PAOE BTX Free Demonstration! ,.-. - J.O.D.E. HALL Thursday, April 28, at 3:30 p.m. Wabasso Products Mfe St For little infinti . . . for older children ... for growing boys and girls, there ii no substitute for RECIPE FOR BABY FOOD Roll fmo CbrutiSi Arm-nott tty fint, four trtt item fmb boilrnf win to ui Pdili; then down with milkt f r mtj Vt tdiii if iemti. Christies Arrowroots Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs pay to buy those advertised. will be demonstrated on Thursday, April 28th, at I. 0. D. E. Hall, and at Fraser & Payne's Store, April 28th, 29th and 30th. Mrs. M. G. Colquhoun representing Wabasso products throughout Canada, will explain the merits and quality of the various fabrics, prints, broadcloths, household sheetings, pillow cottons, printed dress fabrics, etc., etc. Free! Free! Free! For 25 persons attending the meeting, 1 Bed Set given away free For 50 persons attending the meeting, 2 Bed Sets given away free For 100 persons attending the meeting 1 Bed Sets given away free At close of meeting there will be a drawing for the above prizes. Wabasso Products Are Made in Canada FRASER & PAYNE Tire Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ALL OUR COALS ARE IN A DRY SHED Delivered Dry to Your Bin. You are assured in getting full weight JASPER WILDFUtL' EGO Per Ton, Slt.50: Cash Price SlUQ I ASTER WILDriRE LUMP Per Ton. $13.50; Cash Price 12.50 PEMBINA EGG Reg. Price, $12.50: Cash Price 11.50 These Coals are from Alberta. Dry Jack Pine and Cedar HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 MRS.RIX 'AT HOME' Wife of Bishop Entertains Delegates and Members of Woman's Auxiliary of Anglican Church Bishop's Lodge was the scene of a very enjoyable afternoon tea yes- terday when Mrs. O. A. Rlx, wife of the Bishop of Caledonia, was "At Home" to delegates to the diocesan Woman's Auxiliary meetings and their hostesses together with all Woman's Auxiliary members and ladies of t. Andrew's Cathedral. The spacious rooms were attractively decorated for the occasion with spring flowers and foliage. Many ladles called during the afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. J. B. Gibson presided at the urns and those assisting in serving were Mrs. Thomas Andrew. Mrs. W. C. Aspin-all, Mrs. A. T. Parkin. Mrs. W. H. Tobey, Mrs. E. W. Tucker, Mrs. J. O. Johns, Mrs. F. A MacCallum, Mrs. George Rorle, Mrs. C. W. Homer and Mrs. Robert Bartlett. The hostess was assisted in receiving by Mrs. A. Ch Rlx. During the afternoon there was a delightful musical program which Included piano duets by Mrs. Robert Bartlett and Mrs. E. J. Smith and vocal solos by Mrs. F. N. Good. Mrs. F. W. Allen and Mrs. C. E. Cullin. Indian Agent Was Speaker First Presbyterian Church Young People Hear W. E. Collison The regular meeting of the First Presbyterian Church Young Peo ple's Society was held last evening, E. J. Smith, the president, ln the chair. The program was in charge oil the missionary committee and the speaker was W. E. Collison. who gave briefly an outline of the conditions under which the Indians of the Drltlsh Columbia coast were living at the time when the first white men arrlted. Illustrated with story and anecdote, the address proved highly Interesting and InstrucUve. Following the address, games were played and refreshments served. There were over forty members present. . The following Is the scale Qf charges made for reaalng notices. Marriage and Enfagement announcement $2. Dirth Notices -50c. J Funeral Notices $1. Cards of Thanks. ! Funeral Flowers 10c. per name. irttp IMIIV OTllT i-n "' int U I 1 -- . LI ini-.7-C I I WORK OF MISSION that could be made of old magazines for distribution among the people living at outlying places where the Northern Cross visited. Literature of -A suitable type could always be good use and was always welcomed. Dean Gibson presided at the meeting which was to have been addressed by Mis. D. B. Donaldson, treasurer of the Dominion Board of the Woman's Auxiliary, who, with Interior delegates, had been unable to reach here on account of trouble on the railway line. Dean Gibson read the Scripture lesson and offered prayer. Miss E. G. Lenox MX), presided at the piano to accompany the hymns. Canon W. F. Rushbrook pronounced the Benediction. Diocesan Woman's Auxiliary Meet is Continuing Here Sessions of the annual meeting of the Caledonia Diocesan Women's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church are continuing today at St. Andrew's Cathedral.' This morning Holy Communion was celebrated by Very Rev. James B. Gibson, dean of the Cathedral, Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook being the preacher. The United Thank Offering was presented. Following the Communion service, buslni ss sessions continued. Relief from Eczema D.D.D. It lb Perfect Antiptie rv qtrk Mirf twm mi, rktM ilia. PUU. BkXrtirl, o4br kl imCIm tkt pure roallcf ItqoM rt.U.U. Clr, MlalM. Ii cnrtratM tk kl iwl mmm M MM Ike tlwax. ITCniWH HTillTI t momwtptub Ft hut cool dboi-b topcH TIIR KKIM, A Iftt hnll nw ll DXrit f Fimr amitat rl'M rar nowr Mck. P DM. fiH ikut htJtk, (I'M aaU Ui)JJ. HoB. W. J. MrCUTCHEON, DKU(CiIS1 Westinghouse Washing Machines Vacuum Sweepers Flat Irons Mazda Lamps, etc. Melt A E BROS., LTD. . WOODLAND PRESIDENT Rev. XV. B. Jennings Tells Public Tomorrow to Be Election Day For Meeting of Activities of Northern L Prince Rupert Rotary pub , , Cross in Marine .Missions t ' R James II. Thompson having Describing by word of mouth and withdrawn fxom nomination, by magic lantern slides the fine George A. Woodland, the only other work of the Prince Rupert Coast nominee, will be elected by accla-Mission of the Anglican Church, matlon as president of the Prince Rev. W. B. Jennings, skipper of the Rupert Rotary Club nt the weekly j mission boat Northern Cross, deliv- luncheon tomorrow. Other nomina- ered a highly Interesting Illustrated tlons are as follows: lecture last evening before a public For Secretary Glen E. Gulick meeting in the hall of St. Andrew's and W. R. McAfee. Anglican 'Cathedral. The meeting For Treasurer Alex McRae and formed part of the program in con- W. M. Blackstock. nection with the holding here this For Directors II. E. DeWolf, J. J. week of the annual meetings of the Little. T. H. Johnson, W. P. Armour Woman's Auxiliary of Caledonia and W. R. McAfee. diocese and there was a fair atten- danct'. Mr. Jennings was assisted in he lecture by his wife, who Is also his assistant in his missionary work. The pictures and remarks were tescriptive of many points of interest to be reached by the water from Prince Rupert. There were scenes of the mining, fishing and farming Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert April 27. 1912 The first of a series of "amateur" ndustries with slides showine Port theatrical nights which is planned Simpson. Alice Arm, Portland Can- k Ptacc taat nl8ht ln thc West" x. Port Essington. Porcher Island, no,m Theatre when a splendid Kltkatla, Metlakatla. Port Esstng- vaudeville program was presented. an and other points In the district. Tnos tWn part were A. Stowell. Mr. Jennings told of the splendid w: Whitley. J. Kelly. O. S. Fltz-iplritual work being done at lonely maurlce and C. V. Evitt. ighthouses, at Isolated communt- :ies and among the natives. There when the Hidden Creek plant at were many Intimate glimpses of Ge Bay eete Into operation iife both among the white people at within the next two years the their outrjoate alone thc north coast rrby Co. expects to have an an- THE FLAVOR LASTS, V Chew it after every meal . . . See how much better You will feel . . CMS WRIGLEY5 w i 1 Tl neu. ana inurs HVO SHOWS - 7 and 9 THURSDAY MATINEE at Feature Starts 3:15 15c & jj, WHO WAS THE CLEVER KILLER? CAN YOU SOLVE THE MYSTERY' 'CHARLIE CHAN'S CHANCE' With Warner Oland, Alexander Kirkland, II. B. Warner. Llndj Watkins, Marian Nixon Thrills, Suspense, Mystery. Romance Comedy CHARLIE CHASE In "HASTY MARRIAGE" Novelty "WRESTLING SWOKDFISH" FOX N'LWS Feature Starts at 7:00 & 3:00 ADMISSION uc ilf Another Revival Wed. Night Only at 10:10 "KISS ME AGAIN" Singing, Dancing, Color g FRIDAY & SATURDAY "BUSINESS AND PLEASURE" coin r un va in i a rtutna tarnmtBii;h :ei eb mm,:a ; n : , KrK! B3 BIBJItf 03 B3 BIBlEtfBJ mtWXMS taUXUM BBSIB"" B'. : I I i 3 ind among the natives ln their vtl- 1 production of between 25.000.-; J lages. Incidentally some of the ln- a ou.uw.uw pounas oi copper cresting and quaint customs of ore-the natives were also described. t At the outset of his address. Mr.' Fur tradln8 business at Prince Jennings paid tribute to the work "uPe" raP""y mcrtjsine. ano u which liad been carried out for expected inai mw wiu soon De- ... asm-ma nna (h ! r m 1-n w nts w"" uwt "'J iu-Canon many years by predecessor, W. F. Rushbrook, who had uhln8 industries, instituted the coast mission In 1912 . and who had carried on until three jr four years ago. The work had been a good deal more difficult in those pioneer years than it is today. In the course of his address, Mr. Jennings referred to the good use Coats for Little Girls Come and See These raaattiaBHgMuaiBBgTirBraaa A delayed shipment of the r beautiful Coats for Girls has now arrived. These are in sizes to h from one to eight year old litMe ones. Hats and Bonnets We have also a fine variety of f i Hats, Bonnets and Sun Uonnn CAPITOL BABY SHOPPE (Mrs. Anna Johnson) B TUTU BTBCBEBI II IB fU XKV9 Y8K1 (CftEtS iB l'Kl B IB " tl 1 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City COAL! COAL! Satisfaction Ruurant': t our Famous Edsun A ' Bulkley Valley Coa V Dulkley Valley Timothy 1.: Wheat. Oats it Barli v F Baby Chick Food, Sc . Fertiliser. f'nnce Rupert Feed Ci PHONE 58 Si 558 fiND$ SAWS The most economical saws to use Simonda Canid Saw Co. Limited, St. Reml &A and Acorn Ave VncoMTtr, JVC MONTREAL St John, N.B. p. M 1 SPENDING TO SAVE . . THROUGH Advertis 9 Not many of us, these days, are troubled with so much money that wc cannot spend it. But we are interested in spending thc money wc have, to get thc most out of it. One way and not a new way, cither is to make a budget. Put down, week by week, thc money that comes in. Put down beside it, week by week, thc money that goes out. So much for food, so much for clothing, so much for rent. So much for giving, and for luxuries. Where Advertising Helps It won't always be easy, of course, to stay within thc budget. That's where advertising helps you. Advertisements in this newspaper tell you how much rugs, butter, breakfast foods, dishes, homes, automobiles will cost, before you go shopping 1 They point out ways to save money. They show you how to cut a little here, a little there. And each day, they tell about new inventions, new products, new ways of doing things, that help make this life of ours very much worth living!