mene ing \y SRL TISe ti APRA belenaett | Nl Ng HY Maat Na rh) ih HATTA } ' 1] eet) | $.? SMOKING TOBACCO — PARKIN & WARD = Electric Co. Ltd. Third Avenue ana Cow Bay Electrical and Marine Supplies REGAL $CYCLE MARINE GASOLINE ENGINES THE IDEAL ENGINE Triiiiere am ' bos from Szes from LEP 2 HP. to wi? 30 HP 4 Complete Lighting and Ignition Outfits to suit all requirements. Owing to the high cost of production the Regal Gasoline Engine Co. are compelled 1 RAISE THE PRICE TEN PER CENT ON ALL ENGINES AFTER JANUARY 1, 1920 Take advantage of present prices. Place ycur orders now*lor spring delivery. When the air is damp and protect yourself by keeping as of PENSLAR THROAT DRAGEL3 bandy for preventing throatirrita and huskiness Penslar Thre at Dragge S are Wice used and recommended by the : discriminating people of the co and we can assure you that exce results wili follow in your case Penslar Threat Dragees are » in generous S5e boxes convenient ¢t carry and can be purchased at our Store TheSPRINCE RUPERT DRUG CO ’ Phone . 8rd Avenue, opposite 2nd St. P.O Bes = 1 . = BSH Mad Orders Gives Prompt Atientos 215 Wishing One and All Bright and Prosperous New Year RW «//. CAMERON & CO. BRIDGE PARTY AND DANCE AT RUPERT CLUB “ indness of Club Members Makes | ! Possible Delightful Social Event Oo £0. | 622 3rd Ave. CS i He! THE DAjLY NE'va a th W. H. DERRY IS NE SCHOOL JANITOR q Best Qualifications b Decis and is Appointed. k __ |ESSINGTON KIDDIES GIVE ENTERTAINMENT CONSTANCE TALMAGE AT THE WESTHOLInE AST): | CHANCE Friday and Saturday THIS WEEK ONLY Quaker Flour 2.96 Any Kind of Jam Including Strawberry per 4-19 tin $1 > | 0 ; tal stra Our Own Brand Butter per Pp pund 70c LAST CHANCE ; ‘ » no ’ ~ OUR OWN SPECIAL Coffee per pound 60c FRESH GR‘ »XUND HAVE YO' MAD: YOUR DI posi! it Saves Time: on Phone Order® Fuller’s Ltd. PHONE 44 and 7 rouble Tee ee ew eee ' i ii} . Wift H.C. L. CAUSES TROUBLE IN H jegrapos ry y the ion of Schoo! Board AVA’ WANT PRISONERS BACK TO SOLVE AIR PROBLEMS ‘ Telegrapns egrapos for os " H! ' i ; ; clk iN Electoral | Strict Page 3 RAPPERS Mas aida TAA on eet orate Great Book ft’s just what king for, TI ene ATS mostcompleteTra blished—p: > / +» Bem ideeverpul ~~ a. at great ; a Sives a complete and accurate de. valeg écription ures and tracks ofthe iy y different Fur-bearers of North Ame cial ts) ass y erica: it tells when and where yell oe le */ 4,’ trap: the best and most su j ‘ ' by eirapping yy the right kind of ~ is ] nis; the sizes of traps to use; ¢ oe — Of skinning and handling the ait rt o@ mnake them worth money; laws od everyovovinee _— ‘ “SHUBERT” will send this great book FREE toa ne interested in trapp Hecti «bes 7 mai he eo L —s Fur-bearers, Just sign |= ART OF 7 RAPPING” de NOT @ eupply catas log— ut a real Trapper’s Guide containing informat iuide and of inestimable valy~ to any ao it wi id te nner the j . 4 yp ; My, ip), a Wil ' daa (of J) Bee on eaperien ed trapper and teach the rt of successfully ‘r>™) ing che Norch America ore. No tra, -er o” ¢ cullectOr can atiord to be withouk this great book, Send for your cory vf unce SHUBERT.u70 .B. THE LARCEST HOUSE IN THE WORLD DEAUMG EXCLUSIVELY IN \ ie NORTH AMERICAN RAW FURS i ‘ 47 ty) } / 324 DONALD ST., WINNIPEG, CANADA, SICN ANDO MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY uv !ITHOUT OBLIGATION SEND ME THE ART OF TRAPPING” BE AND MOST COMPLETE TRAPPER'S GUIDE EVER PUBLISHED 5 a'd keep me posted on Raw Fur Market #4 Conditions during the Fur Season of 1919-1920 Pyst Office bis RE D___ Bex Ne___ JProvinee a it an Trobe t ' 7 y/ y (PLEASE PRINT wane) eS Ltée ear. rt. =: Open ist February, 1920 NEW MARINE WAYS Shawatilans Passage r building and repairing all classes of boats up to 100 feet in length, RKING, BLACKSMITHING AND MACHINE SHOPS, Best equipped plant in Central British Columbia. Seal Cove Marine Ways, Ltd. President W. E. Thompson, Gen. Manager Phone Red 391 Phone Green 153 Equipped WOODW jads sy “i os — > NWS 4 =) ey S34 a DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTIC! ! ‘ rt, Van l er | ument | minissoner OT A WARM GREETING Four 1 for the New Year we extend nw h to submit ap bt i from the Dis to you. ! ) hamed places ar Une Lands at \ nister of | LUMP COAL M r of Land ~~ $13.00 — ner ton, delivered. E MATTER OF THE “ADMINISTRA ‘FP BRITISH . ACT Every pound screened. 6 Car- as and a sen BOWAnD loads of High Grade Coal just EBBINS, DECEASED, INTESTATE received. ‘ E that by an Order of His vere 7, eB. voung, Innes Ss a Phone Black 85 ite of Seldon Ed used, and all parties 1 estate are Terminal Coal Co , 523 Third Avenue e, Proj th da parties OPPS EPPO POY 2 FB Dd ee OUR Pool Room moved to i NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF RESERV! 21 T . d | 7 hird Ave. NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN that the ‘ | ‘ 1h and site al ug | Opposite . British Columbia | The Empress Hotel y January ivuv ' ‘ ss it rem to tha —_——— ) tween Indian Reserve N i CIGARS DA | * G. BR. NADEN ls so sep y Minister abus | peparument of Lends Two per cent. Beer Victoria, B. ¢ | November 17th, 1919. iia ue . vee IN PROBATE 2 $$$ ED | \ THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | ' COLUMBIA ' PI 41 i Red 391 I OF THE ADMINISTRA- 7 IN TMs uarree I H For Hire by the H : al 4 lin THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF Vay or Week CHARLES W. SHAIRLIN, DECEASED, INTESTATE e rAKE NOTICE that in_ order of His ' \ y n rade the Sixteenth 8 Tey at sy. 1919, | was ap aunc e uinistrator 10 the stale of ctitiititimaleadiail Cl W Shairiin, deceased, sm “oe va ; . cla . against the gate es: | Picnic and Fishing Parties ' equired to furnish seme.) Trips round Harbor y, A. D. 1920, and all} | to the estate are required 3 MYHILL-JONES t of their indebtedness to JOHN H. MeMULLIN, cena ee Mcial Administrator h day of December, 1919 | Chilli A t Con Carne s Hot ‘omales rhe Daily News is the recig-| ed medium between seller and At the ibuye People all read the ad CHILL! PARLOR - 835 Second Avenue tising columns because the D.iivery Service Extra Phone 657 ertisers are live wires. ow a