1 v' '- ' " ' ' fcIU '1- ''1 31 ' k f : :i PAC2 TWO THE DAfLY NEWS i DAILY EDITION La.s fall E THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPEItT - BRITISH COLOMBIA Publish wt Evtry Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert i.'illy :ews. Limited, Third Avenu! H. f. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCUIPTION KATES ' 1 lty delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance-. For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all pacta of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period ...; , 1 By mall to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year -. By mall to all other countries, per year 1 .....,,! ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, pei inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .... Local readers, per Insertion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' lelepnone Advertising and Circnlatlon Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations EXPORTABLE HEMLOCK ...SB -.98 $5D0 1.40 .02 .25 J5 Monday, Jan. 25, 193. Tat ! ! ll draf tmi itHitl Mam) avMufMtarvd, for tk pti U ru. mJ by Tto T. Itilbwi C. . I.i.l Txoalo O.i. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED , Delivered Dry to Your Bin. Yob are assurrd in getting full weight JASPEIt WILDI IKL LOO-I'tr Ton, $12J0; Cash Price $110 lASPKIC WILDI IItn LUMP Per Ton, SIJJO; Cash Price 12J50 rilMBJNA EGO tteg. Price, SUM; Cash Price 11.50 Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Unshaken Faith in Future of Canada Expressed at Royal Bank Annual Meeting "I have witnessed many depressions during the last fifty years and I see nothing in this one which weakens rny faith in this country." Sir Herbert Holt. President ioc "While I do not wish to voice my prediction as to the date 3.00 $800 9.00 of business recovery, it will be very disjppointing if an improvement does not take place in li)32." M. W. Wilson, Vice-President and General Manager. I I At the annual meeting of The looking to the. futu.i" with conft- Royal Bank of Canada held at the dence." i Head Office in Montreal, both the ... , ',. President, Sir Herbert Holt, and General Managers Address the Vice-President and General Mr. M. W. WiLson, Vice-President' Manager, Mr. W. M. Wilson, were and General Manager, stated that emphatle In their expressions of maintenance of the Bank's asset ' unqualified confidence In Canada, at a figure as high as $325,000,000 'Sir Herbert Holt's mature and reflected not only the conservation ; : world-wide business exnerience Is of existing business but also the reflected In his statement "I have witnessed many depressions during ithe course of the last fifty years and I see nothing In this one which weakens my faith In this country The tone of both addresses was one : which of quiet optimism, exemplified by Mr. Wilson's remark. "While I do net wish to voice any prediction as to the date of business recovery, it will-be very disappointing it an lm- . . . nrovement does not taice place aur- C. btevens 01 bkidecate took the manager of tng 1932. The leaders of pontics the Nakata Exporting Company of Seattle out to look jSJTSSSX over a few stands of the old croWn-trranted timber. What about and the indictment against acquisition or new ana aesiraDie connections. He referred to the; substantial over-subscription of the Dominion of Canada National Service Loan as an achievement of our government and Cana dians generally muy well be proud. Strong Liquid Position Maintained The liquid position of the bank was maintained at substantially the me ratio as a year ago. quickly realizable assets being more than 48 of liabilities to the oubllc. In referring to the Unviable record of the Canadian banking system dur-' wno D,ock the wa wiu e-''ns the period til world any depression.. thia iniS firm Him winrpd ameu waa as nemiOCK hpmWk W logs that mai were vpr pvnnrtnhlf expqreaOieVvere pointed aialn mdeed;. The President ,Mr. Wilson said: Onee the' Taken from leased land the Clause against exporting be- out that with quoted values of ability of the Canadian banking Mmp nnprntivA ;most securities well under their In- system to-take care of the needs of mi uP"cft,wvc' j. . i trlnslc worth. Improvement could the country has been clearly de- ine snips controlled ny mis iirm are 01 ten inousanuoe expected as ana wnen measures 'monstrateti. The type or organiza 'were v;r talron taken irhljK which Vnll1r1 would result rpeillt. In'ttnn In'.tion MnHar under idViIKi which thou they nnamfo operate en n. LUiis caui hum nit; v nmucu iu niiiu i un vaiKura : 1 -.,. AAntAAA i u. .1.1,. 1 , i , , ,, , !" iwi ikiuiu ui luiuiuciac ui un iiun viur uauu 10 uutr u uiuhui Mm Uf Aitnna ntiri IVlt. " n l-n T i, rtMilft i nnr 1- m ri 1 u Ua fimhat 1 IIThIUiI c . . , ... Vn.lU. t Vil h I I 1 4 !.. . I. . ' they required so no business was done !SJS3& As there is little demand in British Columbia for island 'system during a time when disor- hemlock, although it makes excellent flooring, many peo-in,"" JV.mS ?nan. pie think the export of these logs should be allowed. Pro-! other countries. He expressed the vision.might be made that only Canadians be allowed to, -f cadouTd be Work ill the woods. - j attributed in no small degree to the As a general policy we do not favor the export of awlgJfflSgjS: material from the country but as a means of restoring the j try had been supported. finnninl nnnrlirinn nf thp rnnntrv it wnuld spom tn hp n ! Before moving adoption of the Sir Herbert referred with . r i report very good emergency measure. profound regret to the death of Mr. Heil, after a lifetime spent in the service of the bank. "In his passing the bank has lost a wise councillor. 'his associates a loyal friend, and I Canada an eminent banker and We are glad to be able to back up Hon. R. W. Bruhn,; ef clttab"fn minister of public works, in his plea to Ottawa to provide i situation to africuiture and ml work fnrthp mpn now hoarrlinfr in thp rnnd rnmns nnrl dlsn i principal manufacturing Industries. ,i, r .i. rrUn Sir Herbert referred to, the plans iui wiiicio ug atcuuv vi wuii xuc n uviutiai iiiiinsici which are under way fox a con- has the right idea and has been urging it on Ottawa. He isolation of the principal nfews- n -i i j ii n i -. i iorlnt companies Jn Eastern Can- says mere are seven inousanu men in me rjnusn oium- ada. and expressed the opinion that bia camps and they are restless under the enforced idle-! the' development though difficult ness. He had visited a number of the camps and found that : uveCd wghTy5 SeKieii the men Would much rather be Working. Canada was to continue to maln- TK11Ai?KlQ.i1mlrt,rQf nnrl aV,nf c,JAni Una Uaan t,.,a J the supremacy to which she Is mi imiuiv iin.ni uuu iiiiii ooiv-iii Lrtrcii uujn;- j entitled Dy reason or ner natural lnnitl., w... .1.11.1 1...4. .1 t l!ll . ! . 1- ..1 i 1 iL 1 if I n.tr.M.nnA. icssiv iwuuujcvi uut nieie i tuu liiiie vu struiuiiteu it uut it quick action is taken. MR. BRUHNIS RIGHT TELL THE CUSTOMER People are sending out of town for their goods. Why? Because they are not kept properly informed of the prices at which they can buy at home. If they knew, they would buy here. It is impossible for the merchant to meet his prospective customers personally every day. He can't keep them .posted on the trends of business unless he adopts some fttVlOt moflinrl than nahannn) nnntnnt TXv wlvatfciiirr Viniti- Railways The appointment of a railway commission was mentioned with approval and the belief expressed that such a commission should be capable of bringing in recommen dations which would in large mea sure solve the present very serious situation caused by uneconomic cempetltlon and duplication of ser vices. The President stated "Sav ings to the country of from $60,000, 000 to $75,000,000 a year are possible ana wis witnout impairment oi l service to tne puonc. Imperial Conference WW1V. VV.IVl! Willi. UU1SUIIUI WUIIUlVh 11 U1 1 HOlllL. HUH" T1-.1-.I 4 11- - . . a; as . .... . . ... . ruuiniiK uuv iiiab as iuiik ever, ne can do it easily. When he has anything particu-: . other nations raise intolerable tar larly attractive to offer he can tell them about it. To do j JjlftIigeu ntMMSKathe1 this daily is the desirable method. Each day brings its own ferent parts of the Empire should problems and its own changes. The customer likes to know i PJ1 h?SSrassed bhopnin he about these and appreciates the confidences of the mer-! results of the imperial conference chant. t0 De nela tn Ottawa, provided care- ... . iful analysis and close study pro- r m i i- t i i. Daily advertising, kept alrve with news of the store, lsiduced a scientific tariff structure the best possible means of keeping business good when au things are quiet 1 Mm. Had Eczema All Over Her Body Mr. Leo Wrdlpr. Sprinirfonl, Ont., write For a lone nhil I u trouMrd with ecternt kllottr my body-It would burn and itch to night I could not rut. I tried different remedin but of no rail. 1 u tdriied to UVe Burdock Wood Hitten. and tlUt Ukioc five bottlei my Mood iu completely I'leared of the eeteira." iplng home industry. I Publle Finance The success of the National Service Loan was referred to as a not able achievement. He stressed the fact that both internal and exter nal revenue had been reduced by the decline in the activity of trade and that excessive expenditures by governments and municipalities :had placed a heavy burden of interest payments on the people. : There never was a Urae In our view of the transactions that come before them and I think It will be I admitted that the disposition has' been to deal with problems in aj rymDathetic and constructive man-! many ; ner. Business in Other Countries Entirely satisfactory," were the words used in describing the bank's experience during the last year in the foreign countries where it op erates. Mr. Wilson pointed out that the Bank's foreign branches have never been allowed to expose themselves to rifK or loss tnrougn exenange fluctuations and as a result their experience during the last year had been entirely satisfactory. Commodity Levels The General Manager expressed the opinion that the restoration of commodity price levels to the basis of 1924-1928 was essential to a really satisfactory recovery In world business. He made favourable reference to the anti-deflation measures now being considered by the United States Congress and felt that they Justified the hope that corrective forces would soon be at work in that country. Business Psychology "As the depression continues the factor of business phychology Is one of constantly increasing importance," Mr. Wilson declared. Distrust and lack of confidence are largely responsible for the extreme to which world business has gone, lie Indicated that we In Canada had been particularly fortunate in this respect and said, "Confidence j tn our country and in our ability to solve the problems that present themselves Is above the average and In my opinion is amply Justified by our past record and future prospects." Lack of international confidence was the main obstacle In the way to world-wide business recovery. Mr. Wilson went on to ex press the opinion that confidence! eould be restored by co-operation1 between the leaders of politics and finance in the principal countries. Signs are not lacking that progress may be made along these lines and this formed the basis for his statement "Wltile I do not wish to venture any predlcUon as to the date of business recovery. It will be very disappointing if an Improvement does not take place during 1932." Mr. Wilson pointed out in vigor- ous terms that we must not get j Into the frame of mind in which we think of losses as pertaining to all ' business activities. The majority are holding their own. he declared. I and while reduced earnings for the time being may be Inevitable, we-should be gratified that in this per-lod of transition a creat majority! of our Canadian concerns are more , than covering operating expenses and our agricultural population Isi staying on the land and maintaining the acreage under cultivation. ViWlf. Closing on Vac a note of optimism. Mr. I . , . 1 1, , 4. . nisiory wncn h wm wi.7"wi1hii said. "There are signs of stabilization in number of d reo-11$ brin At. !nVe wSfc J vt Sff"0115' our Physical- assets are belns! fi,3.1 7fnHunri?iiS ihS.k,t lntact ttnd' wlth reasonable British National Government In re-; tna't . tlnd Canad m be onE o the h.iV KT,At ,lrst countries to feel the good re and balancing their budget. , suits .i. of v,,,.i R ' Closing his remarks Sir Herbert 1 business recovery.' said In part "It has been said that nr . . i- y It Is darkest Just before the dawn. 1YIAQ3PTI hsiTITlPr tlons have seemed most discouraging at a time when Improvement had already set In. The violence of the depression must of itself tend to produce a strong reaction. It may well be that the gold countries are now on the verge of a rise In the price level. With a sound and strongly Integrated banking system, no important Investments In Institute Holds Annual Meeting MASSETT. Jan. 25 The Graham ; Island Farm rs instute held Its' depreciated securities of foreign .n,M, ,., ,.,, ,,,,. , meeting last week, quite governments, an Industrious and annufl a virile people who have maintained crowd being present. Directors el-thelr morale unimpaired, and with ected for the coming year were; a system of government permitting chas. A. Smith, Austin Cary, 8. L. promnt and decisive action. Can- Zi, simn,nn r nV t rv,M T. Evans and Carl ada is In a relatively satisfactory 1lmuson' position and we are Justified In Klrmls, secretary. 8 Could LOUT s. - Monday, -January 2$, I63J i ii 1 Wife Get a Jot) ? i?7 EMPLOYMENT y hope your wife will never need to seek employment. But many other men have had similar hopes ami their tviilows know the heartaches of j'oMiunting. Fortunately yon enn make certaiu that your wife and children will never want for food, clothing and shelter. You can make them forever Independent of charity. Simply inveit in Life Iniurance and arrange for a permanent monthly income which will he payable either to your family or to yourself. Then, whether or not ynu live to old age, the future it safeguarded. Tomorrow may he too late. See a Life Insurance representative today and make sure your wife will never be forced lo look for employment. Life I nsurance oervice On 0 a $erU$ of mtt$agt$ iporuortd by Lift Inturanct CompmnUi. now SUNsTREATED CiaiPCTTES mn mr- IRRADIATED" CIGARETTES NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY TWENTY FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS