3 PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION For the East Wnondays, Wednesdays and Frl- aay 3 - - -. p.m. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays . iomo ajn. The Dally News can be bur-"' chased at Post Office News Stand. 32S Qranvllle SU Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyox. 4 Smithers Drug Store, Smith- era. B.C. Had Eczema All Over Her Body Mrt. Leo WardJer, Fpringford, Ont., writo: "For a long while I wm troubled with ecrema all over my body. It would burn and itch to at night I could not rent. I tried different remedies but of no atait. I wiaTidTUed to talcs Burdock Blood Bitters, and after taltini? five bottles my blood M completely cleared of the wiema." Tor hU t .11 truna a.rl Urt; nufetttr4. fe U pt 13 jrr. 111 by TU I. Milbtua C.. i.tU . TorosW, 0L THE DAILY NEWS. FKINCK RUPERT - BKITIS1I COLUMBIA Published Evi7 A.'ternoon; Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert .HiIy ."'ews. Limited, Thlrrt Avenu; H. 1. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUUSCRirTIOX KATES City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period, pala ln advance.... $5.00 For leader periods, paid In advance, per week : 10c By mall to all parts of Northern aim Central British Ccrumbta. paid In advance for yearly period 3.00 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, tbo British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year $0.00 By mall to all other countries, per year DJ&o ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per men. per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .02 Local readers, per Insertion, per line 25 Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate line 15 Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' lelepnonr ........... RC Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member l Audit Bureau of Circulations Hp- Monday. Jan. 4, 1032 NEWS OF THE MINES AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Development of Whitewater Property In Taku River Country Suspended For Winter Greater Progress In Interior Expected According to word received here, development work on the Whitewater property in the Taku River district which has been carried out for Noah Timmins and associates has been closed down owing to freezing of diamond drills. The crew employed on the work has left for the south. It is un derstood that operations will be resumed on the property ' in me spring on a rainer large. scale. Donald C. Simpson of Smithers, in a lengthy letter In the Interior News, discusses the ..purchasing power of the Orient In. connection with the low price of sliver. Mr. Simpson replies to certain statements on the matter which were recently made by Prof. 1L F. Angus of the Department of Economics at 'God Is Subject Science Church Service Sunday The subject of the lesson-sermon j In all Christian Science churches! the University of British Columbia, and societies on Sunday was "God" i Among the Bible texts Included! L. S. McOlll of Smithers thinks m the lesson-sermon was the lot-! It particularly striking that capital ioWlns Irom imiin u A: -Hearken; has failed to take up many oppor- unt0 mt my people; and 'give earl tunltles In gold-bearing deposits-in unto me. O my nation: for a law! the Omlneca Mining Dlvlsoa Where proceed from me. and I will I capital has been supplied points out mftfce my judgment to rest for a1 Mr. McOUl. outstanding success lfght of the people.- has been achieved during the year lhe n-termon also Included ' notably in the stiver-lead mines the t(Ung of citations from the '. such as Cronin's in the Babine chrfctian Science textbook. "Scl-Range and Silver Lake on Hudson ence and Health with Key to the. Bay Mountain. Much greater pro- scriptures," by Mary Baker EddyJ gress In these Is now assured for'one passage being as follows: "Oodl 1032. k Ka tawinvnlr Hut Tf U nnf y i author of barbarous codes. In ln- O. B. Bush, one of the original' flnlte Llfe aml jve there Is no owners of the Premier mine m. the , ,ckneMi ln nor dealhi and tne Portland Canal district, is now en- gcrjptures declare tlt we live, gaged in developing three groins moTf and naTe our Mng ln tne of gold mining claims on Texada infinite Ood." Island cn the lower coast. Before undertaking development of these! properties, Mr. Bush made an ectro-magnetic survey of the, ground and this disclosed what l. NEW HAZELTON believed to be the true vein system : Wl Klrkhoff of J raier Lake was of the area. Mr. Bush believes that ' admitted to the Hazelton Hospital a real gold produetng area will be 1 u a patient last Tuesday, established on the Island, lie re' " cently cloeed down work for the 0n iivf Vear's Day the Elks put winter. on a picture show in Hazelton for beMllt of children of Hazel ton, C. N. It. TRAINS Kcw Hsaaltaa and district. j In a seasonal message published fin the Omineea Herald, 11. C. (Wrineh. M. L. A. for Skent. expresses the hope that the coming ! year will be a good deal more pros perous one Tor the people of the district than was the last. (jft(rerry, provincial poultry inspector, wno Is well known here, dares that ant of tfce benefits of the depression has been that it has .impelled poultrymen to sell off 'their weaker and Inferior birds as la rewilt of which they havo gone . through the prerent winter In better shape than at any Ume within the past twenty years. Get quick result with a want ad a dance In St. James Hall in hono of the visitors. People of the interior are be-j ginning to agitate for the completion of the road from 'smlthers I Into the Babine district via Cronln mine. Building1 of such a road would bring a great tleal of new business into Smithers.' ! The funeral took place from Sc. J James Anglian Church and under the auspices of the Elks last Monday afternoon of Robert Hed-dle. well known district blacksmith I who dltd suddenly in the Smithen. 'Hospital on Christmas Eve. The late Mr. Heddlc was 55 years of age and first came to this district In 1911 when he loeated at Hazel-, ton. j Aided by several' falls of snow, : ski Jump In this district are nip-idly getting into good, safe shape and this popular winter sport wll. 'soon be under way here as well a. lelfewhere In the district. 1 Sons of Canada are now leading the local hockey league with seven points. The Elks have five points and the Canadian Legion two. Canadian Legion and Canadian National Recreation Association teams are tied for second place l:i the local eribbage league. Native Sons of Canada are ox top und Elks remain ln the cellar. There was a large crowd at the annual New Year's Eve novelty dance which was ntlC on Thursday evening. A well known resident of the Glentanna district was recently charged ln city police court hers with trapping without a licence. He was fined $10 and costs. ' A trial of considerable Interest to farmers took, place ln Burns Lak recently when a farmer was fined for slauhterlng-cattle In ths bush. According to the Brand Act. farmers must slaughter stock at or near the principal buildings of their farms. Ice Is now being put up for summer use from Lake Kathlyn and Seymour Lake. The Ice is t ,i l .11... i , i : CAwc.ienw ijuaiuy ana is hdoui eighteen Inches thick. A preliminary financial staU-J ment issued by th Bulkley VaJl;y Fair Association Indicates that! there will be a considerable deficit' on the operations of the last year ! BURNS LAKE Mist L. II. Adair is visiting af the home of friends at Vanderhoof for lollday season. District visitors ln town during the past week have Included Mrs. William Patterson of Tlntagel. Neil Van de Veen of Tlntagel. Miss I. M. Marshall. Miss Olive Nourte. Miss May Smith, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. O'Haro. K, Engstad and D. R. Smith made a trio to the Oni- ineca Ski Club club bouse at Boer Mountain on Tuesday and enjoyed skiing on the mountainside. Jack Muwat of Tlntagel Is now attending to the Canadian National Railways pumphouse at Kldd. Sara Cocker, Conservative candl-1 date for Omlneca. has been a vl$U 1 tor to the Lakes District during the oast week, B. A. Smith is reported to have; received a contract for 1&.000 ties to be sublet out among the settlers of the district. Miss Josephine Metcalfe of Col-leymount was the ruest durfrm the holiday reason 6t Mr. and Mrs? Ski-! ney Godwin of Burns Lake. Norman Radley of Prince Georga spent the Christmas and New Year holiday season here visiting with. Ll. 1 . , . . MM ' ma pareiiu, but. ana Mrs, i nomas Radley. Miss May Ooodell of Tlntagel spent the Christmas and New Year THK DAILY NEWS Monday, January 4, ,1032 I NORTHERN B. C. NEWS J - SMITHERS Vanderhoof ana Smithers hot key teams met 'n two games hen at the first of last week. Smlther? i won the first 9 to 1 while the second was a five-all draw. Following the game Monday night there was holiday season visiting at Francois Lake with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Walker. . .. n pcuiiuu is oemg circulated Dy the settlers of 'Francois Lake ask-lng that the Omlneca Timber Pro- .ducts be given a special contract .. M II A mr ues 10 De raicen out in the Fran eois Lake district. Thu company has received a contract for , 10.000 ties4 to be sublet out in ther Palling and Decker Lake districts. ' D. Watson declares that the eov-' eminent should be mad .respons ible Tur the marketing of farmers' erons If a government failed to do this, it should be relegated to the? scrap-heap. Hobart Parrott l- of the- opinion ' that tne recall should be applied' ta members- of Canadian parliament tary bodies. NEW HAZELT0N j Ous Chrlstianrcn of the New Hazelton Hotel has put up a stock of 18-inch Ice from the .pond In ; io n zor nil reqnnemenu nexi , summer. Never- before has lec been harvested so early here. 'I Mr. and Mrs. George Belrnes and Airs. Brown of Klspiox spent the' New Year holiday in Iliiellon as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. , Dawson. j The Haztltcn Social Club held a ! dance on New Year's Eve In Kltan- max Hall. Theie was a' large crowd In ittendance and a fine time was enjoyed by all, splendid music be- i lng provided. Mrs. David Dennis, a young In- dian womdn, who was found dead! on her bed at Moricetown from gunshot wounds, had evidently ta- . ' ken her own life. She was 28 years ! of age and leaves a husband and Church two small children. The children of Knox 'THE SPIRIT OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP'' hided Government JiquorShres Or direct from "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Hoard Victoria, B.C. Earfjellicoe ccs; du, c.c.v.0, pcx llj . II or 1 St.- , liJortSe. ndlnjlmt ihu n hundred. i 'i Muraftctvrtd hj LapcrUl Tobacco Company , of Cnd. Limited V OID MYE MISKY this ad verm. -mum is not published or tfi.-piayi'U by the Liquor Control U'wrd or by tuu Government f British Colunibij. enjoyed their annual I 8imday School ehMdno at New, Leon, formerly of New Hazeltoq iCliristmas Tree entertainment last HaseUoa bad their aanual sleigh-land now living ln Vancouver ; Tuesday evening. There was a large ride outing on Saturday aftemoen ; . , , United attendance of kiddles. I last as the guests df Donald Mc- Try s DaQy News want-ad. Qke RECORD SPEAKS jbp ITSELF In opening the CanmUan Motional FjliibitliMi at Tonmto on Friday, An tint 18, FmtI Jelliriie raith "Oeerniierimtof St yearn, the iHtmhitinn of Canaila ha lnrraed by 6,tHI,(HKt the. revenue of the Government from $!i,()OOf0M to t ttiOjtUMOM and the tnhie of her trud. from $169,000,000 to t2,U)QJX0,000. In lh smite lime, her manufacture hare Inrrennetl ten-fotd and her rri acreage three-fold. Thit remarkalde record encourage a feeling of ojttiminm for the? future" Karl Jcllicoe ulso made tho following reference t "Cnnudu's record growth constitute an achicTCinent of world importance and stands as a challenge to future progress. This phenomenal growth is the direct result of that splendid courage and determination which tlte people of Canada showed so strikingly from 1911-1910'. The record for public favour which is held by Turret Cigarettes is the natural outcome of quality consistently maintained throughout tho years. After all, nothing can replace good, honest tobacco; grown and ripened right out in the field under nature's own sunlight nothing artificial about that and the high quality is "inbred". Quality and Mildness U rret CIGARETTES