iy a ee a = itt \Al . Pure 3 IINSHIMH HDi iin = ———_—_—. —__+_—— - Mi (LALCARV Ay . i LA} PU fy \! bait} : ’ i} - 1A ( ET r Are erin | Mpa le iy ‘ } ; f Ay : i ; : é : : a i Nit ’ “— UT i ee mm Wy —y rege WN nit i ' a 4 di, : Hii < - q i ; Exper : 7 Repo Way to British = , 4 10 Well y D _ 71 ' Melee lat mateb et Livia) Reservoir p ivi it ce eTornrT ory ee ; thal ‘ Le 7) mar nave » be done wu > d INCREA Silty! CHT TING Is - oe one unde tim REFERRED 10 1920 AGAIN BEFORE CUUNCIL 18 the matter of taking 2 can. vas it was the opinion tha! this Present Council Not to Start Ine - was up to the Retail Merchants’ acing Waece—Tee Near a Merchar.is Anxious for It! jccociation as they were (we one Ena of Term Sut do Not Show Much so anxious for this improvement, Action. The matter was referred vack to the association. from the Retail oe ‘elke a VALVE CLAIM WiiVED ition regarding be , the lighting of Fulton, The recommendation of the OK j NG J oO B A © | tel ond ind Third public utilities committee that 5 ent ead at the Couneil the claim to the General Eleginic LL —— Z st ght It was the valve be waived as it stands at ad ’ that be dinanced er than iation Shawatlans eouncil last was adepied bv the night. , This is the last echo of the ancien! dispute hy local | : : \ld. MeRae between the city and the hig sap- PARK | N & WA R 1) te ie vould ply company. == Electric Co. Ltd. == Open Ist February, 1920 | NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatilans vanes Third Avenue and Cow Bay LARGER ASSESSMENT fo and repairing all « } length BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS. building ROLL FOR THIS YEAR|} ; lasses of boats up to 100 fexi Electrical and Marine Supplies REGAL 4CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE WOODWORKING, Best équipped plant in ( ventral British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. W. E. Assessed Valuation $21,425,046; Increase of $300,000. 4. Swanson, Phone Red 391 President Thompson, Gen, Manager Phone Green 153 EN( xINES THE iDEAL ENGINE Trollers tiuation ] DEPARTMENT OF LANDS POLICE Ciilick NOTIUC! . w2T I bala. Ses from : ; N FOR GRAZING PERMITS FOR 2 WP ; Ll IM \ 0 Ht NG ig he 1 — ) CI 1% i of : ied rovio ; sii : iu ti ad wi . he Stele om oS Fort George, in lo back up the \ n rt, apcuu Ve with Commissioner of Holidays igs ictorta, B 1920 | y} 1 to ' HeAte t all submit ap and tide you over the busy sea- Complete Lighting and Ignition Outfits to suit all > anaes Fn ns nay BE obiined, fom te. pengrerA ap Peesy oot ot se requirements. ~ : ~ from th I e| irtment of Lands at Vik now, Fruit Cake ALD. CASEY SAYS HE IS 0.8 NADEN, | SCREENED ; SPECIAL---Monday, Tues- i . GH WITH COMMISSION Deputy Minister of Lands Owing tO the high cost of produ: tion the Regal day and Wednesday only ROU Oe Conn Lands Gasoline TO RAISE Engine Co! are compelied THE PRICE TEN P ON ALL ENGINES th, 1919 LUMP COAL ER CENT REME COURT OF BRITISH MBIA : Christie’s Fruit Cake -ppbetw: THE ADMINISTIVA- | AFTER JANUARY: 1, 192' 1 SELD( i ’ | mits uu esters at Cranbroc i : rine¢ ip 9 i : { Vernon or with the | That is the Final Decision of the Az Parliament Bu Mm \ } : I re "Feb ar 29, ) er Son . | City Council in Chinese Blank ms upon which to $13.00 ; | ‘7 rER OI )N EDWARD per ton, delivered in bin 5, DECEASED, INTESTATE . “eae ake iy "t y lace \ © eeder di ° } , tg Sits a ae | ’ e Take advantage of present prices. Place ycur orde AP OHANGES, PER BOX. $1.00 I KE NOTICE that by an Onder of ius Phone Black 35 Lu 7, | was appointec (¢ ' ¢ now for spring delivery CHRISTMAS a a ; p17, 1 was, appointe T al b . os 4 3) 00 a oe eased, and all pas ties ermim , : | i st the said estate are 48 CTA? Pe Be | nish same, peoperly _ = " } before 15th day of - : and 4 parties in eoenasissnsiitsiilsiaan antcilasil lien : j \ i estate @ “required to DEY | amg Remorse | ee : | Le ndebtedass to mx i$ oe ‘ ‘ ; ; J. H. MeMULLIN, ; my > OMeial Administrator } | ; S i lav of November, 1919 | ) t . | ara ‘ > | Penge Bon + Pool Room ’ gh DON : NEGE EC’ Tr YOUR LEI : ‘ MM | | moved to