r B' I: January 25, 1932 Monday. PAGE .THREE t: ( ORMES' NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL Vitamin Tested TItis oil lias been tested and is guaranteed by us to be fresh and.purc and of high standard ! At Bargain Prices 8 oz. 35c 16 oz. 60c Ormes ltd. Tflte Pioneer Druqgists THE KEXALL STORE 1'honcs 81 and 82 Third Ave. and Fulton St. IN THE LETTER BOX KESI'ECTABLE DOLE I u hd ukf to draw your read- r J' ii'inn to me nue sums often appropriated by tthout an equivalent ex Finance Commlttet ;..t Wall Street hr.i 000 000 and $600,000,000 foreign bonds " The i getting these pick-' P Morgan National i d Kuhn. Loeb St Co. ;read 'i.e. the differ :. what borrower go: '" -' tt paid) was-14.71" : the National City loaned $1,745,000 to olved as its a chance for some i citlten to tell Ui they get off Ho-Mpathlser may rejoin, kfrs are entitled to for the reason of --ks t hey are subject! i'h business And ho' !nrmen? Are not we p ossessions when try-fish? and how about ivos when fishing In ''"V These are blegf i' "i bankers are faclnp he other hand, risks fusing Industry. Lart ! 340 men killed and md their remunera-' f a fisherman war ;nd some shelter - no profits. ,uikers are no more to blame than any free-boarder, on unemployed worker anywhere. The bankers have to do Just what they are doing, or out they go and some one else would become the banker. No single individual nor a group, are. or could be held responsible for this scandalous and temporary fcnstnes dlsloctaton that we are er.- (,f their energy during , j joying Just now. This was natural-of appropriation. iy evolved from the previous busi-biit noise is often ma 6: nets cycle of prosperity)?). When u t of relief, feeding oi every banker was lending freely und frequently with every manufacturer was busy caur-that it would be bet- ing production of commodities and i pirn is and their morals most of the workers were working M be provided with op- and graciously paying for their work it out .no one 'board and lodgings. The whole c! jested similar treat recipients of collos'l muld be exemplified them, while under competitive nature of capitalism, were racing and trying to get on top first with the Inevitable results from this scramble that too much of this, too much of that and, too muc . of everything else including Ii-bor-power was produced. The im portant complication of this whole business was that, while produc tion of commodities was ahead of demann. the corresponding pur chasing powers of society to match 8 me were not ' produced',' cairtt "urt'llmrnt in productive process which resulted in unemployment proflu reducing the purchasing power- correspondingly This condition. I f fye normal demand coupled, with oyerionnoance oi commooni' from the capitalist point of vie appears as underconsumption and It mav be honestly stated that the problem of production was magnificently solved under capitalist era paving a way for solution of dls trlbutlon under socialism. However, as a larger portion of nationally produced weath goes in a form of unearned profits, dividendsthe respectable dole in the hands 'of fewer men as th? Mme toes on the proportionally decreasing purchasing' power of th multitude shall become a constant cause for even longer and mote fremtent depressions while capitalism lasts. Yours for the better times. M. ANDERSON THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TUAII. UUITIMI COLl.MIIU "nifucturen o ELEPHANT III and iu:nc.u mmuznts ' Rftnr of TADANAC llruiul t 1 1)1 TIIOI VTin AMMONIUM rilOSrHATE SULrilATE OF AMMONIA TIlirLE SlirEUriiOSI'lIATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-HISMUTH UNION STEAMSHIPS ' '! WINTER EXCURSION FARK8. Kltaotlv NovttObor tit (Oood J--i'riury 39. 1932. I' l l) HK8T-CLASS RETURN FARM. From PRINCK RUPERT ' ;"'Uni MrsU tn Berth) To Vancouver and VJcluna SltMKl ttt. i. kuf-ert ( Including MnUa and Btrth) '' OCEAN TALUS 21 3E ret From ANYOX 1 1 n KTEVyART S18.70 ret ! Princ Rupirt for Vancouver ,' ' "p'DAV 130 p.m iBS I ATA1 A ) Wl FRIDAY MIDNIGHT iS.8 ( MtDKNA ) A WONDERFUL SKIN SPECIALIST V A TWO NCttBOX . .113.35 ret " " 'AITTJf. Am 'I i,m a a Rup n,i.i.,n rt Umii.1- tciifv. Kri-allil SihuiiiI Ai.mif '" M I mm "Build B. C. Payrolls" This Extra LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Glasses fittca by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's (tore. Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" Is our motto. Give us a call. tl Annual meeting of the Princ,! Rupert Radio Association in cit hall Tuesday, Jan. 26, 8 p.m. All radio owners invited. 20 Economize in fuel, order Coal. Mrs. Robert Duncan, Ambrose Avenue, returned to the city on tht Catala last evening from a visit to Vancouver. John L. Kask cf tne Fisheries Commission arrived In the city on the Catala last ev enlng from Seattle, oelng here on official business. T. W. Hall, lnsoector of school sauea Saturday night on the s Prince John for a trip to Queen Charlotte City and other island points on inspection duties. After having spent a vacation in Vancouver, Pilot W. W. Mouncc of the steamer Catala returned to his duties aboard the ship on Its present voyage north, Capt. J. D. Boden relieved on the Catala during his absence. Alberta Sootlcss Egg, $11.00; Rulkley Valley, Lump, $12.50. N'anaimo-Wellington Lump, $13.-50. Phone 110 or 117 Albert & McCaffcry. A. H Robinson has returned to his duties as purser on the steam. Catala on the vessel's present voy age north. While he has been on annual vacation during the past several weeks, Herbert A .Ilughei relieved as purser on the Catala. Albert Davidson and Thomas C. Chalmers, both former freight of ficials of the Canadian National Railways and of more recent years In the service of the company in Vancouver, have iDened a customs brokerage business In Vancouver with offices in the Pacific Coast Fire Building. ii Extra nourishment enmes from it. That Is the value of the extra richness of Pacific Milk. That is why It goes further In cooking and why the tiniest babies with disordered stomachs flourish uoon It. Physicians, of course, know, and recommend It. Pacific Milk "lOOTr B. C. Owned and Controlled" PLANT AT AIJBOTSFOKD CARS BOUGHT at Their Real Value Can Be Honestly Sold We have the following specials in (juaranteed Used Cars j 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1920 Ford Town Sedan 1929 Ford Sport Cabriolet 5470! $425 Note our coal ad for discount prices. Hyde Transfer. PHone 580. (tf) . ir -f-iIit'i rri'-r -hi;. Hf ri Htavrlpv J. Mellor of Dlebv L3- lad 'staf 16n : staff was a 'visitor In town over the week-end. Catholic Women's League Bridge and Whist, School Hall, Wed. Re freshmcnts. Admission 50c. C. C. Mills sailed last evening on the Catala' to make the round trip to Anpox and Stewart on biii- iness. ' Just received a shipment of af ternoon dresses, skirui and blouse? in latest modes and shades, reasonably priced. See them at Annetto? DDD for skin disorders 20 Thomas W. Brown of this city, after a visit in Vancouver, left that city last week to spend a few days with his parents, Judge and Mr Brown, before returning to Prince Rupert. An active fluid that washes into (ha sirk tissues. Clear stainless. Its sooth-Ine elements nenrtrate. Itching stem on the instant eruptions disappear. Tne treatment bas no mau W. J. McCUTCHEON. DRUGGIS? OKMES LTD. Bulkley Valley the unit coal. High Heat Capt. and Mrs. Harry Calder wood and family, who have been visiting in Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Ca tala last evening. Andrew Seattle has returned to his duties as chief engineer on board the steamer Catala on Its present trip norfh after having spent the past several weeks ashore at his home In Vaneouvei on annual vacatlop. Union steameriPatala, Capt. A E. Dlckonr arrived jn port at 8:80 last evening from' the south and failed about an hour later for An yox. Stewart and other northern points whence she is due to return here tomorrow morning on h?r way back to Vancouver and way-points. Judge H. A. Robertson will ai rive in the city, on Thursday morning's train this week from Prince Oeorge to preside over a session of County Court here for the trial of Frank Suchet. who has been committed for trial on a charge of attempted suicide In the city Jail recently. Man's Heart Stopped By Had Stomach Gas W. L. Adams bloated so with gas after meals that his heart missed Deals. Adierika brought out all gas ana now ne eats anyming and feels fine. Ormc's, Ltd., Drugs. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the hottest in the domestic field. Oov ernment analysis shows it to be the highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. It starts quick and lasts longer. Fur thermore, for your .benefit don't think for one minute because our coal Is lower In prlco that we are giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers may state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wild fire," egg or lump. Note our adv. ior cash prices and save your dollars. Hyde TransferPhone 580 Announcements Presbyterian Hums Banquet 25. i. Eagles Bigger and Better Smoke. January 28. Admission $1:00. 3105, g,-- Eaalcs' Social Dance.Wednesdav. 1923 Essex 8200 FebruajAjHanct.igJjj.so, Sedan v . Gentlemen 50c. Ladles. refresh- Ask us about our Used Car Guaran- mtalVW ffttfft- tee plan and easy time payments CNR annua, fa. Bring in your old car for an appraisal Kaien Motors Ltd. j Third Ave. & Seventh St. Phone 52 in. b 'mmv mm in m m m ism tmir ! held In Moose Hall Friday, February 5. 1932. Moose Valentine Dance, Feb. IX Moose Badminton Dance Feb. IS. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale April 7. Wait For The BIG FIRE SALE BERMUDA BECKONS HAMILTON, Bermuda, Jan. 25- - Proposals to invite delegations from the Canadian and Imperial parliaments to visit Bermuda dur ing the Easter recess are now being formulated here and as soon as Parliament convenes definite action will be taken and the invitations go forward. At a recent meeting of the Ber muda Branch of the Empire Parliamentary Association, attendee" by His Exellency the Governor and his A. D, C. Lord Carew, who is a member of the House of Lores wis Exellency, commenting upon the projected visit of Canadian and British Parliamentarians, said nothing would give him grease, pleasure than to welcome such del egations to Bermuda. Hon. A. W Bluck, Speaker of the House of Assembly, and Sir Sidney Rowan-Hamilton, President of the Legislative Council, gave expression to similar sentiments, the former ad ding that such a visit would be productive of great benefits, fosi erlng the Empire Spirit and promoting understanding between the peoples of the Empire. The Idea of this visit, now tak ing definite shape, originated in the spring of 1930 when the then Canadian Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. W. L. McKenzle King, visited Ber muda during the Easter recess. PRINCE RUPERT LADY COULD NOT RECOGNIZE FRIENDS ON THE STREET. Eyesight got so poor thnt she wa3 passing her best friends on the street but with the new glasses recently fitted by Geo. F. Davey. Reg Optometrist, she can now sec friends blocks away, and her general health is much improved. If you are having eye trouble phone 261 for an appointment. Optical Dept. Max Heilbroner Jeweler Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot Si Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. TEU DAY AND UP J. Zarelli Trlephonr IKI W. F. Felton Oona River. C.N.R.; J. Hadland. SINGER SEWING MACHINES NEW AND USED For Sale and for Rent McRAE BROS., LTD. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIrtY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery ThronKhout the City Which Will Start Shortly atnn, H 1" PI riTi-IIETD'Q I TH WATCH' PAPER FOR BP . LLU 1 fllJLlV O Li 1 U. BIG ADVERTISEMENT A Product CONSIDER the importance of quality, when you buy lamps. Edison Mazda Lamps bring you the advantages of every improvement made in lamps since Edison's invention of 50 years ago. They give you soft glare-free light . . and full value of the current consumed. Buy them by the carton, at . the price of ordinary lamps. L-40 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT BREAD has an appetizing taste all its own when baked the new Quaker way. It's a remarkable new time and labour saving way that thousands of women have adopted with enthusiasm. You'll find full directions in our booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking." It's free. Just write us, or ask your dealer. Quaker Flour is made of wheat selected for its high food value and milling quality. Exacting tests are made each hour during milling. Samples are baked daily in our own kitchens. If Quaker Flour docs not give you perfect satisfaction your dealer is authorized to refund your money. The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. 1SS3W - -J) W 9.51 .v&. m Flour j wra teY IT v. I ill V ' . ;'. ft I- i. . n" f i. f,iF'A- ..... t. v ; 4 4 U 4'. ' it