agi two T2 .'.-TVS Sharp Pains lo His Heart U.S. Champ Mr. Fred Nerves J. Chute, In Thomson Bad Condition Station. NA, News of The World Pills writ: with "I wonderful Lave used result. Milburn'i Heart mud Hem s Sport My heart would beat so fast I would hare to ait down when at work chopping in the woods. I had sharp pains in my heart when I would li kmou-sUsM! .down at night. My oervw were also in a -very bod ooditkm. Price 50c a box but after using two boxes of Milburn's Heart ana CHICAGO ON 1 he Latest tor the Links ROUND HOUSE Nerve Pills I feel just fine, and am fourteen pounds beaTir than I hava been for years." Ca, SW Its., at TMto. all drat Umu o4 iturtl ft Lor m. r aaill dirt ou rcipt ol prua by Tha T. UiTliaM TOP AGAIN i WINS MATCH THE DAILY NEWS. .rjtlNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLBN - - - Manaftfng-Biitor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.i, For lesser periods, paid in advanu- . per week 10 By mail to all parts or Northern And Central British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period 3.i By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year . So u By mail to all other countries, per year 9 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 JUember of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY KDITIUN USE BULKLEY BEEF j&mk r is H .a2BlBlBlBlBlBHrB,l9L "YeSlstlie Kidneys Saturday, May 7. 193l A special shipment of Bulkley beef has been made to Prince Rupert this week and we take great pleasure in re-commending that local people give this product their favorable consideration. It is in the nature of a trial shipment and is likely to be followed by others next year if it proves sueeessful. This beef comes from a Telkwa farm and its success or failure is being watched with great interest. If a reasonable profit is made it is likely that the method of feeding will be adopted by others. There is no doubt about the quality. The only doubt seems to be as to the practicability of the .method of production. Telkwa has often shipped beef to Prince Rupert and much of it has been declared excellent but this shipment will be better than any sent heretofore. Locfk to it that Bulkley beef has a place on the table some day at least next week. PRESIDENT DOUMER The shooting of President Paul Doumer was a cragy act of a crazy man. He must have been craty or he would not have done such a thing. Doumer was an old man holding an nonored position in the French republic. He was not in a position to take any active steps in political life owing to his position and his age. He was the innocent victim of a fanatic. Acts such as these are often the product of the unsettled times through which the world is passing. There is unrest everywhere. Owing to the greater interdependence of countries than ever before in the history of the world, the unrest is more widespread and the news of the condition is better reported than ha. ever been the case in the past owing to better news-sat. hevinr? facilities. "The Pain ere Pains in the until of the back ttll ct kidney dttsngementi. Other symptoms arc pallor, loss of weight, dryness of the skin end swelling of the limbs. Backache is the most certain warning that the kidneys trt (tiling to filler the poisonous uric tcid from the blood. You miy also have frtqucnt hctdtches tnd tching limbs, for tcid poisons tlwtys cause bodily pains tnd tches. II you want to positively remove the cause of such ailments, it is dvistblc to use Dr. Chase i Kidney-Liver Pills. For hall a century they have proven their success as a most effective meant of restoring the health and .activity of the kidneys, the liver and the bowels. It is because of their dwect and combined action on these orgtns thtt they prove effective when ordinary medicines (til. Put them to the test and you will certainly be pleased with the prorrpt and certain benefits obtained. Dr. Chase's KIDNEY ana LIVER Pills And wc .:tink na.;.- ti jus" about .wui.;.. io puis pons Coleman Clark Chicago aroKer. battled his way to victory over 250 contestants for the United States championship Growing Seed Southern B.C. Peas Being- Supplied From Northern Interior For Farmers in South Of Province In an address given last night to he Chamber of Commerce, Harry Bowman, agricultural and colon tea - tlon agent for the Canadian National Railways, toM of an effort being made to secure the supplying John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for the Dominies Fisheries, arrived in the city from Van-dourer last evening in the course of lour of coast pmnu on official duties. District News SMITHERS Donald Sutherland, the new district nariculUtraliet here, has tieen ipsjointod ehaifvnari of the agrlcul-un1 commHtee of the Smlthers 'wd D!Tirin Board of Trade In .succession to S 8. PMUIps who recently left the district. i James P. pwnejr. toeal hullder, : -c, herr on Monday of this week f ir Terraoe enroute to Lakeiee Lake whese he villi he engaged on construction work In connection with a n?w hotcsVto he built at the hot sprlnjrs. The pay of malntenanec-of-way employees, darks and stationary Miremen on toe (Janadian National .Railways was cut ten percent as from May 1. I The lee ytflfjout on tJn heels I Lake on f&mkv IJwttfrMthe ! f.jry made a Uth lacrcws the same . . . . i t. i 1 1 ij w Miifsg uratrii- iyne oi lOotsa l ake out to the hospital at Burns Lake I I Rev David Donalaeon and tfor-! Imnn H Ktlpntrlck left on Wetlne-, jday of tills week -to attend the (United Church Conference in New I Westminster Boston Braves Drop to Second Place in National League Giants Leave Cellar CHICAQDjUay 7 -Chicago Cute moved'into 'first place in the National League yesterday by defeat, ing Brooklyn Rubins on the home grounds here while the Boston Braves were being subjected to another rout by the Cincinnati Reds at Cincinnati. Pittsburg Pirates dropped in to-the cellar by losing to the Phillies while Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants are now tied for seventh place, the (Hants having rec orded a ctoee vtobary ever the champion fit. Loui cardinals M St. Louis New York Yankees moved bask uito third is the American League by scoring a n-un efetnv out over Detroit Tigers. Oewkiiibd dropping to fourth by tesing to the Philadelphia Athletics. The Washington .Sena tons aittoaHtgh defeated by Chisago White Sox, re tained the league leadership over the Tigers by a safe margin of one and a half games. Yesterday seores : American League St. Louis Boston t. Detroit 0. Netv York 1 Chisago JB, Washington 8. Cleveland 2 -Philadelphia 5. National League Brooklyn 1 Chicago 3. Philadelphia 4. Pittsburg 2. Boston 1. Cincinnati 14. New York 4. St Louis 3. Baseball Standings Boston American League Washington Detroit of seed peas tor Southern British . i..iu.lE on c I New York juwumuw aium irrn bini u.w. oujiiw- thing like thirty carloads of peas had to be imported annually from England or from Eastern Canada to supply the demand. The seed grown in Southern B.C. was not suitable. To make a test the Dominion gov ernment bad supplied farmers with from 12 to 16 bushels of seed peas and the resulting crops had been excellent. The seed from this pro duct was bow being tested in lower mainland and. if saeeessful. as was expected,' H would give a niee return to the farmers who would specialise on growing thtn seed. Cleveland Philadelphia St. Xouis 9 Chisago 1 6 i National 'League Chicago Boston Philadelphia ..... therOineinnati ....... 6t. Louis Brooklyn New York Pittsburg w. .14 12 11 14 8 W. .13" 12 9 7 7 7 L. 5 6 6 9 10 12 14 16 L. 6 6 8 11 12 10 10 12 Pet .747 Ml .C47 .609 .444 .429 200 .167 Pet .684 .667 i .586 1 -500 .429 .412 .412' .368' Old Country Soccer iBNOLISII lkagvi: nnsT DIVISION Arsenal 4. Blackhuru Rovers 4). Aston Villa 2: HuuteraMeld Town Z Dglton Warsderexfl 3: Liverpool J. Chelrea 3: Westham United 2. Bverton 0: Portsmouth 1. Ortsneaxy Town 3; ShaWeid Wed- jiestkyr 1. MWkllesfcffough J; Leicester fJUy SbtUUM United U Blackpool 3. SIXOXD DIVISION Btadlord City 0; Millwall 0. Burnley 1: Nottingham Bant 0. Chavrlton Athletic 3: Wolrer hatnpton Waiiderers i. Leeds United 0; Portataje 2. Noiii County 3: Bristol Cliy 0. Oldham AUitette 2: Barnsley PlymouUi Argyle 4; .Chttateifleld' 0. Pxeaton North End 2; ToUenham Hotspurs 0. ' Southampton lj AUncheater Unl-ted 1. Stoke Citv i Bradfprd fl. Swansea Town s; Bury 0. 8 01TBALL POSTPONED ' The High school softball game bntween Plraii and OlanU. scheduled tor yesti rday. afternoon, was postponed on account of rain. FOOTBALL JWay 7Booth v. High. May 11 -B aid tn tvs. iillith. May 14 -Borden VS. Booth. May !S- !! ..!) Vr:. Booth. Wha' ti-." wclltJr'iv'd fcminiri goltei v.ill wear may have li&tlf to d wlti: thut picture but !ora uid Mary think they have the snappiest rlgout on -be Ca-alma golf course, and as Catalma goe.s su i; es the nation 'tis saio. NEVS OF THE MINES AUOUND PU1NCE .UUl'EUT Interest Iking Displayed in Dog Creek McGill in Vancouver to Raise Finances For Jessie Group Airplane in Atlin District Alining Dog Creek 32 miles north of Vanderhoof, which was the eatyie of placor discovoriee last season by prospectors who wore on their way to Rainbow Creek, is attracting a good deal of interest right now and is due to lie explored by sev- ernJ parties during the next few weeks. A few days ago, George Brucgy, formerly of Alice Ann, left Vancouvur for Dor Croek, accompanied by J. M. Greenwood and William McFarlane, also of Vancouver. The uarty took a motor truck load- ha ben making a number of ad with sufficient supplies to last tghU with mining men to stake all summei. Mi . Bruggy. who pas on new gold strike at Shoo Ta sad throueh Prince nunert reenUr Nook In the Hard River district Newcastle United J): J3tmlnsiam enroute to Vancouver from Alice "here tt is believed that rich placer 3. Arm. is verv ontimutic in rrartt ta claims, slaked by John Hamilton progpects at Dog Creek. and comrades S6 years ago and lost ever since, have been, redls- l.S MoOUl, well known Smit iters covered. baxrictar and mining man, Is at present in Vancouver making ar- ranjements tor further financing of development work on the Jessie gold mine on Hudson Bay Mountain LONDON I'AHTY WILL KliMAIN wiioli: HAY (Contrntied from Page 1 near Smlthers. The people of Sml- clent to at least partly cover cost then i have already put up 4CO0O lot me vlflt0M -HmM en which is conUdered a splendid ough people here who would be in-showing for a town of such a size, treated in seeing that they were Values run from $10 to $15 per ton property entertained E" e,j8fle P"-Jrte-jMr. McQIll w. q. Nlckerson suggested that stetod In vancouvcr.liE Mcaill is tno party miaht bc UkSTfo7a trip very en husiastlc for the future up the Skeena mver tol.U one S l?!lblUf !.hsf.umlne andi?be eanneries. This would be a X S?ltS tT1 wMb, thc Iwponte of PWienoe to them and the canned brlther. people to hU appeal le8 would be In full opialta for finances. On thc board of dlrec-, Mtm lt b p "J tors of the Jenie mine are such uke the nartvT, .h! nw o. prominent Smlthers eitizens s J. trtjc nl? p. m . " ttJCove. members of the n R)Ar,v, r a ,.ni.t. uri... wvwit m. mcMiu, u. ii. rvenney ana ocaosion, a. j. Mayer. use of a boat and the Pacific .torn trip around the harbor. Pilot Stain McMillan, with the fill-! viim.c . imetirl Junkers plane tjf the Cana-. A new washer will " usua lv tnn jdian Airway. Ltd.. is being kent tlrjnplng it J? S J The 'to ZrUcsTva'Ss3 fT? T " SVi no I' w m mining properties in various dl- 1 ard to enrn hnu; tn i,, 4, actions from Atlin where :he Is VtZ TZ makln:; his bu:,o. Pilot McMillan plumber Ca,llng a Navy Defeated By Score f ji;... 1 1H am tn . ti. sottbali in tne unnaaian Wiitn i r,, ,ion Association's mjiluui; tm ia:t evening the K,,,,,,,! Hon, smothered the Navy u, lt. lui 16 to 1. The Wavy plavn ,, ,,m game, especially in u Jllrt Round Hotwe tayed iu ,wm w' all the way behind u,. ,l)lvnit pllcntna or rtaby i Round House, collerii i i,1; jm six times up. The pluvu, 0t ( r,A .:l third ease was ku': rtouno noust- i in. . i Allen. Aiiiey.C. Nttl.-.n, (.:oa. P-iby, A Skatiern Navy 4eteron, , by. FruoJu. Pierci V strung. MavcFie, Ri Vmplns Com-id mi OPENING OF IP0RT CHAT ' Jl ' Arnl Ceremonies This Afternoon i Prince Ktip-rt T ; nl I lob At AtroDolis Hill- tlivet Oiciat.-s . fl IfUl.l lite i laaciui opoiunv -in (tmrti of the Prin- H'ixr tw n;s dab OB the A-r; A- fl.:; ( taking pkaoe this aft-r kh um Cyril orme sjot:r U:. n "ynlni( altar wh1-!. . '-rano in cry out -mi Refreshments arr i v durin? th afteni'x.n r- :iv .1$ members of the rhb Mr. Jimmy John ' : - ill 'the prices for the Slur atf 'lng fight next man.: i snii and If that is all Uu :!: N about this brawl 1' v nt in one Baspeet r :m the PWdS'Bfoullli' ' . bserves Andy Lytl- vl touver Sun Prices i.,;, 44 low to tops of 423 in 4fiks far away, thr 4 sonable eneagh. Aln of a heavyweight fit' : Seott and Joe Beofce' should be worth thr Owing to inojemeitt scheduled Inlermedu' , buMfihaU game betwefii ' and Yotuig Sons w from last eveninn un .Afternoon. The interm-n is fenewuig its appeaJ i era who have old bas ' and equipment in tin i io tum same into 6i;ni use of the younger pi league. .i all eoo Baek In 19M. when deuMMBl was Mist a word Ivm li' m IdMtoMiies. teer fur us- KrUi Hia-Mandetl. tops fv TM wasn't a partieularlv in wnnt bst- 1le from ur rttunid i- "' " doesn't rate higher thu W aad th Teuton yon m ;ir. i imraediaieiy. Mr. .T , : i . - roilt-fiCO seats to be flic r ) c that he is greater td.u Huitdicis a magieaaB 1m1. tmv sinrtu Seiimellnit met tbf i-usi jmers s 7,984 Jn return fn: 'fniy seats' worth ef flghtur Intermediate Hall Game Is Poslponcd eatlifr U" lislprei ; ,t. leas ball play I !,sl'...sK)l M'r:in W in this i:stabllshel UMB'S RUM A0F4), BLENDLU AXD MATUIUJI) AT Till LONDON POCK anmlsFincOldN-vyJ pjtoor ovekvimx" Old and Good: Ask the JlrJUsh Naw- On sale at Liquor Vend- r direct from Oovernm'" Quor Control Mull & partment, victoiw .. . -m mi ti- lll la auveruaeme"'' -llshed bv uw or dlsplayeo Llijuor Control n!'' tbe Government of wim British Columbia