I II PAGE BIX TUB DAILY NIWB Twenty Years Ago In I'rince Itupert January 7, 1912 O. W. Nickcrson presided last night over the public meeting in the Empress Theatre at which Aid. Hilditch and ?Ald. Newton, rival mayoralty candidates, were both speakers. Aid. Newton, in the course of his speech, made a warm attack upon prominent members of the locsl Conservative executive. . ii 1 1 1 instructions nave Deen issueu to Quality has Foley, Welch & Stewart that the i Buy Kulklcy main line of the Grand Trunk better Coal. met I I .WW 1 no substitute accm LAMP Start the year right by practicing thrift. Fill empty lamp sockets at economy prices. Here is your chance. Edison Mazda Lamps in Cartons of Six for Size 15 to 60 wattt IniiJe Froited Ujfl, "jresimm tfie gardens" Pacific Railway between Tete Jaune Cache and Fort George must be completed by early next fall. 4 Lionel Crippen has established a smoking plant on Digby Island at which he will treat locally caught herring. Bones will be removed from the fish and the preparation gives i promise of being a real delicacy. Only one parachute Is carried on board the U. S. Navy dirigble Los Angeles. It is used for landing a person In case it chould be deemed advisable at any time. Valley Coal The EDISON MAX DA TAKIFF DROPPED To encourage aviation, Chile har abolished its tariffs on, more than 75 articles of equipment for airplanes and aviators. The Dally News can be pur- chased at Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St.. Vancouver. , Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace. B.C. Oeneral Store. Anyox. Srnlthcrs Drug Store. Smith era, B.C. I ( Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Cheapest Way of Reaching the People The cheapest way of reaching practically all the people of Prince Iltipcrt and district is hy means of the classified columns of the Daily News. Nearly everyone has something they could turn into cash through the "For Sale" column. Perhaps they have a house to rent. Here is the chance. Spend 50c on a classified advertisement and secure a tenant rather than have it idle. If a girl wishes a position or a housewife wishes help, the best means of getting supplied is through a want ad. Dressmakers sometimes want work; small storekeepers want to move their goods; or maybe you need an article that has been used rather than pay the price for new. Give the Daily News classified columns a trial. Many have been very pleased at the result. TELEPHONE 98 THE DAILY NEWS . .4 . and drop in later and pay the bill. The charge is small. THEIR LOT IS WORSE Women of Great Britain More Un happy Than Ever, Says Book j LONDOJart Regarded ut a whole, the women of this coun try were never in a more unhappy state tnan they are toaay Tne Det-ter class woman now turns criminal more readily than her poorc sister." These are statements In a book on "Woman and Crime" by Cecil Bishop. He says further that women have more Imagination than men, and the problems with which they face the dective are In consequence much more difficult Practically every burglar now uses a woman decoy, whom he trains as an expert driver; and. as Mr. Bishop points out, her clean record will probably save her from pun ishment on the first occasion on which she is detected. In the great majority of cases she has slipped into crime owing to some lapse from the moral code which, how.-1 ever, reprehensible, is not criminal at all. Once thus betrayed Into J criminal circles, her sex becomes, her greatest weapon. It is common . to ascribe these evils to the war but In the author's view the wa I was merely an 'irritant which' brought Into prominence socio j diseases which up to that time had lain almost dormant.' In pa; they are due to 'the claim fo. equality between the sexes, which Is translated by the advanced I thinker into an equally low mor?i standard for both of them: In par' j l by the Invincible reluctance of j parents to acquaint their children t with the elementary facts of exlst-j f nee. I Countless girls might have been i saved from shipwreck by a little knowledge; and Mr. Bishop d&-! plorcs the abolition of married wo-mrm teachers who. under suitable ! safeguards, might give the very tu-lltion which the parents too often I shirk. The crusade against the white Mavp trdmc Is hampered by rs hundred pety restrictions: inside the courtyard of a railway statlor I ECONOMY SPECIALS Oct the habit. Start the New Year right by buying from Mussallem's Cash and Carry Where Dollars have more cents. We endeavor to keep the cost of living down, Gainer s Machine Sliced Bacon, per lb 23c Gainer's Slab Bacon Whole 20 C ui iiaii, ici iu Gainer's Cottage Roll I From 4 to 6 lbs. per lb. . Robertson's Scotch Marma I lade, 4-Ib. tins Jar ljeal Only a limited 1 quantity left, per deal Dollar Sodas per box jAregood Mincemeat per 2-lb. tin 1 King Oscar Sardines Q1 HQ I 7 Una fnr yllVW jsalt Pork I per lb. White Beans I 4 lbs. for jLlbby's Catsup 2 bottles for I Bread Raisin, whole wheat and white, per loaf We solicit mall orders and give special attention to the requirements of out of town customers Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores 18c 60c 65c 45c 25c 20c 25c 27c 7c "Where Dollais Have More Cents" 1 No. 1 Store Fifth Ave-Phone 18-81 i No. 2 Store 319 Third Av.r Phone 360 ; No. 3 Store 727 Third Av, Phone 375 I Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Hooks Radios Sewing Machines McKAE-IsKOS., LTD. Noted Actress In case you wonder what became of Helen Ferguson, stage and screen star, here slv is after trip to Hlawall with her banker-husband, R L. Hargreaves. no member of the Metropolitan Po lice can act: no disorderly hous can be raided unless It has been watched for six consecutive nights it is consequently used only foi four. In despair Mr. Bishop ii driven to prefer the Continental system of licence and registration He has a. good deal to say about overcrowding in town and country slums, but the most serious problem of all Is the vicious foreman or employer who gains his ends by the menace of dismissal. At present the law cannot touch him: but the Times thinks It should no be beyond the wit of the Home Of fice to draft a new section to the various Criminal Law Amendment Acts which would protect his victim The question of criminal as saults where consent Is a defer.ee is much more difficult. Countless Juries have, been directed that th consent must be real consent and not a mere submission to superior physical force, but the percentage of acquittals in these cases Is ex-tremelv high. Indeed, the advent of women on juries has made it more difficult to obtain a convic ' tlon. the attitude of respectable women being that no other respectable woman would allow herself to be found in such compromising circumstances and that probably both were to blame. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-- Tuesday j. Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 prr Friday ss. Cardena. midnight. Jan. 17ss. Princess Mary . p.m Jan. 21 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala p.m Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ... 10:30 a.m Friday- hs. cardena ... p.m Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary .. pj-n. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m. For Naas River and Pott Simpson Sunaay ss. Catala 9 p.n From Naas River & Tort Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 a.m For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala . 0 pm Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m From Stewart and Anyo Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajn. ! Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pun : From Ocean Falls- Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert ....10:30 a.m. Friday ss. Cardena p.m Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary p,m. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary p.m. For Ocean Falls ! Tuesday- ss. Catala 1:30 D ir.. truirsday ss. Pr; Rupert 10 p.n. , Jaif;(17i-ss. prtriCTsMftry v P-m. , Jany31 ss. Princess Mary ., p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Jan. 9 s. Prince John 10 p.m. Jan. 23 ss. Prince John 10'p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Jan. 7 ss. Prince John .... a.m Jan. 21ss. Prince John .... a.m. From Alaska-Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m. Jan. 27 as. Princess Mary .. p.m. From Alaska , ,' , , Jan. 17ss. Princess Mary p.m. "DEVOTION" ON J5CREEN Fine Picture, Featurlnr Ann Harding and Leslie Howard in Splendid Holes, Is Offered "Devotion." current feature on the talking picture program at the I Capitol Theatre, can be recommen-jded for the dual reason of being well played by an excellent cast ! and be.ing- a pleasantly clean story. The lovely Ann Harding has a dual role in this picture and she does a superb characterjzatlon not only "straight" but tor a good share of the picture disguised as an eld-j erly cockney nursemaid. Miss Harding possesses a poise and sureness of delivery which does not fall to entertain. Leslie Howard has In "Devotion" the best role that the screen has ever offered him. Compared with this, his talents seem to have been almost wasted In some past pictures Here the role allows him to demonstrate the splendid actor that he really Is. When a man of Leslie Howard's fine genius is beside a girl of Ann Harding's loveliness and talent, the combination cannot but be pleas ing There is an excellent cast In supporting roles. Get quick resuiu with a want ad Thursday. January 7 Wednesday & Thursdj Two Shows 7 andi9,p J rcaiure ians at 7 40 L 1, Admission 20c & 1 iiiuiiouni lliXt.E at J a 1 eaiure Marts 3:1015C 4., EVERY WOMAN WILL WAN TO SEE Ann Hardi in ing 'DEVOTION witn icMie Howard, ItoU Williams, O. P. Hegtie anj i A 1. 1 strung cai. ucvouon was if the law permitted her to (ij him love wa out of the question Comedy DANE & ARTIIli In "SHOVE OFF" Novelty "riEACII Mr FOX NEWS FRIDAY & SATl'KDAT "AMBASSADOR BILL" Start The New Year Right!! Kuy Quality Foods at Money-Saving Trices Specials For Friday and Saturday Quick Quaker Chlnaware per pkg. B.C. Small White Beans, 6 lbs. Del Monte Prunes per 2-lb. pkg. Jap Oranges per box Oats - With 27c 25c 22c 80c Hail a Chicken Broth In Canada, per tin Bulk Soap Flakes per lb. Nabob Peachss- Indi- dual tins, per tin Christies Sodas 16-07. pkg. 10c 11c 10c 15c Demonstration In Our Store On Saturday, January 0 HEINZ QUALITY FOODS We Offer the Following Comhination Specials lot 1 1 boU Heinz Catsup, large 2 tins Heinz Beans, small 1 Jar Heinz Sweet Pickles 1 bot. Heinz Vinegar. 16-oz. 89c LOT 3 1 tin Heinz Spaghetti, mcd. 2 tins Heinz Beans, medium 1 bot. Heinz Sweet Pickles 1 bot. Heinz Catsup, large 89c LOT 5 1 Lot. Heinz Vinegar. 32-oz. 1 tin Heinz Tomato Juice, me. 1 Jar Peanut Butter 1 Jar Heinz Cuke Pickles 89c Pilchards Malkln's Best, per No. 1 tin Hallowl Pitted Dates per lb. LOT 7 Heinz Vegetable Soup 10 tins for The finest we have ever had Flake Butters A different biscuit, pkg. 12c Ensign Marmalade On per 4-lb. tin MO 43c I, Toilet Rolls 7 .for 9c 15c 25c Eggs B.C. Pullet Extras, 3 doz. LOT 2 2 tins Helhz Tomato Soup. : 2 tins Heinz Beans, mcd m 1 bot. Heinz CaUup, lur: 1 bot. Heinz Salad Crea n 89c LOT 4 2 tins Heinz Tomato Soup 2 tins Heinz Spaghetti m 1 tin Heinz Vegetable Sowy ,12 2 tins Heinz Beans, men 89c LOT e- 1 Jar Heinz Sweet Pl ki Quart size) 1 Jar Heinz Bandwlrh Sp 1 Jar Htlnz, Prepared Mm , 89c 89c Cottage Rolls Boned -j On smoked shoulders, lb Nabob Qrapcfrult. In- "fin dividual tins, each XXX Oaincr's Sugar Cured B: At n new low price By the Side per lb. Piece , per lb. Sliced per lb. 77c 20c 22c 25c WATTS' GROCERY Phone 55 "Free Delivery" Phone 56 SIMON DS SAWS 1 nc most economical saws to use Slmond Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Demi ii. and Acorn Ave Vtncouvtt. B.C. MONTREAL j0k. N.5.