III: I i V ! il -Crlbbage League results last night were as follows: Grotto 17, Seal Cove 10. Swifts 17, Eagles 10. Moose 16, P. R. Hotel 11. I. O. O. F. 15. Musketeers 12. E!ks 19, K. C. 12. League Standing W. L. Pt.j Musketeers 50 31 50 i SwlfU 44 37 Elks 44 37 Oddfellows ... -.41 P. R. Hotel 41 . . 4Q Grotto 41 40 Mooee 39 '4? 39 Seal Cove r. 44 37 Eagles M- 36 K. C - 32 32 This Clergyman Is Active Worker and Bicyclist at 93 A correspondent o the British Weekly tells of Rev. Frederick Haft-tings of Eastbourne, who, at the age of 93 may safely be acclaimed as the oldest, active bicyclist in Greet Britain. Mr. Hastings Is stil! able to preach twice each Sunday. The same correspondent tells of nine other bicyclists who are more than 60 years old and under 70; 20 are 70 or over and under 80 and. five are 80 or more years old, among them being Albert Arthur Cater, a Bristol evangelist, who will be 89 next March. Among Britain's oldest cyclists the same 'correspondent mentions a remarkable Yorkshire, woman, who. at the age of 95, continues to cycle her two miles a day but, as her machine is a tricycle, he does not consider that she should be classed with the others. All of these veteran cyclists, says the British Weekly, will agree, with Professor J, B. S.. Haldane, the famous biologist, who wrlte,that "for the business, man who has no time nor, perhaps, Inclination for exercise a short daily bicycle ride is the ideal solution to this problem of keeping fit," and when he adds that "many of our ills of civilized life would be cured If the 'Invalids' would take; up cycling." JUMOIt BILLIARDS The league standing for the second half to date Is as follows: O. Ttl. Av. Empress 2 1881 041 League of Nations 1 919 919 Jewelers 2 1826 913 j Hawks 1 902 902 NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY Bud Colby. 9-year-old skier at Lake Placid, N.Y., takes off into the blue from jump before which many adult enthusiasts have quailed SPORT Colonel Jacob RupperC owner of the New York Yankees, has many i problems. One is to keep the waist line and the bankroll of Ruth down to moderate proportions. Another is to keep Lefty Gomez's .weight up to the accepted standard: When Mr. Gomez first joined the Ruppert payroll he weighed 150 pounds, which was much too light for his six feet two. So it was decided that he should be sent to a health farm. The farm Ruppert decided upon was at Saratoga, Cal. Mr. Gomez was sent there and commanded to subsist on a diet of milk and cheese. For three winters he did this. "I drank so muh milk I am ashamed to look a cow In the face," he tells you, with less originality than you would expect from a left hander. "Still, I wouldn't have minded It so much If there weren't so many old women around. They were all 50 ox 60 years old and I was the only man in the place. It even got to a point where I was In love with the cheese." i Mr. Gomez went on tour with an j all-star team after the season clos-, ed. "Funny thing about that," he , says, "I hadn't been pitching very , long before I found I had a curve NOTES ball. Ain't that just like a lefthand er waiting until the season Is over to find out that you can throw a curve ball?" Gomez, It seems, had his heart in these game but mostly It was for June O'De. He threatened to quit tfte tour in Sacramento. He hadn't got a letter in days from th' gal. 'I'll pitch this game and after that I'm through," he warned Al Schacht, the team manager. Schacht knew what was wrong. It was the fourth Inning. The touring team was trailing 3 to 1 and Gomes was pitching. Overcome by an inspiration, Schacht rushed out to the third base coaching line and held up three letters. "Look at hee. Lefty!" he shouted. "From hcrt" asked Mr. Oomez. "Yes," nodded Schacht. The Sacramento team didn't get a hit the rest of the way. The three letters were addressed to Schacht. They were "please remit" documents from Billy Taub, the tailor. Red OoriCas, so powerful that lions do not dare inhabit the same region, have been discovered in the Belgian Congo. CIGARETTES kill I I k A II Vina ana menow German Champion Prepared to Sleet 'Jack Sharkey in 15 'Rounds in June NEW YORK. Jan. 19: Joe Jacobs, manager of .Max Schmeling, world heavyweight boxing champion, announced last night that Schmeling was prepared to meet Jack Sharkey in a 15-round bout for the title in June. Jacobs explained that Schmel-Inx was tired of being accused of dodging Sharkev and was prepared to meet the Boston gob any time and any where. The champion's only stipulation was that the bout should be of at least 15 rounds duration. Schmeling is not recognized as the champion by the New York Boxing Commission on the grounds that he avoided a meeting with Sharkey, who is rated by the Commission as the outstanding heavyweight. Mickey Walker Under Arrest World's Welterweight Champion and Jack Kearns, His Manager, Charged With Assault JERSEY CITY. Jan. 19: Mickey Walker, world's welterweight boxing champion, and his manager, Jack Kearns, are out on ball of $2000 each following their arrest on charges of assault. Enjoys Tennis Mile. Jqsette Laval, daughtei-secretary of Premier Laval of France, enjoys a spot of deck tennis aboard ship while en route to America with her dad BILLIARD SCHEDULE Following is the schedule for the remainder of the second half of the Junior Billiard Lengue: Jan. 21 Jewelers vs. Hawks. Jan. 25 L. of N. vs. Empress. Jan. 23 Hawks vs. Jewelers. Feb. lEmpreas vs. L. of N. Feb. 4 Jewelers vs. Hawks. Feb. 8 L. of N. vs. Jewelers. Feb. 11 Hawks vs. Empress. Feb. 15 L. of N. vs. Hawks. Feb. 18 Bmprces vs. Jewelers. Feb. 22Hiwks vs. L. of N. Feb. 25 Jewelers vs. Empress. Mar. 1 Empress vs. L. of N. Mar. 4 Hawks vs. Jewelers. MarrHs-L. of N. vs. Hawks. Mar. It Jewelers vs. L. of N. Mar. 13 Empess vs. Jewelers. Mar. 13 L. of N. vs. Hawks. Mar. 22 Jewelers vs. Empresv Mar. 25 Empress vs. L of N. Mar. 29 Hawks vs. Empress. The picturesque windmills of Holland are fust being replaced by modern machinery. fjs3& 26 oz. 2T lmp.Quaxts PAGE FOUR T23 r.'.:-7 :nr.vs ia itiTii bimibii wnamMMmnmuBm wnamuBM if Km niguwis im B.i.fl:i; ;- BWi.u& umx&xmMMmtMtmt mmun 5 .u'tekit Tnni33H.M. THE KING OF S7ai7 I News of The Sport World I g&frasgwws CRIBBAGE IS PLAYED Musketeers Still Leading League With Swift In Second Dace 9-Year-Old Takes Big Jump SCHMELING TO FIGHT This advertisement is not published or displayed by tie uquor i of British Columbia DRAW FOR PLAY-OFF First Half Honors In Senior Basket ball League Are to Re Settled This Week Three-Two Taxi and Canadian National Recreation Association srtll met In the Senior Basketball League tonight to decide who will! play Panthers on Friday night In a final play-off for first half honors in the league. This was deckled last night at a meeting of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association. The extra games have become necessary owing to the three-way tie existing at the end of the regular schedule for the first half of the Mason. The meeting appointed a com-nittee consisting of William Mitchell. Bob Irvine. Dan Morrison and Ernie Ratchford to arrange practice hours for the teams. Presiding over last evening's meeting was J. W. Ftommer. presi dent of the Prince Rupert Basketball Association. Difficulties artalng from the first half were ironed out by the meeting and the stage set for an inter esting second half. There was a general feeling. among the players and the execu tlve that they were not getting the support of the public as theyj should. For years basketball hasi been struggling to get a foothold In J this town and now that there lef every facility as regards a build Ing and an organised league of four different grades of basketball it Is thought unfair that the sport does not get more support. Billiard Averages Junior League G. T Av. J. May (Hi - 5 1000 200 J. Saunders (J) 2 400 200 B. Wendle ,ILN .-,....1 2po 200 A. Zadoroski B ,9(53 194 P. Johnson (E) 5 905 193 R. Fong (LN) 4 771 193 N. Chenoskl E 3 959 192 R, Wicks (H) 5 950 191 Q, Howe (E) 5 952 190 W. Stuart J) 8 938 183' P. Vaccher ILN) . ..... 5 920 185 P. Chenoskl' E .... 5 1102 183. W. Funnell (Jl i.. . .J3 548 W, Iludaori il .........v5. 953'' 101 L, Raabo J 5 074 175 !p nii jTMi 04A 108 F. Aldrldge iLNl 5 822 lot C. Perry iH S 494 104 A. Murray iLN 2 335 108; J. Bulger 'Ji 5 815 163 A- SUuchun iJi 5 812 W. E. I lay hurst HI) 4 004 isi (Note IU Hawks; J., Jewelers; L. of N., League of Nations; E , WKLTEIIWEIOIIT TITLE HAS CHANGED HANDS 1 PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 19:' Johnny Jadlck won the Junior welterweight boxing title from Tony Canionerl last night by decteloning the former cham- 4 plon In ten rounds of fighting. Whist Schedule January 21 Seal Cove vi. I.Q.O.F. Musketeers vs. Grotto Empress vs. Tptem Park. Sons of Norway vs. Moose. Fish Packer vs. Legion. March 3 Grotto vs. I.O.O.F. Moose vs. Totem Park, Muskeeters vs. Empress. Legion vs. Seal Cove. Sons of Norway m Fish Paek era. January 28 Grotto vs. Sons of Norway. I.O.O.F. vs. FUU Packers Seal Cove vg. Empress. Legion va Totem Park. Moose vs. Musketeers. February. 4 Grotto yt. Legion. - , Son of Norway vs. X.O.O.F. Muskeeters vs. Seal Cove. Totem Park vs. Fkh Packers. Empress vs. Moose. February I.O.O.F. vs. Legion. Seal Cove vs. Sons of Norway Totem Park vj. MusketeeM. Fish Packers vs. Moose. Empress vs. Orotto. February 18 Orotto vs. Fish Packers. Moce vs. I.O.O.F. Legion vs Musketeers Sons of Norway vs. Empress. Totem Park vs. Seal Cove. Basketball Standing Senior League j W. L. 1 Panthers 0 C.N. It. A. 6 6 '32 Taxi 8 8 Intfrrm-dlate Lcatue W. L. High School 7 182ITUXIS ,.( , ( ! Merchants 5 1 Ladles' League w. Amazons jq 1 Cardinals 7 Comet j j Junior League noy scouts 7 league of Nations Japanese . Rovers & 4 2 5 0 7 L. 2 6 11 L. 2 4 5 7 Pts 12 Pts 14 12 10 Pts. 20 14 .2 Pts 14 10 8 io Mil on ,r n h SAT SMITHEI ; '' Line of Winter Sport b (5o,l s,rnn" Railway Town merer was coiwi. '.:e icS jment on Sunday P to tl 'the official opntn . ,ers Ski club's nw place, according u a ;n rill the ettv from thr .: -i i town. Keen Inierr-. t, til nunrruus spectators at many participants : s,c An active wint : I jcipated by the Sim Sktl 'and nex month i: i-ATrt liave a big meet in a rfitl ! tatlves of monv in'. : ! eompete. Snow conditions ". I ted to be Ideal at Sr. . f-4l skiing sport - CRIBBAGE January tS Eagles vs. Seal r..-: MinkoU-era vs. 8wi! Orotto vs. Elks I. O O F. vs P B H Moose vs. K. C. February 1 Seal Cove vs. Musk' " I. O O. F. vs Swift Moose vs. Orotto P. R Hotel vs Elks K. C. vs. Ragles February 8 Elks vs. Moose Eagles vs. I. O. O F SwlfU vs. Orotto Musketeers vs P P 11 Seal Cove vs. K. C February IS Musketeers vs. Elks Moose vs. I. O. O F P. R. Hotel vs. Eiltii' K. C. vs. Grotto Seal Cove vs. Swifts February Elks vs. Seal Cove Eagles vs. Mmketei 1 Swifts vs. Moose I. O. O. F. vs Gni't'1 P. R. Hotel vs. K C February ? 121 Grotto vs. Musketivi -K. 12 1 O. w. I. O. O. F Elks vs. Eugles Seal ?OVO vs. Moose P. K. Hotel vs. Swlfi 4 The Dally News cpn b Puf' chased at- " Post Office News EUnd, Jfl Clrnnvllle St.. Vancouver Karl Andersoa Prt George. B.C. R. W. Riley. Terrace B Oeneral Store. Anyot Bmlthera Drug Store Smi" er.i. HO.