esday, January i, Dr. Worf's Norway Pine Syrup a n4i THB DAILT NZW1 PAGE THREE . The Children Catch Cold Easily Mr. WslUr Miller, Notch Hill, B.C., writes! "Th climate here in the winter time if very chugs able, and the children catch cold very easily. I hurt always found that a few dose of Dr. Wood' Norway Pine Syrup will relieve them at once. I hv tried many other cough remedies, but, now, I always insist on 'Dr. Wood's , as I find it the most reliable, and the children like its pleasant taste." Price 85c. a bottle; large family eiie 65c.; at all drug and general stores; put up only by The T. Milbura Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Week-End Candy Special Sugared Assorted 20c per lb. Ormes IM. Ufie Pioneer Druffists THE UEXALL STORE I'honcM 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamrrs leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: 1.H. CATALA EVEBT TUESDAY, IJ0 P-M. Via Ocean Kails, arriving Vancouver. Thursday p.m. TJM. I'AHDKNA EVERV FRIIMY MII1MOIIT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight spjiroi WeetlJ stUlngs to Port Simpson, Alice Arm. Aujos, 8twsn and Nass Rlvtr points. Sunday. 9 p.m. T :i bf' information regarding all aaUlng and tickets at PRINLT HITEKT AGENCY: Second Atenue. Phone MS USSIA HAS MUCH GOLD i let lirpublic roMewes urge Supply of Precious Metal 1( iV 19: Forced by, rplgn trade balance uwri uonaernuve nwcu wuu, v in considerable quan-,K nnual meeting, voted conft-an obligations abroad, dence in the present admlnUtra- rrf . nevertheless seems .w its supply of the .1 from 1U own tre- . .uurces. I ' a. .pparent from the . ,nro h-t of th -noa-1 : ,i, bank, which shows omber the country's increased to 612.W9.3J0 mvimui etrutoAtrwuit , in C, 'tt.oso n.hl .or about do a in the preceding, t Ik n trade figures for ;d were not available but it "U ri el certain here that . nrable balance had not ' onably reduced, if, at all, i.d.Uons abroad wfilch re-lower prices for Soviet M.iu.stics published were - uv estimates for the end j i uM eight months of the I 'wtnii that for that period doc against Soviet Russia - i'n trade rose to 210.631.-' - about $10515.500' from rubles (about $75,510.-r- tiio first six months of the It ' ikr tin this H larrui ' i i i must rely on two factors s ' r it-, currency Is not rccog-1 in international finance--the n t umney It receives from in "ihrr lands, and gold. The ' 1 or the former naturally is uirur upon the ability of this " to export Us products and I 1 uatps accordlnnlv. T1' refore. lhi lmivirtnA nfi' hallinu its gold resources W net . . - - .UWr.l UJ UUlllUitltO n'1 FlL"1irkU rn nnniiil nmeliiAHnn I M nrv kept rwret, but mining1 427. individual scores were as fol-"its from Great Dritain andj0ws: ' t'nuod States who liave been on johnnv May t Hawks). 200; Frank lob hnrn fn . m ir , patched. surface ..hydlys bqen WEATHER REPORT 1 niK.ira Island Overcast. light pherly wind; sea calm. IT iplo Island OverfiftgL light '"ni-ast wind: km xmnnth. DfMd Tree PnlnfP:irt eloudv I'm barometer, 30.02 tempera- Pl' 38' Enr .mll. ' Fruit Jellies GALE NEW TORY HEAD Smithers Conservative Association Has Annual Meeting Confidence in Government SMITHERS, Jan. 19: The Smi- tlon of affairs by federal and pro- vlnclal governments. There was a itar - e attendance at the meeting. The following officers were elec- m ASIA 'ur Honorary presidents, Hon R. B. Bennett and Hon. S. F. Tolmle Honorary vice-presidents. Dr. C. Bamford and C. II Orme. President. R. L. Gale. First vice-president. J O. Ste- Phens Secretary-treasurer. L. S. McOUl. Executive committee. O. II. Wall. J. M. Collison. W. J. O'Neill. E. Woodward. C. E. Doolittle. Alex S. Millar. R C Mutch. Sam Cocker, Conservative candidate for Omineoa electoral district, w.t.s present and gave an interesting ' address. Smithers Conservative Assocla- tlon Is in favor of a redistribution of electoral districts whereby this electoral district will be bounded on the west at Shames and on the cast by the 126th Meridian at Rose Lake, including the whole Bulkley Valley district in one Instead of Its being divided as at present. HAWKS LEAD IN BILLIARDS League of Nations, Down 600 to 127 On Three Games tt,olr mnn all t.hrM nf flvn Lames nlayed in last night's Junior Ullllnlll iCSapUC ilAtUIB . t,.lp a ImH nf fifid tn i i.u .t xf MotlAni) 11i 1 W. Hudson, 200; Earl Rtt. 124. Roy Wicks. 200; Priw..YcdtC) ' ' ' 179. Games of W. Murray vs. B. Wen-die and C. Perry vs. R. Fong will be played tonight. There are 28 foreign cultural in-iiiinlinm in itniv. Germany hai ii munitions in Italy: France four England, three, and the United Ftate two. The n st are divided among other countries. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. Arthur S. Nickerson returned , to n&iuyin.t!Wcatafa from Anypx wherefjie has been visiting for the Note our coal ad for discount prices. Hyde Transfer. Puone 580. (tf) William Ooldbloom returned to the city on the Catala this after- nbon from, "fur ("buying trip to Wales Island' j r; R. W. Sinclair of Inverness can nery arrived In the city on thli morning's train for a brief busi ness visit to town. Alberta Sootless Egg, $11.00; Bulkley Valley, Lump, $12.50; Nanaimo-Wellington Lump, $13.-50. Phone 116 or 117 Albert & McCaffery. A. C. Dourque sailed this after noon on the Catala for a business trip to Vancouver. He is going south in connection with an in dention he recently made. J. J. little, general manager of the Northern British Columbia Power Co., returned to the city on the Catala this morning after hav ing spent the past few days at Stewart on company business. O. E. Oulick, local manager of Swift-Canadian Co.. returned to the city on the Catala this after noon after having made the round trip to Anyox and Stewart on com pany business. Lvrry ton of Bulklcy Valley purchased gives more employment In your own locality. W. D. EdWards, who has been in charge of the Jewelry department ol the Oranby 8tore at Anyox. wai a passenger aboard the Catala th afternoon bound from the smelter town to Vancouver. The depart ment has been closed down. Having delayed at Wales Island toilaad oannedi salmon, iunlorr n (Jatala.' Capt-. A. E. Dickson, re turned to port at 1 o'clock this of temoon from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed about an hour later for Vancou ver and waypoints. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torshlp liner Northland, Capt. Len wniiams. arrived in port at 7:M this morning from Ketchikan and after discharging five carloads of frown fish for transshipment to the United States over the Canadian National Railways, sailed la ter. In the morning for Seattle. The 1931 board of school trustees held a brief final meeting last ev enlng at the home of the chairman, Mrs. T. M Spencer. Fifth Avenue East. The only business was the passing of December accounts totalling $8,114.87 of which $7.-487.23 was accounted for by payroll and $627 by tradesmen's accounts. Present at the meeting were Mrs. Spencer. W. J. Greer and L. W. Waugh, trustees, and J 0. Williamson, secretary. a i on &U i u: u:t up si l i mi til CARS BOUGHT at Their Real Value Can lie Honestly Sold We iavc the following specials In Guaranteed Used Cars 1029 Sedah Chevrolet $470 1929 Sedan Ford Town $425 1939 Cabriolet Ford Sport $465 Sedan $200 Ask us about our Used Car Guarantee plan and easy time payments Bring in your old car for an appraisal Kaien Motors Ltd. Third Ave. & Seventh St Phone 52 R I II II IB KIKI II U II 1 1 If Basketball, Auditorium, tonight. Vi. H. Wilkinson was a passenger on bqgrd, the Staj tnls afternoon buriljlfrmtewltrt ' icrPtrip to Victoria. Lief Ef lcks6rrWhlst Wive and dance Metropole Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 8:30. Admission 50c. lb II. V. Moorehouse, manager of Namu cannery, wui Doard tne r Catala at that r. point tomorrow and proceed tVghc couver. 8. Buy Bulklcy Valley Coal Tin-belter Coal. Came Warden Ed. Martin sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to the Ocean Falls and Bella Coola districts on official duties. T. W. HalL school inspector, re turned to the city on the Catala this afternoon from a trip to! Anyox and Alice Arm on inspection duties. ' ; . J. J. Oillls. whff has been en gaged fn carpentry work at Kln-collth. returned to the city on the Catala this afternoon from the Naas River. P. O. Russell, assistant supcrit; tendent for the Canadian Naliona1 Railways at Smtihers, arrived In the city from the interior on this morning's train for a brief visit to town on official business. Archie Watt, divisional mastpr mechanic for the Canadian National Railways with headquarters in Prince George, is paying a brief visit to the city on official duties, having arrived from the Interior on this morning's train. Announcements Eagles Social Dance, Friday, Jan 22. Gentlemen 50c. Ladles refreshments. Daffin y jp- Presbyterian Bunu Banquet January 25. V . Eagles Bigger and Better Smoke January 28. Admission $1:00. C.N.R. annual dance will b held in 'Moose Hall Friday, Febru ary 5. 1932. Moose Valentine Dance, Feb. 12. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale April 7. ma MArnxmn us uxmjMxusmsm'MiKt SQUARE DEAL Meat & Fish Market TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY SPECIALS Veal Chops. 2 lbs. flp OUl 1 doz. Eggs Pork Steak. 2 lbs. 1 doz. Eggs 3acon. 4 lb. QP 1 do. Eggs OOK, .j. jhoulder Pork. 4 lbs. 7CT Apples, 4 lbs. Loin Pork ' 4 lbs. rresh Side Pork- 50C Eggs Fresh Firsts rjr 0 3 doz VOl, Smoked Ham, Premium, 1 lb. CC 1 doz. Eggs OOK, Fresh Spring Salmon IMione 958 Third Ave. n:a tm.m t:i f KaxKorKi'inia ra n TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEF.NA ItRAM) Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FKKSH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the Cltj BmmBmmKmmammBmmmmimm OFFICERS OF SHRINE CLUB II. Johnson Is New President-Peter Lorenzen is Elected Vice-President The Prince Rupert Shrine Club eld Its annual meeting last, night In the Masonic Temple and elected officers for the coming "year as follows: President, T. H. Johnson. Vice-president, Peter Lorenzen. Secretary-treasurer, to be elected later. Executive J. S. Nelson, S. E. Parker, and S. 0 Thomson. Mrs.WikdalIs New President The Lief Erikson Ladies' Club (Hygga) held a meeting last night at the home of Mrs. Nels Luth. Of fleers for the year were elected as follows: President, Mrs. P. Wikdal. Vice-president, Mrs. J. Moen. Secretary-treasurer, Mrs. N. Luth. Vice-secretary, Mrs. H. Erikson. The retiring president, Mrs. J Johnson, thanked the ladies for their good work throughout the past year. At the close of the meeting, delicious refreshments were served. Terrace Scouts Skating Party TERRACE, Jan. 19: On Satur day evening last, the Boy Scouts of Terrace held a skating party on one of the local Ice sheets to which all skaters were cordially Invited. Between forty-five and fifty young people were present. Refreshments were served by the Scouts under Assistant Scoutmas- ter Sparkes. after which skating and camo fire singing were enjoyed until midnight. WTH WINTER SAILINGS From Prinre ltiiwrt for Vancouver, railing at Orran Fall and Powell Kjtrr 10.00 p.m.' Thurtdaya Fur Anyoi anil Stewart 4.00 p.m. Wnlnrnlaja Forlniftlillr nrrttre to Qurrn Cliarlollr. Ulanda. Particulars on rrqurat. TRAIN SKKVICE PaMviiRrr train leave Prinre It ii pert Mondays. Wednesday and Friday at 3.00 p.m. for Kit in un ton, Winnipeg and point Fast. or injtr mmtin emli mr trril lormt affent e II. MrKI.M, II.F. P.4. 1'rlne Kaprrl. B.C. Canadian national Hotel Arrival? New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot & Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP ' J. Zarelll Trlrphonc tSI Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000. tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MiningMarhlnery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and ltrass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts GIRL GUIDE ASS'N MEET Annual Session Held Last Nijht at Home of President, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh; The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Girl Guides' Association was held last night at the home of the president, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh,- Fourth Avenue West. There was a fairly good attendance. Reports of Guide companies and Brownie packs, read by gulders,! Indicated that 1931 had been a sue- j cessful year. I After the report of the president had been read, officers for the en suing year were elected as follows: Prsident, Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. Vice-president, Mrs. Shelford Darton. Secretary, Mrs. Ernest Anderson. Chairman of examining committee, Mrs. H. L. Landry. Executive Mrs. Chris perry and the regent of Municipal Chapter. Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire (Mrs. John Manson). In the absence of Capt. Norma Rogers, colors presented to First Prince Rupert Company. Girl Guides, by the local association, were received by Lieut. Brewerton The subject of a Ranger company was again broached but no one has yet been found who will take charge of same. After the close of the meeting, delicious refreshments were Berved by the hostess. OFFICERS OF BAND Port iissington Musical Organization Has Annual Meeting PORT ESSINOTON. Jan. 191 I The Esslngton Concert Band held Its annual meeting recently and, after the various departments of the band had presented reports, which showed that during. the past year the band had made splendid progress In every one of its spheres of activity, the following officers for 1932 were elected: Honorary president, Mark Bolton. President and Treasurer, David Spalding. Vice-president, Matt Wesley. Financial and corresponding secretary, L. L. Starr. Recording secretary, J. W. Bolton. Conductor, David Spalding. Assistant conductors, L. L. Starr and A. W. Stewart. Dance band director, Herbert Spalding. Librarians, P. D. Starr and J. W. Bolton. Propertymen Instruments, II. Spalding and S. Campbell. Halls, Joseph Roberts. Uniforms, H. Spalding and H. Starr. Sports committee, T. Campbell, H. Reld. W. Spalding, S. Campbell. Social committee J. W. Bolton, W Spalding, Herbert Starr. Fly Over Atlantic (Continued from Page 1) ship" Is to be pursued to actuality is clear from present purposeful development In this country. The next step, following the successful trials of the two 35-ton boats, is already planned. A 60-ton boat designed for commercial operation of a transatlantic service, with a maximum range at a cruising speed of more than two miles a minute of no less than 2,500 sea miles, Is receiving official consideration. Tills air leviathan, probably built largely I of stainless steel, will be planned to carry passengers and a big load of luggage and malls in extreme comfort, with sleeping accommodation resembling the passenger decks of a water-borne ship. Such a craft will be able to cross the Atlantic Ocean in less than 24 i hours. And it by no means repre sents the limit of size; at least one British flying boat deslgnmhas made preliminary calculations for the construction of a flying boat weighing more than 90 tons. C. N. R. TRAIN'S For the Kant Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl- days 3 p.m. From the East Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays 10:40 am. Try MIssMcFarlane'a Favorite Recipe for BISCUITS J ttarpoon tlt 4 tmpooni Mgi 2 cur pattry flour Baking Powder (or IN cup 2 tabletpooo bread flour) horteninf cup milk, or half milk and half water Sift together flour, baking powder and aalt. Cut in the chilled thortening. Now add the chilled' Hqu14-tonrake- off dough. Tom dough onto floured board and do not handle more than is necessary. Roll or pat out with hand to about Ji inch thickness. Cut out with a floured biscuit cutter. Place on tlighUy greased pan or baking sheet and bake in hot oven at 4S0 F. 12 to IS minutes. mmmmmmmmmmmiiiimmm "For Light, Flaky Biscuits use Magic Baking Powder," says Miss M. McFarlane, dietitian of St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto - RECOMMEND I Magic be cause I know it is r. pure, and free """v. " Y.from harmful in- gredients." tredients." Miss McFarlane' opinion is based on a thorough knowledge of food chemistry, and on close study of food effects upon the body. On practical cooking experience, too. Most dietitians in public institutions, like Miss McFarlane, use Magic exclusively. Because it is always uniform, dependable, and gives consistently better baking' results. And Magic is the favorite of Canadian housewives. It outsells all other baking powders combined. You'll find Magic makes all your baked foods unusually light and tender . . and gives you the same perfect results every time. Free Cook Z?00i-v7hen yon bile at home, the new Magic Cook Book will gire you dozens of recipes for delicious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Avenue and Liberty Street, Toronto, Ont. thdteltlne butitsle awwwUK x -Caat,l,..lIim.' Yimmimf This statsmsal tftry tla Is SHir guar aatsa that Mstlo Balls fowdar la rrw rrom alum or r harmful lafsdlaat. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and CavslJy-Wellington in any quantities. Also Bulkier. Valley Hay, Grain and Kobln Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 5S AND 558 1 Use SiMGNDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut 10' more timber in same time, with less labor than any other saw. (MONO CANADA SAW CO. LTD, MONTSSAL VANCOUVER. ST, JOHN. N.S TORONTO Get quick resuiu lth a want ad. a. t s A. ' s I 4 r ' v :! I. V ft i H v