PAGE FOUR TT-rT nATT.v News or The Sport World J ATHLETICS GO AHEAD Won Two Out of Three Games Over Browns at Week-End and Displaced Washington j ST. LOUIS, June 20: By winning two oct of tttie week-end games with St. Louis Browns, Ph!l.i ; detphla Athletics aclvuncad to sec-1 ond place in the American League standing ahed of the Washington Senators who were beutrn twiee by the Detroit Tigers at Detroit. By winning twice over the Chicago White Sox.sNew York Yankees in creased their margin of league leadership to seven and a-lu.r games. , In the National League, the Phil-1 lies took both ends of a double-1 header on Saturday from thej St. Louis Cardinals and advanced from seventh to fourth place ahead I of both the Robins. Cardinals and New York Giants. Brooklyn won; two games from the Cincinnati! Reds on Saturday but lost to the Pittsburg Pirates yesterday. The Giants split a double-header with ' the pace-making Chicago Cubs on i Saturday but lost to the Cardinals j yesterday. Week-end scores were as follows SATURDAY SCORES National League ' St. Louis 4-3, sPhiladelphia 5-G. Pittsburg 2-1, Boston 0-2. Chicago 2-3, New York 4-0. Cincinnati 2-1, Brooklyn 3-3. American' League Philadelphia 7. St.. Louis ff. Washington 11, Detroit 14. New York 4, Chicago 2. Boston 2, Cleveland 9. SUNDAY SCOKES National League Pittsburg 2, Brooklyn 1. Cincinnati 5, Boston 9. St. Louis 7, New York 0. American League New York 1, Chicago 0. . Washington 5 Detroit 8. Boston 3-3, Cleveland 9-6. Philadelphia 2-6, St. Louis 3-3. BASEBALL Empress vs. Sons of Canada TONIGHT -6:45 Baseball Standings National League W. L Chicago 33 34 Boston 22 2C Pittsburg 27 25 Philadelphia 30 32 Brooklyn 29 31 St. Louis 27 29 New Ydrk .r. 36 28 Cincinnati 37 ' 'American League New York 41 17 Philadelphia 35 26 Washington 84 20 Cleveland 34 27 Detroit 30 27 St. Louis -. 50 m Chicago .20 37 Boston 11 46 BASEBALL June 20 Empress vs. S. O. C. June 24 8. O. C. vs. Elks. June 27 Empress vs. Elks. July 1 S. O. C. vs. Empress. July 4 Elks vs. S. O. C. July 8 Elks vs. Empress. July 11 Empress vs. S. O. C. July 15 S. O. C. vs. Elks. Pet .579 582 ! .516 44 433 '; .482 1 .431, , i .707 .574 5C7 J66 26 .509 .361 .103 Defeated Toung Empress 6 to 5 Intermediate League Fixture Yesterday inning game. With Dick Woods and Roy Fong a umpires,, the, iline-oips were as follrfwa: ' -' Young Empress Earl Batt, p.; Buntjo Bekert. a; Johnny Pierce lb.: Edwin Johnson, 2b.; Bert Unger, ss.: Johnny Geddes, 3b.: Frank Hipp, if.; Roy Wicks, cf.; Marvin Bekert, rf. Young Elks Roger Obata. p.; Ktshimeto. e.; Jack Yaaer. lb.: Pete Chenoskl, 2b.; Kasu Naka-moto, 3b.; Kanaya, ss.;, Olof Hanson Jr.. rf.; Dido Stinech, ef.; Church, If. The Intermediate League standing to date is as follows: W. L. Pet. Young Empress S 3 .626 Young Elks 3 3 JWO Young Son of C 2 4 JS3 An Afternoon's Pastime Wna. ui do on y.iui ai:-iwon fi if anv -boaui Uwr baiting Jack Early of St Louis. Mo., hits the alley puhngs at 60 miles an hour oh. .;uv. cut .ibout the tat:e -grea; I'm though. ELKS WIN PICNICKED BASEBALL! ATOSLAND in Young Elks defeated Young Empress by a score of 6 to 5 in afternoon's Intermediate League baseball fixture. The Elks made all six runs in the first In nine and the Empress, try as they wonW, were unable to catch up. The f Hotel Men made one run in the third atawa, three in the sixth and one in the seventh. It was a seven Outing of Sons of Norway Lodge Much Enjoyed Seventy-Five Persons Made Trip Despite unfavorable weather conditions, the local Sons of Norway Lodge held a very successful picnic yesterday at Osland. the Icelandic settlement on Smith Island. Seventy-five persons made the trip aboard the halibut boats Covenant. Capt. Iians UnderdahJ. and Pair of Jacks. Capt. Axel Peterson. On arrival at Osland. luncheon Was served after which there was a baseball game followed by dancing in the afternoon with accordion musk by Julius Welle. A tug-oKwar. between mixed teams proved a draw, the prise being divided. Much merriment was occasioned by a mock auction the purchaser of the article auctioned being Alf Stor- vicx Supper was served before the picnickers left on their return home after a happy day's outing. The committee in charge of the picnic consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Ounnar Selvig. Mrs. Hans Under-dahl and Joseph WeUe. In addition to loaning their halt to the visitors, the people of Oshtna did everything else in their power te assist in entertaining the visitors. VANCOUVER, Juns 30: - Wheat was quoted at 52: r- in local exchange today. SPORTS TO BE STAGED! Dominion Day Will Be Celebraeted' In Suitable Manner in Prince j Rupert I At a Joint meeting yesterday of .he executives of the Prince Ru-1 pert Football and Baseball Assoc!,-1 lions with representatives of the. Sons of Canada, Bert Morgan, pre sident of the Prince Rupert Football Association in the chair, it was decided that a Dominion Day celebration would be staged this year with these three organisaBens to charge. The day's program starting in the mornkig, will lnoiude ehild-reo's sports, junior football, la crosse, fleki sports, senior baseball! game, senior fnotball and dance. Bert Morgan was appointed chairman ol the general sommlt-tee for the day with H. A. Breen. secretary. ' A finance committee was named consisting of H. A. Bresn. Bert Morgan, O White and S. Moran. DOMINION DAT CUP FOOTBALL j Merchants' line-up for Tuesday's game is announced as follows: V. Menzie; Douglas and Ollker; O. HHL A. Dickens and II. Dickens; L. i Amor. Fong. J. McKay, J. Cemadlna and N. Chenoskl. J Reserves R. Wick, Vaecher and i D. Frinell. Driver Was Given Great Welcome , .; " .''jMjESfa,, t aiasgssiiiiiiaBayfrsillssSslsisi5 One of the first racing drivers to start warmunu up on the Imnanapo 500-mile race on May 30 was Jvan Quardino. "King of the Pampas' erica. Mechanics and drivers at the truck ttuve him Canadians own over 3'2 billions if) 1 P 1 J 1 . worth of government and munici-' pal bonds. This advertisement is not published or displayed by tne' Llquoi Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, Of Intermediate Baseball League June 22 Young Elks vs. Young Sons of Canada. June 2G Young Sons of Canada vs. Young Empress. June 29 Young Empress vs. Young Elks. July 3 Young Elks vs. Young Sons of Canada. July 6 Young Sons of Canada vs. Young Empress. July 10 Young Empress vs. Young Elks. 1 ij.- spcvi..', tor the annual and champion i f South Am-a great v.cicomt SOFTBALL June 21- Roundhouse vs. R.C.N V.R June 24 Roundhouse vs, Dry Dock June 2C Station vs. R.ON.V,Rv, y Steamship Sailings For Vancuuvri Monday ss. Pr. Rupert . .. 4 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala ... 1:30 p.rry Thursday ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pm, r uuuy -s frin. nueiuiue iv ij.ih.-i , Ss. Cnrdena midnight June 18 ss. Prln. Norah ... .... p.mJ June 22 ss. Prln. Louise p.m.' From Vancouver 1 Sunday ss. Catala p.m.i fmf Monday. jUn, h ORE FRIENDS EVERY" DAY! A few men tried it - - told their friends and they told others - - that's how the fame of OaderTs cut plug has spread and only a qua'.ity smoking tobacco could make new friend every day and stjll(keep ,,. tlie old ones. EMM CUT PLUG If yeu "'!! ytmr mtn " u r 0den' fine cut ngateU He. 52 ii fil t it flWfy IM. I H,.' in lm m a.uw hut mil infilitnl. ' A i npy teiH be miiiiril free OH EMCIESJ Ilenncssy Throe Star Ilrundy cannot leol turned ut a moment's notice, so . . . KEEP IT HANDY! NESSY RANDY BOTTLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE " ' " 1 I"''." " i 'nul l. I) mm .it ix ' M' ' of Rrlllnh Columbia . MAGIC BAKING POWDER never varies . i B5' Its uniform leavening (fDtles give the same sari:--tsctoiy resulu with every uaking. Jom mn 4 LantdUn kntewives who lak- .r home, say thty use it because it does uive ." .-' . Wer faking rt suits. Jf you hake at home, the New Magic Cook B(k will furnish, you with dozens of attractive bakuu' suggestions. j r. Try this Jlcctffjor bfiijfitit : V 1 talWwon butter j t ., TJ tefc)irHMi Mauic 2 taplcupooivs Miar ' Baking IVrndi-r 2ctipR Flour I cup sweet niilk Cream butter m1 cugar. Add eggs one by on.', ! rl ShU dry ingrwtitWi ttgt4liw aud add to firt mixture ul" ' nartvly with milk. If battrr not stiff enwiitli, aW o l'ilr flour. Y& in wvlltrutiwd muffin naw aiKTbakc fr 20 uiin -i" a quick oven. 'TkUJiut wis wealed in o rtetnt Domhikitvidt iHHUt""' STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED CILLLTT PRODUCTS If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office