PAGE six THE DAILY NEWS Save Money f Cycle to Wrk Ymll feel Better Ifork Better AT today's remarkably low CGAL prices, the car fare or bus fare youH save will soon pay for your GCM. bicycle. Just think, too, of the pleasure of riding a bicycle equipped with the easy-turning GCM. Triplex Crank Hanger, the GCM. Improved Hercules Brake, Gibson Pedals, Dunlop Tires and other GCM. features. COM Owner's Service Guarantee Bond A new feature It guarantee tbe quality of the bicycle and the service to be siren on it- Ask your dealer to show you this GCM. Owner' Sc trice Guarantee Bond when you drop in to see bis new 1932 GCM. model. 740 COM Bicycles Boys' and Girls' Model J4.50 Motorbike Regular 42.50 GCM. Standard 38.00 DeLuze Roadster M4.00 GCM. Sport 47.00 Motorbike Superb 52.00 BICYCLES & ACCESSORIES T. BALLINGER Third Avenue Ami think of baking betU bread in half the time tilth nail the effort, and at less cost, FLOUR makes QUAKER better bread, cakes and ' pastry. Only highest grade western wheat is milled into Quaker-Flour. Tested also at every stage in the milling. Baked daily in our own kit cbens so we will know it wiB bake right in yours. Our booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking" has helped thousands of women to make the most delicious bread, without kneading or setting the sponge. Well send a copy free if yon wffl write to us... or ask your dealer. The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. Prince Rupert, B.C. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured in getting full weight JASTKR WH.nriKi: EGO Per Ton, $12.50; Cash Trice $11.50 JASPFIl WILOriRC LUMP Per Ton, $1350: Cash Price .. I2J0 r&MRIXA EGG Iteg. Price, $1250: Cash Price 11.50 These Coals are Irom Alberta. Dry Jack Pine arid Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 mow cut III QuaJcers flour DAY FOR STUDENTS Juvenile Performers Entertain the McsnBenVt LaiMe Music . CIub . 1 The annual students' day of the Ladies' Music Club was held at the I Violin solo, "The Conquerors." Billy Hadden. Piano solo, "Air de Ballet," Op. 30, Lea Basso-Bert. Piano solo, "Narcissus,'' David Houston. Piano solo, "Lea Martyrs," May MacPhall. Piano solo, "Petit Burlesque." Peter Brass. Paper, "Music and Animals," Miss McCaflrry. Pario solo, "Dancing Sunbeams," Betty Miller. Piano solo, "Just a Bunch of Flowers," Richard Mills. Piano duet, "Jolly Darkles," Betty and Nancy Brown. Violin solo, "Hymn from Iph- glme," Winnie Cameron. Piano solo, "German Dance,'' El len Moore. Piano solo, "PizzicatL" Margaret Beattle. Piano solo, "Fairy Dane," Shellah Blackstock. Song, "The Cuckoo," Peggy An derson. Piano solo, "A Curious Story," Hazel Mastln. Piano solo, "Rigaudon Op. 49," Edith Smith. Piano solo, "Bird Song,'' Venetla Fcero. . Piano solo, "Sonata Op. 14," Betty Parlow. Violin solo, air with variations, I Bobby Houston. Piano solo, "Will O" the Wisp" Op. ,217. Joy Orcen. I Piano solo. "Sonatina" On. 20. Russell Cameron. Piano solo. "Prelude" Chopin, Victoria Stamford. Duet, "Waltz." Strauss. Betty Wilkinson and Joyce Kellback. Piano solo. "Nine Variations in A Major," Mary Orme. Piano solo, "Valse Arabesque," Margaret Oulick. Piano solo, "Prelude In D Flat," Margaret Chrlstlnsen. Piano solo. "The Hungarian," Marie Balagno. Qod Save the King. Accompanists were Mrs. J Black and Miss Muriel Walker. 8. W. O. McMorrts, managing director of the Kltsault Eagle Mines Ltd.. sailed by the Prince John Sa turday night for Skldesate uhtrp A Week's Doings at Parliament By Tom Reid, M.P. I ill ' J ' t a, Committees of House Keep Busy Premier Reports'' on Beauharnois New Member Presented r ' 'home of Mrs. W. T. Kergln, Fourth ' , . . ., ,c Ti,.n ,-n nmmi'ftooa in nvn. Avenue, on Saturday afternoon. I ummy, iHnu 10 a - ... i-- Mrs. r. l. Mcintosh, the presi- gress this session than there has been for some years past dent, was in charge of the program nine' committees in all holding sessions and deliberat-and presided over the meeting. jng. on at east four days of the week. To enumerate these, Those who took part in the pro- there are.tne committees on -printing, private bills, bank-gram were pupils of Miss M. A. Way. . , ., ,1 olD ,;c011ii0 .St. Josenh's Academy Sister Fred- in conimeiw, lauwajfo aim uuu,, I erica ). Miss Swanna Olafson. Mrs. Private bm. agriculture ana coio--'r, . ..... T-i- . ntation. and three sub-committees i Mrs. A. H. Keilbach. Miss Hogan, Miss Margaret McCaffery and C. P. nalanrt ruuiu, me Bankruptcy net uu civil service. Some very Important discussions on a great many vital There 'was a large attendance of,ma"er are proceeding day by day mothers of the mmils and of mem- 'and lt Impossible for any member bers of the club. All enjoyed what was a very creditable performance. When speaking of this and congratulating the teachers on the credit reflected on them by their pupils. ! Mrs. Mcintosh voiced the regret of, the club that Miss M. A. Way. a valued member, was unable to be present on account of illness. Tea was served at the conclusion of the program. Mrs. F. N. Good wia In charge of the refreshments. Mrs. Jar vis McLeod and Mrs. J. II. Carson poured. Assisting the hostess in serving the guests were Mrs. R. Bartlett. Mrs. Wm. Crulckshank. Mrs. B. E. Valde. Mrs. F. N. Good, Mrs. James Farquhar. Mrs. E. Smith. Mrs. W. M. Blackstock. Miss Margaret McCaffery and Miss Ruth Gillies. The program was as follows: O Canada. Piano solo, March. Muriel Eby. Piano solo. "A Curious Story," Charlotte Phlllipson. to attend them all. Every member. however, is provided with copies of verbatim reports of all the proceedings. Railway affairs, civil service, radio and the quesUon of gasoline prices throughout Canada are the most Important and I -might say more Interest has been taken In these than In th; others. However, great things are expected out of the Inquiry on gasoline prices which inquiry has been brought about by Mr. Bothwell, Liberal member for Swift Current. Much Information on gasoline, especially regarding the prices here and in the States, Is being brought out. Before the orders of the day were called, the Prime Minister made a complete and detailed statement to the House regarding the Beauhar nois power project, a project which has caused considerable discussion and comment throughout the coun try since last year. One of the out standing features of the report msde by the Prime Minister dis closed that the government had guaranteed the banks to the extent of some fifteen million dollars and, In lieu of the1 money so guaranteed, had secured for Canada the canal as a navigable waterway. It is con tended on the other hand that the Liberal government had already secured this by agreements which they had made, with the Beauharnois Power Corporation and that they were to secure this without any such guarantees for expendi tures. The budget debate continued, totalling nine speakers, occupying the time of the House until 11 pm. Tuesday, AprU 19 After prayers the Prime Minister made an extended explanation regarding the mat ter of the Manitoba Savings office, which was a department of the provincial government of Manitoba and which had been compelled to appeal for financial help to the Dominion government but was refused. The government has been re the doom of capitalism and en joined the House to be ready for lt as the old order was passing away.magtersslgmuncj mixed or blamed for refusing this j. c. Parry, auditor for the Ci help while guaranteeing the banks, nadian National Express Co.. ar but more of this will be heard la-1 rived In the city on the Catala latt ter. It seems, at present, to be ajevtnlng from Vancouver. very live Issue with the people of Manitoba. The rest of the day was occupied by some four speakers who continued tUl the hour of adjourn ment. Wednesday. April 20 There was. much pounding of desks on Wed nesday when the House opened as this was the day the new member for Athabaska was introduced to' the House. He was escorted in by the Prime Minister and Mr. Outh-: rie, minister of Justice, who, each taking an arm. conducted him into the chamber. He has only recently been elected to a seat representing the Athabaska constituency, a seat which was made necessary by the sudden death W Mr. Buckley. Llb- leral member. While one always likes to congratulate the victor, I could not help a pang of regret passing over me on account of the fact that the late member, who was cut off so suddenly in lffe, hart been my desk mate. In the by-election there were fodr candidates running for the vacancy, Percy Davis, the new member-elect, being returned on a small margin ever the Liberal the Southeaster property Is being' candidate. The debate on the bud developed by his company. Mr. Mc Morris had arrived from Vancouver earlier in the week. SINGER SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED For Sale and for Rent McllAE BROS., LTD. get continued) four speakers taking part in this tolthe hour of six when the House adjourned for the day. Wednesday being, as lt were, a half holiday. j. , Thursday, April 21 It Is lnterest-Irui to note that- -every now -and again the main gallery is occupied by pupils from some school who are taken there. I suppose, to see for themselves how the affairs of state are conducted and, from a close observation, I would say the proceedings are closely followed by these young people. Mr. Irvine of the U.F.A. group was the first speaker and delivered a well prepared address, voicing hit opinion that a new era was at hand Mr. Weir, a Liberal member for Manitoba, who spoke next, went into all matters in connection wltlt the Manitoba provincial govern-r-cnl savings branch which was in i..e nature of a reply to the statements made the day previous by the Prime Minister. The provincial government, he claimed, had appealed to Ottawa for financial help but had been refused by the Dominion government who, however, had given assurances to the banks. This was serious enough but then the banks demanded that, before they would help the provincial government of Manitoba, they would have to first of all call Parliament to gether and repeal the Savings Bank Act. thus compelling the provincial rovernment to cut out all the sav-1 lngs bank accounts. A charge was I'so made that advance informs-i Uon was given a Conservative member in the House and that he had wired home to withdraw all his money from the savings bank, asserting that this had started the rumors which caused a rush on the savings bank by the depositors. The Important charge, however, to me Is that of a bank dictating what a government had to do. Many times have banks been accused of this but this Is the first case in Canada where they are being pinned down to one specific casethat, coupled with the fact that had the Dominion government given the same assurances to the provincial government all would have been well. When the House met at 8 p.m. it went into the committee of supply on estimates of the secretary of state which practically occupied the 2 whole evening although, when the j House rose at 11 o'clock, the minister of labor was under fire regarding the matter of Immigration and deportation. An interesting1 figure was given by the secretary of! state regarding naturalization pa-i per iai year, over h.doo persons having been granted naturalization papers and so became Canadians. FINE FILM HERE AGAIN Great Musical Story "Viennese Nights" Being Featured at , .Capitol Theatre By special request, the Capitol Theatre is showing again as its feature offering for the first of the week "Viennese Nights," which will be remembered by local moviegoers as one of the most delightful musical pictures ever seen and heard here. For those who have not seen lt before, it may be said that the picture Is filmed entirely in technicolor and the story is one of the strangest and most tenderly passionate love romances ever told. The musical score Is by those two Oscar Hammersteln II. Ism Romberg and The cast, it may be recalled. ls: beaded by three Broadway favorites Walter Pidgeon, Vlvlenne Segal and Alexander Oray. Jean Her-! scholt gives a great performance as the proud but mistaken father. ; 1 Louise Fazenda and Bert Roach are I the comedy highlights and other weU known players taking part are Alice Day. June Purcell and Milton i Douglas. 'The Capitol management has, pleased many by bringing "Vlen-1 nese Nights" back as a feature u Monday, May ; Monrinv nnrl nvo snows , UQ J i Brought Back By Popular Request VIENNESE NIGHTS' With Vivlrnn. C..t ... rinrpnn - , ....,lur urjl A Clamorous Love Storr uiu iirnna. iviii, l.. .. . . .iiw music nf ifam.l anil Mimmrn .1. it . - lecnnicoior Novelty .... .V.0.V.II 1 i, IJ "COFFEE AND ASPini.Y PARAMOUNT NEWS Don't Miss This n. Program AlllllKCinv .. . WEDNESDAY Si TIlURSDt "ALIAS THE DOCTOR Wednesday Night On: "TOP SPEED" Dyspepsia and Dizzy Headaches KB., writ: "I hid u9rei l years from dytpr pis sad dinr i&. ithra. After Uking two bottlM d Ourdock Blood Bitten I felt i different womsn. My ht&dtdw t appeared, and I can now ait wbt I like without that terrible indifMtk I suffered after every meaL" Fr ) tt n in (ltd iar! itora BuilutaiW, I U II rn, m! bi Tk T. Uilbsri C. 114, TmmU, 0U u eu bji bj b.i h axa-iiu m it mi ( bixsj HIIKKII I ri i t?i r& Come and See These Another lot of Baby Drex:;c K just come in. These are the r beautiful both in material l: workmanship. Beach Pajamas We arc showing the newr i Heach Pajamas with Flop IL4 ' match. CAPITOL BABY SH0PPE (Mrs. Anna Johnscn) rBiiiEtEtBiBiBrBravar I ill SPENDING TO SAVE . . THROUGH Advertising Not many of us, these days, are troubled with so much money that we cannot spend it. But we arc interested in spending the money wc have, to get the most out of it. One way anil not a new way, eithcr-is to make a budget. Put down, week by week, the money that comes in. Put down be side it, week by week, the money that goes out. So much for food, tu mucn ior cioming, so mucii lor rent. So much for a 1 for luxuries. giving, and Where Advertising Helps J" it won't always be easy, of course, to stay within the budget. That s where advertising helps you. Advertisements in this news-paper tell you how much rugs, butter, breakfast foods, dishes, homes, automobiles wcost, before you g shopping! point out ways to save money. They shmv yoirhoTo7uTnUtFhTr7:a httlc there. And each day, they tell about new inventions, new products, new ways of doing things, that help make this life of ours very much worth livintr!