1 1 i ICS I ir IN4 fi!:; fjij.fM $ in f it i! "i I: 1 I PAGE POUR g B i B Hockey Scores Sunday Stores Detroit 3 j New Vork Rangers 4. Saturday Scores OarWdlens 0; Toronto 2. Chicago V, Montreal 3 oVertim: tie. Detroit 2; Boston 0. Hockey Standings International Division W. t. L. P. Toronto 13 5 10 31 Canadiens 11 4 12 26 Americans 9 6 12 24 Maroons 7 5 15 19 American Division Rangers 17 5 6 39 Chicago 9 10 7 28 Detroit 11 4 .13 28 Boston 7 9 9 23 Old Country Soccer SATURDAY'S SCORES SCOTTISH LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION Albion Rovers 3; St. Johnstone 4. Arbroath 3; East Stirling 1. Boness 3; Alloa 3. Brechin City 0: Ralth Rovers 1. Dumbarton 6; Montroes 1. Dunfermline Athletic 4; Forfar Athletic 2. East Fife 0; St. Bernards 2. Hibernians 0 Stenhousemulr 2. Klngi Park 9; Armadale 0. Queen of South 5; Edinburgh City 4. english league second Division Burnley 0; Charlton Athletic 1. Leeds United 2; Notts County 2 Swansea Town 3: Barnsley 0. Tottenham Hotspurs 4; Mart Chester United 1. Generators from $4.50 New Guaranteed Batteries $7.95 Lighting Plants Quoted on Application VANCOUVER AUTO WRECKING CO. 1249 Granville St, Vancruver Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Uneratintf -three bft Docks Total capacity, 20,000 tons '4- Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wodd Vessels Sawmill and MinlngAtachlnery Repaired .and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts Australian Yachting Enthusiasts titular bout. Camera claims that on Januaiy 13, 1931, Schmelling agreed to terms for such a bout and that on July 8 these terms were confirmed and expanded. The understanding was that the light was to take place before September 30. Camera declares that he went into training for the bout and nothing less than $100,000 wll! compensate him for financial Ioa$ and disappointment. Basketball Standings SECOND IIALP OF SEASON Intermediate League W. L. High School ...I 0 Merchants 1 0 Tuxis 0 2 Ladles' League Cardinals 1 0 Amazons 1 1 Comets 0 1 Junior Leairue League of Nations ...1 0 Japanese Students' ...1 0 Rovers 0 1 Boy Scouts i 0 I- Billiard Averages Junior League G. Msiy (If) 0 Saunders J 3 A. Zadoroski (El 5 P. Johnson E) 5 N. Chenoskl , E 5 t. iron' LN 5 W. stuart J ft G. Howe (E) 5 It. Wicks (II) 6 W. Murray (Hi 2 W. Hudson (U) 6 P. Vaccher LN 5 P. Chenoskl E) 0 W. Funnell (J) 3 L. Raabo Ji $ B. Wendle LN i I A. Strachan (J) 0 ai Murray ilim m..a z T. 1200 600 068 965 059 957 1138 952 1123 274 1112 926 1102 546 1074 850 1012 839 835. P.rSldildgerLN)' S 822 P. 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 0 Av. 200 200 194 ' 193 192 1 191 1 l'Mlj 1901 188 1871 185: 185 i 183 182 SPORT CHAT The Prince Oeorge hockey team returned to its home town last week after a successful hockey tour of a week during which time games were played at Quesnel, Burrs Lake, Smlthers and Vanderhool The team played seven games in six days and averaged over 100 miles of travelling a day in their big caravan. Jim Douglas who had the boys in hand as manager, brought them all back none the worse for wear. He commend- the co-operation and sportsmanship of the team both on and off the ice. . . Of the seven games played, the Prince George team lost but one, this being at Smlthers by a sco.e of 6 to 3. Other scores were: 170.1 10K J. Bulger J C C32 104 C. Perry (H ;5 190 1 154 W. fi. Hayhursl (ID . 4 604 151 (NoteH.; Hawk's J., Jewelers; L. of N, League of Nations; EH m press;. ' Robert Pegg of Prince Rupert Is In the city" for an extended visit -Vancouver Province. Prince George, 6; Quesnel. 0. Prince George, 5: Bums Lake, 0 Prince George, 8; Smlthers, 3. Prince George. 13; Smlthers, 2. Prlnee George, 6; Bums Lake. 4. Prince George. 9; Vanderhoo! 3, The Prince George team scored 50 counters with but 17 again' It. BILLIARD SCHEDULE Following is the schedule for the remainder of the second halt of the Junior Billiard League: Jan. 36 L. of N. vs. Empress. Jan. 28 Hawks vs. Jewelers. Feb. 1 Smpress vs. L. of N. Feb. 4 Jewelers vs. Hawks. Feb. 8 t,. of N. vs. Jewelers. Feb. 11 ttewks ti. Bmpress. Feb. 15--L. of N. s. Hawks. Feb. 18- Empress vs. Jewelers. Feb. 22 Hawks vs. L. of N. J, Feb. 25 Jewelers vs. Bmpress. Mar. 1 Empress vs. L. of N, Mar 4 Hawks vs. Jewelers. Mar. 8 L. of N. vs. Hawks. Mar. 11 Jewelers vs. L. of N. Mar. 15 -Em pess vs. Jewelers. CRIBBAGE January 25 eagles vs. Seat (joy Musketeers vs. Swifts, Grotto vs. Elks. I. O. O. F. vs. V. R. HoteL Moos Vs. K. O. February 1 seal Cow v. MrfttetWrs. i. o. o. f. n. smts. lir. Moose vs. Grotto. 1601 2Pp. R. Ifotel w. Eik. K. C. vs. Eaglo. February 8 Elks vs. Moose. Eagles vs. I. O. O. F-Swltts vs. Grotto. Musketeers vs. P. R. Hotel. Seal Cove vs. K. O. February 15 Musketeers vs. Elks. Moose vs. t. O. O. F. P. R. Hotel vs. Eagles. K. C. vs. Grotto. Seal Cove vs. Swifts. ' THE DAILY NEWS' News of The Sport World CANADIAN TEAM WINS Ruggers of This Country Beat Ciack Japanes Team By , $cre of 30 to 3 OSAKA, Japan, Jan. 25: The Canadian English rugby team defeated a Doshisha Kyoto University fifteen here yesterday by- a, score of 30 points to three. WEATHER They seem to have broughl their friends along, loo. these Australian yachting enthusiasts as they hold everything during a skim over Sydney harbor ni an 18-fooi craft. EUROPEANS START WAR Prima Camera Suing Max Schmet-ling For $100,000 for Breach of Contract Mi NEW YORK, Jan. 25 Prlmd Ca-- nera, Italian boxer, has started a $100,000 damage suit against Max Schmellng, world's heavyweight champion, claiming that the title-holder ran out on a contract las year to meet him (Camera) In a a 1 REBUILDING BALL TEAM Unconditional Releases Given Two Veterans of Brooklyn Dodgers' Line-Up NEW YORK. Jan. 25 Reconstruction of the Brooklyn Dodger National League baseball club go' under way at the end of the wer k when two veterans of the ean were given their unconditional re SIGNED BY PRESIDENT National Emergency Finance . Coi poratlon Bill Has Become Legal Measure WASHINGTON. D.C Jan. 25 -President Herbert Hoover's . na tional emergency finance corpora tion came into being Friday rilglt. land Senate. INSTALLING NEW SHAFT Annual Overhaul Work Fron!ln At Local Dry Dork on Steamer Prlhee George Included in the" annual overhau' job an the stettmer Prince Geon; at the lc:al dry dock is the Iristat-latlon of a new tallshnft, the eta One hahg been recently condemned. The old shaft has already Men drawn and preparation are being made to fit the new one which has already arrived. The Prince George, which is being given general hull overhaul will remain on the pontoons until the middle of next month. Extension of Moratorium 1$ Being Opposed WASHINGTON. D.C., Jan. 25-xtnlon of the war debt moia-torlom for European countries wa-: strenuously opposed by Senator V K. Borah of Idaho In speaking en 8atnrday In the Senate. leasesRay Bresser, outfielder, arrl T. J. Shenten, Inspector of Adolph Luque, pitcher. The nrfn- mines, sailed last night on the Q agement Is now angling about tof new players. tola for A trip to Anyox On offi cial dutiei. " rt I T . tt' dCJ.. OMCjCVjO D CX-. tU. IS for ISe. 10 for iSc, and In flat ttn$ of fifty and on hundred. Manufactured ty lofwrul TeWco Company ot Canada; Limited MARKET IS HORRIBLE rallan wheat farmers arejrjau;'.,-"jvi.rtruna1 Co,rJ heartened by the better "tone " uf T,"-.!'" " - the world wheat market. Orowcr ui'.b- 2M who abandoned wheat for ottm ths rim story iMl lVV M)ST 'mm OO i refill Isf rtrtft'n1 tlllfh Tfllrl (u ..11 . N DrosDects'last seasdh arf now re- her two former rn h;, , as aji actual legal measure when grettlng tnelr astj0n. IMPROVED EVIDEM ntnirnxf T e- lf OS Ant. I!,Iim UIimi m..-. oiuit&i, i.o.y., iui iiii .iiwij ui niuruer Is I me president auixea nis signature , ,u j ... Six months ago thi distrcu iu me uuuument iouowing lbs pai- o ttr f o,.. u i., wheat growers was one of :h paramount political considers .e n ; in Australia. Now It mm flr the wheat industry Is destined go a long way towards ths mawry of the Commonwealth, economl ally. Wheat markets overseas have iirmed during the rrot Iw we'!-, and, although the tonl; effect of the last British elections given a' one basle fatof. the portion o' the Soviet, In opinion of Sldm-v merchants, alto Mas bora lftrc-v on the present position. Ruwh. is said, is cxnerienclns: dlffbu't- elsewhere for stocks and at the same time there will be an Increased reluctance to deal with Soviet agents. The result mlgM be of substantial benefit to Au'. ralla. Traders in Sydney are caution Jn framing their forecast of the Bi&r-ket. They recognize that wher crlally. Partial failure of th .vj Ctod in Germany u-dulrf hav- x a '.KM roy and Hedviu ; took a trip to l. iwnying -trunks in memtsred bodies ti . The trial is pro-. z ROAD VOTE VERY B In filling, in full, contracts entev.-:1 California roiul ir.:p Into some time ago for wheat lo "m ui the state be supplied to Britain and els - year will Lnclude a v where; and. apparenUy, the Sovle' 000 to yup": agents have heavily oversold every- Rout? between Lu where. Buyers may hive to lool: Sacramento. TO APPOINT California lUjhw-v Exprsil For lea: Run Imo Mfflians o) Dollar- sact;amento .i. TWO JUDC Vacancies in 1'nited SUto pteme Court Bench prices go high the tendency, m-; ,., pecially In some of the South-rn WA?H NtOTON, J-Eurbpean Predent Herbert Ho, countries, will be to rR duce the flour-bread bill verv n.r.-wo PPtotent. t oupretne v-ouri oi i bench this year, it i hirtf., -ff-f It If understood Stocks in the United Kingdom if'T Su,h"'nd bf-f" ,n !i-hpal;l are reported to be fairly substun tui fnr hi tin, nt th Mr h resign on Or there are said to t)s consldeable qirantlties on hand In AmerV.a his time for rftlrrm n; cows due. Notwithstanding all these pot-nt.;il ,n,CI "sll"p -factors, however, there are dtoUnet Ho,m" alreadv rp': Indications of markedly be'tr j umes aneaa lor Australian iarmers. Advertise in the inHly Kl cike RECORD SPEAKS yir ITSELF In oprntng ifie CanaWiari Xattonat Exhibition at Tornnloon Friitny, Att(M tt, Eatljetlfctte "Ovrraiterlttl vf Si yrarn, the population of Canada ha Incrraml by 6,000,000i thm rrxtnum tf tht Gotrrnmrnl Jtonx $tt,000,(H)(i to $tb0,0O0,000 and th mim of her trntle from $169,000,000 to $3,400,000,000. In th Mm tlmt, her manufarturet hare nvrrmrd trii-foUl and her rtop acreage threefold. Thi rknxarkahle reford enrourateii a feeling of optlmUm for the future" Earl Jcllicoo ulso mudo the following reference! "Canadu' record growth ronslilutct) an achievement of world importance and Htaiuls as u chullcngc to future progress. This phenomenal growth is the direct result of that Hplcndid courage and determination which the people of Canada allowed so strikingly from 191 1-1910". The record for puhlic favour which is held hy Turret Cigarettes is the natural outcome of quality consistently mnlntninod throughout the years. After all, nothing can replace good, honest tobacco; grown and ripened right out in tho field under nature's own sunlight nothing artificial about that and tho high quality is "inbred". Quality and Mildness urret CIGARETTES I