I 1 1 I PAGE BIX JL FIRST you Zufen to Kellogg' Rice Kritpie s. You actually hear those tempting rice bubbles pop and crackle with crispness as you pour on milk or cream. Then . . . just taste that delicious flavor! Toasted rice. Rich and crunchy. Youll say it's good! Nourishing too. Easy to digest. A fine cereal for nursery suppers. Or for a healthful bedtime snack. Let Rice Krispics brighten the family's breakfast. Serve for lunch with fruits or honey added. Use in cookery. Make tasty macaroons, candies, desserts. Order from your grocer. Look for the red-and-green package to make sure of getting genuine Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Made by Kellogg in Ixmdon, Ontario. The only cereal so crisp U crackles in cream. You'll tnjoy Kelloftft Slumber Auu'c, broadcast over rrjz and aiioeUted itationt of the N. B. C. every Sunday evening at 10.30 E.U.S.T. AUo K.ri Lot Anfelei, komo SeattU at 10.00, and S.OA Denver at 10.30. Cheapest Way of Reaching the People Let ihe Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. j hen just flip in your spoon, RICE KIIISPIES The cheapest way of reaching practically all the people of Prince Rupert and district is by means of the classified . columns of the. Daily News. Nearly everyone has something they could turn into cash through the "For Sale" column. Perhaps they have a house to rent. Here is the chance. Spend 50c on a classified advertisement and secure a tenant rather than have it idle. If a girl wishes a position or a housewife wishes help, the Jiest means of getting supplied is through a want ad. Dressmakers sometimes want work; small storekeepers want to move their goods; or maybe you need an article that has been used rather than pay the price for new. Give the Daily News classified columns a trial. Many have been very pleased at the result. , TELEPHONE 98 THE DAILY NEWS . i - and drop tn later ami pay lite lrill, The charge imall. i TFE DAILY NBWB Monday, January 4fc 1932 XMAS TREE CLUB DANCE LAST NIGHT FINE EVENT SI IMnlV T ,,11.....-,., rM. ..r,. I. t?ilf..l I to Overflowing Splendid Program Rendered The annual Christmas Treev,eh- tertalnment for the Sunday School of St. Paul's Lutheran Church was held in the Church last evening. The church was filled to capacity with children and parents, quite a number having to be turned away. The principal attraction of the evening was. of course, the Christmas tree which was prettily llghtcdahd decorated. The proceedings were superintended by Rev. P. M. Fosse. At the close of the evening, gifts, candy and nuts were distributed among the children after which refreshments were served by the Ladies' Aid. Mra. It. Peterson, president of the Lathes' Aid, was in charge of the serving of refreshments. The program was as follows: Opening song in iiurweglan, by the audience. Christmas Story from the Gospel of St. Luke, recited by Hazel Mastln and Viola Dybijavn. Vocal solo, Olive Dybhavn. Recitation, "The Schooner Mary Ann," D. Nlcker6on. Song, "Away In a Manger," Sunday School. Recitation, "The Wish That Was the Best," Ethel Knutscn. Vocal -.solo, "The First Noel," Iljordls Skaland. Song In Nprwegfan, group of girls. Dialogue, "Remembrance," Bjorg Luth and Auslaug Holkestad. Vocal duet, "Christmas Bells,'' Mamie Johnson and Elsie Johanscn. Vocal duet in Norwegian, Elsie and Edith Murvold. Vocal solo, "It Came Upon a Mid night Clear," Hazel Mastln. Recitation, Maghnild Storseth. Vocal solo, "Jolly Old St. Nich olas." Palma Loves tad. Recitation, "The Life Brigade," D. Nlrkerson. Vocal duet, "In the Garden." Mrs. Karl Dybhavn and Rev. P. M. Fosse. Remarks, Rev. P. M. Fosse. Instrumental and vocal trio, Mrs. Johansen, Mrs. A. Dybhavn and Mrs. Nela Luth. Selections bjfVarden Singers. Mr. Insibrilseti was organist for the evening.. The sum of $15.45 was taken In a special collection to purchase hymn books for the Sunday School. HAS PET DEER In a recent Vancouver Province appears a picture of Teebee," deer which was captured at Hartley Bay when she was a very small fawn and which Is now the pet of W. II. Schmidt of Toronto, who Is seen wtlh the animal. The deer j was presented to Mr. Schmidt who has hunted in the Hartley district I for twenty years. The little deer is as tame as a house dog and has nlenty of room to run about In a field which Mr. Schmidt has fenced off for hsr. ltB'iBi.aUB.tB.: BiXBSKBXBXBXBiXBB SQUARE DEAL Meat & Fish Market Phone 958 Round Steak-2 lbs. Third Ave. The Price of Reef Moved Off the Gold Standard 35c Chops, Lamb, Veal & Pork OCn H' 2 lb Spare Ribs , per lb Shoulder of Lamb per. lb. Shoulders of Pork 7 lbs. Stews Veal and Lamb , 4 lbs Liver. 1 lb. Bacon, Vi-lb. Short Ribs of Beef 4 lbs. . 15c 12Ac $1.00 50c 25c Wo also carry af line of 50c Fish, Vegetables, Fruits, Poultry One Slab Choice llcon lu Holder of Lucky Ticket IB IBIBlBf.B IBimBFB KB (BTB KB New Year Was Fittingly Ushered In Thursday NightWas Out- standing Social Affair As usual, the annual New Year's Eve ball of the Prince Rupert Club proved to be one cf the outstanding social events of the season in this city. There were some 150 or ICO persons present it tho affair on Thursday night. The rooms of the club were beautifully decorated for the occasion, this important work having been carried out by the stewards. From 9:30 p.m. until 3 a.m. splendid music was dispensed for dancing by the Blue Bird Orchestra. At midnight all present lined up and joined hands to sing "Auld Lang Syne'' as the New Year was fittingly ushered in. Tasty rereshments were served, the catering being in the capable hands of the Electric Bakery G. P. Tinker was a genial master of ceremonies. In the absence of the president, John Dybhavn. the guests were recei-td by Vice-President and Mrs. C. C. Mills. WALSH ON COMMISSION K. T. Kenney Named Chairman of Terrace Board Succeeding J. K. Gordon TERRACE, Jan. 3: J. K. Gordon resigned his seat as a Commissioner owing to business reason and T. II. Walsh has been appointed a commissioner In Mr. Gordon's place. The board'as it stands now consists of J. B. Agar, TH,f.Wah and E. T. Kenney. Mr Kenney was elected chairman at the same meeting that appointed Mr Walsh on December 22 last. Max Smith, well known curio store proprietor of Wrangell. and Mrs. Smith were passengers on board the Princess Iary yesterday afternoon going through for a holiday trip to California. NEW YEAR BARGAINS To reduce our stock before stocktaking we arc making a real sacrifice in prices on many articles, Here Is your chance to save. Abbey's Fruit Salts Equal to Enos, large bottle. 75c Aylmcr Saurkraut 2l,i's &0 9 Hn. fnt- Aylmer Raspberries 2'j 9p st iivni; tajaujf fv .Carnation Milk Se lie - IfSilO wms. ,ec Wine Bricks Compressed fruit and berry Juices for making wine in the home. Non-alcoholic. Each brick will make one gallon of wine. Either in Port or Sherry flavor. Try this. QO ft A D.UU per brick Plnoia Miracle Soap Cleaner- Cleans silverware, china, glassware and for many other uses. In Va to 5-lb. tins 50c, $1.00, $2.00 Toilet Rolls Large roll 3 for 20c Mussallem's Cash Si Carry Stores "Whcru Dollars llavv' More Cents" We solicit out-of-tov n business and are h a position to fill your requirements in the same manner as though you paid us u personal visit. We can assure you satisfaction both as to quality and price. Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars IUtc More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth Ave Phone 18-84 NO. 2 Store 319 Third Av rhone 3C0 No. Z Store 727 Third AV Phone 373 Monday, Tuesday TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. ADMISSION 20c & G5c The Thrilling Air Spectacle tt Anok' With Jean Harlow, lien Lyon and James Hall. The N. Y. Sun Says: "This is an aviation spectacle, 1 the like of which has not previously been seen on the 5 screen. Cartoon "In the Shade of the Old Apple Sauce" PARAMOUNT NEWS NO ONE SHOULt) MISS THIS PICTURE Wednesday & Thursday "DEVOTION" TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. BBBBBMBBBBSSSS5SS3S55uyt3MM1lfl SHOE POLISH (Ik NUGGET TIM cpati nilli a liriil inamsisfriif as this isr C 1 . . -1 . 1 I iff f . oi-ruggi, UU.UITCI1 iininii are line dim, unpolislicI shoes . . . rotri are entirely out ol keeping with y pride of personal appearance. . . so keep jour sli our joes ai an iimes smart van "iMipget" which mfm waterproofs the shoes as It polishes. ifl AUGGET ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Din. Vou arc assurrd In jctlfnj full weljht NO. 1 ALHERTA EGG For Cash . . $11.50 NO. 1 ALHERTA LUMP For Cash 12.50 PEMBINA EGG For Cash 11.50 Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 MSMWSSBWtS!SSSSSmSmiieaiWSSWSSSSBBBSSISSI3Kt&nSlimm3m Cut I)ovn Prices on STOVE V00D 12, 14 or lC-lnch leneth DKY SPRUCE arid CEDAR GREEN HEMLOCK, ALDER and JACKPINt: Cedar mints and Radio Poles FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE a u u u E m m .iBiBiBiBti r m a ib i va rsi ; BiBrBvHtaauB ebibibib is b ib e:b r