PAGE BIX Try BORDEN'S ST. CHARLES in TEA or COFFEE THE next time you drink lea or coffee try it with St. Charles Millc. You'll be surprised and delighted with the creamy richness that it gives. You'll be astonished that evaporated mill: could taste so much lite fresh, sweet cream. St. Charles is not only good in coffee and tea but for all cooking purposes where you would normally use fresh dairy milk. St. Charles is handy to use, economical and invaluable in camping, picnicking or when you are removed from your reg ular milk supply. BORDEN PLANTS t two, N.S , IiioH. Oil, Norwich. Ont nd Swmi, B.C ST. CHARLES M I LK EVAPORATED TV Co . Lmited, tT. C It 50 Poweu Street, Vancouver, B.C GeIe Wec tend c copy of your free cook boob Tk Good Provider. Address.. jjjj ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured in getting full weight J ASTER WILDFIRE EGG Per Ton, SI 2.50; Cash Price $11.50 IASPER WILDFIRE LUMP Per Ton, $13.50 Cash Price 12.50 PEMBINA EGG Reg. Price, $12.50; Cash Price 11.50 These Coals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 YOUR TURN NEXT Last week wc offercdNEW CAR BARGAINS on three new 1031 passenger Mod eta to clean up our stock before the arrival of the 1932 models. One of these has ben sold, two are left. Who wants them? It's your turn next. S. E. Parker Ltd. - Phone 83 II ARLISS IS FINE AGAIN i Gifted English Actor on Screen at Capitol Theatre in "The Man j Mho Played God" tf&rV'Arlfck toe fine English star0f,fivc.of the. talking screen's1 greatest masterpieces. Is being seen at the Capitol Theatre at the first of this week in his latest dramatic ! production. "The Man Who Played Ood," a picture Inspired by Gov-j 'emeur Morris' well known short1 I story of the same title. Thestory of 'The Man Who Play ed G6d" is that of an international-' ly famous musician whose life and happiness revolve around the plea-! I sure he brings to countless thou-' ' ; sands by the Heaven-sent gift he possesses. Fate plays strange tricks ! ! upon him, giving and taking love. ' presenting the world for a plaything and then taking everything iaway. Arliss portrays evecy step in the drama with a finesse rarely; seen on the screen. The musician is loved by two women. He was in love with one, a widow, played by Violet Heming. before she married another. She loves him but keeps her own coun sel, believing him to be in love with a young and beautiful girl, played by Bette Davis, a beautiful newcomer to the screen. The production has been as one of the best this year and is certainly another credit to Arliss' line of successes. TALKS WERE INTERESTING Large Attendance Both Saturday Afternoon and Evening to Hear Resident Mining Engineer The mining classes of Dr. Joseph IT. Mandy. resident mining engineer for the provincial Department of Mines, were again followed with interest on Saturday. There were large gatherings of Interested per sons at both the afternoon and evening sessions. In the afternoon, Dr, Mandy gave an Interesting demonstration of soils and minerals. In the evening he gave a lecture, illuustrated by lantern slides, on the subject of ore deposits, earth structure relative to ore deposits and views of mining areas in this district. At the conclusion of the lecture Saturday evening. L. W. Patmore moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Mandy. The latter voiced appre ciation at the council chamber having been made available as a venue for the lectures. "How do they do if?" Among your friends there's sure to be at least one smart young married couple who arc the envy and admiration of all who know them. .With an income that is frankly abbreviated, and with no benevolent Aunts in the offing, they still have a home that is correct and comfortable in all its appointments, a home that is admired and copied by their friends. "Yes, Jane is a remarkable little manager," will probably be the young husband's proud answer. And there is little doubt about it. THEY DO IT THIS WAY ' Take a look around that home and you will find no end of well known, advertised products. For Jane is an efficient little mana-ger. She can't afford to take chances that must only be debited to "Experience." When she buys for her home she must get tried and tested andtrustcd products which carry an honbrablc name to guarantee her satisfaction. ' You will find that Jane is a consistent reader of 'the advertisements. Arc you? THE DAILY NEWS RHEUMATISM You'd never think he'd eve had it. Mr. D. J., Beeton, Ont., writes: "I wu almost completely knocked out by painful rheumatism, stiff-ness,beadaches and bad stomach. I could scarcely work. Finally I tried Fruit-a-Uvei. In a short time all my pains and ached were gone. I call myself a new man.1 The superiority of Fruit-a-tires over ordinary remedies rests on the fact that it stimulates FIVE vital organs to work naturally. It is a complete, natural remedy, the discovery of a briOUnt doctor. At all druggists', 25c and 50c Fruit-a-tives MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL TO SHOW NEW CAR Latest Ford .Model Will Go Before Public on Thursday EAST WINDSOR, March 29. The new Ford V-8 will be presented to the Canadian public .next Thursday, Wallace R. Campbell president of the Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd., announced today. One of the most important factors In the announcement, Mr. Campbell said. Is the confidence shown by the entire Ford organization that a measure of business revival is possible at this time. k "We are convinced that our pub lic duty Ilea m doing everything possible to - start employment again," said Mr. Campbell. "For months we hare labored with that objective in view. Now we are ready to go ahead. As quickly as we find it possible production will be increased at our main factory and branches. Manufacturers which supply as with products also will increase their output. The announcement or the new Ford car. therefore, in 'bur opinion should five a definite impetus to industrial activities In Canada. "The principal objective in our plans toward this end was the development of an 8-cyllnder engine with plenty of power yet so simply designed that it simplicity would be as Important a feature as its speed and power. We sought to develop a car which would be a great advance over former automobile values In every respect, yet which could be built and sold at a price which would fit the average present pocketbook. "We have accomplished what we set out to do. Next Thursday the nubile may Judge our work. In addition to our V-8 cylinder car of 65 horsepower we are offering a 4- cyllnder car of 50 horsepower. Either may be had in 14 different body types. Except for the engines there Is very little difference between the two cars, bodies and chassis are practically the same. There will, however, be a differ ence In price. The V-8 will sell In the low price field which has always been dominated by the Ford car The 4-cyllnder car will sell for still less. That Is our conception of our duty to the public at this time and of the service which we should render particularly in the face of present economic conditions." Why Pay a high price for fine clothes when Ttp Top Tailors will make to your measure any of their wide range of fine all-wool fabrics CJ27 00 TIP TOP TAILORS P. Cravetto Corner 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone 756 Income Tfaxi Returns' 5 Save expense by having them prepared promptly and accurately. GEORGE KORIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Ave. W. Phone 387 TENNIS TEA IS ENJOYED Delightful Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon at Home of Mrs. John R. Mitchell ifhe spaclouVhome bf hlrsi'John R Mi chell. Atlin Avenue, Wegtvlew, Was the scene yesterday Afternoon of a delightful tea and sale of home cooking in aid of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's clubhouse building fund. Many ladies called during the afternoon to lend their rvatmnnM tn t ho affair ufltrh uac ...vimtv . . - I entirely successful. I Mrs. Mitchell was astjfctetj in re-jceiving by Mrs. A. E.'Parlow'. Pre- siding at the urns were Mrs. J. W. Nicholls, Mrs. S. P. MeMordie, Mrs. (Robert Blance and Mrs. W. T. Ker- gtn while servlteurs were Misses , Laura Frizsell. Florence Smith, 1 Vera Smith, Polema Cameron. Mar- Jorle Blance and Willa Dyer. In charge of the kitchen was Mrs. Rod Morrison. Miss Margaret Palmer was cashier and tea cups were read by Misses Maude Magulre and Joyce Edgecumbe. The home cooking table was pre sided over by Mrs. W. N. Currte and Mrs. S. J. Jabour. The winner of a raffle was Mrs. James L. Lee. During the afternoon there was a delightful musical program which included piano solos by Miss Margaret McCaffery. piano duets by Mrs. E. J. Smith and Mrs. Robert Bartlett. and vocal solos by Mrs. H. V. Broeklesby. Mrs. F. W. Allen. Mrs. A. O. Webber and Mrs. J. II. McLeod. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert March 29. 1913 Final rallies for William Manson and Alex Manson. Conservative and Liberal candidates respectively In the provincial election, were held last night. The Conservative meet ing was held In the Westholme Theatre and was presided over bv George D. Tlte The Liberal meet ing was tn the Empress Theatre with Fred 8tork in the chair. WEEKLY SPECIALS ssj Nestle's Milk MESHES case Icvaporato $5.25 S1.32 Our advertisement will appear once each week from this week on. These bargains will last all week so that everyone will have a chance to save. Here are a few Items for your convenience. Chase & Sanborn's Coffee- New pack, per lb. tin Choice Economy Tea Bulk 2 lbs. Blue Ribbon Tea 2 Mr-lb. pkg Shredded Wheat per pkg Seedless Raisins Bulk 3 lbs. Tillson's Health Bran per pkg. Libby's Sauer Kraut 2Va's per tin 49c 55c 99c 10c 50c 22c 15c Pine Ola For cleaning windows & silverware, works miracles try a tin and convince yourself, sold tn all sizes. Oarden Seeds & Cp & 1 Hp Rowntree's Coooa VIb. tin Cowan's Good Rich Bulk Cocoa, per lb Juicy Oranges 4 doz. 24c' 35cl 95c Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arriving' Every Boat. Get Your Supply From j Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth Ave Phone 18-81 No. 2 Store 319 Third Av. Phone 360 No, 3 Store 727 Third Av Phone 375 DANCE WAS ENJOYABLE The annual Daffodil Dance of Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, which took place last night in the I.OD.E. Hall, was one of the most successful held in years. There were some fifty couples present and a I very happy time was spent in danc ing from 9:30 p.m. unUl 2 am excellent music was furnished by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion with daffodils. Easter flowers and green foliage. Mrs. William Brass was convener of the decoration committee.' At midnight delicious buffet re-; freshments were served by a committee consisting of Mrs. James Simpson, convener, Mrs. J. E. Bod-' die. Mrs. Thomas McMeekln and Mrs. C. E. Cullln. i During the supper hour, the' drawing for a $5 gold piece was conducted with Mrs. D. C. Stuart in charge. The lucky ticket was drawn by Miss Caroline Mitchell and the winner was Miss Ivy Anderson. J. E. Boddie made a genial master of ceremonies. W. O. Vigar and R. C. Parsons presided at the door. Mrs. C. J. Norrlnston, as regent of Queen Mary Chapter, was general convener for the dance. If'" m rzz I TUI CANADA STAaOl CO, limit 4. MONTI aL s4 mm rr f " Ma TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtT FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City c,... . wmim Monday and 1W rwo snows VJgfo stiU r,a' Ty George Arl In His Great MaUrpiea "Trm nL n mail nno Played God" Davis, lean, m BrT( its s-lory-time annot its memorv A modern dr from mi jfe Comedy CHARLIE CRlsr in "THE NICKEL XHStr PARAMOt NT Xrirj Feature SUru at : is 4 ; Admission -l t MONDAY Mmr.E n ;j Feature sUrts ; lMitls, Wednesday I Thundij "An American Tridr' WEDNESDAY Suhi On, Revival of Thr Lot tuiit' muck tfHdou noun-.hmtat (or taik tlttU coat u CROWN BRAND CORN SVC T tU (miM Koaonr I ood. I fry iroctf mD. t l IK l -CiMtfi niM RtripT EDWARDSDUIVG COBNSRM AMUM.. SPRING IS HERE! Got Your Ganlt i S !- and Equipment iv Thompson Hardware Company Ltd. COAL! COAL! '-our 8at4sfaction ku-: ' '" ' Famous Ed" a Bulkley Vail. N Buikley Va!ic Tic ' Wheat. Oats St : T Baby Chuk Fiwrt Fertilizer. Pnnce Rupert Feed Co nioNi; 58 & You'll be delighted with Ch Ciirifeiie's bS:SNOW FLAKE Dccausc ot their exeep-tional freshness, flaky crispqess and fine flavor.