Rl AOC TWO ; Tirr: amv -news Ml- . ' -" While Train Stops THE DAILY NEWS. Marries PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ft tt-H Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prlncp Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Editor i - 1 - v y ; . ' PI u 1 ' 4.1 IP ,3k' w& 1 i m 1 ,1 9 ft P. h3 4 3 tor I 1:1 1 1 1 -4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In" advance! 5.00 For leaser periods, paid in advance per week ......... 10c By mail to all parts 0! Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year $0 00 By mail to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word JD3 Local readers, per insertion, per line .25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line . 15 Transict display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.40 Contract rates on application.' - Editor and Reporters' Telephone 8G Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday, April 27, 193H ACCUSED OF STEALING A correspondent of the Daily News accuses the of stealiner from the fishermen because the canneries While they take on the mak ea i a; Nwtii Aurora. lu.ni'is. Oeo Oorbam, station agent and ju.-.ice of the peace, will tie the. knoi. He board? the train, mak ? n snappy and dr. sn't charge a cent. DISCOURSE ON DRUGS paid less for their fish last year than they did the year be-: interests Address Delivered biv is the scanty sf bottles in the tuck lore. What was forgotten by our correspondent was that the year when those large prices were paid was the year: that brought big losses to the canneries in some cases al- j most amounting to ruin. i fore Gyro Club by A. W. Mor row of Walkerville, tain and the Chartists tried to reform the world. Most of "l!!l!c!l J?" been In them. the things they asked for have since been granted but they came gradually. In France they had a revolution but we have not noticed that the French people found any more liberty in their republic than did the people of Britain in their monarchy. Today all socialists and communists, known cenerallv as "Rpds." nnfnt in Tiuscfo hut thpv crnt nn frpnt snlnpp frnm i Northland Navigation Co.'s mo- conditions there. The country is developing and the con-rKr:i,nfS2 dition of the people is improving, for which we are alLKetshHtan with two carloads of thankful, but the revolution did not give them much bet- fresh halibut for transshipment ter living conditions and today they have a long way togoithe united states on this after-before they reach the standard that prevails in Canada. noon's traln tor a EMt And the governmental conditions can be changed in Can! ada in such a manner as to gradually improve the lot of 1 the people just as is being done in Russia and without that visionary revolution of which the Communists dream. I Some people are born revolutionists. The average Canadian, however, is far different. He is an evolutionist, who' Sieves in gradual improvement of the mass of the people. It should not be difficult to legislate in such a manner as . to see that, when there is plenty of food in, the country, no person shpuld be without the possibility of being able to earn his livinc. To that we are all aiming and it ub? not 1 i 1 !i 1 A A 1 1.. .-."i need a revolution to bring it about. AJready proposals have been made for a levy on capital and 7 doubtless this will be done if it is found that there are too many people who are inordinately rich. The power is in the hands of the people through its constituted authority to do almost anything they wish. But the power does not lie with a few revolutionists to force their views on the rest of the country. . j v If you lose anything, try a classified ad. reposed Yours faithfully. PRINCE RUPERT Ic DISTRICT UNEMPLOYED ASSOCIATION. Charles Chapman. Chairman R. J. Hobson, Acting Secretary. ON.lt. TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays days From the East Price 50c a box and Frl- .. 3 p.m. Tuesdays Thursaays ana Saturdays lo:40 am Man in the Moon An Indication. of tlw tough time yard at the time clean-up. of ttw spring Ontario 1 . "Could you five a peor fellow a A. W. Morrow, chemist for the bite?" atktd . the dust-stained We all like to see the fishermen get good prices. The Parke-Davis Co., well known drug tramp. I businessmen particularly are pleased because it means manufacturing concern, who is here "I dont fa, tnyaett.v answered 1! that the fishermen have more money to spend when they J-- Z St" "' """ ! are earning big money. Today when the fishermen, like naHbut liver oil was an interest- 1 the farmers and all other producers, are earning practi-; ing speaker before the Prince Ru- Hitler, the German Fascist, was 1 cally nothing and in many cases losing money, the mer-!Pt oyro,ciub at luncheon yes- defeated at the election but his chants also find themselves very hardly pressed and in !terday- Altnouh dealins wltn ra party me a big showing. One Insinir ranirllv Ith" technlcal matters. Mr. Mor- more step ad they arrive but be-' manj manv cism cases losing mnnpv money lapidly. ...... .. row was able to hold the rapt at- fore they make .that step ttoey will, The canneries in 1930 paid more for their fish 4. than the!tnttnn of hu lint thrmhmit rKw .h-.r market warranted and their loss was heavy. Naturally ; hi? talk. The speaker described the they refuse to ODerate this Year Unless-thev can see a wav products turned out by his com- Mussolini get only $l0 a yar of at least breaking even. Also the fishermen are looking ?J"yft ltst 1"ge,b?,?to ior of Italy. :&ke for the best Dossible nrice for thpir nrndurt and thPv t&ctorlfe at Walkerville. Ontario, he-d hale toto the Job for in4tj ior me Desi, possirjie pi ice ior tneir product ana tney iis-iand traced 8tep bv step tne mh. He nlm his wjd hU Ually earn more than they get. Anything they can do tO'chinery used in the manufacture pen on fort? pu a day relief al- lin)rove-COnaillons IS wormy OI general SUppon. ' ot drugs irom the raw down to U lowance. y All We suggest IS that in diSCUSSing questions of this fln.lhe( Product. Mr. Morrow re kind vp rx mndpratP in nnr lnnmino-P nnrl Vppn to tWs fmed brienv to ubject of .. . .P.O. . hallhiit Mvr nil nnufhlUHM hoi-s ii 1 1 i Also we suggest that because high prices were paid one meetinT waT favored with ZThU h Z Z h t Jut year is no reason to think the same should be done all the violin solos by Bert csHneroac.--P x thtak'hTshouid'hSve to do time. Just HOW prices mustTbe low for fish because all food-. companled by Charlie Baiagno. without relief for losing his Job. j stung are low in price. We heard recently oi eggs being wuuim ruictwnanic, president ante at Swift Pnrnt ot fmix ran a o Anvan Tliot ic nn of the club, was in the.chalr. son why eggs should always sell at four cents but it is a reason why fish cannot be very high in price because the average person would rather have a dozen eggs than a pound of fish. Today everybody is having a hard struggle to live. It is a period of discipline when we have to deflate our extravagant' ideas and get down to earth. CURIOUS EFFECT OF CONDITIONS The Letter Box UNEMPLOYED DELEGATES Editor, Daily News: ' WJ1I you kindly grant us space In your valuable paper to thank the cltteens who so generously contri- I he present condition is one that sets people thinking jmg 0ur delegation to Vancouver? whether or not we are on the right track governmentally. we would like to thank each one People of a certain type of mind turn to Karl Marx as the ! personally but the list is too long, it prophet who will lead them into the Promised Land. They ,contalns ?3 "me and , a total areliurt bv the difficulties of life as they meet them today Thu u a nlo?t 111 and they feel that with of conditions a change things and our delegation win do their might be better and could not be worse. That is always the , best to fulfil the instructions given condition of affairs during a period of deflation. nen public meeting on sun- Severarhundred vpars nun them was a had timp in Ttn- ' nd eml savor to merit the Jake wants to know if a man! Some people are ho mad with the Tolmie government that they refuse to buy gasoline so as to avoid , paying the six cents tax. j Leap Year is getting along nicely and very few casualties are so far reported. It I.ittlr Bi Poop Has lost this sheep The sheep is aoing well Irs safe f-om harm When it's .n the arm Of pretty Joan Blondell C.N.R steamer Prince George. Capt. II E Nedden, arrived in port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powrll River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whenc she will return here tcmorrow night southbound. Palpitation of the Heart Could Hardly Get Around ;M. CWI Storms, R.R 5, Virion, Ont, write:" I wm troubled with palpitation cl U heart; .couhlu't aWp, day or niht, and wm ao weak I could hardly grt around. After taking Milburn'i Heart and Nervt PilVi I wm frwrtly relieved of thwe attAcks. My mother alao has peat faith in thn and nod no other medicine can help her so much for heart trouble. I ran amtura tmi tint M;ik..n. .nil Nerve Fllli are a wonderful buikier." 1 r lh,rDU, "( Utttn l Gfurrtl f.lnltit Vtftndt nttwitk. CANADIAN " T I our Monthly ChcqUC, as long as you kve i 11 i TF7HEN you relire, you will appreciate a guar-nnleed income of Sl.KUK) a month a never-fuiling income which will continue, with out change, as long as you live! Such an income tpelW independence. It opens the door to a care-free future. It means security from money worries. To make your dreams of retirement come true, imply invest part of your earnings each year In life Insurance. Your future income can lie more than $150.00, or lets depending entirely upon the amount of savings you set aside for this purpose. And should you not live to old age, your family is fully protected hy the same Life Insurauce hy the same monthly income. Any Life Insurance representative will gladly give you complete information on this the moit modern form of Life Iniurauce. He can suggest ait attractive income plan exactly suited to your needs. life Insurance J&rtnce On 0 a seriei of mettagei ipontortd Life Insurance Companies ill mipiyAOckeU with EDISON MAZDA LAMPS TvONT delay any longer. Get a JL carton or two of Edison Matda Lamps todayfill the empty sockets replace the blackened lamps. You will enjoy the extra comfort and the freedom from future annoyance. MADE INpj)CANADA GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED