Saturday, January 23, 1932 ron THE DATLT NEWS . , PAaEElVE 1 rv i at Th e uauy mws, Llassihed is the root Mans Advertising Column I, RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT " ' " " " --;;---, . , ( ..--.-... -p,,. H y-1., . r s t -g CLASSIFIED For rent, for r a word per ALE urtces. SHOE REPAIRS Two Good used cars .it Kalen Motors Ltd. tf ? Wicker baby buggy iu audition. Phone Blue 272 ; tf FOR RENT Fmt P OR Five roomed furnished mi nt, $15 a month, Mussai-;, us Grocery tf) port RENT Modern flat. Rand B: k Apply Max Hellbroner. (tf) rivo pfvt - Bell Piano, in rood! rum!;! ion. Apply Box 117. Daily f EHUE REPAIRS Best material rl AUCTIONEER .... - BH li.t uu gooas with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. , G. M. HUNT i.rd Avf Phone Red 637 Fresh Fish Daily Aboard tasboat Dolphin li at Cow Bay floats. Number or "rletie,, Jnst out of water. Typewriters for Rent by day, week or montot llsc, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Silversides Bros. PAINTS j,. WALLP.PEUS - GLASS Third Avenue 18 FOR RENT Four room cottage. N n il Avenue Et. Official Administrator. ' tf FOR RENT Clean well-furnUhci Ki rn 2-room suite. Palmes Ap..i mrits. Phone Red 444. tf MOOSE HALL FOR KENT A Nil!.' Dance $15.00 T. v Drive and Dance $25.00 P ;!! Mtt'tings $20.00 C .r.cTt $35.00 Bex.!.? M.itch $35.00 Store For Rent ' if rk prlee reasonable. Kr arnun Co., opposite Port Of- tf Tie Auctioneer r ( rating Wrapping 1 0-1 Furniture Repairs --' ur goods with me CIO. J, DAWES Phone Black 120 home needs new Paint or Wallpaper tr i nrrvflr a rH If atirvrt rf ' 'Ki- anything valuable In ' : turn a vacant lot to C. " k oive us a call. We will nuke a deal. ' f'.onr lt,,,i A4 i i tm i rn WOOD FOR SALE Any Length APPlj T Glrim and It. Vlererk T 1 K. TRANSFER 1 'i n 809 Reasonable prlcej 1,1 Promptly Attended Jan. 23 ADVERTISE ROOM and Board close In, locality. Phone Blue 300. FOUND W. C. Aspinall (21) LOST Gold wri$t watch, between Fourth Ave. E., and Fifth Ave. West. Reward. Telephone Blue BOARD AND ROOM gooa FOUND Three Yale keys on small ring. Daily News. CIHROPKACTIC Three Year Qraduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 211 and 519 Open Evenings C Excnange Blk. CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER METHOD Absolutely confined to the spina! column. T. . HOLLAND Palmer Apartments, 7th Ave. Mail Schedul CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 2 p.m From the East. Saturday. Tuesday and Thursday . 10:40 a.m. For Vancouver TtMsday 12:30 noon Thursday 9 pan. Friday . 11 pjn. Jan. 31 - p.m. From Vancoover Sunday -Trr- - pjn- Wednesday -10:30 ajn. Friday pjn. Tor Stewart and Anro Sunday . - 8 pm. Wedtiesdaf ... . 3 pjn. From Stewart and Anyon Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Thursday .., 8 p.m for Queen Charlottes 9 pm From Queen Charlottes-Jan. 21 - a.m Jan. 13- pm Jan. 27 p m t v. t... M.I 1rtri Clmhcnrk. MEMS sale and all other small advrrtLsemenc in ihi. u - . Insertion with .1, lrU.7JrSS S i3' ' 2 CCntS No a..i.l.J. .f..".8' of fo "y th" monlh thc chW is 25c a word. FOR SALE I jr SALE Cary Daily News. Safe. SALE Old Newspapers, , bundles for 25c. ..v.,,,.,, Kjkcii ior less than 50c. LOST Apptv LOST Black leather key case on , ,:t Tnlrd Ave. Finder please leave at Daily News. HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT JOSS HOW TO GET THEM. Free Booklet. The M,CC. Winnipeg. tt PERSONAL WOMEN WANTED to conduct. Kindergarten Classes at home. Free Booklet. Address Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Kensinu- tonBldjr, Winnipeg. - . WANTED CLERK, Grade 4, male, for Department of National Defence, B-qulmale dockyard, $1620-1920. Applicants should have clerical experience, supervisory ability, a eood nersnnalltv and ho nf a NOTICE U htby that I BMon. ooeupatloK mien, lr- tindt to lout to the coaunlabMier of , Offk. tbenot 30 chain aantlwrly UImhoi SO ehalna atrTf. ttMnc S9 IcImSm DarUMrtf. itraw 30 ehaim ta iMSat of oommwuent. onUlalnf trea aaoc or lew Oetbr 37. 1931. "TJLLIE THE TOILER" OEO. BAOOK. Tuesaay ' GranvlUe St.. Vancouver. In France only 28 per cent of the working population are industrial employed. Of the estimated 21.000.000 worker, 890,000 ar fnrmers, and of these 5,000.000 own ers. B.C. ! their own little farms. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. Oeneral Store, Anyox. Smithers Drug Store, Smith- THE MARKET Market prices current nere today are as follows: Vegetable Potatoes, 12-ia tos. , .25 1 sack, $1.45-' to 2.0a B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs .25 Parsley, bunch 10 California Celery rap. Brussels Sprouts, Calif., lb 2S Spinach, B. C, lb 15 Garlic, imported, per lb. 4Q Cabbage, green 05 Calif. Head Lettuce, head 15 Victoria Hothouse Tomatoes lb .35 Cal. Cauliflower. 30c and .35 B. C. Bunch Carrots 05 Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 2& Onions, lb Da Bulk Turnips, 10 lbs 25 Carrots, 8 lbs. .25 Parsnips, lb i)5 Imported Spanish Onions, 2 lbs. .25 1 Apples Delicious, fancy box 225, Delicious, household, box 2.10 ' Newtons, fancy, box 2.90 Newtons. C grade, box 2.80 Newtons, household, box 2.10 j Winsap8, fancy, box 2.90 that can. meet and deal wllh I wl?e6aps. C grade, box 2JS0; naval offers and personnel I fP "zenbergs. fancy, box 2.90, preferably experience in naval faPltzbergs. C grade, box ....... 2.80 ! training dutie Apply on forms! Fruils ' obtainable at Post Office to Sac-!JaP Oranges, box 1J0O! retary Civil Service Commission, i Valencia Orange, doz. 25c to .. .70 Ottawa, not later than February Lmonj5 California, large .40 6. 1932. J9 Grapefruit, California, 7Vfec to TRANSFERS B. & R. TRANSFER. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone 204. tf CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 177 for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Pine. tf SALVAGE & TOWING "If It's on oi unaer the water e do It." Pacific Salvasre Co. Ltd. Fully Equipped far Diving and General Salvage Work Agents for EAST1IOPE ENGLNFS Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row- Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Cool Id je Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone. Day or 564 P.O. Box 1564 LtMl NOTH K Grapefruit, Florida. 12HC to .. Calilornia Emperor Grapes, lb. Bananas, 2 lbs. Cranberries, lb White Figs, lb.'.. ..... .15 Apples, dried 'z .......':: 20 Peaches, peeled 20 Apricots, lb 20 Prunes, 60-70, lb. 10 Prunes, 30-40. Ib 15 Prunes, 40-50. lb. 12 Raisins, Cal. seedless, 2 lbs. . .. 25 Meats Fowl, No. 1. ib. .j:..: 20 Roasting Chicken; lb .36 Ham, slived, first grade 40 Cottage Rolls, Ib J22 Ham, plenic, first grade, Ib 22 Bacon, side, sliced, beat grade . .35 1 Pork shoulder, lb. . 15 1 Pork, loin, lb M i Pork, dry salt, lb .25 Pork, leg, lb. 29c to .21 Ayrshire Bacon, lb J0 Veal, shoulder, lb .20 1 jVeal, loin, lb .30 KM fer pmntmioa to purahM the Beef, pot roast IBHHUI HUM ID 13 Beef, baUlnf, lb., 10c to 15 wtMMrii (rosa Tuurqunn Pott 1 uwfi, roasu prune no, 10. wc u :a Lamb, shoulder, lb 20 Beat, steak. Ib. 28o to 20- .1UI 20. 25 25 25 Dried Fruits Extracted Honesy, per Jar ..... . 25 Comb Honey -J., .35 Dates, bulk, lb'. vn' 124 Lemon and Orange Peel 25 Blaek Cookintf Figs, lb 12" Currants, lb 15 1 Citron Peel .: 20 Phone 98 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. Sujar Yellow, 100 lbs. Whito. 100 lbs Lard Pun, lb. 13c to tamb, lc. lb. 3c to, 2U Compound, lb. 13c to Mutton, shwMeft'lb. 15 Smoktd Kipars, lb. .15 Salmon, fiwen, ih 12U Halibut, lb. M), Ejgs B. C. Fresh Pulleta, doz. 0 B. C Fwah Flrttsvdoz .33 B. C. Fresh Extra do?. 25 Local, new laid, doz nutter Fancy cartoned, lb No, 1 Creamery. 3 lbs. Flour Flour, 49'a, No. l hard wheat .45 25 .00 1.85 Feed Whent, No. 3 Alberta .. Wheat. Bulkley Valley Np. 5 Alberta Oats Bran -. Shorts Middlings Bf rtey - Laying Mash Oyster Shell Beef Scrap Ground Oil Cake Fine Oat Chops Crushed Oats . - Taken at His Wordsh The Daily 0 5.00 550 .15 .15 1.65 1.75 1.40 IJ50 1.90 1.70 2.65 1.80 2.90 3.00 1.85 1.85 Fine Barley Chop 1.80 Nuts Almonds, snelled Valenclas .... .50 California soft shelled Walnuts 25 Walnuts, broken shelled 40 Walnuts, shelled halve 50 Peanuts 15 Ontario solids 'Stilton, lb 1.75; Cheese .25 25 ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY I Copy for display advertlse- ments should be in the hands 1 of the printers not later than 3 pjn. the day prior to publl- cation. This is necessary to en- able best positions to be se- cured. News ( II The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News, is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week:, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Tuosetey as, Catala 1:39 pun Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert ID par Friday ss. Cardena. midnight-Jan. 17 ss. Princess Mary pm Jan. 21ss. Princess Mary run From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala pjn Wed.- ss. Pr. Rupert. ... 10:30 ajn Friday- s. Cardena pjn, Jan. 13 ss. Princess Mary . pan Jan. 27 ss. Princess Mary .. p.m For Naas IUrer and Port Simpson-Sunday ss. Catala 9 p.ri. From Naas River & Tort Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala ....11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Any ox-Sunday ss. Catala 9 pan. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn By Westover. Vm mot "sotiB come om, fHS J?',"N ATUGdi UHen-O. ( mao jowt fVou reiwo hbc OK Ay P,CVU5B TIULH ) Of? HA- BOB 'M THPtXlOH , W '-- V 2Z.n Wo TALK. TO ya UP AMO 1. MAJ a.,T THB VAA.V CHT Al TBLl , Mavsre VAiAMT I THAT LET ME sJr? TA H AVE KUOCK, VJIX LS l ' A" i! . , t ' o7 X). 1 V. 1. tit : f - F i;' ( a n . 1 f ' 0ft St it ';