si to the wore Dinner From 7 p from 10¢ up Look out Tomorrow's Menu e same place weethete tet’ P. Thy’ ~ The yestiolme Lunch MAY 50c Special WwEDNi MENU ON THI DEAFNESS Por Comfort, and Service we : Me one MPrrog eae Wher Regis Cafe ED ILL RE OPEN its doors jie ina transfo i 1 anagement of c mond famo Home d only + Quality Goods and »nliness in Bake Sho let tl nen sel piace in | at INGS, Me Luncheon 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. to 7:30. 6:30 p.m. Soup Fish aK led Ve Entrees. Bac Roasts wn with Dressing Vegetables. 1P rnig Detesert. ; fe quent ORDERS SERVED ANY Time O MIDNIGHT Am. T oston The All White House We have No 50c Lunches and our prices range re ; ¥ You are « Sufferer.o to your : ae ler Goncen- al Sourda: $i per tin Redia = simost im be kKly effeces a the enetrates to has mplaint, and ¥ many cases : hopeless id Sourday’ ot yet stock rr ept any sub auf, : der for a Vibutin 0 38 Pl Die- Sroydon Surrey, Eng yh wr > rer www eseses £0 to’ The SAVOY HOTEL T \ NAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box FIRST-CLass Care Rirtnenean _iarte, Pi etccccnes. land’ Boap TY doc + Daly t reasonable. AY, DEC. 31 on COUNTER Mill The Same Help Upen Indefinitely AND NOISES IN THE HEAD turd with full Courtesy~ OWness “Ole! Prince Rupert FUROPEAN PLAN mu Pa day and up, ON nnnneee “Carding hawse och East Meant Me need ene re | SUBSCRIPE 1919. a0 few days, rmed and , the man us for its Cooking. motto is, the Kit- p. Weare 1e publie es which town to the same Prop. nu 50c salmon getables Oravy otatoes 8 rl 1704 *k FOR NEWs os Se TWO WESTBOUND TRAINS TONICHT Slide Cleared at Bulkley Canon; Delayed Eastbound Vosterday. 1) i t} ' Sunday's delayed westbour T. P. train expected a here this evening about 6:3 so. MMANNUEL WILL BE “ih $2.68 an acre Pre-emption new cenfineé to sur- veyed lands only. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agriculture! purposes and which ts non-timber lané Partnership pre-emptions abolished, but parties of not more than four may arrange for adjacent pre-emptions with joint residence, but each making necessary improvements on respective claima ‘ Pre-emptore must occupy claims for Gve years and make improvements te value of $10 per acre, including clear- ing and cultivation of at least 5 acres before receiving Crown Grant Where pre-emptor in occupation not ees than § years, and has made pro- throughout “ONE OF THE FINEST” WESTHOLME TONIGHT Photoplay Which Has Refreshing- ly Novel Piot—Storyof a Traffic Cop and Giri With Money. the year ne joining and serv } | ers | SAYS: i h His Majesty's Forces. The hc ct teen x) sin which the heirs or devisees — | sceased pre-emptor may apply 7 : to , le Act is extended That the city ha ¥ @ under 2 qarended connected up with th wht , person, & rmerly, ul ene . rc es ter the sion of the present to take the census 0 ane Sehege to cles mate Te . ° . treactive . » fe ng to pre-en ne are That after Sunday ght X we seco voles «| b ae Seon . 5, i918 perience, few there be w! N emptions re da as, i9 y axes are ' e dare to withhold from hin vind Teed af aye ac: nt : Au en pa pu personal biography, upon red - eo — ° . ° © sold ‘ 5 ! ' ase That he accomplished al = — ty | re of . en mul e ’ juired lot of destin mom tn vel r ALA, “ ed from en ae .. @ rit March 1 . \ hat y : That you never know Ww gUB-PURCNASERS OF CROWN ‘ean do until you try LANDS ila . . . Proviet made for suanc el aoe a hasers That the Vickers Suite 1b” | Grown Landa, acquiring rights lete ? ‘ ' ay ‘ fa Hotel de Ville has a yer) ; . beard bill for Decembe! q . 2 ; ; = 5 hi terest an¢ xes apart from turkey and plum | oe ‘nel : glial par. irchase ding. ‘ » “ ver That, froia conversatio made by May ho ket GRAZING heard, the alderman who kee) ; . aaa } | bras - car parked on a sidewalk \ re ; uatrY Dro . hts sing hese dark nish vide . : a tail light t . loner. divin LO thine th aise rv . . > aan , . . meey dark mornings. = ; sures Ee , ; nts} © Free partially free, permite That the Christmas pres | mere clare, compere oF wavelles up | r* > from the Old Gountry will be BOP’) Co igo nead @ ‘ ch will re portionate improvements, he may, be- A photaplay which : , ause of ill-health, or other cause, be directly to people who d t granted intermediate certificate of tm : . provement and tragsfer his claim dinarily * patronis n m | Records without permanent resi : f the ant s dence may be issued, provided appli- tures One cant makes improvements to extent of which ought draw a ‘ $300 per annum and records same each . \ ‘ year. Failure to make imprevements house tonight ron floor or record same will operate as for- i ecraen hero fo feiture. Title cannot be obtained in star, is the de! : ess than 6 years, and improvements . ity They'd rath . of $10.00 per acre, including & acres pasninin eo Ot +) leared and cultivated, and residence Tom woo and fight ma f at least 2 years are required ' } e a j Pre-emptor holding Crown grant masculine star on th | may record another pre-emption, if he is an appealing il | requires liana in conjunction with his mi ‘ farm, without actua ccupation, pro Play replete § with - | vided sta ry improvements made } and residence maintained on Crown quiet charm and sh eee eee I t ' Ineur reas t ceeding 20 And yet, as o police i Unsurveyed areas t exceeding r : , ; acres, may be leased as homesites stirring adventures too title to be obtained after fulfilling resi- ; ent dential and improvement conditions, fall to his lot, ady | For grasing and industrial purposes : » ways tha wreas exceeding $40 acres may be gerous more i ! a, GF aae pices on company must be seen to be ap} Mill, factory or industrial sites on lly. 1 addition t +} nber la exceeding 40 acres fully. In additi may be purchased; conditions include Sidr ; . Gazette and payment of stumpage : libs British ‘ ot | Natural hay meadows inaccessible Drew comedy, which pees S | by existing roads may be purchased ’ »nditional upoz netruction of a read class programme t hem. Rebate of e-half of cost of — on | road, not exceeding half of purchar Toe tre errr ~~!) price, is made = ; . || pRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GRANTS The Man in the Moon | act . | cope of this Act is enlarged to CONNECTING STREET managed to pass the slide sh, rts before noon this morning and t! Eighth and Eleventh Avenues to line if said to be clear betwee Be Joined near Seal Cove. here and the Bulkley Ganon. ‘To ‘ day's passenger is reported rut led at night ning on time east of the slia, Heeting to put in a si she should arrive here it ‘ | nt } 4 o'clock. 8. T) Yesterday's eastbound was } 7 1 for se up in Bulkley Canon and ; f sch over 12 hours late running g at Sea : nth Ave SALVATION ARM ~ ee ae Y HAD ' esent | the coun FINE CHRISTMAS TREE): | tim a } i . ‘ { ye Pretty Programme and Plenty of | p th Gifts Made Event Most | listance of nes Enjoyable. treet 14 feet. 568 | feet graded and ink The Salvat \ y Chriet ell 1 15¢ Tree and Coneern was held in ¢ he ‘ — citadel under very favorable ec: , + ane ditions last night and proved al mpossibl Treat eniovment to the 7 i side were in attendance he ha | ' specially decor ited f the 4 sion and with the bie tre: anil ot corner proved a scene of d& i] to all ind especially to the ! l ; er people present. Seal ¢ & dolight{.!} j mia is | Huvi, rendered during the first part the evening It was pened Advertise in the Daily News mee way with « pia ; LAND AQT ¢ Several recitations and oe were given and a feat ‘ ft \ THE SKEENA LANI : DIS evening was the tablea Ol VEEN CHAI F AN is All in which M « i \kI I as B. Stra Grace, and Ruth Scherk and M io Mastin took the character roles.| ; ; rod and A delightful actior g A a about 3 1 the Clock WAS ar the ittract ‘ ‘ halt number and the piar juet a shenaae tha dikes tae | Misses Grace and Rita Ssherk was ret ‘ aining 2 delightful ; HOMAS Ff RAIN w. f n. agent After the programme w ee oie Ae Ps cluded Santa Claus a ed eons took presents off the ° Synepsis ° every child present Nuts ; and fruit were in abnndar L d Act A d ts to the juvenile deélight an men men were also presented t ins the Sunday school child Mintmum of first-class land had scored | fe reduced to &n acre; second-class to THE DAILY NEWS cre “Ic LASSIFIE ADVERTISING Phone 98 the Advertising Column that people read when they want an This iv ything t brings results ; ‘ WANTED 1OR WANTED \pplications ll be received by the unde ed for the position of jani t the Borden Street Schoo! lil b p Tuesday. W. D VO} 0 NTED U0 pleces of hemlock ling, 30 to 80 feet long Apply .. o Myers M.H Large IMAN GOOK WANTED In nder, 830 Second Ave. Phone 137, 3 FOR SALE iFOR SALI Musik Cabinet, fi Sneives nd drawer, mahoga h 4 Christmas gift “pecial price, $11.00, Also al tlachment y Edison s t will play Vietor records V a | tl $4.50 Prin pert Music Store, opposité Mt BALE at sa rifice, first-class juarte section in the Naas Valley at 81,500 Will be worth } %9,000. Partly improved. Light laxes Good loeation. Country g up. Just the thing for i good f 1 in future, Apply OX 28 Da fice, oon ‘ News 0 FOR SALE—One 32 h. p. N. & 8. eas engine; rebored and thor. ughly overhauled, Complete equipment. Price $1,000 F.O.B. boat. List of other engines f irnished on application. Union Machine Works, Juneau. tf MR SALI One four-hole Me Clary Range, one six-hole Can- dian Oxford, both secondhand il bargain prices. Harry Han- 5 t Reliable Plumber, 136 Se nd Avenue tf SNAP Fifteen H. P. 4-eyele ngil and equipment in first uss shay for sale, $800.00 Car seen at Parkin & Ward ui Go. ¢ \\ say tl HSON GRAMAPHONI Large = Missior linish ust like \ h nity selected ree s. Sp pri P. R. Music . Oppos the post oflice How to Foil Wind and Weather on Washday From now until s gero health must on rain and sleet, pring.a battle that endan- washday be waged with That, or drying the washing in the cellar or attic, with its attendant inconvenience and sour smielis, Of course we can not order weather to our fancy, but if you would laugh at mud and water, save your health and keep your hands and face free from chapping and roughness, telephone us. Next, bundle up your family washing and have our driver 1! for i, In our laundry your things are inttialed where the mark never shows. Evervthing is sorted, too—table linen is washed only with table linen, hosiery with hosiery. There is no indiscriminate mixing. And it is laundered in fleecy suds of silky softness, The weather, and the hardship of fall and winter washing need never be a source of worry. Use your telephone and let us help you. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 FOR RENT FOR RENT Steam Large room with tw heated Suitable Apply 708 Thi Avenue, between 5 and 7. 301 beds for ‘nliemen we POR \ Furnished bedrmmom ten di ydock RENT t sé telephone, walk from Apply box 29 Daily News oflice Mm RENY bath de ited. Ul After 1 o Five-roomed house furnished Newly Phine 195 2. t with se in. clock, phone 29 MR RENT Dre H xel Rov jusekeeping rooms ns, Second Ave he At roomed Black Five rO RENT with bat! Phone LOST papers Finder ples News oflice ‘ s } of ey. Da FOUND Ly FOUND—Black and white 1 Apply Miss Mary Johns Avenue West SASH & DOORS LUMBER Dimension, Shiplap, Double Dressed Fir ® Finishing LATH SHINGLES LIME CEMENT PLASTER BRICK Complete Line of Buiiding Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. PHONE 116 or 564 Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and Sixth National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery - Prompt Attention MISCELLANEOUS ar + . SONGS I'NB by the Prospect will make a nice ft book for your eastern friends. Poems of Love, Nature, and Sociology. It is fragrant ‘with the breath of balsams and pines. Leatherette velvet $2.00, post paid. Published by Victoria Printing & Publishing : 524 Yates St. Victoria, B. ‘ FARMS FOR SALE Relig covers, $1.50; sheep, ‘ P. R FARM LAND Choice ms in well settled districts Western Canada; low prices; twenty years to pay; irrigated nds in Sunny Southern Al ta. with loan of $2,000 In mprove nts to assist new ettlers Act now they are vine fast For free booklet tnd full information write HV. ' ‘| ghran General Land e 744 Hastings St. West Bn.G oF Oueen Charlotte Isianders can- ot do better than mail theit The News Print printing needs to x work 4 get tlie anc well. shop and romptly : 6WAN MY FATHER MAKES A ; MILLION DOLLARS aa. A WEEK ' oe \ lS