4; " fi ,1 ' .if 1 I. f 5 Tuesdav -tJ11 mi . PAGE SIX TOT DAILY HBWB j mm r.PPETITE, RICE KllISPIES RICE KR1SPIBS jffis listen! IT 3IAKES you hungry j"t Kellogg'i Rice Krispies pop and crackle as yon pour on milk or cream. . . . And what a delieioui taste when you dip in your spoon! Toasted rice. Crisp and cruncby. You'll like Rice Kriipies for breakfast or lunch, wilh fruits or honey added. Great for children's sup pen. Nourishing and so easy to digest. Try a health ful dish when you're hungry late at night. Kellogg's Rice Krispies take the place of nutmeats in macaroons, candies. Use for making delicious icecream sundaes. 'Butter and serve like pop com. Order from your grocer. Be sure to ask for genuine Kellogg's Rice Krispies in the red-and-green pack age. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. The only cereal to critp if crackles in cream, You'll enjoy KeUgg"i Slumber Music, broedettt over wjz and auoeiated tuitions of the N. B. C. every Sunday evening at E.D.S.T. Also an Lot Angtlet, aouo SeetiU at 10.00, and &04 Denver t 10JJ. Cheapest Way of Reaching the People a, The cheapest way of reaching practically all the people of Prince Rupert and district is by means of the classified columns of the Daily News. Nearly everyone has something they could turn into cash through the "For Sale" column. Perhaps they have a house to rent. Here is the chance. Spend 50c on a classified advertisement and secure a tenant rather than have it idle. If a girl wishes a position or a housewife wishes help, the best means of getting supplied is through a want ad. Dressmakers sometimes want work; small store keepers want to move their goods; or maybe you need an article that Jtas been used rather than pay the price for new. Give the Daily News classified columns a trial. Many have been very pleased at tltc result. TELEPHONE 98 THE DAILY NEWS and drop in later arid pay the bill. The charge ioriiull. Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns Couple Celebrate 70th Anniversary Of Their Marriage Sir. aha : jtffij jooalaajjfi&foy of Dunham, Que- 'Receive Con gratnUlions DUNHAM, Que, Jan! 19 Mr and Mrs. Jonathan Seiby celebrated the seventieth anniversary of their wedding here on New Years day In the afternoon a reception wa.s held at the residence of their son, A E Seiby. when forty relatives and friends from Dunham and Cowans-ville gathered to extend their congratulation. Sharing in the congratulations was Mrs. Charles E Baker, formerly Miss Kate Ford, of Dunham, the only surviving member of the group of guests at the wedding seventy years ago. It was on January 1. 1862. at the home of her father. Charles Gay lor Meig's Corner. Dunham, that Miss Emily Gaylor was married to Jona than Seiby of Dunham, the ceremony being performed by the Ven Archdeacon Scott. D.D., then rertor of the local Anglican church and now of Quebec, in the presence of numerous relatives and friends. Both bride and groom were minors and the consent of the fathers of the young couple was necessary before the marriage could vake place Two children were bom to Mr and Mrs. Seiby, Annie. Mrs. Chas. Buchanan of Hartford. Conn, and , Arthur Ernest Seiby of Dunham. Believed to Be Oldest Woman in Western Canada WINNIPEG. Jan 19 Mrs. Joseph Oladu of High Bluff Man., who-h probably the oldest woman in Manitoba and perhaps Western Canada, celebrated her 106th birthday Christmas Day. Born Christmas day. 182$, at Fort Vancouver Josephine Le Braine was adopted by friends, and taken over tht Rockies to the Teace River, when a child of nine years of age. Her new family moved to Edmonton then Fort Simpson, and east to Norway House, on Lake Winnipeg. Finally the family settled at Mlc" dlechurch, where Josephine married Frank Moisette, and thei.-family grew to a total of 10 children, of whom at least five still survive. Mr. Moisette died 28 years ago and Mrs. Moisette subsequently married Joseph Oladu who di-xl recently. Being still in possession of her faculties, Mrs. Oladu, a dc vout Roman Catholic, attended at this year's midnight mass at Oak Bluff She is a familiar figure in the community, often being seen driving about the countryside in her buggy. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert January 19, 1912 C H Keithly of the Empress Theatre cigar stand had his head cut and an unknown Montenegrin also sustained slight Injuries a few minutes before noon today when there was a shower of rock and mud on Sixth street from Jane grading operations a block away PJate glass was shattered whole sale and offices and stores were virtually wecked. William Manson M. P. P. has promised the Prince Rupert Pro sressive Conservative Association that he will use his Influence to ward getting roads made around Kaien Island and up Mount Old- field. F. II. Mobley was the speaker be fore a meeting In the Presbyterian Church Hall last night. He paid trl but to the pioneer women of the north. Kaien Motors Best Buy 1929 Chevrolet Sedan Sold With a Guarantee 470.00 - Terms Phone 52 SITUATION IN INDIA Drastic Action Taken tn Bengal to Cope With Canpattn of Mar der and Intimidation ORDINANCES SIGNED New Regulation Kable imh Free Stat Regression Act BOMBAY. India. Jan. 15: The government of India lost no time in taking the firm action against errorism forecast by Lord Lothian, under-secretary for India, in 'he nous? of lords. Lord Wllllng-lon. Viceroy of India, signed an or-'p. tnce giving drastic powers to the Ten gal government and magistra- y and these were shortly extended to the United Provinces and the Vorthweat Frontier. Mahatma Oandhi shortly after his return at the end of December asked the Viceroy whether the or- ainance meant iuc ena ui pewa relations between the government i and the Congress party, but a few hours before this communication was sent Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald from Lossiemouth out spokenly denounced Indian agitators as selfish blockaders in the path of Indian progress. "An enlightened India would not only give them no countenance but would turn and rend them," the Prime Minister said. The extra powers are described by the Times of India as follows: -The ordinance so closely resembles the Iirsh Free State Permanent Re-prssion Act that its source of inspiration is obvious. President Cos-grave s administration was faced this summer with much the same problem that confronts the authorities in Bengal, and the remedies applied in Ireland with the sanc tion of the Free State Parliament suggest themselves as clearly suit able for India. Lord WuHngdon's Ordinance falls into two main parts, the first arming the executive with special powers for tracing and ap prehending terrorists. The police are entitled to detain any suspect for 34 hours, one of the main ob jects of this provision being the temporary removal of terrorist spies. Wide rights of search, com mandeering buildings, moveable property and vehicles, closing of thoroughfares and tm poring ftr.ej on districts wmen aid tenon.' gangs complete the extra powers granted in the chapter. (Trials of Terrorists) The second chapter closely fo! lows Free State precedent by em powering the local government to set up special tribunals and magi st rates for the trial of suspected terrorists, with the difference that whereas the Irish tribunal are purely military those in India wQI be composed of three Judges of the High Court As tn the Free State. there will be no appeal against any sentence passed by a tribunal, the High Courts are totally ex cluded from interference with the special courts established under the Ordinance. "Nobody likes extra-legal methods; they place power In tl c hands of the police which may he abused But desperate diaeairs can lor desperate cures, and none IRadio Tubes? Tested FREE With the Jewell Tuhc Tester IWcKAE BROS., I7TI). PRESERVING SEA LIONS Killing In Alaska Waters Prohibited By Government Seaman's Journal) Kiting of walruses and sea lions n th Territory of Alaska or in any if U:e waters of Alaska over which j he United States has Jurisdiction prohibited until April 30. 1932. ex pt as to walruses and sea lions k led by natives for food or cloth-2 bv miners or explorers when i.; need of food, by anyone in the ' necessary protection of property or . while such animals are actually engaged in the devastation of runs of ; salmon, or to the collection of specimens for scientific purposes un der permits issued by the Secretary of Commerce. The penalUes and forfeitures imposed by law will be strictly enforced against all persons who commit acts in-violation thereof or of the regulations promulgated in accordance therewith. can say that the situation in Bengal at the moment Is any thin -bat serious. Following a lou r series rf dastardly crimes and t!i" active existence of murder .is.v;-riation-i Government officials in many districts go about in daliv fear of their lives satisfies. I Monday and TuesdJ nVO SHOWS -7 I and i ADMISSION - 20c4J George Bancro; in "Rich Man's Folly" - aim , jf cast. What good Is wtith , the face of a great hnnu crisis? A Paramount Pici,, Comedy "MADMOISELU IKtXp Screen Song "GALLAUIIEK & SHILY WEDNESDAY k TlltRSDJiI -GIRLS ABOIT TOWY WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL f'you van So which gives the grratr t heat for the money expendrd, ke-licvinr that a satisfied ttn tomer is the greatest asstt i merchant ran have Thone n for a trial order and join the family of contented household ers who are using the bat fad in town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 618 GESCO AUTO-TOP DRESSING This dressing will make an old top look like new It is & wuterproof. softens and preserves the leather Price, 5c per pint, postage paid (lesco Safety-First Windshield Cloth This wonderful eloth is chemically treated and will pr wtndshtsjd from becoming foagy during a rainstorm K ''; vWon dear by making the rain run right off. The harder the better R works. Simply rub doth over yet windh; . IK t;rj 1H the safety of himself and others, every auto-owner shou.'i one of these wonderful cloths, Price each, 5fc postage paid Service Station owners, etc.. write for our wholesale i"wn Mfg. by GEO. E. SYMINGTON CO. Nelson Block Port An On The Fish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry (o Your Bin. You are assured in gelling full fih' NO. 1 ALBEKTA IT.G-lleg. Price. 12.50; For Cash US NO. I ALBERTA LUMP Reg. Price. $13.50; Cah Price 1:51 PE.Mni.VA EOfi-Reg. Price. S1JJS0: Cash Price llS Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580