f ; i' i; h' , n ) I FADE SIX SgSgJf! Then that's the time . ISSJHHHNNHHHHHHHHHP i n rTTTTTTTl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TT III 111 L 1 1 Yj4BKttMUKKKmKMtMKKUKttKm -AYM WTun nil IHUIII M111IJ UlTTilL New Season's Prints 500 Yards All New Patterns, guaranteed fast colors, 3G inches wide, excellent C-f A A quality. 5 yards for QX.UU ,ul Yards Better Quality Print, 36 inches absolutely fast colors, In seven C-fl A A pleasing designs. 4 yards for tyXmtr Pure Linen Lunch Cloths Dozen Pure Linen Lunch Cloths, with Q(ls "" colored borders, 52x52 Inches, each Turkish Wash Cloths 5 Dozen Large Size, 12x12 inches, assorted colors heavy and absorbent Q-i A A ifrl.UU par dozen Pure Irish Linen Glass or Tea Towels ;6 Dozen Pure Linen Towels, size 22x32 inches, extia fine quality, red or blue Q-j OA border. Dollar Day, 4 for t?J.UV Novelty Frilled Curtain Sets Several Designs and Colorings, assorted styles with valens and tie back Q-fl A A Dollar Day, per set t?X.UU Bed Sheet Special An opportunity to buy Sheets at a big saving. 50 pair only halt bleached, extra big size. 80x90 inches, excellent quality and wear Q-j A A guaranteed, each Bed Side Floor Hugs a0 Only on sale. Dollar Day extra good wearing quality Wilton Rugs, fringed, Q-f A A size 20x45 inches. Each O.JUUU Genuine AH. Feather Pillows Guaranteed all Feathers, full size, well Q-f A A filled with good covering, each J VANCOUVER. B.C. Wh 4) The intelligent host or hostess insures a succnwi-ful evening hy serving a refreshing and invigorating ltevrrage at just the right lime. H.C. Iluil is a delicious pale lager, hrcwctl from choicest malt and H.C. hops . . . ideal for such an occasion. Order a Carton today. It cost the same in this handy package. PerDoz. It Government Stores en CLEAR THINKING AND GOOD NATURE are demanded r This advertisement is not pultlii1n.il or displayed by Hie Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. CB-3-1. SATURDAY FRASER & PAYNE'S Slock-Taking finished, we are cleaning up various lines in each department. Sec our windows Friday for values on display Ladies' House Dresses 25 Dozen House Dresses on sale, Dollar Day at less than manufacturers' cost, all fast colored piints, assorted styles and designs 7Qp sizes 34 to ii. Each Kayscr Full Fashioned Hose A new shipment of the newest spring shades, Scmi-scrvlce weight and Chiffon with the very newc3t improvements, a superior stocking to what was sola last year ( tfjQ Dollar Day, per pair PJ.vU Ladies Silk & Wool Hose Good quality Silk and Wool Hose in four shades all sizes, seamless tg-J ft A VX.VU 2 pair for .- Tailored Edge Silk Curtain Nets 1 Designs, extra special quality net with double tailored edge in honey shade only, reg. value 83c yard. Dollar Day 04 ft A 2 yards for tpiL.UV Silk Curtain Panels With Silk Fringe 1j Only all SUk in deep honey shade with silk bullion fringe, full size QQ Non-Hun Rayon Silk Bloomers 5 Shades, all sizes, good quality, non-run Rayon Silk Bloomers, reg. price 75c pr. CI A A JD1.UU 2 pair for Genuine French Beret Tarns French made seamless Berets in white, sand, navy, red, green, black, blue RtZn each Cretonnes English cretonnes, all new designs, fast Q"i (( colors, excellent cloth. 5 yds. for ?AvU White Wool Blanket Special 25 Pair White All-wool Blankets, full on HE size, good heavy quality, per pair Daily News Want Ads. Bring Quick Returns TBB DAILY NEWS SCIENCE FINDS NEW MERITS IN ALL-BRAN Has "Bulk" and Vitamin B for Constipation, and Iron for Blood ' . In the past ten years millions have found Kellocg'a All-Bran the safe "cereal way to overcome common constipation with the head aches, backaches, loss of appetite and energy, that to often result. Behind this success is the proved effectiveness of All-Bran, Laboratory tests show All-Bran brings two things needed to overcome common constipation: "Bulk" to exercise the intestines. Vitamin B to tone the intestinal tract All-Bran also contains twice as much blood-building iron, by weight, as beef liver. The "bulk" in All-Bran is much like the bulk in lettuce. Inside the body it forms a soft mass. Gently it clears the intestines of wastes. How much more pleasant it is to use this delicious cereal than to abuse your system with pills and drugs so often habit-forming. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily with milk or cream sufficient to overcome most types of constipation in serious cases, with every meal. If you have intestinal trouble not relieved this way, see your doctor. Special cooking processes make All-Bran finer, softer, more palatable. It is not habit-forming. Appetizing recipes on the red-and-green package. At all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Southbank Seed Growers Elect 1932 Directors SOUTIIDANK. Jan. 22: J. II. Kcefe. Robert Jeffrey, Jack Roberts and Jamea Buchanan have been elected to the executive of the local Seed Growers' Association for the " coming year. Here's a Chance For Bachelors The Capitol Theatre is giving a free ticket to the oldest bachelor in the city to'see the show today or tomorrow. Hejls invited to be the suest of the house for the show. "Tho Beloved Harhplnr " It's a reat chance . CHEER IP. PROSPERITY Is Coming KEEP' SMILING Study Economy and save Our Economy Stores prov your needs, and our prices Empress Tea 2 lbs. for 3-lb. tin and uniform. Empress Coffee 2 lbs. for Malkln's Best Extracts 25c bottles, 2 for Malkln's Best Extracts 4-ot. botUes Malkln's Best Spices 2 tins for Lard Pure Cottage Roll Ham 5 to 6 lbs. per lb. Peek Frean's Biscuits All varieties, per lb Creamery Butter 3 lbs. for B.C. Eggs Freeh Firsts 3 doc for Bananas 2 lbs. for money, ide for are low 75c 75c 35c 34c 15c 40c 18c 50c 85c 65c 25c Our Meat Department Is operated in conjunction with our Grocery Stores. You will find our meats of the best quality and the prices very moderate. Mussallem's Cash & Carry Stores "Where Dollars Have More Cents" No. 1 Store Fifth AvePlione 18-84 No. 2 Store 319 Third Ar Phone 360 No, 3 Store 727 Third Av. riione 375 'areas of ! interior Agricultural Possibilities of Various Northern Districts Described In Article ( Prince George has perhaps the largest and most accessible" area or suitable land (free and purchase) in British Columbia either for group or individual settlement declares an article entitled "Back to the Land in B. C." by Louis Lcbourdals In the magazine section of a recent Vancouver Sunday Province. The central interior Is extensively referred to in the article. The article continues in part as follows: Additional good land Is available for a considerable distance eastward from Prince George . . . The Nechako Valley contains some of the finest grain and mixed farms in the interior and there is room for hundreds of others. South of Burns Lake is another section known as the Lakes District where there Is ample opportunity for those who are landmlnded. . . The fertile valleys of the Bulkley and Skeena, being less extensive than those to the east and south, have no great vacant areas but, never theless, there is room on the land for several' times the number al ready there. For the man who craves real pioneering, far off the beaten track, there are few places left. The Cheslatta Lake section, lust south of Ootsa, is as yet a safe sanctuary for the old time cattleman and others of his type who seek the olitude of the silent places. In this uea there is accommodation without crowding for perhaps 300 fam ilies. . . . These, together with the northeastern section of the province beyond Fort St. James, In cluding certain parts of the Peace River Block and certain sections of the Cariboo, comprise the last remaining large tracts of open land In the west. Phone 953 Phone 953 De Jongs Cash and Carry Friday & Saturday Specials Malkln's Best Sweet Potatoes, large cans, each 15c Golden Danum Corn on 9Ap 11 Cob, 3 s. per tin Lunch Tongue I s per tin Malkin's Best Tex per lb. 2 Llbby haucr Kraut 2' Va per can Smyrna Figs 2 lbs. for Rice Krisples per pkf 24c 39c Milkm s Be.st Coffee Qfi 15c 15c 10c Crocus Flour Q-i OA per 49-lb. sack .: JAU Red Arrow Chocolate Eclairs, per lb - Malkln's Best Pilchards talis, per tin .... P. & O. Soap 5 bars for Navy Beans per lb. Soup Chips 2 lbs. for 27c 9c 21c 4c 21c Free delivery on orders of $2 or over XB&9EL COAL Bay the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 658 IB iP t m w r iui';i x uiiu oi a mtuo . i i w . Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Feature Starts at 7:45 & 9:45 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 Feature Starts 3:15 15c & 40c LA THE OLDEST RAC1IELOK IS INVITED TO SEE (FREE) A JOYOUS LOVE-STORY "The .Beloved Bachelor" With Paul Lukas, Dorothy Jordan, Charlie Rugglcs, Vivicnne Os. borne A Great Cast A romantic adventure turns to lore A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Comedy "It Ought to Re a Crime" Krazy Kat in "Soda Poppj' "Cannibals of the Deep The Sworclfish" "Pictorial N0. (- Monday & Tuesday 'THE DEVIL TO PAY" WE SPECIALIZE IN COAL J? Ifyex wiittto Mi II tAatsatispes. which gives the greatr.it hl for the money expended, bt-lieving that a satisfied customer is the greatest asset i merchant ran have. Phone m for a trial order and join the family of contented household. ers who are using the best fuel In town. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 618 The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. txm ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Illrt. You are assured in getting full weicht NO. 1 ALISKRTA EGG Reg. Price, 12.50: For Gash $11 NO. 1 AI.IIF.RTA LUMP Reg. Price. $13.50: Cash Price M PE.MR1NA EGG Reg. Price. $12.50; Cash Trice 11JI Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PRINCE RUPERT Likes the Best! Prince Rupert merchants say that their customers like to buy goods of the best quality. They are a discriminating people. If there arc any Prince Rupert people not taking the Daily News regularly wo suggest that they are making a mistake in not taking the best. The price is now so low that it is a mistake to do without the paper that circulates throughout the district Call up the Daily News business office and ask that the boy call and collect. 1 Oc. Weekly ; i Commence Getting the Paper Tomorrow If you lose anything, try a classified ad