14, 1009. , NGS : Al pILI w YEAR yeshome LUNCH HIGH SUGAR PRICES Control! Will be Withdrawn States Jan. 1 and Sharp Bidding is to be Ex.- pected. ARE 10 BE EXPECTED De 7 y A man at sixty eh, the of age is : 4 ca Of a SUCCes ner a failure PrLis ccs BEE HAM’S ruk UY NEWS CLASSIFIED) mms ADVERTISING Phone 98 This is the Advertising Coleme that si DINNER $1 1:90 am. zo0™. — 500 p.m. to 7:80. years and have :et made for sixty = medicine in the « eee sale of any The decontrolling of sugar jn) Millions use = the United States, which wil) pb. A ws come effective on January 1 with Bee H Sold everywhere im Canade PILLS x ane the lapsing of the Food Contr«| pian. regulations, will unquestionab|, sai ack Cod have a very marked effect «, one et gation sugar and sugar prices especially *! crap Heed Let oe as they apply to Canada. It pretty generally agreed that 1! roatt American refiners as a rule hay. Mayonsise not purchased their necessa supplies for 1920, and that, ther: e fore, with the opening of the new 4 pork: Apple auc crop, there will be keen bidding Vegetables. for available stocks; also that ; with the price limits that ha prevailed in past years remo, “wb there may be expected to be a — fee sharp apward trend in pric« ial Menu 50c good deal of capital has cia tan. t made of the largely § increased ee odie estimated yield of the Cubar spenist sugar plantations, bui while this ‘"° %4 Pig tare ate ougar penacsiny £0:'"'*| SHAKESPEARE SAID : TO BE LIBELLOUS tk Biack With the oid crop practically z eee ee i on peepie read whes they want anything t brings results WANTED @ Flavour for every taste eat ery ; pill Pickles | Brown 1 Beans W 58 thing Bolled » wit abbage and the new still upward of month away, the stocks availa in prospect have been depleted | the extent of one and a qua to one and a half million tons dér contract to European tries and the Far Kast, and | lesser extent to this a. Roughly speaking, a third of Tea flee Ouban crop, «hich is the bie fi Sr caoens sanveo any Yuma ofr in the sugar market, has eT Ae TO MIONIGHT contracted for and the biddi: tefiners has hardly comm: While there have been sugar Spiieeniaitnedaians shortages in certain localities LAND At n Canada, it has not been as a rv IN THE & ‘ aN sult of any actual shortag: fi rnict P OUEEN HA supplies. The consumption ile ek Entrees , ¥ en Peas - Roasts Brow Au seaied air-tight and impurity-proof, in the wax- wrapped, safety packages. contine Be sure to get WRIGLEYS because if is supreme in quality. sugar has never been as extensive hier The Ail White in Ganada as it has 8 House year. Even im Winnipeg, one of |" ; - . it 3 miles dis ' ; — - the localities that suffered frum | owe f Sew ‘ h . ; Made in the shortage this year according t . shore lim : : ' | Canada lo the statement of W. F. O'Con- |r" —- . — ° nor of the Board of Commerc: the receipts of sugar this year ated tober, 1919 have been 75 per cent. in excess} : of last year's consumption In| Canada there has been an enor mously increased consumpti o Synopsis ° a8 | | Elect land Act Amendments |... We have limited only by local shortages | a . while in the United States ther: Ng 50c Lunches have been restrictions on cor seeet ee of Gret-class uns | = acre, second-class 3 ; sumption for some time past ax our prices range Financial Post. Pre-emption new confined to sur- from Ife veyed lands ealy Coy OE | Reoords will be granted covering only — B- ~~ | land guitadle fer agriculture: parposes look TF ; which ts nea-timber laud mw «(ior l norrow’s . ' nership pre-emp(icas abolished. Men oh rie s but parlice net mere than feur may 0 in the same place fer adjacent emptions + with feint residence. but each making nesessary improvements on respective beet h mt MENU ON THE COUNTER FOR RENT t RENT Lare are in demand There are Styles in Men’s Watches the same as anything else. The Gruen Verithin is one of the neat- est and best at from $25. to $150. We carry the Waltham from $12. to and you'll find a wide variety of GRUEV — Con Jones has offered the New castie United foothall team, th DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN fist division stars of the | ———— THE HEAD League, a flat guarantee of $5,00' your for three matches to be played : Vancouver during the « summer. The Newcasties to make a tour of Canada nex! year if finances can be arranged satisfactorily. All receipts abov« any sub this amount, Con Jones stipulates ‘eourdel’ totee are to go to the schools of the al ee city of Vancouver to foster th with full g) soccer game among the boys. Th Kames it is expected will menee June 19. . . . The University of Chicag: team, it is expected, will another tour of the Urient summer. It is planned to leave) a ‘ ptore must cccupy claims for Ove years and make improvements to neliat value of $10 per clear - e+ ing and cultivation of at least 5 acres ‘ore receiving Crewn Grant Where pre-empter in occupation not jess than § years, and has made pro pertionate imprevements, he mey, be- cause of ili-health, or ether cause, be granted intermediate certificate of im provement and transfer bis claim W Vou oreo Gufterer were « vee ie we ne 1 per tie wa. ‘ noes GD ~ & i : effects @ ates nt, and “") cases cless. If ‘el Stock at ed | cant makes imprevements te extent of per annum ané records same each year Fallure te make imprerements er record same will © te as for- felture. Tithe canmot obtained in jess than 6 years, aod improvements of $1000 per acre including | scres cleared and cultivated, and residence of at least 2 years are required Pre-emptor holding Crown grant may record another pre-emption, if he requires lane conjunction with his farm, witheut actual occupation, pro- vided statutory imprevements and residence maintained on Crown granted land Uneurveyed areas t exceeding 20 this| eer may be ieased as homesites, - title to be obtained after fulfilling resi- éential and improvement conditions. . i For grasing and industrial purposes Chicago in June, play on the Way! areas exceeding 40 acres may be : ~ one person or cempan. to the coast at various cities an: | anaes ty ene pieere Scotrial aien om ur fur P om s ‘umber land pot exceeding 46 acres nished. towns and then embark fr j may be purchased. conditions include _ Francisco on the trans-Pa payment of stumpage - Avenue, head trip. China, Hawaii and the Phil Natural hay meadows inaccessible Street, lippines will, probably, ’< visited | qe Regina. 74 STANDARD PRICES JOHN BULGES Jeweler The Gift Store col PUNBING AND EXGIKEERS Talim. “Mates EATING dros. oe by existing roads may be purohased cenditional upon construcuen ef « read al | to them. Rebate of one-half of cost of so. road, not exceeding half of purchar ».@. Box 274 . . . price, is made o Speaking of George Carpent PRE eMPTone’ FRes QRANT® as a challenger for the Worlds | Heavy Weight Championshit \George MeDenald, the English sportsman, recently said jin New York, “I have seen a great many fighters but in his fight 4 |gainst Beckett recently, Carpen- tier convinced me that he ranked with any of the best of them. He worked like a master and did not make an unnecessary move. The Of Ray ond Phone 174 << | SASH & DOORS orn LUMBER will make a nice) Dimension, Shiplap, Double Dressed Fir & Finishing LATH SHINGLES si INGS spe The scope of this Act is enlarged to F Or Comfort. Courtesy and Service £0 to Ihe he toy wore a of OWnes MANAGER = famous PLASTER BRICK include all persons joining and = f be your eastern | ing with His sMajest orees tl Mature | s or devisees s of Love atu f a deceased 7 Sociology It is ~ fer tithe unde: Act is extended i I Sociology : LIME the death of ‘ rant i the of euch reot as formerly until ; 1s Leatheré he year after the ssion of the present ine eat time within whic r may apply from for one yea »m breath , ent CEMENT war. This privilege is sis made re velvet shee} "TRS tees relating $2.00, post pa d. Publis! due or payable by soldiers of pre ting & Pub ne recorded after June 26, 1918 ' Vietoma Pri 7s g sth Seyi’ | oat vate st vitor "aT BERT & McCAFFERY, LID Provis for retur f moneys ac oe ecm Cc ; , erued, due and « August | PHONE 116 or 564 4, 114 ac yuat pay ts FARMS FOR SALE oan ——$—— wns or tases on pre-emptions are Complete Line of Building Material FARM Interest © . — >" . eld by men ; a is in Sunny Southern Al $2000 in bookl which er numbers! Hehed pwiner furm Asso iat - e rtlally [ree perm) mips waveless, W@ | blow that ended Beckett's ite! | est in the fight did not travel Mere] oe ee city i AND nol than a foot, Any man who feels eat a emitted from en i s in well settied aistris | the full impact of his blows must oamnont to March 1, 1920 Western Canada; low | ones a ae experience defeat. The only SUB-PURCHASERS OF CROWN twenty years to pay; irrigated) thing that can save Dempsey Will) iy made. for imuance of , Phone 524 Cor. Fulton and sis! be missing Garpentier’s full fOrC®) Crown grants to su — = berta, with loan « a because he has a mighty punch Crown Lantso failed to complete . vements to assist ne t al G oce Co | ; . ’ ? Burciase, involving forte - ; Aet now they are a 10n r e : ‘ ment of cond : ' a <= vor ee i | Phe Stanford University Foot-| Mesa canes Wivere sui packs soing fast, For free bookle VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY ‘ball Club, of California ee ee or we 7 od tt 1 information wate }made such a clean-up on the UN-| Se° Sistrivuted propor at G BO est. West.{{ Motor Delivery Prompt Attentis : . . ve & est iversity of British Columbia whee AF tay | tf agent, 744 Hasting Saturday last will meet 4 Viet GRAZING Vancouver, B. é a Nene ee . ) pid . . i t syetemals : j _ —_—_—__—_—— x eee —. ; - t ns ant Aa ivest Sustey eae Oneen Charlotte isiauders oie! " ‘ anuary 2. They w! oe vides for grasing © ; ssio! . F tier than mail rel | b f Th D y M under \ one ‘ do better " og hee city on the Bferaoon of qdministrals c per os 08 ‘vesed * ae ome print u scribe or e ~ é e cay they catch the steame! anges) Prior ere may j t the work done ‘ i to ress shop and el ern British Columb “President” home to California . for range manage bh » a aed anit The Leading Daily of North It is probable that the Victoria) gout romy ieam may put up a more present- for et wo (ee | Annus