Today's Weather prince Rupert Clear, light northwest wind; barometer, 30.18; temperature, 68; sea smooth. VoJ, XXIII., N .0136. RITAIN STOLE BEEF FROM CAMP Two Decker Lake Men Fined For Stealing H0 rounds of Meat From tlcllct Premise Two men. John BlobUd and Charles Ludwigseon, 'hare been fined $20 and cost eaeh. with option of one months" Imprisonment, by Stipendiary Magistrate It. W. MacOowan at Burns Lake on rharsM nf theft of 140 DOUndf of beef from the unemployment relief camp at Decker Lake, me iwo men pleaded guilty to the charges following an investigation by th6 provincial police which resulted in the beef in question being found on the premises of Sjoblad cut in pieces and hidden. The fines were paid. City Engineer Storm Centre Breath netween New Mayor of Seattle and members of Council Widens SEATTLE, June 10: The breach between Mayor John F. Dore and members of the city council was widened yesterday in the dispute as to the fitness or Commissioner vou Evans as city engineer. John J. 8ulllvan. attorney for Evans, declared that an attempt was being made to discredit his client for political reasons NEW HEAD OFLODGE Frank Clark f Prince George Is Grand Master of Oddfellows Lodge For Year NEW WESTMINSTER, June 10: -Frank Clark, locomotive foreman for tho Canadian National Railway at Prince George, was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge. Independent Order of Oddfellow, here yesterday. Next years sessions will be held at Kelowna. Dead Tree Point-Clear, calm; barometer. 30.10; temperature 60; sea smooth. . . Triple Island-Clear, light westerly wind. sf smooth PARLEY FUTILE No Agreement Reached Between Britain and huh Free State, It Is Announced LONDON, June 10: Official announcement made at No. 10 Downlnr Street this evening laid" that there had been no agreement at the conference between representatives of the government of Great Britain and President Eamonn de Valera and three members of his cabinet on the oath of allegiance dispute and trade relations. Workless Veterans Demanding Action J Father Cox Has Audience Willi I President Herbert Hoover and Tells of Followers' Needs WASHINGTON. D.C.. June 10- Father James A. Cox. leading A delegation of unemployed war veterans, had an audience with Pres- tAt urhrt Hoover yesieroay and demanded immediate payment of soldiers bonuse as wen a bu tton on the proposed prosperivy loan. Seattle Getting Warmer Weather Thermomeler Goes Up io Seventy-Nine For New High Mark So Far This Summer B BATTLE, June 10-Sattle hau It warmest day so far this year yesterday when the thermometer ascended to 79 above, three degrees i higher than on May 38 when the previous high temperature of the year was recorded Stole Doors and Windows; Jailed Christian Arthur Sorensen Draws Fourteen Days Sentence from Smlthers Magistrate Arthur Sorensen of ismi""" Knockholt has been sentenced to 14 days' Imprisonment wim uum labor by Stipendiary Magistrate R. L. Gale of Smlthers on a charge of r fnnr windows and threo doors from a house at Knockholt whleh Is the property of me provincial government Does 1 look UK- .v .; :.v .'" ' idta lui aero.:....p.- a iIpvup ui W.:U bt:r Tuoma:- n wili enable j. plane to Gold Treasure Taken From Sunken Ship After Years' , Struggle " For $5,000,000 BREST, France, June 10: The first fruits of two years of struggling to wrest a fortune of $5,000,000 from the bottom of the sea were reaped when divers from the Italian salvage ship Artiglio II rose above the surface today with $45,000 from the hold of the sunken steamer Egypt. The gold, in bullion form, represents the fruits of a quest which has cost 15 lives and two strong ships. The Egypt was rammed and sunk off the French coast by a cargo stoamor in 1922. Divers broke through into the gold room last November but winter weather provented them from bringing any of the treasure out until now. Constable Harold Raybone Gives Evidence in Liquor Theft Cases; Found Scotch Whisky at Kinahan mi. 1 :.. ., .... t.!lo nf Alfwirl Sivnuann nml TInnsUo WOTS NOUTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1932 L j ol New rise straight up- Jersey got say- he. Placer Find Reported Likely Big Nuggets Obtained the CARIBOO EXCITED New in WILLIAMS LAKE, June 10: The Likely district of the Cariboo country is in a state of excitement over a placer gold deposit on Pine Creek on Kaithley Road found by Bill Hamilton, a prospector. It is reported that the .placer gravel contains coarse gold in good sized nuggets. PIONEER IS DEAD iiii uiuu i y onni,0,Khmidt had been in UMieAlth for weather jjoruuisi, wno arc eiuuytu wim uku uuiu jw sj.o . V V , , 1 1 1 1 C .. rf limmr nt or noar Wales Islnnd. the property of persons unknown, and of Emil Bostrum, Charles Edwards and Weii known figure in this province .TilPfc Miilhem. charged with theft of 150 sacks of liquor, (and the Yukon for the nlt 43 years. " . . , ... . i 1 also from persons unknown, at or near Kinahan island, finally got under way In provincial" police court ttWr -morning before iwosecution whleh exotained that Stipendiary Magistrate II. F. Mc-Leod following a series of . adjourn ments. The first and oiily witness heard today was Constable Harold Raybone of the provincial police motor launch P. M. L. 8 who tes ti ne (Raybone) wm leaving the city soon. W. o. Fulton, counsel for Hans Berqulst, In the absence of L. W. Patmore, agreed to the constable's evidence being heard. T. W. Brown, counsel for the four other defen fled as to finding six full botUes of danU, was ateo agreeable to pro- unsealea scotcn wniMty, sre oroiwn bottles of the same kind and attack In the water In the course of making a search 'at Kinahdh Island on May 30. After the evidence of Con-it-ihle Ravbone had been heard. j further adjournments of eight days iwere gcinted In the trials at the i request pf Staff Sergeant Alex Mc-'NelU, provincial police, who is oon-! ducting the prosecution, i Constable Raybone's evidence I was taken at the request of the ceedlng. or Constable Raybone testified that was born in Kent, Eng. the tlx full bottles,. the six broken; 3c. bottles and th&eaek were found aUt 'Frisco, low tide on the west side of east(3c. Kinahan Island near a bar between the two Kinahan Islands. The bot tles had no government seals. The bottles and the sack were found at depths of from one to' four feet in the water at low tide about thirty forty feet from a fox house; (Continued on page four.) Halibut Landings Relief. Storage. Summary American tl. 000 pounds, 6.7c and 3c and 7.5c and 3c. j Canadian 16,000 pounds, 5.8c , and 2c. American Senator, " 27.000, Booth, 0.7c and Canadian 16.000. Atlin 9.8c and 3c. ALASKA WEATHER Ketchikan-Hlgh, 60; low, 48 Juneau High, 50; low, 46. gold and other minerals in the Oreat Bear Lake area but it will be a month - six weeks before ice con- j dltions will permit tne operation oi aircraft on Great Bear Lake and, for that reason, the trip to the coast is being made. The party decided to come west after being advised at Edmonton of ice conditions on' Great Bear Lake. Soon they will fly 'back -to Edmonton whence they will proceed north to their ultimate rti"st!nntinn where thev will xnend The five planes, sparing at great height, arrived here at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon irom Hazelton and left at 11 ajn. today for Juneau after refuelling and servicing. Instead of landing on the waterfront here as it was expected they would, all except one came down on Shawatlans Lake where they spent the night. Mr. Eastman explained that the ships were landed ! there because It was desirable to I tie them up in fresh waterand also I where there was no tide. Further more, none of the pilots were fa miliar with landing facilities here. Early this momlng fuel was taken out to the planes at Shawatlans Lake to fill their tanks for the flight to Juneau. Two Weeks From Detroit It was two weeks ago yesterday that the five planes left Detroit. They immediately crossed Into Canada at Windsor, Ont.. and have made several refuelling stops on " " (the flight across Canada. They Major Scharschmldt, Supervisor of perrt a day or so at Edmonton and Unemployment. Victim of ithen flew over the Rocky Moun- Heart Attack tains to Prince George where they i arrived Tuesday. On Wednesday Vancouver. June 10: Maior l.the" aerial fleet flew from Prince Percy F. Scharschmldt, aged 64, (George to Haselton with a two-provincial supervisor of unemploy-j hour stop at Burns Lake enroute. ment. died here this morning. 1 The flight from Hazelton to Prince ta hPltavKi to have been due Rupert, about 160 miles, took one heart attack. Maior .Schar- hour and forty-five minutes. Good conditions nave favored the oast week. ' tne expedition so tar ana mere I L - I 1 1-1 1 Major Scharschmldt, Who was a; nave oecn nu uihuwhiu uiciucni. Tne planes, an Eastman i lying (Continued on page three) Unable to Salvage Plane Which Fell Near Takla Lake VANCOUVER, Walker and F. Tomorrow's Tides :;. - Saturday, June 11, 1932 High 5:59 ajn. 17.0 ft. V 19:06. pjn. 17.8 It. Low.:. - 0:00 a jn. 83 ft. 12:29 pin. 5.1 ft. June 10: A. II. G. Altchlson have1 returned to Vancouver after an unsuccessful trip to Takla Lake tb 14,000, Pacific., 7.5c and salvage's Stlnson plane which was j crashed In that country last year I by Tom Corless of Prince George, and Cold While the men were unable to lo-jcate the plane which crashed in heavy timber, they gained a general Idea of the location and came to the conclusion that it would cost more to take the plane out than it is worth. PRICE: FIVE CENTS OULD CANCEL WAR DEBTS Wn PROCEEDS TO JUNEAU AFTER STOP HERE ... Vt. ' 1 I 1 l-lJ I II '. Forecast Is m by Daily Mail of Stand Planned at Lausanne France Said to Favor Foregoing German Payments If Britain Repudiates Those Due United States, According to Dispatches From Paris LONDON, June 10: The London Daily Mail, admitted to be the closest of the London daily newspapers to Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald since the formation of the national government, declared yesterday that Great Britain would demand cancellation of all war debts and reparations at the forthcoming Lausanne conference Dispatches from Parts stated that the French government was agree-iblc to cancelling German reparation payments if Great Britain would repudiate war debts due th) United States. May Make a Plane Rise Straight Up Five Planes Will Go To Great Bear Lake After Trip, to Coast Arrived Yesterday Afternoon and Landed on Shawatlans TLake Objects of Expedition Are Revealed By Leader of Party J. H. Eastman, head of an aerial prospecting expedition numbering five seaplanes, which arrived in Prince Rupert Thursday afternoon from Detroit, explained that the flight to the Pacific Coast wastmerely a side trip for the purpose of investigating a placer gold claim in Nor-theern British Columbia southeast of Juneau; The real object of the expedition, Mr. East-K man declared, is to prospect ior MINERS KILLED George Brown and John Dixon Lost Lives in Sullivan Workings at Kimberley Yesterday KIMBERLEY, June 10: Oeor'ge Brown and John Dixon, miners em- the-season. :J r , .l&oytd by the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. In Sullivan, mine here, were instantly kllletl yesterday while working' in a itefpe A fall of ore swept them into the shute and they were dead when reached. Mens Need For Clothes Told to Government Agent W. Mahoney and Charles Chapman, representing the local branch) af the National Unemployed Work ers' Association, had an interview yesterday with Government Agent Norman A. Watt when the pressing need of men in the relief camp at Cloyah Bay for clothes was presen ted. Mr. Watt promised that the matter would be taken up at once with the government unemployment committee. UnitedStates Senate Raises Officer Limit WASHINGTON, DC. June 10 The Senate yesterday approved a bill providing for 2.000 naval officers In addition to the 10.000 limit set by the House of VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, June 10: Wneat was quoted at 53 Vic on the local exchange this momlng. ADOLril HITLER IS FINED IN BERLIN; REFUSED TO ANSWER BERLIN. June 10: Adolph Hitler was' fined yesterday for refusing to answer a question as to whether he or his party received contributions from munitions factorle toward the election expenses in the recent campaign. '4,