PAGE TWO t i j Embarrassed By Pimplss on Face V---. O J. Benson, Seal Cove, N".B., wriiofc. -"I wm in a jay nervous, rundown condition and not able to do my own work. .My-fa m covered with piipl which wm Ttry annoying tad baiTassicK to me at timet, t After taking three bottles of Bur- dork Blood Hater I can do my own work, and the pimpU have entirely diaappeared. For ) .1 .11 drug nd fBral Hon; nacuf.etar.d, lor (to pot f 1 fun, olf ty Tka f. Uilaara d . I ;j T.ircntc 1 nt THE DAILY NEWS. pRlSCf. RCrEftT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published EviT A-'ternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ."Ally .''ews. Limited. Third Avenu' H. I. PULLSN - - - Managing-Editor SITHSCK1PTIOX KATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance. For leaser periods, paid In advance, per week ; : dailv edition $5.00 10c Tbarsday. F. 18. Ifttf SURMOUNTING DIFFICULTIES Slowly but surely Great Britain is surmotintirig her difficulties, if reports received from across the ocean are correct The spirit of confidence has been restored and from various parts of the world monied interests are securing sites there for factories which they plan to operate to provide the British people with the goods which, up to the present, they have been importing. Thus the last free market for the high tariff countries is being ctit off and in future all will operate more or less on an equality. It is with a situation like this developing that the Imperial Conference will be held next summer at Ottawa and numerous matters of interest to the British Commonwealth will then be discussed. It was in view of this meeting that the attempt of some British interests to import Russian timber in huge quantities was .headed off ana assurances given that much of the business wotifd come to Canada, PUBLICITY FOR CANADA Every time a question such as the timber supply is discussed in England a good deal of publicity is given to Canada and her ability to supply British markets. The whole country is receptive to news and views in regard to British Empire consolidation and this country stands to benefit from each move. Possibly a climax will be reached with the meeting at Ottawa in July. It seems likely that Premier Bennett will have definite iroposals to make to the conference just as he had at the at IniDe'al pWing in London. There is a suggestion eing made in Britain that an embargo be placed upon Russian imports when they conflict with business between various sections of the British Commonwealth. This it is pointed out "would be better than a duty as it would protect the Canadian worker from competition with the poorly paid Russian labor which would be unfair in anything like an open market. At present most of the lumber used in Britain comes from countries surrounding the Baltic but the tendency of the Buy-within-the-Empire movement will be to turn some at least of this business to Canada. The concentrated goodness of prime beef id in BOVRIL Awarded over 140 gold medals and diplomas The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK COD- Prepared llaily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. origin in America to reach sucB high estate? There the aim Is to reach the millionaire class and then get political interest. In England publle men do not work . much for the money but for thrtr country said Dr. Bready. Thf speaker referred to the importance of the Balfour note of August f. 1022. Just four years after in signing of the Armistice Thoitit the rest of the world owed Eng land fear Umes as much as Eng land owed the United dates she was wining to wipe the slate dean 8he offered to forego J.40O miUUMr pounds. If. in return the American debt was swept aside. Amerte.r could not see things In that way. some did see the magnamlnou generosity but the American people In general did-not. Sport,. .. Speaking on the Aport in England and as an lllustraUon. Dr Dready referred to the game of cricket. Before commencing the captalm of opposing teams atway fluke hands. At fhe conclusion h teams respond with three hearty cheers to eswh other The gamei ustiatly last for three days showing the typiral character of the people to keep going tteadlly So different from America where THE DAILY NEWS : Thursday, February tj Idea That England Has Passed Zenith of Career is Scouted By Speaker in Address Here ; luflirT 71 .if : was that Eng country. El tlP; . oerarimf tt&iA Page i rhtFSvaa a very great hwst'e and bustle is ex-, jute to get: a game over in a h ry. i ftelerrtng to th p-jblic school in Refer-In? to ttf literature snftif England, Dr. Eready said it was political history o' England, ; easy for us to poke fun at them peak?r called att.ntlon to thei and the seemingly ridiculous sums names of some of Bn-rlaneTa otH-of MMy spent on education at rtanding writers and leaden and Eton and other public schools. But their work In Oenada we do not they breed a sense of chivalry, buiid know enough of tieir wonderful; character and ipbrtsmanshlp. Ger- dofn. John Wesley did modi to' many and France made sacrifices ?how the soul of England. Slxt in the war. admitted the speaker, years of btUf he gave in a pa-' Wrt Snglarnd threw the very flower ?fon of service for Ood and hJ vt her youth into the Jaws of death, nrtlve land. In his wortes he made Officers of England led their men 'Vrty tfiursnd pounds but. added into battle, the dW not sertd mm , the spelkef . he gave It aff away fr Whoever will be able to estlmae; a?irtlng the poor and died worth tde number of youths from pttbrv hardly ten pounds ! r?hool who went to their death'' Lord Shaftesbury dedicated his Unless the wemen of the world cir. life to old England. Fifty-seven throw a! tHeir weight Into a son;; vw h" eoent in hf effort, whleit of arbitration to atop further wain. ttftlmateiy wm sueceasful In abol-.mother so-h war as the fastworrh the condition of white ila- be the signing of a death warrant iy ra factories and mines ar 1 to the white race, brought In a state of InduatriM, In ap ethttaf and dsalcetle staa- cdttsatteaal and political freedom ctafd we still may as doss EngJanr. tor the working elawee. hold her own with other natfonr "ft Barnardo If England has lost the sense o.' Dr. Barnard started his great daring, how Is It she hoW record wer tu7 donkey shed nr.-on land, on sea and In the at.- Sfed sehoof Mr an orgenlsstlO'i Rnfkmd. small England. wontd whfen ha hlfhienfW legislature more than hoki her own even If worW yL I0. fiflv she held one rscord. But she hot i nd 99H awn and gtr.i them all. To the death-mourner!111"5 P awih Dr. Barns' wae a cbaUenting thwght t-r ho!B Brtgrate t Canad-Oiose preparing her epHnph. Br?'iMany , at to Mgh oommmd tteh ears, boats and aerophnMi1 Of Barntrdo wm wffgeat fnrt the bfood sappaeed tota enkis arKl rf 8l" cf be nwiH4g PMn most have lLt , ?ttnt tfmpt'Ky and lote ereottre initiative. , w"re" or Jlfstrea of the seas ganizing power and medical j training, nntqfueey fitted him lor Despite gloomy ferebodtoga. salo.his mighty Dtoneerinc work. Hi. the speaker, tt fat well to feraetno' titanic battle Barnardo had w the concentrated effort of the big j fight against prejudice, bigotry ard financiers of New York who spef j antiquated law make the record bHMons of dollars in an effort of his aehievemdnt an epic of the wrest the mercantile business from nineteenth century. Eswtand. it was a complete failure if England cacJMnuea to rato England to mistress of the sep-: 'such man as lnJIhe past she win always by far. Her ships car- always hold her commanding po-more goods than the United Stale sit ion. averred Dr B ready and Qennany pat together. wk;V Vote of Thanks plentr to spare. An entiiuaiaatK vote of thanks Tne speaker said U was a goo for his addrer a .tendered Pr ir.ave tor Ewflaad to go off th? Breads'-Of moU6jifbtHMrs: H. B gald rtindard. She was still the ! Rcherter. secom eentre of finance, even more . . ; Uam Millar The ' han five or six resrrs ago. with the rtrwr'n Rer3iding the trade mark of and clcd with "British Made." this suggests sal.' Knr " "There the speaker, that if a contm?t present made it wlB be carried out even at a great toss. Not yet has th-proud slogan. "Word as good as hte bond." been lost for the British er. ; It is said that retaining toci mcnarchtal form of government retards British progress, but in disproving this the speaker quoiea a number of England's ;eadftr pYrfemenlartaFH who poor at ; yetrth rose to great heights, Unyti by Mrs. Wli- meetlng opene-l of o Canatfi "Ond 8ave tTf wQte 100 persor, OMrge did not get fhe Mghest I Flour "Sunrise" Brand. First pat-honors beeaase of Mue Wood run ; ent. Every sack guaran- aIn ntog te Ms veim beeaMse or teed to please. 24'a. per sk. parents with no assoelatien win1 u I 2Z45 Donald fXMMM ... was bom lh a . SeoteH d'w r,r .. Butter-Alberto per lh. Creamery ZUC lage af lost as hnfnMe pare nuif ' " , ae Ltevd Oer. Are r aiZ. laeon n-Swill S i n Premium, by O w wm wvaaaa J U V( , ne of the greatest institutional WKIHJII Ml MA BT3 B1K1 St! THRIFT SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END me pewrs tbst be. Ramsay Mae-5... A1K,.o side or half side, per lb. lawyers In the world, was a son 01 1 wn awkren" a hamble eongregatioml mrmster 1 ff; . Arthur Henderson was bom Of la-! GMi Watouu-Pleeea boring parents. per lb Me BaWn Po"d,r -Is j MatnsmhiMs Cenerwltf H easy for men of homo, i ' per lb. Snowftaks Pastry Flour per 10-lb. cotton sack . ILibbv'a Prone MaHlnm steed fruit. 2-Ib. pkg. Orange Nice he. Now at their best, per dot Salmon Faney Pink per 1-lb. tin Pork & Beana Clark's 2 18-oe. tins Llbbjns OaUup pef bottle Peaehea Halves. Roscdale Utt. 2 tins, per tlrr Bartlett Pears Rosedale N. 2" tins, per tin Pork Sausage Swift's per li-oa tm Marmalade Empress nor 4.1h tin rrapeiruit can rorn lq Famtly stte. afor, . , 20c 9c 24c 30c 14c 40c 19c 30c 9c 15c 13c 17c 17c 23c Oat-ef-Tewn Orders Solicited Oet Our Trkes Thrift Cash & Garry -CAnnv AND SAVE" 2tl Third Ate A Few Doers Dawn From Mow Mali rhene 179 t 1 m v 1 s sj ramrw t r ra m zlmkmkWkmwWkWkWkWkWkWM i"BaaaaSaSSSaalBBBTaBaBBBB1SBa t Br k rroa'ur mTBTIC. purpU )tl-yftit't f iV th cod of wlo of apottolle i0T nd (arorSd 'harm of ol4!r th mthrt proullr polsu to a tons, rkh hertUr of tomsnco and aUttntnr In uphoMlns Ita hoeOrod plae aa Fbma rf Mrtkrtoii. Tho amtfayrt iharta eoBlrol of Qui Kbniry-torli wtth tfc ptat NaptonA Neptona rule tfc aub-sonacloua, aaS rlvea thoa who are born under Ita apetl a ktan InttfM Into tba bidden p1e or human aatora. Tbeaa suantlea, eouplad vlth tb co u raft and aanattlvanea rbleh th amethrat batos. mak tba children of r.broary klndlr. trmpathttle frltnda. RJESOUICES Eacli of tlie more tltan600 tranches of tke BANK. OF MoNTRAL,no matter -wKere it is locate J, has behind it the full resources of the whole organlza-tionpvhich has Capital and Reserves of oer $74,000,000, and Assets exceeding 75 0,000,000. No account is too small nnd none too large for the BANK OFMONTRgAL to handle with efficiency and courteous attention to the customer's individual requirements. . BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 Total Aisets in excess of i7so.o0a.000 Prince Rupert Branch: F. A. MacCALLUM, AIanaj;cr The Amethyst For February tt waa dsrins th eraaadea that th amthrt baram a oralr't charm. Uany a kotsht prayed devoutly to hi amethrat In tb hadow of a Moalerrt fortreaa: and manr a wparhoned knlsht. kneel-Ins btfere th fair ldr whoa color id'.mtd hi lane. reelred from hr an amnhftt to protect htm on tn Hate ' Ien a lata aa tba World War thU belief n th amtlhrit'S CT.-Cf p rotated prtclou aruul.t la Voao purpl Lief Erikson Has Meeting Program is Enjoyed Prominent Member of -Ladies' Organization Honored on Leaving The Lief Erikson Society held a eguUr meeting laat night In the ' r f raiath m mtsi vas atari TK rMxt aav- Provincial Constable Wm. Smith of Smrthers arrived m the city on this morning's train from the interior, ha vine a luventle nrtanr. 23C hU cutalJr 44c Westirighoiise Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lampw,etc. McRAE RROS., LTD. aratnst tba fur o hU oa tu dcKSbta. ThU UsvnS baa bao SarM down a a waralnf aralaat til lu otaaea. And U)om bora a H'.- fy vndr th lf of Fiac- r i wtll UK hd. far tbr ditiontiir aucptibi to !;, ) and ovr-toduice In CbrUtlaa tlma. fe ;c 'z baaoty of tho amethrat nd to th father of tha ch I 4 thla sem whleb, "4 bn if tnra of tb par nsrcbvs. 5 tb apoatoile atoo of b!bjp Is- fir reata a raat raaarra of eovrM d4, at Valtttlft. t-- J aad ai (tn. . ta a blsbllaht of Fbrua y - Tba nam "amethyst" cornea dl 1 ,f,a for tha tratlttorf thai 01 rectly from th ancient Oreek, I marrtaco of Mary" and iomvi "a-mt6uitca." and meana tit -aJlr otmnrd Kh aa amef'" f-1 "not drunken." Accordlas to tb it,r o ta th Mlddt A anctot lecenl th atone w . 0f wUeherart atfrtbuted te ereaUd by tha wln-fod Baeefto. I imrlB,t rxrHtl ray aoS r' ho ofia day paraaed a lovly hllnc ptepwtl a W' mK3n throvrh th foreat of tba llliy a ih amt'hytt' n coda, and orertook her only to Bod 1 parpt attraction, a proptietr of at that Diana had converted OmioU! ray of aiodra nymph tnto a pur hlta cryatal U Tb faacltlaBoS ,..M.r.a oMM r th amttM protect hr from hla ImpetnoO.' 0Xof. Baha aa M tob, . loday-4 t'1, that b pourod a llbaltoo of h.a oe oj ,M ;?,,! purpl win t,r tha liai..r.i.4 maud and Sitae rvbniarr ""'i Bl.i-ooneTatlii th imili'cui. -M Una formed aa a perptuU oarwUlt afc4dafBl 17 11 O fenneas made a oP rarewell ourpnse uon to Mr j.,n ...... r, rp t feprylrtg suitably to ratty on luesday Jofinson h Honored Trier to Hi Departure For Bella Coola Where He Will Locate ' n p.. zr: where Oeorge C. Mlt.-hei; the city on this n. ; from a trip to the w Members of the Varden 81nger a fhe rjauy fjtf!$ r rl bcrf oprogram was presented .225, "JJ?': ? 5 ? farewell him prior to his early d- . Qranvilfe St.. Van he . Karl Anders tj. .halr i ns aecMiea to setue wun nu ratri- George, D O. The feature of the nrooeam iitf Mr Johnn " been a prom-' R. Riley. Tern. trntere-SngdTeliC the ebolr ever ; e General Store. Ar ZtTtTZ ml &M tTl f,ta "-J W Smithes Drugs- nwr.u. n .k" frm Prince Rupert Is much t efs. Bti Norwegian author. There were atso olos. readings and community ringing During the eventag Mrs. J. John son. who is about to leave the elty to reside at Bella Coota, was honored by the Lief Brikson Ladles' Club, the president, Mrs. J. Wlkdal. making a suitable presents Hori. p!, I regretted. I J On behalf of the anther In t li .- M B. C. Bond Issue Tha Province of British Coluifihia k offeri day a Five Million Dollar, Fifteen-Year Ron! J; with interost at six iiercent. Bondfi nvaila! w Cf AAA AA 1 rr ir i .ji.vw.wu anti qouu.uu (lenominaiions. Issue Price $95.25 ,, - - - To Yield Interest of - 61-2 (Due 1!H7) This bond is guaranteed and backed by the of the prm'inco S. D. JOHNSTON CO. LTD. 617 Second Avrnne. riiane to- -lit' in 110