I Mil I I Imall Cakes irvi i Mrs. Jeanne McKcnzie "Magic has always been my stand-by," volunteer! Mrs. Jeanne Mc-Kenzie.ofToronto, winner of three first R Jf prizes at the 1931 Canadian National iKb;t;::n. In fact, 1 woukln,t ink 1 using any other baking f ( - jksall my cakes with Magic. f I l. 't, I am quite sure 1 never Rpu.J live won o many prize. Rfcn, . n all baked fowls an extra fir :.ir jfflavorandtexturetnat Jm . Jt of the ordinary diK." :i Baking Powder if ued t the majority of cookery i I. : refrtrf tictitians, ana nouewiv lS(r. Jt C anada. In fact, Magic fSt ; all other baking powders If illrs.MeKtnila'a Prlt Raclpa DELICATE CAKE f r.cr tratpoooj Mtfic ?f; liur BtUas Vw4t j t :i Whit oT nf y pattr7 flour I tffma lmowl CltTKt II Irrtnl t :'.. r,. t&i mt. Sift Snuf UkLng pzs'.a tvfcthcr kvctI UK . K : r n milk Itcrtutrly to t .r .- as iiu Then M mi litn fct4t:a mil. Add ilmond jiC- Sake k:! o batter In tmtl ' ttki r 1$ a modern orm t II JS'r fjtt : :'. miautt. Pour other llu - Urn ke viu tad bokt la mad- 11??" t t it to muMtet; i. m fancy ahapee h iMr Deroratt at Ukaualed IK nil -3. "r? ! outa, candied oraaga 1. ' ', taciisua. mataachuM cfcer- iiffc e; mm CMtrUlaelnetiraW 9 ' -CONTAINS NO ALUM." Thle Mm tatetnent on eterjr tin la your (uarantea that iMatle Baklnt Powder le tree ' from alum or any harmful Intra dleot. ME COOK ISOOK-Whrn you jk advantage of the at- i thi Maiirl'nol Knot. ' '"t KranJt Ltd.. Fraser :' :,i Toronto, Ontario. GLADIOLUS 1 1 ' ' varieties ln mixture : P-ib prepaid for $2.50 n.ovi:i!Fu:u8 company ' ti -i Duncan. B.C. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating tl.ree Dry Docks Total cddaclty iWorf tons Shipbuilders nd Ship Repairers or Steel and Wood Vessels Samlll and Mining Machinery iirea and Overhauled Iron and ISrass Casting Ucctrlc and Acetylene Welding 5Mr,n Derrick for Heavy Lifts RESOLUTION ON SILVER (Continued from Page 1) done for tho relief of the people. Dr. Mandy Heard ui. ivianay explained that, u large portion of the- mineral wealth of Prinpc 'ufcrU dlftrlrt' was tied up In liver. Since 103tf.thelndus- iry naa oecome dormant mil FraST were closed, men thrown out of employment and the depression accentuated. At Prince Rupert's v?ry aoor mere were numerous LflT mining properties which would be 'operating, employing hundreds pf men If the price of silver could be restored The trouble, Dr. Mandy continued, was not overproduction of sil i . . . . '1 to ver but rather a maldistribution. India and China, for example, were ; overstocked with, sliver, and, ow-; Ing to many nations going on the , gold standard following the war, the price had become debased and j the purchasing powers of such i countries seriously restricted. T . . . . . i v w3 viwii mi i x ince ixupert uis- .trtct that the value of silver tended, and it was very timely! I that this city should advocate a case like this. of Ruriderham Not Satisfied In spite of the explanations nl 3 Aid. Casey and Dr. Mandy, Aid. Ruddeiham was not mturioH trior. stendarriiMMon nf .nr m.,i,n bring about any such improvement h P Norco ,arrl!ed f0 at as was predicted. He thought ther!? mornlnf Ketch?" was something ejen more deep-th ";e ?rloat of frozfn naU; but and salmon for transshipment rooted than thl. wrmw with , pm mirh 91 th nraaant nhlV oli lowed people to virtually starve "T1 Uwy- Alter dlseharg-iwhtfe to'lng' Norco Proceeded to seat-I warehouses were loaded their roof with food. The sooner! isuch a system collapsed, the bet -I !ter It would bo. I StaW Captain Joseph Acton, d!- Bert Morgan, who was present ! Atonal commander of the Salva-lanrf aakuri ti nv hrifi tHAnrVii I tlon Army for Northern British Co- ' 0 the Illness of the world had gonellun,D,a ant AjasKa- arnvea m me too far to be cured by a tonic o:iclty an tm morning's train afterjof silver and gold. The present sys-a mP "irougn ine interior as lar tern, he felt, had become absolute-!as PrlllCP 0eorKe ln company with ly obsolete. If the government took Cimmunder Rcbt. Henry or Winni-control of all natural resource P- leader for Canarta West, and banks and forms of Insurance an.1 wlu sail on the Princess Norah to-abollshfd aU profiteering to ths morrow afternoon for his head-mmutest deUH. then there wouH : Quarters at Wrangell. Commlssio-bc real n?r and Mr; Henrv returned from prosperity Ad. Casey declared that he would ! the in,f-rlor tn Winnipeg never oppose the principles of so- . Iclallsm but there was no demand ; In the world today for socialism Aid. Rudderhttm questioned if 't , was wise to take a vote on suri an important subject with such a 'small representation of membo of the council. ' Aid. McCutcheon did not see anv reason for delaying the voto fo members of the council who had not been Interested enough to a tend. Linzey In Favor-Aid. P. H. Linzey declared thai from what he hadjieard, hr h:iu I no doubt that the effect of the rc-! solution would be nothing but goot and beneficial for this dLsirl the province, the Empire and th world as a whole. The vote was then called f": with only Aid. Rudderham dissent lng from the resolution. The council alto compiled with a Af aw rjumv that the ' ot tw on the Van-Ithe " vue sum of $12 be spent for printing resolution for .ubmtaslon to couver-Print-e RuP n-Anyox-Stew-the other munlclpallUea for their t route in puce of the stetwiv l.ri CaUla. which has been undergo- HK ' " ! Einstein's fAther owned an elec-1 tro-tethnlcal ptank I 1 Announcements ; Pioneer Banquet March 10. Ponular Dance. Friday March 11. Dents. 50c Ladles 35c . j door prises. Refreshments. Prince Rupert . r..iKKa. Crlbbage nnr ant . Whist League precaution of cup , refresiimenw. ew. uouu....- j March 15, 7:30 p.m. Admission 50c j St. Patrick Celebration. Cathone Hall, March 17. Eagles' Social Dance Friday. March 18, dancing 9:30 to 1:30 aentlemtn 50c Ladle, refreshments. Everybody welcome. Elks! Dance Thursday. March a. 1 t United '1 Church Easter Sals March 31. Scotch Dance April 1. I.O.D.E Boy's Band benefit. Catholic Women s League Spring Sale April 7. Presbyterian spring sale April 14 Spring Sale. St. Peters Church. May 19- THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS M. A. Bamford of Vancouver has arrived at Anydx and will spend some time In the smelter town. Mi t . i It costs no Snore 3to ride in a Nash Special Jhen in any other car. -Just call Nelson's Taxi 849. John Mellor' of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Cardena thl" morning going through on a trip Vancouver. Arrived yesterday, fresh supply of Nanaimo-Wcllington Coal. Wood 54 per load. Egg coal $11 per Ion. Albert & McCaffcry, Ltd., Phones 116 and 117. tf I. The city council wist night gav introductory readings to a bylaw providing for the floating of $16. . , . rtnn t i i i Ul un'" cuetn5 iuwi Improvement sewer construction in the west, Dorllon of Section Five, Anglican W. A. Tea and Sale Home-Cooking af the home of Mrs. R L. Mcintosh, 4th Ave., W.. on Thursday next, March 10 from to 6. Everybody welcome. CO Northland Navigation Co.'s mo i 1 a 1 1 1 A 1 I I 1 BBaBoamBBav ar3 ranrBBBBmBBam 1 iH 1 1 1 c 1 If J A f araa B-WMIfj'tawlllaaaaaaaa BbW !1 Tl: II trjFlI 'iJXaaaaaal CarJfna. Capl. Andrew Johiu-ton completing tnr In? annual overhaul at Vancouver, arrived in port at 0:30 this morn- ing Irom Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and Iwaypotts. Next week the Cardena will return to her regular run on the Vancouver-Ocean Falls-Skeeiu Hirer-Prince Rupert route on which the steamer Venture Is now relieving. ANNOUNCEMENT wtkUn.;'CoR, now thf, hottest In the domestic field. Gov- ernmcnt analysis shows It to be the gnd ,ess Mh tf ck ,onger . think for one minute because our coal Is lower ln price that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal deajers mny state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wildfire," egg or lump. Nota our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars, (tf) Hjde Transfer Phone 580 I1UY N'AILN GROWN Sweet Pea Seeds Varieties and quality the WORLD'S BEST Also up-to-date selection of DAHLIAS Including all the latest types. Write for our Free Catalogue cnosLANi) imos. DUNCAN, IJ.C. Basketball, Auditorium, tonight. Mortimer Duffus left Monday evJ enlng for Prince Rupert for ra few" days. Vancouver Province. ' ' " Annual general meeting of Fair Board, Wednesday, March 9 at 3 p.m. Business election of directors for 1932. BRONCHITIS At bedtime ib tho throat and chest thoroughly with VICKS VapoRub a tW 1 Million Jmr. CW Yiarl Walter O. Broad, Canadian customs officer at Stewart,, was a pa&- Hfnrroi b-- - nhnirri Ihp ... r'nrrinn'i . v.... lvlar ft through for a trip to Van .couvcr Oeo'gc Keep of the C.NJt. In vesttgation department arrived in the city ' from Prince George on this morning's train. He is here on official duties and will return to the interior on tomorrow after noon's train. J. C. Brady, the new district en-! glnecr for the provincial depart-1 ment of publlf works here succeeding W. K. Gwycr. who has been transferred to Pouce Coupe, a-rlTed in the ctty from Prin:p George this morning to assume hi new duties losally. F. Dalby of Fifth Avenue East returned to the city on this tMAfn I ry nr'o In m t i n - . o Ksam '' . several, months In Vancouver. Victoria and Edmonton. He recel-1 ved special treatment in Vancou- j ver for his leg which was Injured some time ago. i P. Bloedel of the logging firm of 1 Bloedel, Stewart and Welch, which operates at Menzle Bay near Sey- Imour Narrows, sailed by the Car-jdena this afternoon on his return! to Mpnttes Bay after a brief vtuj to the city on ouftoftaj1!6, ac" i;mpanled by'-Mrr. McKlnnlll On p; tition of Chris Waag. Van 'oouver fUherman. Mr. . Justice D. A. McDonald ln Supreme Court a Vancouver has granted him an absolute decree of divorce from Annn Elizabeth Waag of Stewart ! whom he married in Vancouver on! May 26. 1927. The co-respondent was Charlie Goldimrg oi Stewart Rt Rev. A. H. Sovereign, newly elected Bishop of the Yukon, and Mrs Sovereign will pass through he .-ity on the Princess Norah tomorrow bound from Vancouver to Dawson where he will assume his new ecclesiastical duties. During his brief stay here Bishop Sovereign will address a rpedal luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyre Club, arrangements having been made to hold the steamer over to permit of this. SCUTH WINTER SAILINGS From I'rlnre Itupert for Vart-fontri, railing at Oeean Kalla and Powell liiver 10.00 p.m. Thuradaya Ftr Anyoi and Stewart 4.00 p.m. Wednesdays Forltiielilly erIre tn uren Charlotte Ialanda. I'artlculara on refluent. TKAIN SEKV1CE Pnaarnarr traina Iravr Prlnre Hiiprrt MdikIhjtp. Wrdnrsdaya attiil Krlilaya at .t.ftO1 p.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and poln la East. Fmr m f t ral of lorml aarnt r H. MfKHIN. tl.F. A FHim Raprt, R.C Canadian Rational v-t Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. ZaeUt Tflriihonr t8l F. Skellum, city. William Elkfns of the C; P. R. Office staff Is expected to return to the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning from Esquimau wheie he has been taking a na,val course. Mrt 5and Mrs.-1 Fernand Terrieu left fcn'yesterda'y afi'erhbffn'str'a'.r. for Edmonton whsre they plan o;i taking up future reildepcow Mr Tcrrlen has been for sime time a member of Watts' Orocery staff. PRINCE GEORGE HAS SUH-ZERO WEATHER Arrivals in the city from the. interior on this morning's train ic- ported that Prince George had ten below zero weather yesterday with bitter north wind blowing. The weather is correspondingly cold at all other interior points. WEATHER REPORT Triple Island Snowing, strong east northeast wind; sea smooth Lnngara Island Overcast, strong easterly wind; sea rough. Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.98: temperature. 36; heavy swell. NEGLECTED KIDNEYS Norly kilUd her . now you'd never utpact it "I suffered with agonizing Kidney Trouble for years. Had awful Head- aches, frequent Dizzy Spells and terrible burning Back Pains. I finally used 'Fruit-a-tives' and soon felt like a new woman. The Headaches, Back Pains and Dizziness were gone Mrs. E. V., Belleville, Ont. Fruit-a-tives stimulates FIVE vital organs to work naturally the great discovery of a brilliant physician, paduate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Edinburgh. For permanent relief from backaches, indigestion, constipation and the like, you will find Fruit-a-tirei is the best remedy you can buy. 25c and 50c Fruit-a-tives MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL Why Pay a hih price for fine clothes when Tip Top Tailors will make to your measure any of their wide range of fine all-wool fabrics CO 7 00 for only TIP TOP TAILORS P. Cravetto Corner 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Income Tax Returns Save expense by having them prepared promptly and accurately. GEORGE RORIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Ave. W. Phone 387 Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester McUAE BROS., LTD. Queen Hatchejy 36 W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island ' Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free-.; QljEEN' HATfJIIERY ' J'. 30 W. Cordova St, Vancouver The Daily News Classified Ads. Pay Dividends PAOK l'lIltEE atatatataaaHaaaH? aataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWaaLaaaKaaaaaaaaHaaHHaaliaaai En FT is unnecessary to pay a high price for fine custom tailoring. Come to Tip Top Tailors, where the demands of' three million discriminating men have made it possible for luxury tailoring to be sold for $27. P. CRAVETTO Corner Sixth Ave. & Fulton St. Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hteamtra Irave Prlncr IUn i. nm-omrr: 1 .H.N. t'.TAL. KVKHV Tl'CSDA . IJtO P.M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.M.K KDK.NA EVERY FRIIIAV MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday ni.drigni appro Weekly saillnga to Peri Slmpaon, Aiit Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Ns Rlvtr points. Sunday, 9 p.m. ""her information regarding all sailings ana ticket at -riUNCr EUPERT AGENCY: icrnil Arniie fhn M When a recipe calls for MILK ... Use ST. CHARLES! Fineat Britiih wool-Ian a, thoroughly cold-water shrunk. Individual cutting and tailoring to your measure. Unrestricted choice of style or fabric at one price. Satisfaction guaranteed. ONEPRICE TO MEASURE thousands of other LIKE Canadian housewives, you will soon discover that St. Charles Evaporated Milk is your best cooking friend. St. Charles is sterilized, pure country milk, produced from fine, selected Canadian cows nothing but 60 of the moisture is removed. This process of evaporation leaves all the cream, all the nourishing healthful contents in concentrated form, thus Improving the flavor of your cooking and giving a richness that both you and your family will enjoy. Send us your name and ad dress and we ahall bo Had to mail you a copy of t ha nw authori fariro Cook Book mo haro jutt compiled. 2fcMW GxJdmOtd COUPON Th Rorden Co., Limited It) Gcorit St., Toronto. OraUeasen: Pleaa send ma a ropy or th "Oood Provider's J Cook Book." Nmm oVraae. . . ir.c.4, tf(h J-' r i. iTir7 TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE ST.CHARLES UNSWEETENED Mill' EVAPORATED IY1 I L f THE BEST ... MPAIvriME BEVERAGE V. -rf.T OVflLTI NE H535aE9aaaa9aflEi Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised.