BASKETBALL 1 AT TERRACE High School Defeats Town and Resumes League Leadership i TERRACE, March 8: In a regular league basketball game here the High School regained their former position' at the top or the league, wheri they defeated the Town by a score Of 25 to 12. The High School victory was due largely to their speed and combination, and at no time during the latter part of the game were they in danger from the Town. It was Impossible to point out any Individual player on the High School team, while Thomas, playing for the Town, was a constant threat for the SChobJ Team. High SShool Johnstone (6), Mc-Leod HO), Little 7, Olsen Hi. Kerr (1), Thomas. Town Nelson 7). Kenney, Thomas 4i, France H. Hill. In an exhibition game Vanars-dol waS able to take the Native Sons Into camp by a score of 33 U 23. This game was also fast and provided plenty of thrills for the : audience. The Native Sons, how-! ever, started too fast and towards the end of the game they couldn't : keep lip their Fpeed and Vanarsdo' was able to score almost at will. I Feak was undoubtedly the out- standing player on the floor, while i Burnett went on a scoring spree for the Native Sons. Vanarsdol Bolton (2), Feak (19), Burton 11), Mason 1), Nelson. , Native Sons Smith M). Burnett U3. Kerr 2), Mlchlel (4). Graham, Wallace. In a rough, but perhaps the best game the ladle have played this season, the Dumbells were able to beat the Dabbs by a score of 12-11. Margaret Glass and Margaret McLaren were the outstanding of the Dumbells while Helen Grelg played well for the Dubbs. Billiard Averages Junior League G. T. Av. J. Saunders J) 9 1785 196 O. Howe E) 12 2298 192 N. Chenoski E) 12 2294 191 J. May (H) 12 2252 188 W. Stuart J 12 2251 188 R. Fong (LN) 12 2245 187 P. Johnson. E) 12 2248 187 t. Baabe (J) 11 2030 185 P. Vaccher (LN) 12 2223 185 A, Zadaroskl E 12 2192 184 W. Hutaon tin 12 2199 183 W. Funnell (J) 3 548 182 P. OhenOekl E) 13 2332 170 W. Murray H) B 1436 180 R. Wleks (H) 12 2147 178 F. Aldrldfe Ltft 12 214b 178 i E. Batt (LNi 12 2197 176 j A. Strachan J J2 2166 178; B. Weftdle (LNI 9 1561 173 j A. Mut'ray LN) 2 335 ll! J. Bulger XJ) 12 1894 158 a Pkry tin n 163 lil W, lUlayhtirst un 4 604 151 Jack a- -lis1- - or ; ' ' Frost, nature's greatest; Jack architect, completed yet another wonderful job, at Banff ,on the rosin lino ot the Canadian Pacific Railway through the Rocky Mountains, this winter, when he designed and built the columns of the ice-cattle of the Carnival Queen. As Is easily seen by the picture, the two crest pillars art the outstanding features of thi pslscs, They wers built by Why Not Lucky, Tco? This fresh camel wasn't cellophar: wrapped when he arrived t the circus wlnt?r quarters. He's the son of Fntima, which seems to be mixing brands. If you ask tur opinion Mabel Starke, famous animal trainer, is petting ihe baby. CALIFORNIA WINS TITLE University of Washington Loses Se cond Straight Conference Basketball Game OAKLAND, March 8: The Pacific Coast conference Inter-colle glate basketball title returned to California . fiatnrrtiv rvUiht .hPwi,.,l tw.rgaici.suore gi University of their second straight victory over University of Washington, the score being 3C to 24. In the first game on Friday. California won 22 to 21. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE March 8 Panthers vs S. O. C. High School vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Amaaons. Rovers rs. Scouts. March II Panthers vs. C. N. R. Tltxfa vs. High School. Cardinals vi. Amazons. League of Nations vs. Japanese March 15 s. o: C. i. C. N. R. Tuxls vs. Merchants. Cardinals vs. Amazons. Rovers vs. Japan. j PoitjthkteiMte was for a time the rmpltal of New York. Frost King of Architects putting Into play, one month before the opening of the great event, two vertical streams of water. Then, more men got busy and built the connecting wall ot gleaming transparent ice-blocks, between the two pillars, and set In front of it the great throne ot ice, from which the ceremonies of the Carnival were conducted, In the pretence of thousands of spectators from all parts ot LEAGUE WINNER Empress Defeated ny Score of 895 to 977 In Junior Billiard League fixture Winning four out of the five games. League ot Nations defeated the Junior Billiard League last night. Individual score: were as follows: L. of Nations Empress F. Aldridge 177 G. Howe 200 B. Wendle 200 N. Chenoski 198 E. Batt 200 P. Johnson 169 P. Vaccher 200 P. Chenoski 169 R. Fong 200 A. Zadoroski 159 The league standing for the second half of the season to date Is as follows: G. Ttl Av. Impress 9 8297 924 Jewelers 9 8242 916 League of Nations .9 80G4 m Hawks 9 7783 865 JUNIOR niLLIAKDS Mar. 8 L. of N. vs. Hawks. Mar. 11 Jewelers vs. L. of N. Mar. 18 Empess vs. Jewelers. Mar. 18 L. of N vs. Hawks. Mar. 24 Jewelers vs. Bmpress. Mar. 24 Empress vs. I,, of N. Mar. 29 Hawks vs. Emoreas. Captain Kldd. the pirate, was sent out from England to canttire pirates and turned pirate himself. Canada and the United Statu. Snow and ice contests of all kind, winter sports In profusion. Including thai Alberta Provincial Skating Championships, went to make up the programme, which termifiited In the election of Miss Margaret J. Nicol, of Drumheller, Alts., well-known as atennls and hockey enthu-slut, as Carnival Queen for I93Z. Her picture 1 shown lut. i i. NORTHERN .. . . B. C. NEWS ,, , , h BURNSLAKE Following were first prize winners B. T. Ward, lineman for the the ski meebheld recently by the emment Telegraphs, has been down Island Ski Club: boys' combined A., Albert Gerow; boys' combined B., David GeruW; boys comDlned C, Allen Stanyer; boys' marathon, Al bert- Qertiw: small boys. Gordon Rush! girls' class A.. Irene Taylor; girls' class B., Jessie Gerow. new phone having been Installed . . there. District visitors In town during - the past week have Included: Ar- Several new buildings arc being thur Prebble, Blcklc; Constable C. erected at the Southeaster mine F. Oland, Smlthers; Charles Hun- near Sfcidegate for the uccommo-ler, Tyson Radley and A. Jenkins, daticn of a larger crew which the Colleymount; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kitsault Eagle Gold Mines Ltd. ex-Gale, Nadlna; Neil van de Vteh. pects to put on soon. Tintagel. : In spite of the fact that several Sam Cocker. Conservative nominee for Omlneca In the next provincial election, was a visitor in town recently from Vanderhoof. A great many local people arc, now recovering from a particularly vicious type of coiti which has kept some In' bed fof a day or so. The recent thaw flooded r.nny local basements with water. The basement of St. John's Church had several Inches of water In it 1 Al Eckert and Andrew Anderson have left by auto for Vancouver. The former will visit his home In Seattle while the latter will visit In ands of the low wages the provln , Victoria where his wife and twoctml sovernment ki of ferine: on re 'children are at present. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lowe and family will be leaving shortly for a trip to Vancouver and other points in the south of the province. Mr. Lowe, who returned recently from a trip to the Old Country, Is having ! his Bulck car shipped back via the) Regret ts expressed on the Queen Panama Canal. , j Charlotte labxiKls at tbe transfer (from Prince Rupert district of W. Mrs. Macdonald of Smlthers has!K. Gwyer. dlrtrtct engineer r the been staying with Mrs. A. M, Rud- provincial department of pubMe dy during the past week while Miss .works. The hope is generally ex- Avis Wall has been in Smlthers at tending the wedding of a friend. The babjrson of Mr. and stfs. William Talbot his been presented with an engraved silver cup sent by Mrs. J. R. MacCrlmmon, formerly of Burns Lake and now residing In Almonte, Ont., to be presented U the first baby bom In the new Women's Missionary Society Hospital here. MASSETT The New Massett Hall Is n earing completion. Among others Foreman J. Edgars and J. Colllson are erven much credit for giving their valuable service free to the construction of the 'edifice. For the first time within 25 years there Is an epidemic of measles In Massett. Ivan Adams of Massett Is entcredJ In the Royal Canadian Navy but for i me iacK or vacanclet, he will not be : 50lng f 6f a cprisiaerable length of i Ume- Tr Timothy Ingram passed awav af- tef suffering for many months. He: out a nastian, . . i ' i ' There was considerable excite- meni in Massett a few trip ago because the Wednesday boat wtil-h was expected on Friday came on i Thursday. NEW HAZELT0N I Mrs. J. p (Dorothy) Brown, the last Monday night. The dance pro-victim of an unfortunate shooting gram Included a number or novel. ! affair recently rit the Klsplox ties Including two prize fox trots. School, continue" to make satlsfac- tory progress toward recovery In As a precautionary measure to the Hjielton Hospital where she is guard against shorta-re if oil at the now a patient. Dunwell power plant owing to heavy rnowrall blocking tramper- A large hatobcr of young people tatlon. the Northern B. O. Power were to lUtcndanrg at a delightful Co. ts closing the plant there night-Leap Veir dance which was held ly between midnight and 7 a.m last Monday hhrit 1ft the New Ha- This schedule will continue until wlton Com nunlty flail. Dancing continued iiTnj t1cTitS!it and de- Ilclous refresh' re sefVed. i Thf Itutelton'docttil Club has secured th" old police station pro-'Irty In HaZellon at auction for 8101. Thr bulldlift'wlll be twd by the club as a meeting nlace and ; venue for social. if fair Mls, Helen fra1t left last Tur-s day mornlngTor fter home at Skce na Crowing after rpendlns some time as a patient In the Hazelton Hospital. i SKIDEGATE from Port Clements to look over and repair the line between Queen Charlotte City and" Port Clements A branch line has been extended to the Kltsault-Eagle Gold Mine Ltd Southeaster mine near STcidegutt logging camp have been opened up in this part of the Qteen Charlotte Islands there are more th in cnataft men on hind locally to nun the camps. ' Mr. and Mrs. Q. Leary of Miller Hreek motored cto'm a few days ago to pay a vieit with friends In Sklde-eate and Queen Charlotte City. A. J. Gordon, local road foreman, left on the Prince John this week for a brief visit In Prince Rupert official btwtnees. Considerable criticism has been heard on the Queen Charlotte 1st- 'ief road work. Mr. and Mrs. James Denhotm of (he Dune summer resort at Hell motored down teat week-end to visit with friends at Skldegate and queen Charlotte City. pressed that It will not be long before Mr. awyer returns to the district. ALICE ARM ! Kalnt Smith of Montreal, after j having spent a holiday of seven weeks here as the guest of J. O. muddy, has left for San Francisco j J. MeCabe. who has ben rellev-j lag J. C. BUKkly in charge ol the Government office here, has left on his retam to Atyansh. Dr. J antes of Anyox was a vltKcr here recently and held a clinic tor all local persons desiring to be vaccinated. An enjoyable card party wa held by the Alice Arm Athletic At soeJattcn in the club house. Deli cious refreshments were sertfl during the evening. In a mass of snow, ice and rocks of a tilde in a small bay near here ; were found recently the bodies o? ! six wolves and twelve goats. It Is I thought that the animals were' either cauaht in th nh nt ,.; slide or thM the goats in stand ing off rursult by the famished wives, had disturbed loose ground high on the mountainside and thHt. all were engulfed and swept ta the bottom when the earth gave way STEWART A delightful Leap Year dance was staged by the Canadian Learlnn hr 'he condition of the roads pormltoV the usual suduIv of oil hino totM to lhi plant. What was known 'tif the mill power plant was wiped out by. a sHde recently. J. B. Watson, well known mem- ber of the Premier office staff, has left for a holiday trip to Vancou ver lie skllert from the mine to Nlnr Mile and hid an arduous time, making the rest of the trip In an ore DitMcet ovr the tram line. An- nminrr mnt has Just been made of Ihe marriage last September In BtlllHttham of Mr. Watson and e Yes, It's the Kidneys Pm in the tmall of the back till of kHnsv 4cmm.i. and twtllm ofthe limb. ' " u Backache it iht mol certain warnmj that Iht Mnn to Alter the pohcnotii uric acid from the blood ' 70U may alto hive frequent htdchti and actiini Unfa , potions always cause bodily paint and achti. M It you want to positively remove the caute ci , s , the health and activity of the kidneys, the liver and the hJj? It ii became of their direct and cambmed an; ah . that they prove effective when ordinary ' rnedicmti tail Pat? L. .j ..... n L. .1. J .. .L .L. . '"ffi tt mw J mil ivtiamij v pivaivu wtui inc Prompt atie benefiti obtained. Dr. Chase's KIDNEY and LIVER Pills L Miss Helen Crawford, daughter oil Mr. and Mrs. W J. Crawford o Stewait. It SMITHERS John Hoist, who won Class B. events In skiing at Smlthers. Burft i Lake and Prince George this winter, is being sent to Camrose, Alta . to represent the Canadian National Recreation Association of Prince Oeorte at the Western Canada Si championships. vs Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: j For the East-Monday, ! Wednesday and FrJ. day 2 From the East- Saturday, Tuesday and Thurl day 10:40 am For Vancouver-Tuesday . 12:30 noon Thursday ... 9 pjn. Friday 11 pjn. March 13 and 38 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday pm Wednesday .. 10:30 a.m. Friday pi March 9. 19 and 36 am For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 8 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m. "vnnt nonsr." u tt , brand' mott favoured by Scottmtn arid thiy art th grratnt connoi$$rur of uhithy. Could you make a wittr choki when cAoos-Ing uhitky for yountlft fills advertisement Is not ntibllshcd Control ionrd or dl or by the (Jovernment of - ctfe C O HIT IN SISI C')tr: Harve : list. Han W: t 1 S33VJU, l' plain flf f w ILtrvey f tinu d. Hr-nrl l-vln. 1 3 j plaintiff. V Harvey ! McLenn Katen ! more At Fi Mann Mm.-i for defenn. Artistic A. Williams M i I vey. defend Jewell M . t $27.. Wii:. Harvey fi! Fnlon for A MeOtin-Pat more & Williams. M . for defend i : J R. Ml mond. $1-Bron & ) mo.-e March 31 ar.a Bryant ker. $60 1' Btrxm tll Father for The "MARRIAGE THE WHflt HORSE Yiint if " " , W Scotch. then blendfo. and reblendix). Hi..-;- fj becomes p'i' msrrying of a very length result is a i subtle sad di' bouquet, soft, em pleeeifg to thn ps trace W noccr i As. heart ton,S -WHITE HORSE supreme. .J f