is? , . .if Ui - 1 f f!N St 1 4.1 Hi; a 'Htii r a; ft w t .-1 I 11 1- '' 11 ' IS it ! .t.Jl In i ip UK l f .i - m. run?, rotm 'TW TAHT vftV?! . M-i J-i-JJ.! 11V iiiMiiniii: !B!;i;l:a!ll:lllBaiWJiill:tfiMikWd;iAlniAilaiiBflB"i A ill.' ft? 14 .A I I Y News of The Sport World isKiiiiitMite YANKEES ADVANCE Defeat Senators to Capture Second rlace Athletic Fall Back NEW YORK, April 27: New York Yankees defeated Washington 6 to 5 In a hard fought game yesterday and replaced the Senators In sec ond place In the American League, one full game behind the Detroit Tigers who were Idle again yesterday. In (he only other Big League game yesterday, the Philadelphia Athletics suffered an ignominious defeat at the hands of the lowly Boston Red Sox and slumped back to sixth place in the American League behind the St. Louis Browns. With all other games postponed on account of rain or cold weather, Big League scores yesterday were as follows: American League New York 6. Washington 5. Boston 10, Philadelphia 2. Baseball Standings American League W. L. Pet Detroit 9 .3 .750 New York 7 3 .700 Washington 8 4 .867 Cleveland - 7 6 .538 St. Louis v . 5 8 -385 Philadelphia ....4 7 .364 Chicago) - . 4 8 .333 Boston 3 8 213 National League W, L. Pet. Boston 8 3 .727 Chicago 7 3 .700 Pittsburg 6 .5 545 Philadelphia 6 6 .500 New York 5 6 .455 St. Louis 5 7' .417 Cincinnati 5 8 .385 Brooklyn 3 7 .300 BASEBALL IS PLAYED Young Elks Defeat Sons of Canada By Narrow Margin Last night the Young Elk defeated the Young Sons of Canada by a score of 9 to 8 in Intermediate League baseball. The winning run was brought in by Stinech through Welle's single in the last Inning. If Forbes can manage to get control of the ball he will make a hard pitcher to beat, as he only allowed the one hit, although he walked several men. Nakamoto at second played an excellent game. The game was fea tured by very few hits. Batteries: Elks, Obata and KlshU mota; Sons of Canada, Forbes and Eckfert. : X ; VI League Standing ' W. .' Young Empress 1 0 Young Elks 1 1 Sons of Canada 0 1 Baseball Scores Paelfie Coast League Missions, 14; Seattle, 3. Portland, 4; Hollywood, 3. :7 Pet. 1.000 iOO .000 TENNIS IS POPULAR Local Courts Being Kept Busy as Fine Weather Conditions Cori-tlnuc in Prince Rupert SUch tennis courts as are In operation now are providing popular venues for players these bright warm spring days. The Canadian National Recreation Association's courts, for instance, are being kept Repairs are being rushed on the Acropolis Hill courts of the Prince Riipert Tennis Club whieh were seriously damaged by storms of the past winter. Olympic Swim Pool Opened Ilelene Madison and Other Noted Swimmers Present at Ceremony In Los Angeles LOS ANOELES, April 27: With Helene Madison of Seattle and other noted swimmers In attendance dedication of the Olympic swim- ming pool here took place this afternoon. The pool has been con structed especially for the Olympic dames to be held here this SOFTBALL April 29 Roundhouse vs. Station. May 3 Dry Dock vs. R.C.N.VJI. May 6 R.C.N.V.R. vs. Roundhouse May 10 Station vs. Dry Dock. May IS K.C.N.V.R. vs. Station. May 17 Roundhouse vs. Dry Dock May 20 Station vs. Roundhouse May 24-R.C.N.V.R. vs. Dry Dock. May 27 Dry Dock vs. Station. May 31 Roundhouse vs. R.C.N.V.R June 3 R.CN.VH. vs. Station. June" 7 Dry Dock vs. Roundhouse une lit Station vs. Roundhouse. June 14-k-Dry Dock vs. R.C.N.V.R. June 17 Station vs. Dry Dock. June 21 Roundhouse vs. R.C.N V.R June 24 Roundhouse vs. Dry Dock June 28 Station vs. R.C.N.V.R. Baseball Intermediate Schedule April 29 Young Empress vs. 7oung Sons of Canada. May 3 Young Elks vs. Young Empress. May 6 Young Sons vs. Young Elks. May 10 Young Sons vs.. Young Empress. 4 '' 4 4 TELL THE PEOPLE 4 4 'Tell 'em qulek and tell 'em 4 4 often. Explain to folks plainly 4 4 and sincerely what you have 4 4 to sell. Keep everlastingly com- 4 4 lng at them. Advertising is 4 4 pretty much like shovelling a 4 4 furnace. Once you stop stok- 4 4 lng, the fire goes out." Wm. 4 4 Wrlgley Jr. (tf) 4 4 4 4 4 4 What Your Pipe N eed I low can you expect the best from your pipe unless it is loaded with the best of tobacco? Try Ogden's qft plug!- - it's cool, mellow and fra-Krant - - entirely OGDEN'S CUT PLUG you "ttll your ww," i Ojiltn'lfln tut citartttt tobacco - SPORT CHAT The announcement of the British listn of golfers to' compete for the Walker Cup against the Americans this surrimef falls to mention Roger Wethered, who had been spoken of prominently as the prospective captain. The list also does not Include the young university undergraduate E. Martin Smith, winner of the amateur title. The team, captained by T. Bookless, is John Burke, Irish in almost constant use Just now champion; Leonard Crawley, Lister from early morning uniu aarK ians at night. Hartley, Rex Hartley, Eric McRuvle and J. A. Stout. Al Foreman, Montreal boxer, who held the lightweight championship of dreat Britain, was deprived of that title by the board of the British Boxing Association, with no reason being given. Foreman's manager, his brother Maurice, en-ieavored to explain the mystery by aylng that the board wanted them to take on Johnny Cuthbert in defence of the title. The row came lbout, it appears from Maurice, because he- turned down the offer of CJuthbert's father, which was considerably under two others, one from Leeds and another from London. A legal fight looms on the 'ight of the authorities to force a roxer to accept the lowest purse or lose a title. SOFTBALL YESTERDAY Invinciblcs Defeat Wild Cati Score of 9-5 in Girls' Game By The Invlncibles took the second game of the season in High School girls' softball yesterday. At the end of the first Inning the score was tie. In the second Inning, Wild Cats scored one run. The Invlncibles did not score any additional funs until the third inning. The climax of the game wds in the fourth inning when the Invln cibles made four runs. They again xored one run In the fifth Inning. The fielding was improved over the last game. The Invlncibles were superior In batting. The teams: Invlncibles Lucille Brooksbank captain), Lillian Vaccher, Beverly Jack Vllno Lehto, Jean Ritchie, Margaret Mussallem, Frances Thomson, Kay Kellback, Enyd Mor ris. Wild Cats Margaret Fritz (cap tain), Oudrun Welle, Betty Inglis, Elizabeth Sturgeon, Eva Morris, Adella Thurber. Molly Ellison. LU Han Jones, Evelyn Dalgarno. Umpire, Miss M. Delaney. Scorekeeper, Maxlne Hellbroner. Reporter, Enyd Morris. FOOTBALL April 30 High School vs. Borden Street School. May 4 Booth School Vs. Borden Street School. May 7 Booth vs. High. May 11 Borden vs. High. May 14 Borden vs. Booth. May 18 High vs. Booth. May 21 High vs. Borden. May 25 Booth vs. Borden. May 28 Booth vs. High. June 1 Borden vs. High. s! S FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Referees Named Gilhuiy Cup Will Be Played For Later in Season fact that there are four teams in the league this year it whs felt that, if the Ollhuly Cup was operated on the same basis as in former years, that is, on the basis of a home and away game for each team with each of the remaining teams, it would entail a total of 12 games and would take too long to complete. It was finally decided that the Gilhuiy Cup would be left until later on in : he season in case of It being nec-1 sssary to make this competition a I knock-out competition should the I weatherman interfere too much with the funning off of the other j hedules. j It was also decided to commence I .he seasdn on Thursday, May 5,1 with the Mobley Cup competition, which IS emblematic of the league championship of the city. The fol- 'owing schedule wai drawn up. May 5 Merchant vs. Regiment. May 10 Canadian Legion - vs. Home Oil.' May 12 Home Oil vs. Merchants. May 17 Regiment vs. Canadian Legion. May 19-Merchants vs. Canadian legion. May 24 Regiment vs. Home Oil. May 26-Canadlan Legion vs. Re-Iment. '' May 31 Home Oil ri. Canadian Legion. June 2-Regiment vs. Merchants. June 7 Canadian Legion vs.! Merchants'. . June 9 Home Oil vs. Regiment. June 14 Merchants vs. Home Oil. Applications were received and accepted from J. A. Johnstone and . D. A. Jack for the position of re feree for this season. These gentle men were appointed In the above , order to referee the first two games, i Any others desirous of .refereelng j tames tnis year snould rile tneir ap plications with the secretary. Gaumont Palace Is New Cinema In Old London LONDON, April 27: London's i latest cinema is the Oaumont Pal- aee at Hammersmith Broadway. It seats 4,000 people and cost 11,500,-; 000. For the small sum of 12 cents up to 60 cents a three-hour program j of pictures and stage shows may be enjoyed. The theatre's circle alone eats 2.000 people. While IU total capacity of 4,000 is smaller than that of the Trocadero at the Elephant and Castle, the new cinema claims a number of records, Includ ing the size of the stage arch, said to be the largest In the country. The safety curtain weighs 18 torts. ALICE ARM J. Nick, vyho spent the winter at Bowman Lakes, paid a short visit to town last week. Hev. w. B. Jennlflgs of the Anglican Mission boat Northern Cross conducted itervlec here on Sunday evening. Two brats altar vases were ' 'the Dally News c&n be pur- chased di- Post Office News Stand, 325 Granville St.. Vancouver. Karl Anderson. Print! Oeorge, B.C. R. W. niley, Terrace, B.C. General Store, Anyox., SffllthfrTDrtijrstore, Smith- ers. B.C. 4 4 4- FOR FIGHT SEA1TLE. April 27 Even terms ...'-'.3'ornKe tb-ngme'sWeVairIrrdt,-' IiIinjiBJIl; . f fu hnitk it the A meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Football Association was held in the Grotto Cigar Store last evening with President Bert Morgan In the chair. In view of the CMc Auditorium here' tonight be-" tween Tony Portlllo of, Seattle and Freddie Steele of Tacoma: The boys weighed in this nfternoon and both appeared to be in perfect i physic U condition. They had both ; posted forfeits of $250 that thy City Championship Competition to! would rot ssale over 148 pounds. Start on May 5 PI1t n wtnt-Ad bring nwuiu EM. Ml V oo CsV 1 I vk ....... J l u IERGE MCIES I BO ' "- HENNE You cnnt'jill thoilortnr nt 4 n. in. but you cannot poHHi'hly get IIcnncH) Three Star Itraudy at tliut hour KKKV HANDY ! BRANDY BOTTLED 'hia advertisement is not published or displayed tf-KrltW' Columbia 'I c 1 1 ml I 1 COCNAC FRANCE ir t iiiiM iti tt'iard or by t'jo lljly 1rfsiaiElil ,IKKK I S 1 . . . J j RalS.WI .tlW.. B"Jl Al II llf 1 V r - wi m Vc wnft. mi ni a PILSENER This advert Control BEER TII.SKNKU iiiiimI lie kimhI, it's the n",t iM)jiular hcer In ItrilUli ( j)luinlln. l' actual gootliirwn In nirniirrl in tlin rteil of its fool value, mul ran lc favorahly ronirl vrlth milk ami l.rrn.l in vital TikmI ronl f 3115 1 .. l 0 iriunnif f Milk 105Granm MJrra! Your .lijlclnn will verify the vnlidity ( lhi romparntlvr Miitciuent. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LIMITED llmrrrt nntlbntl Irr of Uoard Brrn,r I "u pub,i'h or displayed by the or by the Ciovernmcnt of British Columl uor bia, crtW