Tuesday, March 29, 1932. Try MltMcFarlane' Favorite Reclpe lor BISCUITS ir.ipoon Hit ttMpoona M.gie "our Baking Powder Piry 2 cum S tbIpoont or 1" CUP bread flour) ihorlrning 4 cup milk, or half milk and half water Sift tr.grtliff flour, baVfng powder and It Cut In the chilled thortening. Now ,Jd the chilled liqult to malcekoff dough. TOM dough onto floiirad board and do not handle more lhan U necea-ry. Roll or pt out with handi to about ' Inch thickten. Cut out with a floured biicuit cutter. Place on slightly greawd pan or baking aliect and bake in hot oven at 450 r. 13 to 1) minute. "For Light, Flaky Biscuits use Magic Baking Powder," says Miss M. McFarlane, dietitian of St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto T Magic RECOMMEND be cause I know it is pure, and free ,irom harmful in gredients." Mill McFarlane't opinion it based on a thorough knowledge of food chemistry, and on close study of food effects upon the body. On practical cooking experience, too. Most dietitians in public institutions, like Miss McFarlane, use Magic txclusittly. Because it is always uniform, dependable, and gives consistently better baling results. And Magic Is the favorite of Canadian housewives. It outsells all other baling powders combined. You'll find Magic males all your baled foods unusually light and tender . . . and gives you the same perfect results entry tint. a a fret Cook IiookVthtn you bale at home, the new Magic Cook Book will give you dozens of recipes for delirious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands I'd.. Frascr Avenue and Liberty Street, Toronto, Ont mEfm thsteUlaelastltMlcl "Csatalai alum." Tnla talenxat vary lla li an' (uaf- l tail Magle Dallas Fswdar It frt tram alum ar aay ft. "f- QrW-iV karmtul lalredleat. The County Court case of Bryant Co Ltd. vs. Thomas Tasker Is proceeding before Judge F. McB. Young this afternoon. Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester McKAE imOS., LTD. Queen Hatchery 36 W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of hlah egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCIICUY 36 W. Cordova St, Vancouver i A NO TKACE YET OF WILLIAM BAG LEY VANCOUVER. Marr-h 90 J. No trace has yet been found of William Bagley, escaped desperado, and Detective Da- &xljrffofc he Ml down Saturday riig'h't, Is' still In a critical condition, it was A. -..... ILL i r twn-u uus aiwinoon. TT 4.4 .,. Moose Cinderella Dance Enjoyable One Hundred and Fifty Persons at ; Affair Last Night Music By J Balagno's Orchestra There were about 150 persons in attendance at a very enjoyable Cinderella dance held last night by I the Moose Lodge in the Moose Hall, i Dancing started at 9:30 pjn. and concluded at midnight. Excellent music was furnished by Charles P. jBalagno and his Venetian Orches-I tra. B. J. Bacon was master of cere- monies and Harry Loakes presided at the door. WEATHER REPORT Triple Island Rain, strong easterly wind, moderate sea. Dead Tree Point-Overcast, light southeasterly wind; barometer, j30.se: temperature. 50: light swell. Langara Island Rain, moderate easterly wind, moderate sea. NO HALIBUT IN There were no halibut boats in with catches this morning and, consequently, there was no auction at the Fish Exchange today. $5.00 Prize You Can Win Easily Read the Directions Given Below All you have to do Is to write a limerick on "Supreme" Cofree, and send It to Stewart it Mobley Ltd. Limerick, to be written on coffee coupon oorrtRlHei-loao.pkSge of coffee, or on plain sheet of paper with coupon attached. You can write as many as you like, provided each effort Is accom panied by a coupon. No employee of Stewart & Mobley Ltd. l .eligible. To give an idea of what Is re quired, we give a specimen limerick: There vns a young fellow from Remo, Who Mid "Give me some coffee and cremo," Said the waiter. "What kind Did you have' on your mind? Take my word, have the beat, that's Supremo." Entries must be In before April 31. 1931 Mark "Limerick," Stewart Si Mobley Ltd.. Prince Rupert. Mail Schedule CLOSES AT TOST OFFICE: For the East-Monday. Wednesday and Frl day - 2 p.m From the East-Saturday, Tuetday and Thursday - 10:40 am For Vancouver-Tuesday -12:30 noon Thursday ..- 9 pm Friday ... 11 pjn. March 13 and 33 pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday P-- Wednesday 10:30 a.m. Friday .-- ' Pm March 0. 19 and 30 a.m. For Stewart and Anyox Sunday 8 p.m, Wrdncsday 3 P-1"- NEIGHBORS TALK , J- . ,Ii..Im An.l ! i i am empioycu m iuvbub is a problem to make ends meet, as I help support my mother and sisters. I like to dress well but haven t very much to spend on clothes. To cive the appearance of variety to my . i 1 I., f ..V. n n ,n h fi1nr sicnuer waruiuuc t vu"is. "",' of a dress or stockings as soon as the t f,l,l f Jtrflvt iiA intnera nrmmo mucu. t tmj I Diamond Dyes for the work Using ! them as dyes for dresses and as tints for stockings. I have always gotten i ..I,, lt.,.1 mi, h.inh. bors talk alout the great number of new thinRS I have. "I learned about Diamond Dyes from our wardrobe mistress. She says she lias tried all the dyes orj the market but none do such splenaed work ami are so eusy to use as Diamond Dyes. 1 understand they are the world's most popular dyes and they ' deserve to be." . L.P., Montreal. TOT DAILY NK178 PAGB THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS It costs no more to ride In ai Nash Special then In any other oar. Just call Nelson's Taxi 849. t.f IjjHcnry ' JaaijlW! . fey 'irp$r-tlay afternoon 8 .trajq on rjis, return 16 Terrace after a week-end business visit to the c,ity. Miss H. C. Tuck of Port Simpson arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from the neighboring village for a brief visit to town. ,Get your garden tools at Gordon's Hardware. We carry a complete stock of garden tools, ' seeds, fencing- and poultry netting. Our prices are the best. Phone 311. tf Miss Oral Ross of the Prince Rupert General Hospital training school for nurses left on yesterday afternoon's train for Jasper Park en route to Kamloops where she will take a three months' course In tuberculosis nursing. Capt. Ernest Georgson,, well known north coast navigator, will be the new skipper of Union steamer Cardena in succession to Capt. Andrew Johnston, who has been appointed to the pilotage service, according to word received here. Capt. Johnstone relinquished command of the Cardena at Vancouver yesterday. C. E. Cadden of Second Cabin on the Government Telegraphs line north of Hazelton arrived in the city on this morning's train after spending some time at the hot springs near Port Esslngton. As a result of his attack of rheumatism seems to be much allayed. He will be returning to his duties In the Interior before long. BE HAPPY SAVEMONEY BUYRIGHT A summary of business conditions shows low prices on wheat, fish, lumber and metals, with high taxes by Dominion and, Provincial Governments and municipalities. The outlook for Western Canada Is not too brlaht. What shall wc do to make the best of our present con dltlon? First, of course, practice all cc onoray possible. Second, do not try to "keep up with the Joneses." Third, convince yourself that you can live and be happy without spending money foolishly. Fourth, read something of the history of our forefathers in the early days of Canada, In Ontario and Quebec. Fifth, picture Prince Rupert without automobiles, electric light, steam heat or telephone. Lastly, before buying lumber, building materials, or fuel, consult ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LIMI-TBD, who are In a position to quote orlces to your advantage. Phones 116 and 117. CUTH WINTER SAILINGS From Priiire Itupert for Van-miner, falling at Urean Falls and 1'nHrll Hitrr 10.00 p.m. Thursdaya For Anyot anil Stewart 4.00 p.m. Wrtlnradajr Fitrtntiititl v arrtlre to Qun Charlotte Islands. Particular on request. TRAIN SERVICE I'aaaeiiRrr trains leave Prince Rupert Mondays, Wedneadaya and Friday at 3.00 p.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg and points East. I'or f nir call or laHta local agenl ec ii. Mcf.nKN, i.r. r.A. Trinra Knprt. B.C. Canadian ii afional Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot it Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Irlrplione tSl Mrs. W. O. Fulton sailed last Thursday night for .a trip to Vancouver. Mr. Fulton did not lcae ' 'jJls'fjop $.. A. jliix returned . to tho city on the Catala this morning following a brief visit to Kln-collth on ecclesiastical duties. R. G. Cunningham of Port Esslngton arrived In the city from the Skcena River on this morning's train and will be, in town for the next two or three days on business. Miss Young and Miss Oalbralth, Port Simpson teachers, are spend ing the Easter holiday week visiting at Klncollth, having made the trip to the Naas River village on the Catala yesterday. Miu Marguerite Moss daughter of Ernest Moss, publisher of the Alice Arm Herald, arrived in the city on the Catali this morning from the north to visit with friends here. News Flashes: Great gains are beln? made. Speak up for your rights and within three more weeks it seems possible our objective ha been gained and we can all enjoy a 60c. hair cut. Children 25c. Fleet Barber Shop reporter.- 73 Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1 :30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torshlp Bclllngham arrived in port at 9 o'clock yesterday morning from Ketchikan with four carloads of fresh halibut which was shipped t the United States on yesterday afternoon's train. After discharging, the vessel sailed in the afternoon on her return to Ketchikan. Northland Navigation Co.'s mo-torshlp Northland, Capt. Len Wil liams, arrived in port at 7:30 this morning from Ketchikan with two carloads of frozen halibut and one carload of fresh for trans-shipment to the United States over the Canadian National Railways; After dis charging, the vessel sailed for Sd ittlc. Allegation Is Not True Liberal Member of Legislature For Ontlneca Explains Incident of Minister's "Relative." VICTORIA, March 29 A. M Manson Liberal member for Om-'ncca. retracted a double allegation that Mr. Hatfield, a relative of Hon. VV. A. McKenzle. minister of mines, made large sums from government con-racis. Mr. Man-on explained before the public accounts committee that Mr. Hatfield was not a j-elatlve of Mr McKenzle and that he had received only $75 for hauling powder for the government, having indeed wived the government $100 by his tender. Announcements United Church Easter Sai; March 31. Royal Purple bridge and whist March 31. Boston Hall. Admission 35c .... Tennis Tea, Mrs. Mitchell's, Easter Monday. . j Eagles' box social and dance, Frl-. day, April 1. Special prizes for la- i dies bringing boxed. Admission, ladles, refreshments; gentlemen, 50 cents. Everybody welcome. Seal Cove Parish Hall Dance. April 7. Catholic Woman's' League Spring Sale AprH 7. Presbyterian 1spr!ntsaleVP!tt J t'.HJ.lU"! i The "Laughing Cure" United Church April 14 and 15. T Anglican Cathedral Spring Sale, April 19. Prince Rupert Singers April 20. Capitol Theatre. Spring Sale, St. Peters Church. May 19. After That Fiver Without Any Delay One of the readers of the Dallv News is out after that five dol lars and has lost no time about it He" scr.ds 4n ! the following as aj limerick , .he thirtks.: cannot he beaten, ,and , so suggest Stewart & Mobley might as well hand ovfc" the money right now. They have a different opinion and are expecting improvements on the contribution which follows: , There was a young man who felt blue r Because he' had nothlngfO'do . u, He took coffee "Supremel, Pepped himself up like steam And the whole world looked to him new. OUTPUT OF G0LDD0WN Production For ' Province in 1931 Was $3,112,137, Decrease of $181,410 From 1930 VICTORIA, March 291 Estima ted gold production for 1931 Is put at 152,000 olinces or $3,142,137, a de crease of $181,440 from the total for 1930, according to Department of Mines. The biggest drop was In by-pro duct gold through closing down of the Copper Mountain mine and with Britannia and Anyox producing less than in 1930. Lessened production by the Premier and none at all from the Nickel Plate was offset by increases from the Pioneer, Un ion and Reno. In 1931 by-product gold- only amounted to 8S of the estimated total, and there has been a steady decrease for the past five years. CANADIAN COMMERCE Internal trade represents 80 per cent and external trade 20 per cent of Canada's total commerce. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the nottest in the domestic field. Government analysis shows It to bo the highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. ft starts quick and lasts longer. Fur thermore, for your benefit don't think for one minute because our coal Is lower in price that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers my state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wildfire." egg or lump. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars. (tf Hyde Transfer Phone 580 WANTED Resident Agent With good business connection To Sell High-Grade Line of Counter Check Books In your district; liberal commission: or will appoint reputable firm on Jobber basis. Apply giving references: CONSOLIDATED SALES ROOK & WAX PAPER (B.C.) LTD. 41 Alexander St., Vancouver, R.C. Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons ' , - I ilHI.JI i 'n Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and MlnlngMachinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts They are so pltunp such a rich, golden-brown colour so much more delicious-these beans that are overt-baked bjr Heinz. The dry intense heat of the Heinz ovens bakes them through and through; Then the savoury tauces that only Heinz can make are added and penetrate to the heart of every bean. By the Heinz method all of nature's own nutriment, with the food yalue of meat and potatoes, is retained and made digestible. Heinz oven-hake d beans constantly top the list of economical foods. 4 Kinds-All BAKED HEINZ MADE AT LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO OVEN DViG BAKED UiNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer leate Prince Rupert f r Vanc-oarer: TJS.t. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. IJO V-M. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. VAKOENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arrivln? Vancouver Sunday midnight apptox Weekly aaUlngi to Port Simpson, Alice Arm. Anyox. Stewart and Naaa River points. Sunday. 9 pm Further mi. ruiKtion regarding ail tailings ana tickeu at mi.VCr IUTERT AGENCY: HccuhiI Atrnue. I'lione &A THE HAPPY WAY TO THRIFT SHREDDED kK. laBBBBBBBaMaBBBBBBBBksaal iisssssssssaLVLVaSSai The moat economical food you can serve ONE OF THE FOt NEAILy A OUATEI Of A OMTUty WHEAT TWO BISCUITS WITH MILK MAKE A COMPLETE SATISFYING MEAL MaJt in Canada with CmnaJian Whtat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. lPnb llJondc) 111 the lluiieU and Magic in the Kitchen NOTED baby specialists find that Carnation Milk (pure, unsweetened, evaporated) is easier to digest than raw, boiled or pasteurized milk; that it is rich in vita mins and other necessary food elements. Air-tight sealing keeps out all contamination. Being homogen-.-ized Carnation docs better cooking, makes 'foods smoother and richer. .Carnation m is satisfactory, con-- venient and economical, Writ ftr ttt Baby Bitk tui Ck Bk ' Ciroition Co, Limited, 134 Abbott St, Vancouver, B.C .hj Carnation "from Contented Cows' Milk UX1X FROM CANADIAN COWS. PACKID IN CANADA IN C1NAOIAN-UADB CANS AND CASU ' imf, V. k 1