy: H Sti'savlg. city. i TELEPHONE; 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Priiice Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts PAQB TERES NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Missing Engineer Turns Up Safely No Government Grubstake For Placer Miners Inspcc- -tion of McConnell. Creek Emil Bronlund, mining engineer for a Prince George syndicate which has mining interests on the headwaters of the McLeod River, for whom some anxiety had been felt on a trip out from McLeod River, reached Prince George safely a few days ago, accompanied by E. H. Burden and Henry Waldof . who had set out to search for him. After an arduous trip owing to i snow conditions Burden and Wal- tlon of ores from leading properties dof came onto Bronlund and his in the Omlncca was sent recently companion, Ham Witter, at Davie from Smlthers to Vancouver for ex- Lake. Bronlund and Witter had also hiblt by the British Columbia been having a tedious trip owing to chamber of Mines and is reported the Ice and had been held up at. to have attracted interest of pros- Fort McLeod, it being impossible to ; pectors and mining men generally travel. The Prince George syndicate , in the southern city. Properties re- has made a number of locations at the headwaters of McLeod River and is preparing to do further pros pecting with a view to determining more fully the probable values con tained in the gravels. but thai any such plan would hav.- to be province-wide. Based on the government's experience ln assist ing prospectors ln 1920 when less ( than fifty cost over $15,000, any general application of the plan ap peared to be Impracticable. Two experiments of this nature were car- presented in the collection Include the Rainbow copper-gold-silver property ln the Babine; the Stella molybdenite group; the Snowshoe gold-sllver-lead property on Hudson Bay Mountain, and the Silver Lake, Star, Mayflower, Glacier Gulch, E. H. Burden of Prince George Golden Eagle, Jessie ana Victoria has received a communication from (groups. In a letter accompanying Hon. W. A. McKcnzie, provincial the specimens, L. 8. McGill, mana-mlnister of mines and labor, reject- ger of the Omlneca Branch of the lng a request for governmental ; British Columbia Chamber of grub-staking of unemployed men as Mines, told or a strong revival of placer miners. In cornmentlng upon Interest this spring ln mining and the proposal, Mr. McKenzie points i prospecting throughout the central Interior territory, describing activi ties now ln progress on a number of properties in the district. The Department of Mines Is to send Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer for the northeastern mineral survey district. Into the rlcd out by the Liberal government placer gold workings on McConnell In 1920 but the results were not I Creek in order to determine to what satisfactory. One of the 1920 ven- i extent the discoveries are of com- tures was the loaning of $6,000 un der the Industries Act to a returned soldiers' co-operative cyndlcate. Members of the syndicate went into the Telegraph Creek district and made a number of locations but nothing came of them and there was nothing to show for an expenditure of $4,164. A new and representative collec- N N n can can tr yw tuw mom rnrvwgfi CCNAKD StTMlW.I L LI LINt, tl) tUMUS .(StmMOTMU), TAN TANCOUYI mercial Importance. Mr. Lay will fly into McConnell Creek ln com pany with M. J. Brown, who has taken considerable supplies into the field and who has been taking gold ore out. ' R. H. Griffin and K. Reata of Surf Inlet arrived ln the city on the Catala last evening from down the coast. itvr, . Ocean Fares Reduced 20 This means $ 1.00 for 80 emits Round Trip Rates between MONTREAL and GREAT BRITAIN are oaly Cabin $192. up Tourist $149. Third $101. NOW IS THE TTMI TO TAKE THAT TRIP HOME Bok new to secure best accommodttUn. Regular weekly tailing Montreal to London, Liverpool, Glatgvw, Blft, Plymouth, Havre. Also Express Steamers from New lork and Boston. 4 Al ANCttOV THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TKA1L DKIT1!II COLI'MIUA I'.M.s. T..M. Manufacturer of ELEPHANT lira ml ClIKMIC.lL FERTILIZERS Producera Si Rtfliiers ot TADANAC Urn nd IXKCTKOLYTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE : LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Itupcrt for Vancouver: t ATM. t KVLHY Tl KWIMY. llJtl P.M. Vt Ocean TalU arriving Vancouver. Th;'ridy p.m. c.Ki:y Ki:itY ininvv miumoht. A.-riviiiu Vancouver Sunday mldmuht. iddtoy. Wjrkljr aaWtiigv.roPort "uai0". AllceV 'fm. AntMt. 8f wart, and Nait River pomu BUPaay. v pj. Further Inf rmation regarding all saltings tod ticket at IlilMi: IllTLKT .MILNCY: Sit Olid .veilif. rimne SIM, SiONDS SAWS The most economical saws to use Simonda Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Rcml Vt. and Acorn Ave. Vancouver, B.C. MONTREAL St John, H.B. If