iFAOH FOUtl. TH2 DAILY K2W3 News of the Sport World DEMPSEY A Human Tunnel CONFERENCE ! TO RENO HOOP PLAY Going Into Training For Another Barnstorming Tour - SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. Tr-Jack Dtmpsry passed through here yesterday en route to Reno where he win go into 2 days of intensive training preparatory to embarking on another barnstorming tour of the country. On the forthcoming tour, Dempaey says it Is his intention to use 'smaller glove fight longer ?ounds and meet tougher fighters. Mrs. Culbertson Heard on Radio! Woman Contract Bridge Expert Gives Some Interesting and Timely Advice I Mm Josephine Culbertson of New York, pramuMitt figure in the con-1 tract bridge marathon which has bean attracting such widespread intateat af late, was heard with Interest bv many local radio listeners last night Mrs. Colbert n was speaking ore ra transcontinental broadcast of the National Broad-, casting Co Mrs. Culbertson gave some timely and interesting advice on the playing of contract bridge. . , Mrs. Culbertson expressed confidence that her husband, who is' now being partnered by Michael Goettteb, would win the bridge contest from Sidney Lenz, whose p&rt- ner new Is Commander wlnfield Liggett Jr. But thirteen rubbers re mala to be played in the 150-rubber contest. SCII.MELING-WALKEK BOUT FEBRUARY 25 NEW YORK. Jan, 7: Jimmy Johnston of Madison Square Oarden announced yesterday that February 25 had been set as the date for Max Schmeling world's heavyweight champion, to defend his title against Mickey Walker, welterweight champion, at Miami, Fla. aaafe" . iSBuauCfi jaaus3SBaBBBaaHwaasm flaaaaaapassr xaaaaaaaV Just a human tunnel! Eddie Murphy of Chicago is the shortest member of the U S. Olympic speed skating team, and Bert - lor of New York the tallest J, j) SPORT NE)VS A swashbucklin' old time skipper, with a fine lot of youngsters in his crew, will man the Pittsburg Pirate brig when she sets sail on th baseball seas next spring. Georgs Gibson, colorful old buccaneer leader of years ago. coming out of retirement to take the helm again for Bamey Dreyfuss. Is pinning his faith on stout hearted recruits, al- GESCO AUTO-TOP DRESSING This dressing will make an old top look like new. It is absolutely waterproof, softens and preserves the leather. Price, 75c per pint, postage paid Gcsco Safcty-First Windshield Cloth ..Tins wonderful cloth is chemically treated and will prevent the . wlnditiiaftl from becoming foggy during a rainstorm. Keeps the ymm clear by making the rain run right off. The harder It rains, &tye better It works. Simply rub cloth over wet windshield. For the safety of himself and others, every autowner should have one of these wonderful cloths. Price each. $0c postagefpaid Service Station owners, etc.. write for our wholesale prices Mfg. by GEO. E. SYMINGTON CO. Nelson Block Port Arthur. Ont. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Pamons "Rupert Brand'5 SMOKED COD -BLACK - Prepared Dally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. I though hell have nearly all of last l season's veterans at his call. The PiiAtes need a seasoned catcher, joibson has told the owner of the iBucs, but otherwise the Canadian ir pretty much satisfied. I Oibson is receiving encouraging (letters from little Tommy Theve-jnow, shortstop, injured last year lust when he was finding himself. If Tommy's legs are all right, hell be m the Job this season. Gus Suhr should improve next season and will be on first, Oibson said. Tony Piet, whb et the circuit afire the short time he was in the game last sea son, probably will win the second base Job, but he will have to fight R out with Howdy Oroskloss, the rparkltrtg collegian and hometown boy. Either Oroskloss or Piet will be available if Pie Traynor should need help at third. Glbby said If the brilliant "Pie" is able to work he'll captain the club again. The fleet, hard-hitting outfield of last summer will be kept intact, with Paul and Lloyd Waner putting en their famous "brother act' again and Comorosky holding down ths other garden post. Glenn Spen cer will be a regular pitcher, taking his turn with French, Drame. Melne and Kremer. Eddie Phillips and Earl Grace of last season's back- stopping department, may have a fight on their hands if Hal Finney and Bill Brenzel, the Coast leaguers! live up to advance notices. Likewise, Dave Barbee. Coast out fielder, would like to shove Comorosky or one of the Wancrs out of a job. Other youngsters who hope to get Pirate uniforms are Jim Kevin and John Nlggeling. Western Led age outers; Floyd Vaughn, snappy, western beague snortstop; Stan Schino, Wichita outfielder; Floyd Young, an lnfielder from the Western League; Leon Chagnon, Texas League hurler; Bill Harris, pitcher bought from Waco, and Gus Dugas, slugging Kansas City outfielder. Chigago, III, Is connected with! 160 cities of the United States h! air-transport line's. University of Washington to Play Oergon State College This . Week-End SEATTLE, Jan. 7: North west-conference basketball will get un-l der way on Friday night of this week when University of Washington starts defence of Its title in the first of a two-game series with Oregon State College. Coaeh Hec Ed-mundscn reports the Huskies to be in best of condition. Also on Friday night a two-game series will eomraenee at Moscow between University of Oregon and University of Idaho, the second game to be held Saturday night. The Oregonlans will then proceed to Pullman for a two-game series Monday and Tuesday, with Wash ington State College. ;MUST HAVE ! TRIAL BOUT s f it r- i r. , I .luuuon ?uarr uararn urquires i Jack Dempsev to Quality For Schmeling Bout i NEW YORK. Jan. 7:-Jaek , Dempsy- former world's heavyweight boxing champion, will be required by Madison Square Garden Interests to take on "a trial horse" J here in April before definite decis ion la made as to whether he shall be permitted to meet the champion. Max Schmeling. in the attempt to regain the, crown next June. This was announced yesterday by James Johnston of Madison Square Garden. BLACK HAWKS GO UP AGAIN Defeat Detroit Falcons and Take Second Place in American DivUion CHICAGO, Jan. 7: Chicago Black Hawks returned to second place in the American division of he National Hockey League by de feating the Detroit Falcons 4 to 2 here last night. The Boston Bruins fell back to third place. Only the one game was played last night. Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. P Toronto 9 5 7 21 Canadiens 8 3 9 American 6 6 9 Maroons A 3 12 IS American Division Rangers H;.:.. . . ...13 5 3 New Royal Hotel TIB HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hoi & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. I'EU DAY AND UP J Zarelll Tflfphon tSi 31 Chlcvfc'4 "i ! 7 7 6 21 Bostor .;... .., 7 6 S 10 Detroit ..: 6 3 11 15 Pilots in schduld air transport operations in the United States re ceived an average ef $460 a month last year. Hotel Arrival F. R. Summers and O. C. Austad, Prince Rupert. 'AVe fjarry a Represen (I tative Stock of Popular Car Parts for Prompt Efficient Sen Ice Phone 566 liUPERT MOTORS Uarage Si Service. Station .. Night Calls 161 Senior League W. L. Panthers J 4 3. N. R. A 5 5 32 Taxi 4 6 Intermediate League W. L. High School 7 3 Merchants 4 6 Tuxfc ... 4 6 Ladies' League W. Amazons .9 Cardinals "Somen - 1 Junior League W. Boy Scouts 6 League of Nations 3 Japanese 3 Rovers 1 L, .1 5 9 L 2 2 4 7 Pts.' 12; Pt. 18 10 2 PU. 12 .Iff e 2 All aviators In the United States are warned abgatnst flying above either Federal or State prisons a an altitude lower than 1000 feet. stone church on Komisken Hill (V.I.) THE commemorates the bravery of Father Rondault, a Catholic miiiionsry, who by his eloquence, alone and unaided, turned aside the blood lust of the Cowichan Indians from a wholesale slaughter of the white settlers. The church, partially built In 1870, was never finished, at according to Indian superstition, it was haunted by the spirits of 700 braves massacred on the site twenty years before. MOLSOHS THE ALE YOUR. CHEAT CP.ANDFATHEH DHANK, Itt Itofn mnd J09k llolf-dorn Carton This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Basketball Standing Casey In Field For Aldermanic Seat Next Veek 10 1 81 Mayor C. H. Orme has been reno-1 minated for the mayoralty at next I week's civic election He Is proposed Pts Lby J. II. Thompson-and seconded by 14 1 8. D. Macdonald. For alderman, P. B. Casey is no minated by J. A. Curtis and John Bulger. Pioneer Resident j Of Nanaimo Dies NANAIMO. Jan. 7:-Lewts Harvey May, aged 56. pioneer resident of Nanaimo, dropped dead recently at his home here. He is survived by his widow, three daughters and one, son. Mrs. J. MeFarlane of Hudson's Hope Is a sister. Italy plane. has more than 1600 wv Then that's the time . At Government Stores M-1TJ1 Leo Lomski to en Meet New !u To Box Six Rounds in t j! K "Bravest" Bf'.-'t 8 BATTLE. Jan 7 Aberdeen lumberjack "Bearcat". Baker of S . figure In heavyweight six-round main event i card here next week Keep Your Eye on CHEVROLET CLEAR THINKING AND GOOD NATURE arc demanded The intelligent host or liusteHS Insure a suceewi-fill evening by serving a refreshing anil invigorating heverago at just the right time. B.C. lluil Is a delicious pule lager, brewed from choicest malt anil IJ.C hops ideal for auch an occasion. Order a Carton today. It costs the same in this handy package. 2 PerD oz. BjBmBgcawgtawifeitTD.E VANCOUVCn, B.C. This advertisement is not published or displayed by Ui lJiuor Control Boartl or by; the Government of Uritiih Columbuu CM-t.