1 yliih its Monitor Top H EftE U an rlrrtrif refrigerator with aa exp?me f fee record unparalleled in tne indnitr? and the proof of General Electric! tfonomr ' found in the 4-Year Serrie Tlan which guard you again! all eipente on the Monitor Top meeJianim for 4 years. fjcx Northern British Columbia Power Company, Limited THE ANNUAL' MHH PRODUCT OF CAHAD LMlli KESTLfiS CONDENSED EVAPORATED (Tall an 4 Bahr Siu) Sweetened Condensed Milk has the Blue Label Unsweetened Evaporated Milk has the White Label 1W a mgn Mi In Aid of Our Missionary and Home Work ' We Depend Upon You When Called on Please Give Liberally to the Service that Succeeds estle's-World's Largest Producers and Sellers of Condensed and Evaporated Milk CREAM in Every Drop. Nestles sweetened f condensed milk deliriously sweetens and creams tea, coffee and cocoa. The evaporated is unsweetened and adds a uniform richness to all milk dishes" noi requiring sugar. in Daily Hews Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns ft TIMES HARD PICTURE 1 OF iwniiFRPr: CHINATOWN j QUEBEC, May 10 The stern.' Silent but usually contented fisher-! ( men who live fur the most part in j picturesque old houses on the Gaspe coast have been hard hit by the; current economic depression. ae- cording to a recent statement by F.I M. Gibaut, Q'je-x-c provincial su-i peiintcndent cf fisheries. The menj who fish in summer and "lumber" j in the winter arc in Increasing j 'numbers tontine to the government for sid, the statement said, j The value of the Quebec fisheries : his been, steadily declining; since j 1938. Mr. (Hbault pointed out. while jthe same industry in the provinces of British Columbia and New Brunswick ha- .shown a "tremendous' increase The value of Quebec fisheries in 1930 was Stsnjm as cm pared with $2,933,331 in 1939. i "A few facts will dissipate the per- haps general impression that the ! industry could or should have in-ici eased proportionately to that of jBriush Columbia and New Brunswick." the statement declared. I Pointing to the "increasing and important value" of salmon and halibut fisheries in the western I province. Mr. Oibaut writes, "we tiavc neither salmon nor halibut I at least to any commercial extent i in Quebec and that is all there is to jit." Lobsters were one of the most Important Items on the New Brans-wick fish bill and while "we have some lobsters in Quebec the catch is small and steadily falling.'' the superintendent says. The salmon catch -another important source of revenue for New Brunswick fishermen had been overworked in Quebec, the superintendent felt, while smelts, sardines and oysters were not obtainable from Quebec waters. The fact that fishermen are more and more fuming to farming and lumbering was largely responsible for the situation. "We must also be ir in mind." Mr. Oibaut says, that of all callings that of fisherman is perhkps the hardest. No one who can s4n the same amount of money e be Where will choose fish-in; to gain a living. Also we must not lose siglit of the fact that the fishing season in the province of Quebec lasts' only five months at the outside.'' However, the sta.e-ment says, the expenditure of mere than nine million dollars on railways and highways in the fishing sections of the province are responsible for "the greatly Improved living conditions of fishermen today when comparei to those of 30 years ago." District News STEWART A coroner's Jury, which Investi gated the death of Robert Law, well known district prospector, whose body was found recently under a tree three-quarters of a mile from the Salmon Gold cabin, returned a verdict on Thursday of last week that deceased came to his death between Summit Lake and Tide Lake within ten to fifteen days after he left his cabin at Bowser Lake on February 19 last, death being caused by exposure and exhaustion while attempting to make a Journey from Bowser Lake to Stewart. The funeral was held on Friday afternoon under the auspices of the Canadian Legion with Rev. Father E. M. Leray o M. I. officiating. II . . . i ounnie Hansen returned to Stewart last Thursday from Seattle where she had flown the week-end previous from Stewart in a Ketchi kan airplane. She thoroughly en-! Joyed the trip by air, even If wea-, ther conditions might not have been all that could be desired. ; The following officers of the local Moose Lodge were installed last Thursday evenfng"lpaat dictator, H B. CampbAird!cffltef.'l & Hsd-don: vlc-dictator. D. J. McLean: prelate. H R. Crow: secretary, P. S. Jack: treasurer. W. Stewart; trustee. R. Young: sergeant-at-arms. D. Esselmont: inner guard. O. Erlck-, son; outer guard. O, O, Hutchings. ' Canada enjoy unique leadership In the world's largest National The Katthet Man mid-week feature on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here, is a picture of ton warfare in San Francisco's famous Chinatown. Edward O. Robinson, who will be remembered as the hard-boiled city editor In. "Five Star Final." goes Oriental In this picture and gives a very interesting characterization of a Chinaman who is a paid slayer of the underworld gang, a position which, by the way. Is hereditary. Loretta Young plays the part of a young Chinese girl and her makeup is remarkably good. Dudley Dlg-ges, who began his career with the famous Abbey Theatre of London and later became the leading char-- -ter actor of the New York Theatre Guild Company. Is also a prominent member of the cast. The film Is unique in many ways and makes good melodrama. Several of the scenes are rather gruesome but tensely exciting. For the weekly revival feature tonight George Artlss' fine comedy The Millionaire" Is being offered in addition to the regular program Including "The Hatchet Man." MOUNT BADKN-POWELL One of the many unique honors conferred upon Lord Baden-Powell vn the naming after him by the "nlted States Geographical Board if a mountain in Washington, and toe Board's statement: "We are more than pleased to name this American mountain m honor of Lord Baden-PowtlL who. because of his splendid achievements in erring to the worta ,a movement for the youth of all land, ma', well be considered a world citlsen." Mr. and Mrs. Barney Colbachlm of. Terrace arrived In the city from he Interior on yesteray's train for a brief visit to town. AFTER. EVERY MEAL J1 tACH SITE A DIUCHT AND ItST OF AIL TMI COST 19 SMALL or cujq WRIGLEYS TRADE IN YOUR OLD WATCH FOR A NEW ONE This Is "Trade-In Watch Week." Bring In that old watch you have been carrying so long and we will aeeept it In part payment for a new one. Fashions change in watches, just like everything ehe. Select a modern one we have hundreds for you to choose from. Prices arc moderate ranging from as low as $10 to $75 1) at "rr v s l (Pi V, & ciEWELLEflS J&TME STORE WITH ThE THE CIO' CLOCIS flTaniIlIKlJWllU n PAGE BIX THE DAILT NTTTS Wednesday May u , 1222 MADE IN CANADA ill Large Number of Fishermen pealing to Government ' For Aid ' Ap- Tons Warfare in San Francisco Featured in The Hatchet Man" At Capitol Theatre I ii tuiivauav v iti.Gj. I rwo SHOWS - 1 al. ADMISSION - 15cy THURSDAY MATINEE,! !J Feature Starts 3 li-is..? --ti . . The Man of a ijiousand Characters Edward G. Robinson "THE HATCHET MAN" With Loretta Younir. Dudlev Dhw ... nn'vo Respected merchant to his wife and friends secretly the hi executioner of a powerful ton; Comedy "CAMPING OUT" "SCREEN SOUVENIRS n bcrcen jsong -atr.i Jt.i.ii lu- rfJX NEWS REVIVAL Wednesday Night Only at 10-10 GEORGE AKL1SS in "The Millionaire" i Friday & Saturday ''SUICIDE FLEET" - n t S. " S Xi a 1 & v A k . t & s ? Uhit jL & i. i'J mm mmtHM w arnmi IVEN a state of war docs not aflcct the appetite of the Chinese for their favorite cheese. Read this translation of the Chinese letter reproduced above. Muck U, Mil. tM ITms. Ottawa. Cmmmmt Iw rriuvtl Oarlata I vtrltk JUalltttM ywlllm la Skaaibal I ail JaU aUAattltf la f4tlaf rular klaMBMt ( ChaUaa C-aaaa. wbtrk la la awaalaal a1ataa4 by aav awalaaaaaa. I laiafra app-al layamm alal frtaaal la rail araally al Ika Ckalaaa Cann Caaapaat. (Mtaa, aaal uaa faar Itaat aatalaaaaam ta kaaalltaal traaa Ibalr abla-aMala liraub, irila a taw ta (IHaa aaa aa vtwpt alailrarT aa fjaaatbla, aUMat lb clraaaaataaaaa. Taun ary traly, UViK Kwaaf. Saf Wlaf This Is Just another proof of the orld-widc ioptiIarity of Oiatrau The Aristocrat of the Cheese Family. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famm "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily Uy Canadian Fish & Cold Siorage Co., Hi PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. COAL! COAL! Satisfaction guaranteed with our Famous Edson Alberta & Bulkley Valley coal; No. 1 Bulkley Valley Timothy Hay. Wheat, Oats it Barley, Traits Baby chick Food, Seeds Si Fertilizer. Prince Rupert Feed Co lilt rv?. a M - HU.lft 05 AS 558 TELEPHONE 6S1 VALENTIN DAIKV FOR GiirrvA IlltAND Creamery Batter &l Cottage t-n4' fresh rASTErnwnn inl a k II A 111 I AND CKE:l Throuhol Early Delivery the City you want anything, try a classified ad.