"IF- L0CAL1TEMS "The Proof of the Puddmsl ion Special tonight, meeting 8 o'clock. Carpenters' Urgent. Un ii Annette's LIFE insurance benefits .... can be Proved while you are still ALIVE I Living policyholders of the Sun Life were paid in benefits during 1931 $68,000,000 THREE TIMES as much as beneficiaries of deceased policyholders. This was due, partly, to the fact that trained Sun Life representatives, when selling insurance, counsel their policyholders how to secure a dual advantage the maximum benefit to THEMSELVES, and the greatest protection to their DtrtNLANIa. The insured no longer have to die to win. The wisest insurers vigilantly protect their policies and allow nothing to impair them. The Sun Life enjoys a remarkable record for the persistency of its business largely the result of sound advice and expert service to its policyholders, by its representatives. mm: 1 t.. S.J. (Sam) Jabour Awarded over 140 gold medals and diplomas It docs pay to buy ine Sun Life representative sold $528,000,000 new paid-for insurance last year, making the Company's total business In force over Three Billions an impressive reflection of public confidence. To-day prudent men are not only taking on MORE life insurance; they are doing so after consultation with competent representatives of such a company as the Sun Life. Consult Sun Llt representative or tttum tjve ttich.d coupon to the local or htid office of th company i Forward Ittflct "The Popular Policy" (D. 4371 J) advertiied in Nmc Date of Birth , Month Year Full Addrtw Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Hod Office. MONTREAL Northern Representative t : Phone 645 Prince Rupert, B.C. SUN LIFE Office No. 14, Smith Block In the big, new, family-size package. Pure, crisp, light, flaky and always FRESH. Flake Sodas The concentrated goodness beef is in va m ta rah U I n Berne it doesn't pa,; t. fJ J Easy to Make i , Five Dollars ' Dollar a Line For Limerick To Br Paid By Stewart & Mobley For the winning limerick . In their romoetltlon Stewart & Mo- bltf qf this city will pay a dollar a line or five dollars in all. Tnai spems an easy way to make five dollars. It is the prise for the beat entry. So far there are not many so the Driae is anybody'! yet. One entry has been received wlthoftt any.' name attached. Will dip -iritpr kindlv send In his name to either Stewart & Mobley or the nailv News, not for publication but nx 4 tuarantee of rood faith. Then the entry will be published. Here Is one of the enterics received: I know of a coffee. Supreme, In ffikvor Us simply a dream, SUch aroma was never Concocted so clever As In this super-coffee. Supreme. D. A. T. Cooper, sound engineer for the Northern Electric Co., who has been on one of his periodical visits to the Capitol Theatre here. will sail by the Prince George tonight on his return to Vancouver. SPECIAL From April 1 - April 15 We will wash your Double Blankets for fiOc Single Blankets for 10c Lace Curtains 50c (per pair , , Scrim Curtains .....30c; (per pair) Pillows, each 35c Carpets 35c ' ' (per square yard) Let us help you do jour sprinj house cleaning Canadian & IMonccr Laundries Limited Tt pot. nn mnre til ride In a Va.l.TcnnUl tVip'n tn inv nthilr car. ut call Kelson's Taxi 849f tt Socclai Sunday chicken dinner. 50c. at the Commodore, where you get good eats, comfort and ser vice. 77 II. Chantrell of Massett Is pay ing a visit to the city, having ar rjved last night on the ss. Prince John from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Coffee should be pure. There is no chicory In "Supreme." Mrs. A. Carswell of Shannon Bay arrived in the city on the Prince John last night from the Queen Charlotte Islands for a brief visit to town. Get your garden tools at Oor-don's Hardware. We carry a complete stock of garden tools, seeds. fencing and poultry netting. Our' prices are the best. Phone 311. tt ys Colds dosing Just rub on Vicls VapoRub Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald, in Supreme Court in Vancouver, has granted an absolute decree of di vorce to Sophie Kalakaylo Iroui Emll Kalakaylo of Anyox whom the married in Vancouver on Feb ruary 6, 1927. BE HAPPY SAVEM0NEY BUY1 RIGHT without automobile, electric light, steam heat or telephone. Lastly, before buying lumber, building materials, or fuel, consult ALBERT tt McCAFFERY. LIMITED, who are In a position to quote prices to your advantage. Phones 116 and 117. Announcements United March 31. Church Easter Sal Royal Purple bridge March 31. Boston Hall. 35c. and whist Admission Eagles' box social and dance, Friday, April 1. Special prizes for ladles bringing boxes. Admission, ladles, refreshments; gentlemen, 50 cents. Everybody welcome. Seal April 7. Cove . Parish, . Hall Dance. Catholic Woman's League Spring Sale April 7. i Presbyterian spring sale April 14 The "Laughing Cure'' United Church April. 14 ftncj,. 15. r , ngllcan Cathedra Spring , Sah. Prince Rupert Singers April 20. Capitol Theatre.' Ridley Home Bazaar May 5. Three Plays. Presbyterian Church May 5th and 6th. Spring May 19. Sale,St. Peters Church, Clock o j LEAVING TONIGHT John W. Allen, superintendent engineer for Dominion Fisheries, who has been here for the past ' week in connection with the letting of contracts for repairs to patrol ! boats, will saU by the Prince George A summary of business conditions ; tonight on his return to Vancou- shows low prices1, on wheat, fish,iver. He expects to be back here lumber and metals", with high taxes again in about a month's time in by Dominion and Provincial Gov- connection with chartering of boats crnments and municipalities. The for patrol work this season, outlook for Western Canada Is not mmmmm too bright. What shall we do to make the best of, our present First, of course, practice all ec onomy possible. Second, do not try to "keep up with the Joneses." , Third, convince yourself that you I can live and be happy without spending money foolishly. Fourth, read something of the! history of our forefathers In the early days of Canada, in Ontario and Quebec. : aUtttaU aUattaUaUViaxHi BUY-RIGHT SPECIALS for Friday & Saturday Fifth, picture Prince Rupert QWRni.Kss raisins. Nabob 15-oz. pkgs. per pkg. LIFEBUOY SOAP. The "Health" Soap. 2 bars FRIDAY, APRIL 1st. FROM 2 TILL 4 Latest Style Dresses 25 Dresses (just arrived from the Red; in latest styles and modes Specially priced at 12 Only Hats, latest spring fashions; Specially priced J (fj 50 Prs. of Shoes, specially g jgg priced to clear at v 25 Prs. Silk Hose Special at, per pair 15c' GOOD QUALITY BROOMS, 5 string With Cap and Ring each LOGANBERRY JAM per Jar CHERRY JAM per jar '. NABOB BAKING POWDER. quality product 12-os. tins 24-lb. tin PEACHES In heavy syrup No. 2 tins, per tin BSST FOODS MAYONNAISE. "The i ' 22c rri o-J414 16-OZ. Jar HONEY GRAHAM Cello packages per pkg. JELLY POWDERS, Nabob i or Empress, 5 pkg. PORK & BEANS, Clark's Med. tins, per tin KIPPER SNACKS Cp SNOWCAP PILCHARDS flat tins, each 5c B.C. WHITE BEANS 9 SO 6 lbs ARGOOD JAM 4-lb. tins. Straw' berry. Raspberry. - Blackcurrant, per tin SHREDDED WHEAT per pkg. 50c 13c 14c A high i 70c 16c 41c WAFERS, 1-lb. 22c 24c 8c 48c 10c Watts Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 66 THE BEST FOR LESS mm mtavmmmtmm mmmtmn 35c 8 Only Spring Coats; in Polo and "tspecially. 12-95 Local Items It costs no more to buy the best Try "Supreme" coffee. V. S. Moore left on yesterday afternoon's train for a. brief visit to his home at Terrace, returning to the city this morning. I ! F. R. Mitsch of the Marlyn Fish i Bath Towels Specially priced at, pr. . . Dish Towels Specially priced at 4 for Pillow Slips Specially priced at, pr. . . PAOS THREE a i e south) in Green. Blue, Back, Brown & 83.95 79c 95c 49c Large Hemmed Sheets Cifl QC Rnisillv nrifPrl. nr. V ' Gloves, in Silk, Chamoisette, specially red 79c, 98c, $1.25 Annette Ladies Wear Company Limited Co., Ketchikan, arrived In the city George on Thursday of next week, from the Alaska town on the Bel-, , lingham yesterday morning and en-; trained here yesterday afternoon, for a trip to Boston, New York, Chi-' cago, Cincinnati ana omer unueu States business centres on company business. J. R. Duffy, accountant and a former resident of this city, who has done a good deal of travelling . around the world during the past; few years, having been, among other places, in South America and" South Africa, now registering as coming from Peru, and Mrs. Duffy arrived in the city yesterday on Jhe Princess Norah from ..Vancouver and sailed later In the day on the Prince George for Anyox where thfcy will pay a week's visit, returning to Vancouver on the Prince ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal Is now the nottest In the domestic field. Gov-.-ernmcnt analysts shows It to be the hlchcst in B.T.U.'s and less ash. It The County Court case of J. R. starts quick and lasts longer. Fur- " Mitchell et al vs. A. Richmond, In , thermore, for your benefit don't which a claim of $122.48 is made for think for one minute because our I labor, was adjourned until April coal la lower In price that we are hpfnre Judee F. ulvlne vou a chcaDer crude as other IflC McB. Young this morning. There coal dealers may state to you. are a numoer oi aeiences mciuaing iour uiucr or:i uu-,, one of bankruptcy. J. T. Harvey Is fire," egg or lump. Note our adv. for appearing for the plaintiff and L. cash prices and save your dollar!. , W. Patmore for defendant. j tf Hyde Transfer Phone 580 T T C 17 fi P A DC At lcss than Vancouver prices and UtjUU VAlVlJ sold with a guarantee: One 1929 Chevrolet Sedan $500.00 One 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan $425.00 Three 1929 Ford Deliveries at $350.00 Thoroughly reconditioned and licensed. We have several 1925 to 1927 Ford Model T Passenger, Del ivcry and Truck models, in good running order at snap prices. m Ml file mimimm ) S. E. Parker Ltd. - Phone 83 Income Tax Returns limited Companies mu3t Dominion forms T4 and T5 by 31st March. GEORGE UOIIIE & CO. Accountants and Auditors 213 Second Avei Wt Thone 387 Queen Hatchery 3C W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks, Queen Quality Leghorn. Rhode island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. HATfcHEUY: av : IQUEEfy 56 Vanci UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hlnmrri re Vrlntt Rupert f or Vawouveri T.N.f" I'ATALA EVERY TUESDAY, tJO FM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.8.8. CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIHNIOHT Arriving Vancouver Sundty midnight approx. WeeUy lalllngi to Port Simpaon. Allc Aral. Anyox. Stowan and Nut River points. Sunday, 9 p.m. Further information regarding all aalllnga and tlcktU at PUINfl" Rl!l'EKT AOENl'Y: hreond Avepue. I'hone SHU