Thursday January 21. 1932 THE DAILY NEWS PAQE FIVE e Daily News, "Classified" is the Poor Man 's Advertising Column RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT - - - - . -- - ..- , r'y - ' - rJ,...a. J,!-,-, I V 1 . . - ff--. ,j g t,-ar. pp-ri. ,. r-n CLASSIFIED AD ALE -Old Newspapers Tvo t; undies for 25c. U.E Good used cars at tf In ' TNT. Bell Piano, In . goodj Apply Box m. Daily r In V T -Clean well-furntahii 2-room suite. Palmer n;s Phone Red,444. tf MOOSE HALL 10 U RENT Danre 55,00 Hi! ,. aid Dance $25.00 M '.tigs $20.00 $35.00 tr -rh $35.00 Store For Kent SHOE REPAIRS ' 1 1 ' ! REPAIRS Best material '& -prices reasonable. ' . opposite Post Of- 9f tf The Auctioneer luting - Wrapping In f - i .; Furniture Rrnaliv i.' goods witb ine I IM1YES Phne Black 120 ,u home needs new pint or Wallpaper he work and If short of I1' t . tkc anything valuable In F in :i vacant lot to C. I For Stewart and Anyox H v rnve ii in wm vhu ! Sunday ' .ike a deal. pne Ked 802 ). p. MOLLLP. WOOD FOR SALE Any Length M? T Glenn and It. Viererk T L It. TRANSFER Dry. t i .'n fifiQ T7 trm nKla nali Promptly Attended AUCTIONEER V rou goods with us Prince P'oprrts leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Ld Avp rhone Red 637 fresh Fish Daily piboat Dolphin 11 at rrd w Hay floats. Number of arietle. ! -.. . typewriters for Rent dajrvweek or .rnonth,. "osc, t;owan & Latta . rnone 334 iilversides Bros. PAINTS WALLPAPERS GLASS Third Avenue VERTISEMENT For rent, for sale and all I other small advertisements in this section charred at the rate of 2 r,nf. a wrd per insertion with si, Insertion, for the price of four. By the a word No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FOR SALE ALE LOST ruiucr mease leave n r Dally News. j-j BOARD AND ROOM i ,,:'K. Kalen Motors room and Board close In. gooa rr-r-T-T locality. Phone Blue 390. FOR RENT ; -..- I,E Wicker baby buggy li. .idition. Phone Blue 272. r FOUND 18, W. C. Asninnll :atr If Mouern Kay Treatments Given : Phone for Appointment Green 2U and 549 Open Evenings 6 Fxcna'nge Blk. CHIROPRACTIC Health Service The PALMER METHOD Absolutely confined to the spina', column. T. M. HOLLAND Palmer Apartments, 1th Ave. Mail Schedule CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East Thursday . Friday ... Jan. 31 . From Vancouver- Sunday rutiuj ....)... ...y...... ..8 p.m, We4nKUjr 3 pm. From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday 11:30 ajn. Thursday , ...-.8 pjn. The followlrnr Is the scale of charges made for readinff notices: MHrriago nr.d Bnicagemeot announeemnu $2. Birth Notices 60c Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks, $2, Punersl Flowers 10c name. per TRANSFERS Cary Safe. Apply LOST-ck leather key case on B. R. TRANSFECe" Furniture Moving. Phone 204. t( CAMERON'S Transfe- Phone 171 for Dry Birch. Cedar and Jack Pine. SALVAGE & TOWING Itoeat Truat Oompanr at the a bore a dreaa. DATED Utk 14th day of Jaauarr. D. lttt. THE POYAL TMWT COMPANY, kecuaor. Betaie. to Tttm Sc Alexander, tf "If It's on ot under the water e do it." Tl !! Cl n w . . FOUND-Three Yale kevs nn .mull I V?C"JC omvaKC 1,0. 1,1(1. ring. Dally New.. jUUy Equipped for Diving ucnciui ouivage worK on Five roomed furnished 1 rotTOnRtforh, o. Arent fn, vicTimnr ron.. .: nt sis a month, Muscat Oiocery. (tf) , Sir RENT -Modern flat. Rand! Apply Max Hellbroner. tf) Hons for Charter and ond Avenue. Owner may have Boats and Scows of all descrlp same by calling at the Dally News Office and paying for this adycrtisment. CHIROPRACTIC I Row Boats and Canoes for Hire BARGAINS IN GAS ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Cool idee Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Nljhl 5C4 P.O. Box 1561 I uixn otick NOTICE U oerter given that I 0M. Beeon. ' tMmiMtlon miner, lr- Mtr to apply to the oonunladorvrr ot hndf for pennldHon to purchaee the iwoviac lands I Oammenclni. at a puM about 1U. wnttharljr bom Tulaequeh Poit luince. unre 30 ahata aowtberiy hwom zo enain aeeterlT. theeice 9 chain northerly, ttieaee 30 chains to point of commencement, oontaunlaf M arwmre or leas. OBO BAOON. October 37. 1M1. lor IX TlIK MtTTEK Of the IUle l IIOU.tltK HYI.VRMTF.K Wtl.Utrt, dreraurd xoTirr; to riiKDiToits Monday. Wdnesay and Ft&ZX E day 2 p.m joulred to atnd full particular in wrti- ln ot tbiT claim and Demand, duly r, r. rrom the Last !rnifd to tnc Bomi Ttun oomoav. Saturday. Tuesday and Thurs- Yccuw. bc. on or bror the sand day -- For Vancouver Tueaday ifwn ' "wwry. ins. aner wmon dale n m .lu.w ajn. ( sjaeeutor wUl prooMd to admlntat-r the SkUte of the aald dioiaatd amongst , , the parties entitled thereto, havfnff ro- .12:30 noon sard only to the olaini and demanli 9 run w wea tnay anau taan have had nr 11 pjn. pjn. pjn. Wednesday lu:30 ajn. Friday u.. pjn. tKe: AND all jwnone Indebted to the aaM deceaeert are hereto requested to ma o stobi: ior si.i: Tender wUl be reoatved by the under tinned up to 10 ajn. on Saturday. Jan uary tlrd. IWt. for toe putehaee of the atoek and fixture of ta Hupert Phar macy. Prince Rupert, BO. atoek coMlata ot dlawtialn drua patent medlclnea, and utual drug wtora ettjUw Pluttuea eonseat of show oaea. wall Ilxturr. dlapenalnt acreen and counter ulUMtl. table, etc. Inventory may be aeen at the office of the undeMf nd or on ppltctlon 'o our repreetirtntlTe at the atore t -Piinu lluprrt. tntMat or any tender not mcoaearity THE CANADIAN CRCDIT MEN'S TRUST ASSOCIATION LTD.. Trustee. SM Paelfle BulMlnf. Vancouver, R.C TIME THE TOILER" ' ' WN' I I 1 m!jj Avry- TMiwer to MJu.Jr, Till.iC r-i L AIM SVieeT. RUT -Z- , -iPARUMfc THE MARKET Market prices current here today are as follows: ! Vegetables J Potatoes. 12-15 lbs. 25 sack, $1,45 to. .r'.... 2.00 B. C. Beets, bulk, 6 lbs 25 Parsley, bunch 10 i California Celery m.p. j Brussels Sprouts, Calif., lb 25 Spinach, B. C, lb 15 Garlic, Imported, per lb 40 Cabbage, green 05 Calif. Head Lettuce, head 15 Victoria Hothouse Tomatoes lb : 25 Cal. Cauliflower, 30c and 35 B. C. Bunch Carrots 05 Sweet Potatoes. 2 Jbs 25 Onions, lb .05 Bulk Turnips, 10 65 25 ' nni. a 11 n r iunuu, o iuj D Parsnips, lb 05 Imported Spanish Onions. 2 lbs. .25 Apples Delicious, fancy box 355 R Delicious, household, box 2.10 Newtona, fancy, box 2.90 NewtoiK, C grade, box 2.80 Newtons, household, box 2.10 Winsaps, fancy, box 2.90 Wlnesaps, C grade, box 230 SpiUenbergs, fancy, box 2.90 Splteenbergs, C grade, box 230 Fruits Jap Oranges, box 1.00 Valencia Oranges, doz. 25c to .. .70 Lemons. California, large 40 Orapefrult, California, 7 'Ac to .10 Grapefruit, Florida, 12"2c to .... 20 California Emperor Q rapes, lb. .25 Bananas, 2 lbs. 35 Cranberrlts, lb 25 Dried Fruits Extracted Honey, per Jar 25 Comb Honey - 35 Dates, bulk, lb 12,! Lemon and Orange Peel 25 Black Cooking FS lb 124 Currants, lb 15 Citron Peel i.... 30 i White Figs, lb .15 ! Apples, dried 20 I TA J Vlla nAAla1 . ( - j a WH.ntot ptvu v NOTICE 19 HPHBDY QtVEN that a. I Anrlmta lb 2d cmutor, and other penon havln. anyiP ,Z "I TZ cUMna of demand again the ltv 'Prune. 60-70. lb. ..V 10 Howard BVlventer Wallace, tote if Prunes. 30-40. lb. .15 Prunes, 40-50, Jb. 12V Raisins, Cal. sdleas. 2 lbs. . .. 35 Meats Fowl, No. 1. lb ,. 20 Roasting Chicken, ijj. 35 Ham, shved, first grade 40 Cottage Rolls, lb 22 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb 22 Bacon, side, sliced, best grade 35 d parUCuUri thereof to the said i Pork Shoulder, lb 15 Pork, loin, lb 25 Pork, dry salt, lb. Pork, leg, lb. 20c to Ayrshire Bacon, lb Veal, loin, lb. Beef, pot roast, lb Beef, botllog, lb, 10c- to Beef, roast, prime rib, lb. 20c to .25 Lamb, sbfwldtt, lb. ; .20 Beer, steak, lb. Wc j& 30 Lamb, lec lb. 30c tu .35 Lamb, chop lb. ...t 30 Mutton, shoulder. Ib. 15 Fish Smoked Kippers, lb. 15 Salmon, fromn, lb 12V4 Halibut, lb 20 EKS B. C. Fresh Pullets, doz. 30 B. C Frash Firsts, dox .33 B. C. Fresh Bxtras. doz. J6 Local new laid, doz '. 45 Butter Fancy cartoned, lb .35 No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs. 90 Flour Flour. 491, No. 1 hard wheat . 165 ibmii li - - - - - - . , , it Laying Mash Oyster Shell , Beef Scrap Ground Oil Cake Fine Oat Chops Crushed Oats A Pair of Record Holders f Phone 98 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. . Sugar Yellow, 100 lbs White, 100 lbs. - Lard pure, lb. 13c to Compound, lb. 13c to .. Feed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta .. Wheat, Bulkley Valley No. 5 Alberta Oats Bran Shorts Middlings Barley The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and West of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the TOWNS AND VILLAGES ' , :: ; MINING CAMPS 4 LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the. paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrie in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c. Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B,C, $3 a year. - - Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. .1, ' .50 Fine Barley Chop . 5.00 5.50 j .15 .15! . 1.75 1.75 1.65 1,75 1.40 1.50 1.90 1.70 2.65 1.80 2.90 ea AA O.W a. 1.85 1.85 t rr rn I 1; . 1 ' 1 r r . . . . . . . . 1 VMHAT. MAMtllMCS MB fsoe 1 VOO FAILED! WBt-9Sl. V T J yyH 'lllaf" VUM -WUSU .T J TO mwtrmzn sur combs to rsims r-rvPT. v lit ii x j j , .. i t . wn i "i i ii -I i . i . ' j . v wm av i - Y'.JaJ I I II 1-- 1 ' J "1 I AUUITKS' tr-1 AT lJD a?- 1 1- 1 1 T T I -- Mt-Ml .. ffejlf nSf ' u'liiaj,, 'a '' 1 'I " ' ' 1 J- I I I I leu.L - eiijLKiuuua.JJ,., i. ji. ai.a i v. - ' n' i i mi. I Nuts 1.80 Almonds, shelled Valenclas ... .50 California soft shelled Walnuts 35 Walnuts, broken shelled 40 Walnuts, shelled halves 50 Peanuts 15 Cheese Ontario solids .25 Stilton, lb. 35 ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display advertise ments should be In the hands of the printers not later than 3 p.m. the day prior to publl- t cation. This Is necessary to en- , able best positions to be se- i cured. Steamship Sailings For Vancouverr- Tueeday--ss. Catala 1:30 ysn Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjr Friday ss. Cardena. midnight. Jan. 17 ss. Princess Mary . pjn. Jan. 21 ss. Princess Mary .. pjn. From Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala pm Wed.- ss. Pr. Rupert. .. 10:30 ajn. Friday- as. Cardena pjn Jan. 13ss. Princess Wary . pjn. Jan. 27 ss. Princess Msry .. pjn. For Naas River and Port Simpson Sunoav ss. Catala 6 D.rt From Naas River & Port Simpson-Tuesday ss. Catala .. .11:30 For Stewart and Anyox Sunday ss. Catala 9 p.m. Wednesday ss. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m By Westover. - AMD THAT S PQie. ttV.D' iky wtfcS- I o.ftP- A A3SL that! i.; i LTV s