07 TQWl suojtttJb4ttiiasisiiiisOT SHUT-OUT VICTORIES Three Bit Leslie Games Won, This 1 Way Yesterday Cubs Increase : National League Lead i NEW YORK, May 11 New York Yankees routed the St. Louie.' Browns yesterday to creep op to within two and a half games of the: idle Washington Senators for the ' leadership of the American League , The Browns fell back into sixth, pteee behind the Philadelphia At:. , letlcs who were blanking the Chicago White Sox. Detroit Tigers improved their grasp on third place by tgrxxntawMsry defeating the long suffering Boston. Bd Sox. The. PhtUks defected the Cincinnati n$fo by the shHt-et route and retained third place hi the National League. The Chicago Cub? increased their margin of l-arler-ship to two and a half suuie by virtue of a decisive victory over the New York OianU who dropped into sixth place below the St. Louis Cardinals. Yeaterday's scores. American League Detroit 11. Boston 8. Chicago 6, Philadelphia 9. , St. Louis 3. New York 10. National League ! Philadelphia 4. CincinnaU 0. New York 2. Chicago 9. Baseball Standings ! American League W. L. Washington .-i7 5 New York 13 6 Detroit - . 13 7 Ckesaod ia l Philadelphia ... 9 it St. Loots M 14 Chicago 6 ii Boston 4 17' National League w. L. Chicago 16 8 Boston 13 8 Philadelphia 12 io Onetnnati 14 12 St. Louis 10 13 New York 8 11 Brooklyn 7. 13 Pittsburg 7 14 MERCHANTS LINE-UP Pet .773 MK J60 .417, Softball Game By Sailor Boys II. Jl. CL S. Vancouver and Local R. C. N. V. R. to Compete on Thursday Evening As part of the program In connection with the vtstt here for the next three days of H. M. C. S. Vancouver a' Softball game has been arranged to take place on the Canadian National Recreational Association's grounds tomorrow evening be;Wfn nine irons the de suffer voA a,;teara representing; gie, local ttrtit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. It is possible that other sports competitions may be arranged to take place during the stay of the Vancouver. Graceful Jumper A picture to dWitiht the eye of ev ry hunter is the orange and white pointer. Iodine Pep. shown hurdling a fence during recent field trials at Medford, NJ. The peppy pup is owned by C. Erasman of Montclair. NJ. I CDADT TUATTC I .815 Canadian athletes have their fans Albert 'Frenchy' Beranger. play 4S9ieven in the remote parts of Africa boy WJ us of Toronto svivw boxing tAAutfj a rings 44150 and aiiu Baseball Schedule Will Be Revised Intermediate Leaeue Being Frozen Oif Acropolis Hill Because of Senior Activities Owing to the Senior League football game being on, the scheduled Intermediate League baseball game could not be played last night. A Merchants line-up for Thursday meeting of the Prince Rupert Base-1 night's senior football game Is art- ball Association executive to called ' nounced as follows: for tonight when the whole Inter- Menzlet; Douglas and Hardy; O. mediate League situation will be The regular C. N. R. A. softbn'l Mitchell, J. McKay and Geo. Hill; gone Into. It is likely that the sche-. game between Station and Dry. L, Amor, H. Dickens, A. Dickens, dule will be re-arranged as there Is Dock, scheduled for last night, was Fong and-OUker; reserves, D. Friz- already more than one game post- postponed on account of rain and zell, P. Vaccher and W. Bacon. ponrd. wet grounds'. The Choice of Thousands of Particular Pjpq Smokers OGDEN'S CUT PLUG JJyou"roll ydur evn," use Ogden'sfim cut d tare tie tobacco. THF DAILY NEWS News of The Sport World DRAW GAME OF SOCCER Canadian Leflon and Home Oil Played to One Ail Score In City Lraeue Fixture Youngsters Do Well Cold and Wet Weather Did Not .Mike For Good Attendance-Clean, Fast Game c t w s - m i.wa. . si.- Ifrom 5rhnn Mnrrat omt ntithf1 lis was discovered a short time ago gv y wsnww . u Ir" ' T r" , M itftA stiamnt T MmahW lint X&U OUt DUt IClt ail emDlV 2011 Edwd- O. -Cook, brother of lhu Ume(a3 a bantamweight. With- lat "hkh Parks had no hesitation Myrtle A. Cook, a former Olympic n two weeks, the baby-eyed little successfully shooting. Pet, i champion and now of the sports frenchman, once one of the great- .727 staff of the Montreal Star. In a na- est fighters In the world, will meet .019 ttve mud and straw hut at Tula an opponent in a Toronto ring. The 545 Wange. Northern Nigeria, he found story oX Frenehy's decline as a 3S8 tacked to the wall a newspaper fighter has many parallels. Beian- .435 clipping along with the picture of ger fought many a good fight, but .421 P8ty Mathieson of Toronto to the bright lighU eventually got him. .36a whom Miss Cook bad acted ar Finally, Frenchy decided it wasn't j33 . jach. The article, which bore thr worth the "rap " He disappeared ; aption "Peggy Mathieson filling from his usual haunts and headed l Myrtle Cook's Shoes." was written north. In the land where the wind ! by Miss Cook Just before she left whistles through the pines, he toll- 'wvuiu vw Hiu up uci UUMM ill CVI Ull,llUi. I VI SU 1I1UI1LU3 lie dau Montreal. Mr. Cook who to a mis- chopped wood, helped build roads atonary with the Sudan Interior and labored hard. Now a little heav- ' Missions explained In a letter home ler. but this time with muscle, hlf that he and another man were the face burned to bronae with the sun only two white people among some and snow and wind. Frenchy is back 80,000 natives in that vicinity and in Toronto. He haunts a gymnasium be could not discover how the news- day after day. and works. It is ser- paper clipping came to be a treas- tous business now with Frenchy, for ured possession In the little hut. the comeback trail is a Ion; one. SOFTBALL May 13 RCN.V-R. vs. Station. May 17 Roundhouse vs. Dry Dock. May 20 Station vs. Roundhoure Hay 24 R.C.N.V R. vs. Dry Dock. May 27 Dry Dock vs. station, vlay 31 Roundhouse vs. R.CN.VJ1 June 3 R.CN.VJl. vs. Station. June 7 Dry Dock vs. Roundhous June Hi station vs. Roundhouse. June 14 Dry Dock vs. R.C.N.V.R SOFinALL POSTPONED Five minute after play resumed for the second half, Canadian Le gion equalised through Parks. Johnson Smith, Home Oil goalie. advanced from goal to save a shot Both goalies gave good service and. while they were not tested on numerous occasions, eaeh made several difficult saves. Gomez played a good game at full-back for' Canadian Legion while Sam Cur-rie, at centre half, worked hard and proved a steadying Influence fpr the rest of the team. Johnny Murray was the pick of the forward line. For Home Oil, Webster, the cap tain, played a hard game and. like Currle for the Legion, proved a Steadying influence for the side. The younger players, of which the Uome Oil team to largely comprised. .re deserving of special mention. For a number of these it was the first appearance In senior company and they acquitted themselves with credit, promising to show much improvement as the season advances. 1 Both teams were late In appear- I lng on the grounds and, as a conse- j quence only 35 minutes could be played instead of forty-five. Team ' 1 mansgements would do well to see that their players turn out on time and thus prevent Impatience on the part of the fans and permit of the ', full game being played. J. A Johnstone again gave satis- i factory service as referee last night.' the teams were as follows. Canadian Legion Splro Ourvich; O. Ferguson and Gomez; Jimmy Ofeer s. Currle and Jack Mowatt; Tony Bussanlch. J. K. Murray, C Baptie B, Hestad and H. Parkes. i Home OU Smith; P. Murray, B Murray;. Davis, Webster. Howe; Palmer. Currle. Gomez, Nakamoto 1 Fisher. The evening was wet and cold and. a could be expected, there! was only a fair-sized crowd of fans. The Mobley Cup (city champion- jshlpi standing to date Is as follows: w. u. r. a. p. RtBlnr nt , 1 0 0 10 2 4- The followliM 1 the aenl of charge! made for resting notices'. M.irrTase nd Engagement announcement $2. BlrlH Notices 50c. t Funeral Notices $1. Cardi df Thanks. Funeral Flowers nam, 10c . Per t. t GYMNASIUM REVIVED t Be Repeated The Gyro Club, at Its regular monthly business luncheon yesterday, decided to call a conference in the near future of those organizations in the eity which have funds In trust toward the establishment of a public gymnasium here with a view to discussing the possibility ol some disposition being made o these funds this year. It was suggested that it might bo-possible Ic proceed with some recreational Is cUity in the city, even if it should be along smarter lines than at first nknnpd Th fueline was einrasaed : In the second game of the Senior tnat WM Hulf objMt in teav-Leagoe footbaii mm last night. wle at such ing lhw fvnds a Uie CHnadian Legion played to a one- : all dnjw Ii was a good, clean mstefe and ws fast -nd Interesting at all -uges. Young players on both ::aac showed prowUc and, al though la:king soovowhat in com bi nation and experience at the prr-in ti-ri a few games wtll un doubtedly do mush towards round lng them into good form. Fifteen minutes on in the first half. Woodside, for Home OH handled the ball In the penalty area and Johnny Murray took the kick. Johnson Smith saved. Imme. diately after, Murray followed in again and once more Smith saved. Home Oil then took the ball up to the other end. While Johnny Cur-tie had the ball In play for Home Oil, Gomez. Canadian Legion full back, deflected It Into his own goal. Spiro Ourvich. Legion goalie, was able to, touch the ball but could not hold It and the sphere rolled In for a Home Oil goal There was no further scoring In the first half which ended one to nU for Home OU. "fig- .CO, j as this when there was real neej along the lines. The club decided to accept an offer of the Prince Rupert Sin per to . .1 ! . . !.. ...... SSSB jl 'AVE A second coi the first will H. N. Brur,: i ienib?r l. .n; was u . repeui wirir rum ri i icvcmij ni.iRcw in the Capitot Theatre at First WilHam United Church and May 30 wa set ! club as the date for the repeat concert- there wa i It Is hoped that, by means of the member REAL "'Ere, Bill, 'avearcal puff!" "Wot d'ye mean, a real puff?" "Why, blimey, Bill, a Buckingham -a blooming sun-treated Buckingham. 7tt,00090O0 more ISiiekiiigliams ' T Noltl every year 325,000 more Packages Noltl every ninnfli Smoke Buckinaha vrrtge iocrrud ttr of l!urUahm Cljirtttp during the it five ycara. HE 9 ine U ram riTn ant tA il - . and oinw KEEP NNES BRANDY HANDY BOTTLED IN COGNAC. FRANCE Mild ndyertnt tiuuiit ih nti duiiHkO ''-" ii,, f UrttUK Coin.!,.,, (1-t.ii l Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.