.,i,v June 20, 1932 - THIS DAILT JTEWB PAOft vwn thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT Fin : ol'T 1U i' CLASSIFIED A a ivu FOR SALE ARD Motor, sJlKhtly used. than any mail order it Kalen Motors Ltd. Ifione SALE pair of adjustable '...,: nr hangers. A ho gatfitn-i;m' ,in tank. Apply Dftfljr Nw. tf FOR RENJ M in; NT -Modern 3-room furn- ; (! bungalow far July and Au-, 1 , Phone Red 166. 143 M'liHN six-roomed house, hot i furnace, and electric Apply S9U Sixth Avenue tf TRANSFERS j tAMKtoN'S Transfer Phone ITT I .: Ury Birch. Cedar and Jack pn. tr St A' COVE TRANflFBR. Wood for : reasonable prices. Plww (HM or Blue MS. WATCHMAKERS .! wellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. IRELAND j Tbird Ave Prince Rupert, B.C. Tlii-iv Years Practical Esperience A v. u res Absolute Satisfaction OUR NEW LOW PRICES j WILL 8URPRI8B YOU DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red COS or 933 PRINTING officii supplies Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 i DOMINION DAIRY ! Quarts or 14 Pints for Sl.tO ' PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK Fresh from Bulkley Valley Fanrts VALENTIN DAIRY Phone G57 The AUCTIONEER Packing - CraUng Wrapplnu and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GKO. J. IMWES Phone Ulack 120 AUCTIONEER tint your goods with us Prince Rupert's leadinf Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red BS7 Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Ter Yard Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Phone 303 DVERTiSEMENTS for sale and all other .mall advertisement In this section chawed at the rat. of 2 cent. , per insertion with .l Insertion, for the price of four. By the month the eb-rte is 25 . -word. no advertisement taken for less than 50c. CHIROPRACTIC W. C. ...-.- Aspinall SHOE REPAIRS lor cash. Apply 2 Sixth fiKT Tiit ngcf uHst West, wh ua inree xctar uratiuate Ohlronraet vnirepracuc, lr IN WORKMANSHIP rtLK-- Bay view home, 4th N "X. Wonderful bargain UtjSHi 430. 144; Modern Kay treatment Given : At the Same Price Phone for Appointment LOUIS SHI1JIG .ill . "irrn Wll anil Ml IJIIAI.IIY KlItlK KI'I'AIUS SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US To Greet You on Arrival We Meet All Trains Special Rates For Picnic Parties to Lakelse Lake We Can Take You Anywhere at Any Time At Moderate Rates " SWrAIN TRANSFER pSI TerraCe' B j FOR RENT Furnished Cabins on the LaTtelse Lake Shore "THE DUNES 9 9 eVlr At Beautiful TIell, Queen Charlotte Islands Tbg ideal summer resort. A home away from home. A place lor theUr.fl bu8in.wi.uan to ret and where the children can play unmolested tmd without danger. , Miles of sandy oi urh hne sand dunes, all the pleasures of the; iZm wiLhlit-nh milk and plenty of thick cream. Fresh vegetables SMS Siffeu "ak. Trout and salmon fWilhc In Tlefl River. KPKC'IAL RATiUS FOR THIS SUMMER make It nossiblf foi anyone to pay a TtoK, Here U cost per person,: ttaurd urn! room lor 10 days :- - . $20 Ketum steamship fare . - .r--.r:r- m Care hire to and Horn boat Total for 12 days ,..40 Children, lialf rie. No extras PiUie John leaves Prince Rupert June 10. 24, July 8, 22 Aug. 6, 19 Wrile or Telegraph Madame Rajaiit "TIME THE TOILER" MAC T'5 A COOO US MCfJ - H now "?r:;ftrcci' VMITH IT AUO DIDW'T FltTUCtT VMB'O THST IT PtPBT gr WgA Summer Resorts 1 - r - i f ' PAINTERS LIGHTEN YOUR SPRINO CLEAN-. IMQ LABORS Phone Red 802 (eveninfs) to J. P. MOLLER for - "l Kalsomming, Painting i & Paperhanging By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES PAPER1IANGING HP! . i m -tiootlycw Tires at lower Open Bvenlnfx 6 Exmanee HJk 318 Sixth Street Prince Rune rt I Paperhanginff, Kalsominlng and Painting At prices that will suit you . Phone Red 918 C. Rouse ; TUB HANKKITTrV act I In th atate Of MUSSALLEM ORO-f!ERY COMPANY LIMITED, Prince Bu-' cm. B.C.. AuthortiMKl AMlgnor Notc is hereby tvea that muhoai.-LEM GROCERY CO. LIMITED. Prince Rupert. Province of British Columbia. Old on the 8th day o! June. 132. make a authorised adatgumeat of nil tta property lor the benefit of kts credltora. and hat II F. MeLeod. Official Receiver, bu aDDomted us to be custodian of the eatate of the debtor until the first meetlnf of creditors NoMce to further given that the first meeting of orecUtors in the above estate wal be held a,t the Court Hou. Prince Rupert. BX3H on Monday, th. 27th day of June. 1&32. at 2:30 o'clock In the afternoon. To entitle vou to vote thereat, proof of your claim must be lodged with u before ihe meeting Is 'held Proxies to be used at tne merung must be lodged wMb with us prior thereto. And further take noMce that at such awettric the oredtton will elect the per - jnanem Trustee And furtlier take nvnee mm u you navs aov olahn aeatnst the debtor for Which son are HSBed to rank, proof of ueh etaim nuut bn filed with us. with the Trutjee vM appointea. oin-erwlse the prooeeds Of the debtor's estate wSB be tSlMrfbuted among the par- . tim mtsgrrt tbereto wlthuut regard V roUrr..la4m. , . . ai Dated at Vancouver. B.C.. .this tli ,dy of June, AD.. 1932. I THE CANADIAN CREDIT MEN "8 TRUST ASSOCIATION LIU1TEU. I Custodian. ' 223 PaoMie Building. Vancouver, B.C. Ma ACT Notk-e of Intenllpn la Apply to Lcae tand In Queen Charlotte District tand Re cording District of Prince Rupert, aim ituati, in front of Lrt of Block tt. ISupdlvlskm of Lot 8. Queen Charlotte I District, Map Vo, towusive u uimiaui i city- . Take notice that we. Imperial OH fins tn Mineral Baths and Lodce ;Umrtd. of Vanoouver. B.C.. occupation Close U Mineral uains ana JjOobc for to ioij Distributors, intends apply Apply ' V. Soucie, Terrace, B.C. Is lease of the foUowlng described : lands: Commencinc v post planted h, chain south of tie N.W. corner of the said Blocs o, tnence soutnwsiwi chains; thence southeastwardly B chains; tbenoe northeastwardlT 3 chains; thence northwestwardly follow-llng the shore line st HW.M. to point jot eommeneemeut and containing 1 M, . atres. more or less. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED, rr H. T Ooiltsun. Agent. Dated April 5. 1B39 . "UOVKKNVRNT I.IUCOK ACT" ' Notice of ApplMttonjior Consent to Traiwler of Heef lence i Nukle I lereby given that, on the 11th day of July next, the undersigned, Intends to apply to tgt LHiior Control , Board for uotwrnit to transit yf Onti-Licence Number 2083 aitd Issued In re-1 suect of pmnlees being part of a build-Ing known as e Royal Hotel, sttuate 1 at 701 Third Aveoue Wast. Prluoe Ru-! pert. B.C.. upon .the deaoribed a . . Lots It and IS. Block 32. Section I Map No. 028. Prtnot Rupert Laml , ' ftftttrUon DiStrleS. in the Province ol iBrlHth Columbia, frcm DtaoHuvtre Ear-, : alll ti Northern Hatel OStnpony Urolted of Prince Hupert. British Columbia. th' ftransferae.. DATHD at Prince Rupert, this 7tn uay of June. A.D. 18J2. NORT11EHN HOTEL COMPANY, LIMITED f-w-g , ( til a M4SVW, j j No. 1 Creamery, i lbs. i Flour Aust. Pastry flour, 10 lbs. risii Smoked Klnpers. lb Sulmon. frpsh, lb Halibut, lb 1 - Es D.C. Fresh Pullets, doi BjC. Freah Fir, doz. B.C. Freeh Rxjras. don. ix-al. new laid. doe. Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb Crossed Wires Phone 98 vsinuU.I'UE laoSTPOMED THS 1 1 OH. MAC - I ( A HA HGRH tt" THET 1 'X WAS OSKAOMSTRATlOrJ 'TIL VJHAT r Isalgl" ' j (l ant - : v'-f '"'It" mvwvt mm Trillll Pnactlncr nritrlre 1h S"i Fruttc liXCl iVlrViVlV.ll 1 iHam' sJlced' flri grade "'Valencia 6rlnge, tlz2le to .6i :veai. join, to JU Lemons, Calif., large 3uc to......... .35 Tlonf rwt rnaat. Ih 1 K anr) 1R , Retail prices current here at pre- aee,' JOc m, sent are as follows: , 8ee,t roast prlnie rlb lb M ' lamb. $houlder. lb. 30 : f ancy ca rumen, id a alr IK IK n 1ft 7S fiamb, its, lb 29 ifjArrdi ithntM. Ih 5 fir tn itt i Flour. 49'jj. Na ) hard wheat .. l-HMuU uin. to.". IS ' Pastry Flour. 10 lhs AO ft Rnl,, lb ,3 40,I!ani. pienle. first j?rade, lb .Ih ! llacnn. sldf . sllwd best, grndc . .15 IS , Porir hotilflir lb ,m Pork, loin lb. ''n.,.1. Ian Ik urapeXruit, California, 5c to 10 Oanteioupes, Mexlean.jpach 25 Rhubarb, field, lb. 1 .. .03 Bananas, 2 lbs 35 Aust. Aliriefla Grapei,' lb: JO tSferries, tiln&'CaL, m:h:.!.... .40 ttrawbeittcli; Blc& la baskets .. 25 Oooseberrlesv 2 lbs 25 Feed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta ,. 1JT5 t5 1 VVHeat. Bulkley Valley ........ '-:- - n I Mai-L- lii-u rail h d'3burtJ , ..r.f.. -21 lunMM IbMH tt - MWdtlBSBJ -r I.T5 1.75 ...... iao a ral, rtiouWer. lb. u l S&, UylriK Ma 2. M' ApplM Ojrntei SHell 1.B0 Newlom, fancy, bsst 2M Beef Hetafj ... 2.00 20 lb JO Qnmi OH Gate 3.00 The Daily News The paper that Northern arid Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS ' FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plans to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without itf The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c Mailed to any address in Norlhern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6fc year. By Westover. IT MAy PL. AIM A'S A-B-C To VOO.BwT ITS 7 1 1 hi