Erlday. January, 15, 1932 THK DAILT-1JTW8 PAGE THREB Sleep soundly tonight JJ4 Jrtnfc OVfi LTI N E" Week-End Candy Special Assorted Sugared Fruit Jellies 20c per lb. Ormes Ltd. yfjfi Pioneer Druqjjists THE HEX ALL STORE Phones 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fullon St. WHITE FLAME Furnace Oil Burners A Product of B.C. Why Shouldn't a Housewife Have Comfort? Drudgery and Work Eliminated NO WOOD TO CUT NO COAL TO SHOVEL NO ASHES TO MOVE Less Curtain Washing and Steady Heat Most Convenient Heat of Modern Times Tax Burner is the only one of its type on the market tnd is of special . scientific stead ot simply Durnmg noi ou. Price; $85.00 to $90.00 Installed Let us give you a practical demonstration Ward Electric & Agents f .ilb i who has been em- Hi . tin the staff of the ... B. u L i ,--:r sailed Last nliht on P n o Rupert for his home bi lmmmmmmm MUSSALLEM'S , Sanitary MEAT MARKET Saturday Specials 'i'in Roast;, of Beef OQo p r lb '"Bum- Roasts of Uetjf . OQ pn lb. . "' Strnk - ' OC t""'u pc i lb. AOk, V Rousts of Pork -tQn pn lb. XUs il' utdnr Roahts of Pork 4 An P'.i lb. XII Wn Roasts of Pork ,20c ,fuk-Chops - ICo Presbyterian Burns Banquet Jan- 2 lbs. ,,?,,.l9!..,)l'rokry 25, '. 3 Ibf, OoC I'louldcr Roasts of VmU 15c per lb. fi Roasts of Veal 25c Of lb. V d 8tew 25c " lbs f"tli Avenue Phones 18 and 81 A- TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE design, gassifying 0il in- 1 A M Marine Supply Co. Cow Bay NOTICE The following street will be closed to through traffic: Second Avenue in Section 2. 8lsth Avenue West from Tat-low Street to McBrlde Street. Sixth Avenue Bast from Ambrose Avenue to Ambrose Avenue. Fourth Avenue East from McBrlde Street to Hays Cove Circle. Borden Street Bast from McBrlde Street to Hays Cove Circle. Borden Street from T. McCly-mont's House to Third Avenue. By Order, CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT Announcements Prince Rupert Badminton Clu'j Dance, I.O.D.E. Hall, January 15. Moose Whist and Bridge Jan. 16 Eagles' 8ocial Dance, Friday, Jan 23. Gentlemen 50c. Ladies refreshments. Dancing 9:30 to 1:30. Eagles Bigger and Better Smoke: January 28. Admission $1:00. CNJt. annual dance will b held In Moose Hall Friday, February 5, 1032. Moose Valentine Dance, Feb. 12. Catholic Women League Spring snie April 7. Local Items Basketball, Auditorium, tonight. '. mtm$myt$. rEt Walkqrtrcf, Dlgby IsUnd are'ln town.' Wesley 8. Singer of Massett sail ed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Col. and Mrs. C. P. Hill were paf-senjers aboard, the Iphnce Rupert last evening Doundi.irOm Anyox to Vancouver. Alberta Sootless Egf, $11.00; Uulklcy Valley, Lump, $12.50; Nanaimo-Wellington Lump, $13.-50. Phone 116 or 117 Albert & McCaffcry. R. McLean sailed last night on the' Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will appear before the Pensions Board. T. D Pattullo, M.L.A. for Princ Rupert and leader of the Liberal Opposition "for the province of Bri tish Columbia, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on his return to Victoria after having spent several dnys on a visit to his constituency. At 9:15 last night the fire de partment had a call to the home of W. E. Williscroft, Sixth Avenue and Thompson Street, where th" woodshed had caught fire. Was: was Ignited by matches used by children while getting coal. Tc blaze was put out by use of chem ical and damage did not amount to very much. Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2 p.m From the East-Saturday, Tuesday and Thurs day 10:40 am. For Vancouver .....12:30 npon p.m Friday , ,.. .11 p.m. Jan. 17 .. p.m. Jan. 31 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday p.m. Wednesday 10:30 ajn. Friday , . pjn. For Stewart and Anyox. Sunday ..... 8 pjn. Wednesday 3 p.m. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Thursday 8 pjn For Queen Charlottes Jan. 9 9 p.m. Jan. 23 9 p.m. From Quern Charlottes-Jan. 17 : tun. Jan. 21 a.m.j jan. it p.m. Jan. 27 p.m. For Naas Itiver and Port Simpson- Sunday 8 pjn. Famous Vegetable Pills Make Short Work of Indigestion "After the first dose I was, nude aware of their very real tonic value," write Miss M. 'M vas troubled with Indigestion and Sick Headaches." Ilecau! they are I'tJRELY VEGETABLE,! cent le. effect i ve ton ic to bot h liver ami boweU, Dr. Carter' Little Liver ItlU are without filial for correcting Const ipai ion, Aridity, Biliousness, Headac he, and Poor Complexion. 25c. and 75c. red packages. Sold everywhere. Always uk lor them BY NAME. Card of Thanks To the Electors: . , . , I wish, to thank nil those who supported me so well In yesterday's election. L. W. Waiitfh. , -t ,nr 1 T-l a- Typewriters FOR KENT Call or Phone G I iIcUAK HUOS., LTD. And Now He's His Mother 's Pride and Joy "CIIE'LL never raise hiTi!" whij. 3 rered the nghhor behind their - and indeed it looied like it.;.-fishv.Jioiwsw tiny mite mil Ji'io't thrive on his bottle. Then hi Mother tried Eagle lirsnd, nj to everyone's astonishment Ushy Jioi reaied fretting and begin to gain steadily. Grandfather now lays claim to his disposition but his mother smiles quietly and reniemliers F-jg!i! Brand. Eagle Brand has reared countless thotjnds of itif-iiut to maturity overaperiolcf74)ears. Expert- ence ha s proved that it is a reliable, safe and an entirely satisfactory food here the mother is unable to nurse her own baby. Write for Baby Welfare and Record Book. TV HoriCT Co .Limited 115 George St. Toronto, Ont. IfENli.rMfM. PltaM trnd maa 1'RMJ ..,pv ,,(j,mt B.l.v . Or. ,d B...,kaod Baby WeUara Book. Am Note our coat ad for discount prices. Hyde Transfer. P'-nne 580. (tf) O. T. Sundal of Terrace is pay ing a brief business visit to towr. having arrived from the interior on yesterday's train. Merely routine matters were dealt with at the regular weekl? luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club in the Commodore Caff yeaterday Pses.danr'Gi Hi Munro 44b tiTe6ffirSi -Jf J. J. Littles general manager of the Northern B. C Power Co., who visited Anyox with the local Masonic party this week, disembarks 1 from the steamer Prince Rupert at Stewart yesterday and will be there for the next few days ou company business He is expected to return to the -iry on the Catala next Tuesday morning GOLDS IN HEAD THROAT or CHEST Rtlloxl by ItvbMnf In Zam-Bvk. FAMILY MEAT MARKET 95! PHONE and SQUARE DEAL MARKET : 938 HONE SATURDAY SPECIALS VEAL veai- si.oo Tiif Vcal si.oo Shoulder of Veal $1 00 1JULKLEY VALLEY liABY BEEF T-Bone Roa $1,00 r: $1.00 Rump Roast Q-i fin 5 lh.! ViVW Shoulder Roast-"iibf.?.!!)... $1.00 PORK iLolnblPork- jjjQ Leg of Pork $1.00 5 lbs Shoulder of Pork -I $1.00 7 lbs. U give 1 lb. Swirt's Sliced Hark Itacon Free with each order Economize In fuel; order Coal. With prisoners In his custody, Provincial Constable L. A. N. Pot-terton of Stewart, who arrived ear ller in the week from the north, sailed last night on the, Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ileilbroner's store. Mrs. W. W. Wood, who has been visiting here for several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Dibb, left on this afternoon's train on her return to New York. Mr. and Mrs. F. Saul and Mrs. A. Anderson and family of Burm Lake arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday's train and sailed last night on the ss. Prince Rupert for Vancouver. G. A. Share and L. Richardson, who have been here in connection with the affairs of the B. C. Clothiers In whose store a fire recently occurred, sailed last night by the Prince Rupert on their return to Vancouver. Robrt Smyth of the Northwes' Telephone Co., who has been here for some time in connection with the installation of the new local radiophone service, sailed by th? Prince Rupert last night on his re turn to Vancouver. II. F. Noel of Smithers and T T Thorpe of Telkwa, who accorr pan led the Masonic party Iron here to Anyox this week, disem barked here from the steamer Prince Rupert last evening and proceeded by train this afternoon to their homes In the interior. Card of Thanks I wish to thank all those who so generously supported me at yesterday's polls. James Black. Card of Thanks I heartily thank the Electors for the generous manner you supported me at the election. A. Brooksbank, School Trustee Card of Thanks To the Electors: I wish to tender my sincere thanks and appreciation to those of my many friends who worked for and so generously supported me at yesterday's election. Allan M. Davics. CARD OF THANKS To the Municipal Electors, Ladles and Gentlemen: Kindly accept my sincere gratitude for the vote of confidence in yesterday's election. To the best of my ability I shall try to merit the confidence reposed in me. George IL Casey. Card of Thanks To the Electors of Prince Rupert I wish to tender my thanks for electing me by acclamation as School Trustee in the elections. Dudley C. Schubert. Card of Thanks To the Electors: I wish to take this opportunity of thanking the people of Prince Rupert for the excellent support accorded me in yesterday's election. George W. Ruddcrham Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 15, 1912 council last night passed a vote of appreciation of the work done during the past year by Mayor William Manson. Mayor-Elect S. M. Newton and members of the new city council are being sworn in today. Construction of Prince Rupert's huge dry dock will commence this spring. The first work to be un dertaken will be the construction of a 520-foot pier, it is revealed by Engineer W. T. Donnelly. Capt. W. J. Thomas has just com-; plcted the fitting out of his new power vessel Alice B. which will be used as a charter pleasure boat.! The vessel, which was brought In-! complete from Vancouver, is 31 feet long and Is equipped' with a 12 h p. heavy duty Buffalo engine. C. N. K. TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 3 pjn. From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:40 ajn. The normal spawning lite of a rainbow trout is about six years. nd in that time an average f about 10.000 eggs are spawned. bkj iibuk s UA.MA.Kim.zMimiaius a BARGAINS in Quality Foods Flour Good quality $1.20 per 49-lb. sack 24-lb. sack 62c Malkin's Best Tea 40c per lb. pkg Oranges Sunkist Navels, Sweet Si Jutey, nice size Q Q Old Dutch Cleanser 21c 2 tins Aoyal Crown Soap 9 At 6-bar carton, each aMU Johnson's Floor Wax fiQf "571 1-lb. tins, paste, per tin Hawaiian Pineapple, Libby's Offn sliced. No. 2 tins, per tin "" Campbell's Tomato Soup-- Offn tin. uOk, Upriver Turnips 25c! 10 lbs B.C. Hcney Malkin's Best O p rur 4.1h tin Ua5i Matches 29c per pkg. of 3 boxes Walnuts-California Dla- OEp mond, per lb Mixed Nuts No. 1 quality -j Qp XUl per lb. Apple & Plum Jam Real Q4p Oil value, per 4-lb. tin Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 1 THE BEST FOR LESS j WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL IfyoUKJntto fVYeyoUTeWSe. &uy Mecca tAatS1lSjeS hot - -.fei ,4r-v88 WW Miss Campbell' Recipe lor Cup Cakes J cup butter 2 cups ptry flour t cup sugar (or H. cups 2 cast bread flour) H tcupoon vanilla 3 teaipoona Ma(!e extract Bakinc Powder U tct.poon salt 1 cup milk Cream butter thoroughly; add sugar little at a time, beating weU. Add yolks of eggs and vanilla; beat well. Sift flour with baking powder and salt, and add, alternately with milk, to first mixture. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in greased cup cake tins, or in paper baking cup, la moderate oven at 375 F. about IS minutes. Serve warm bora the oven, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Or cool, and frost the tops. You will find many delicious frosting recipes ia the M.&ic Cook Book. Gup Cakes are delicious when made with Magic Baking Powder," says Miss Helen Campbell, Director of The Chatelaine Institute "-( ood baking-goes hand Iri VJ hand with good materials Miss Campbell will tell you. That's why Magic Baking Powder is used and recommended by The Chatelaine Institute. Magic meets all the Institute's rigid requirements of fine quality repeated tests have proved it absolutely pure, uniform and dependable The majority of dietitians and teachers of cookery throughout Canada plan their recipes for Magic. They use it txclusivtly because they know it gives con-, sistently better results. And 3 out of 4 Canadian housewives say Magic is their favorite. It outsells; all other baking powders combined, Remember substitutes are never as good. Do a the experts do. Use Magic Baking Powder. Free Cook Book When you ble at home, the new Magic Cook Book will give you dozens of recipes for delicious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Avenue and Liberty Street, Toronto, Ontario., thatetaiseLutituie I Wm 'Ml -Csatala. ao turn.' Tnla atatemaat ?ary tin la aur guar-aatta that Mails Daklag roadat hrfreo from alum or aay harmful Utndloaw which ,jvcs thc erratcsl i,rat for u,e money expended, bc- Kevin that a satisfied cus- tomcr Is the greatest assrt a merchant can lave. Phone us for a trial order and Join the ramuy or contenieii noutthoiu-ers who arc usin; the but fuel in town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 6 18 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITEU Steamers lure- Prince Kupert for Vsnromrr: T.X.h. OATALA EVERY Tl'ESDAV, 1.S0 P.M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.H.S. CAKDENA EVEKY FRIDAY MtttMGIIT ArrUlng Vancouver Sunday midnight approx. Weekly tailings to Port Simpson, Allca Aran, Anyox. SUwan and Naas River points. Sunday, 9 p.m. rurther information rfgardlng alt aaUlngs and tickets at PRlNCr Ki ri RT AdKNCV: Mre ond Avrnar. I'lion 54 (Jet the habit of reading thc advertisements in this paper, and taking advantage of thc help they bring you. m lsB'' 1 a I. ' f i sr -i k St" n miiiiH :- mm aaaaHaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKL'sllli