1 1 1 PAD?! FQTT1V TH2 DAILY NEWS Mon.y. January 4, " ' UU i News of the Sport World - i JEWELERS Whcropee! iWAS VERY i IN LEAD : UNPOPULAR Tour Out of Five Games In Junior League Fixture l'iayed Thurs-' day Evening Ai,fl result of the playW'of four, out of five sanies in Thursday night's Junior League billiard fixture. Jeweler? are leading League of Nations by an aggregate of 783 to 727. Individual scores were as follows: ; John Bulger (Jewelers), 200; Frank Aldridgc .League of Nations),. 197. I Len riaabe. WO; Karl Batt. 130.- I A. Strachan, 179; Prlmo Vaecher, 200. W. E. Funnell, 184; Roy Fong, 200. The remaining game in thisi match as well as two postponed i from last Monday night's fixture I are set to be played this evening. Steve Donohue Likes Football Of U. S. Style PASADENA. Cal.. Jan. 4: Steve Donohue, famous English Jockey. I has seen a number of American! football games and says that he! likes the game as it is played here. I HOCKEY SCORES 'fcATUHDAVS GAMES National Hockey League Canadiens 5. Montreal 1. New York Rangers 1, Chicago 1 (overtime tie). Boston 0, New York Americans 0 (overtime tie). Toronto 2, Detroit 3 (overtime). Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. P. Toronto ..... 9 4 7 22 Canadiens 8 3 8 19 Americans 1 6 0 16 Maroons 5 3 11 13 American Division Rangers 12 5 2 29 Chicago 6 7 19 Boston 7 S 5 19 Detroit 6 3 10 15 Billiard Averages press). Junior League O, T. Av J. May (II) 3 ft30 200 R. Pong (LN) 3 COO 200 W. Stewart (J) 2 400 ,200 P. Johnson E) 2 S97 199 P. Chenoskl E) 4 768 192 O. Hojut E) 3 573 191 R. Vl4ki H) 3 570 190 A. Zadoroskl (E) : 3 563 180 WMHudson (H) 2 365 183 W. Funnell J 3 340 182 P. Vaccher (LN) 3 547 182 N. Ohenotkl (E) 2 359 180 F. Aldrldge (LN) 3 535 178 E. Batt (LN) 3 533 177 W. E. Ilayhurst (H .2 338 169 A. Murray (LN) 2 . 335 JG8 A. Strachan J 3 492 1C1 L. Rftabe (J) 3 491 161 J. Bulger (J) 5 450 150 C. Perry (II) 2 2Q4 ,147 (NoteH., Hawk; J.. Jewelers L. of N., League of Nations; E.. Em- DOUG FItl7.ZF.LL HAS NEW YEAR I'LUNGU For the tenth . New Year's Day In succession, Doug Friz zell took hU annual swim in V The girl speedboat champion pic u anothar craft und like? it Loretta Turnbull acts as grand marshall In Christmas parade at Monrovia, Calif., her home to wn. Now, "Prince," lay off the . funny stuff! SCHEDULE ! OFWHISTj Whist schedule for the second hafl of the season Is announced as follows; January 7 Moose ts. Grotto. Empress vs. Legion. Sons of Norway vs. Musketeers. Fish Packers vs. Seal Cove. Totem Park vs. I.O.O.F. January 14 Musketeers vs. Fish Packers. Seal Cove vs. Moose. Legion vs. Sons of Norway. I.O.O.F. vs, Empress. Totem Park vs. Grotto. January 21 .. . ' Seal Cove vs, I.O.O.F. Musketeers vs. Grotto Empress vs. Totem Park. SMij of Norway vs. Moose. Fish Packers vs. Legion. January 28 Grotto vs. Sons of Norway. IO.OF. vs. Fish Packers Seal Cove vs. Empress, f lon v. Totem Park. Mooso vs. Musketeers. February 4 Orotto vs. Legion. Rons of Norway vs. I.O.O.F. Muikeeters vs. Seal Cove. Totem Park vs. Fish Packers. Empress vs. Moose. February . I.O.O.F. vs. Legion. Seal Cove vs. Sons of Norway Tott-m Park vs. Musketeew. Fish Packers vs. Moose. Empress vs. Grotto. February 18 Grotto vs. Fish Packers. Moos- vs I.O.O.F. Legion vs Musketeers United States Navy and Army Meet in Sport prince Rupert naroor on rri- -: . .,. . day fifteen. Although "not JIEVf JTORK. Jai)'. 4 Announce so hot," Doug fJufld the water Mnent IV exacted niomcnWrily' rily of of i 4 to be somewhat mild t than usual. Plunging tn from the floats of the Prince Rupert Rowing &Yaeht Club, he spent about fifteen minutes In th wtter, not eccoylng any swim across the harbor which on previou,New Year's days he' has accomplished. 4- a "ccu nnUon of athletic rel Ulons be tcen the Amy and Navy. A football gane will probably be played on December 3. , 4 1 Jnhn Wlllman. well known mln- lln$ and lumber man of Usk, re- tured to tne interior on wis an,er-noon's train following a buslnew visit of a few days to town. CRIBBAGE SCHEDULE Cribbage Lfcague schedule for the second half of the season is announced as follows- January 4 Orotto vs. Eagles. Elks vs. I. O. O. F. K. C. vs. Swifts. Moose vs. Musketeers. Seal Cove vs. P. R. Hotel. January 11 Swifts vs. Elks. I. O. O. F. vs. Seal Cove. Eagles vs. Moose. P. R. Hotel vs. Grotto. Musketeers vs. K. C. Evelyn Furisch of the Southern California Olympic Contest Association, does a da&h or two In (preparation for the try-outs. She's a safe bet, so they say, fcr the Olympic sprint team, ttina Gurvich Said to Have Been! Given Raw Deal in Fight With i Freddie Mack at Juneau It was a very unfair decision which was given against Nina Our-vtch of Prince Rupert in his fight with Freddie Mack ut Juneau on New Year's Eve, according to word which has been received here from the Alaska Capital. In the third round Nina was ent down for a three count but sprang right up again only to find the referee raisins; Mack's arm as being the winner of the bout M i k was staggering himself at this Juncture, having been saved from a knock-out only by the bell at the end of the second round. So unpopular was the action of the referee in giving the fight to Mack that a veritable riot ensued ""or a while it looked like serious (trouble but police intervention finally fettled things down. : Arrangements have already been 'made for Nina to fight aiain at Juneau either in February or July His opponent will be either Mack ! or Miles Murphy. It was the latter whom Nina was originally signed to meet in the New Year's Eve bout PR. DAVID AT HALIFAX Holiday Ship Reached Nova Scotia Port Last Night Following Cruise HALIFAX, Jan. 4: The cruUc ship Prince David of the Canadian National Steamship fleet, with Capt. A. J. Ollbert, native of Nortr. Devon, N.B., In ceamand, arrived in Halifax last night after having hac a most delightful trip from Van couvcr via the Panama Canal. Christmas Day saw the ship pas sing through the Canal with Sanu Claus on board who distribute gifts to all the passengers from -brilliantly decorated ChrUtma Tree. New Year's Day was a gala oc caslon with a plpsr piping In Th Haggis which was borne aloft be hind the pipes. All the passenger. Jointed heartily In the festlvltle and it will be a day long remem bered by them. Among thoEe on board were R. G Cunningham and Mr. and Mrs. O A. Woodland of Prince Rupert. The Prince David will sail frotr. ; Halifax about Wednesday next fo Boston where she will go into service in a series of seven cruise from Boston to Havana, Cuba vl Kingston, Jamaica, calling at Cristobal. Panama Canal the first cruise, leaving Boston on Saturday January 9. These cruises will cover over fodr thousand miles anr should prove very popular. , ! The Prince David Is a finely ap pointed ship and a wonderful sea boat and has been dubbed "The Canadian National Flyer" on ac count of hef great speed. She Is cap able of about twenty-five knots. Percy Tinker Has Another Severe Fal1 While leaving the Parkin home on. Borden Street, where he resides for his office this rnornlng. G. P Tinker had another fall and it U feared that his knee has been bro ken again lh the same place where it was fractured last summer. Mr. Tinker Is to enter the Prince Rupert General Hosnltal this afternoon for x-ray examination, and treatment ,Frlends will renrt to heaf -of Mr Tinker's accident and will hope that it is not ah serious as feared. Capt. E. Morrison. vU kno fklpper of Yukon and While Pas-Co. river boats, and Mrs Morrison were paswnger, aboard the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon going through to Vancouver. They will spend threeor four months In the .south, v s This udv me by buyiny my products ir 8. C. Prosperity depends upon B. C Industry and B. C. Industry depends upon YOU I Support B. C by buying B.C. Products t PILSENER, DUTCH GIRL and U. B. C. BOHEMIAN LAGER BEERS ARE B.C. PRODUCTS. these beers is creating EMPLOYMENT for B.C WORKERS. . . . CREATING INDUSTRY I Besides, no otkf bn offer ysu suet Columbia rltn ntlchleii flvor . . . iKtK peed qwtllly ck ibiolutc purity. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. mill on The$e Dmnds DUTCH U.D.C. BOHEMIAN Lager Beers "DatforYou... Best for British i ' iscment is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. t wonderful, that's my verdict, they are blended right. Twenty for 25c Winch A; ester CIGARETTES