r.az TWO DAILY EDITION THE , p AIL Y NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. Touring Canada District News fRIXCE RCTEBT - BRITISH COLCMHIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Hily -lew. Limited. Third Avenu H. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week siomac If fear ot what will follow overshadows the enjoyment of your meals, your system may be too arid. iua pang oi indigestion ncm slier eating and th.il lump v in your stomach for hours Iter, the i alt oo led flatulence ami umirnrM, are the ssmotnms of over-aeidilv. Take an . SITRSPHIPTinV KATEsr I J t . T V City delivery, by mall or earner, yearly period jpaM ta- adTancet- J- BUTTERBALLS IN POND J.- 3y mall lu ail pa. is ui NurUnau jiiu Genual btiush Columbia, paid m advance tor yearly ported - By mall to all other parts of Britten Columbia, toe British Empire and United Statu, paid In advance, per year ..- Jy mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES ; Transient display advertising.. per Inch. per; taserUjia;,,- Classlfled advertising, per insertion, per word : Local readers, ir imtrtion, per line Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Gontraci rates on application. Editor and Reporters lelepnone Advertising CtrouUUM Ietesbf Member ot Audit Bureau ot Circulations AS Fr Troubles o Add STOMACH T.'AT.ON aniKacMi ou iuirame ib escess. aiwtlSliUwMotkatwn Phflltm Milk r Marivsh.i will cneca a com ia a Barry. always, eberk Uat ronUiliuii of over-acidity. It acts pleasantly, but promptly and most effectively. It supplies nrnled alkali U neulrate rT ik ids of the stomach and liOwcLu Headaches, Oatulcare, and nausea are proiiiptly relieved. Your digestion will speJily hnprove. Your appetite ill be aharpene. Constipation quickly yields to the 7 $5.00 10c 3.00 $8 00 9XO 1.4U .02 .25 15 Wednesday. March 9, 182 MOKE TAXES OK LESS? Local people have for the past three weeks been watch senile laxative effect of Phillips Milk of Magnesia. Many make a prartiee ol taking a sjuHwiful or two before meals one or two days weekly. It is a delightful way to kee u the svstem alwavs sweet; and to keep the bowels from P'ogoijBislv: also to guard fnesia 1IIi ifltt like a tpooufu) at tbrre-hour intervals until that weak, aeay, fevemb roaditmn is gM and )our head is all dear. Cti m bottle todav; read the directions and learn Pbilhs' Milk of Magaem's many importaal uk. For von and JLhe whole ftmy. fiOo hollies at drog stores eterywhere in the dorainioa. (Made la Canada.) I they may nest on the edge of the pond. Should they do so if rniild h a rothpr linfnnp thmtr nnH rh vniintr wmiM ho: 1 Oliver Baldwin, son of Rt Hon Sianle;. fcaldwih. PUPILS ARE to sore arms. General health of the,L. eral cases of heavy colds at Kmg .Edward High School. ing a pair of butterball ducks which seem to have adopted - - . . the pond in front of the Prince Rupert Club for their head- MrS. DclYldsOIl quarters, ihey spend a lot ol time there every day and; come and go without any fear. While the pond was frozen j over the birds could not use it but immediately it thayed ; they returned and are silUh'ere -l j It has been suggested that if the birds are protected Is President SmithersP. T. SMITHERS. March 9: Mrs. P. . ......j, ...w .,..b iDavldson has been elected presl- quite an attraction to visitors later in the season. To have nt p.rf.T. Secretary of Anyox I.O.D.E. ANYOX. March 9 Mrs. C. Her ! VANDERHOOF 1 The Vanderhoof and District! Board of'Trade' Is rtjnsiderM 5BLr' tlcipating In a scheme v.-ereby'llffit attractions and advantages of the central Interior wottid be made ihe subject of a series of radio ' The Smlthers hockey team visited here at the first of last week and ' engaged liia locals in a series of two games one of which was play-, ed on Sunday and the other on ' Monday. After a lengthy Mnea James Clara ham Is now around again aikl able to attend to tola duties at the school , A party vm held recently by Mr. and Mr. O. J. Rekl of Chlteo In honor of the twenty-first birthday f Lawrence Rd. V A I I IN A I h ll.meetfair feet Ttoesstar afternoon at In the new school bill introduced into the Legislature by . ; Hon. Joshua Hinchliffe, it is proposed to. give the cities tui f i inuaud at city. ReT. b. s. Pnxkier hid Lenten greater taxing powers for School purposes. I SchaK Reports el Principals ; service In the tattl Anglican A great many people have been trying to limit the tax-! Lasts" show owh wedneeday his ing powers of the cities instead of extending them. To; PUr" , give the right to tax is to encourage more taxing. No mat-, sixty pupils f King Edward High; ter if the taxes are levied on land or in some other wayTC''?j they have to be paid and usually it is the same people hoJS PRINCE GEORGE pay the land taxes who have to pay most of the other taxes. , den street school and at west . f f for caUi5 What we need today is fewer taxes and lower tax rates , view school have been similarly m-, cem rt of mfQ tnarg. instead of more city taxes, more provincial taxes and more jocuiated. making a total of u m administration of mu-Dominion taxes. While we know that the various govern- n- rfportf mtT?l by inicrpai affairs m prince George i ments must pay their bills and balance their budgets, we-M rUiJf00 ilh stdfiy shrinklns amownt ot also know that each individual is expected to do the samel me! a Mercer and Mis s. A.l!f?ble d "'"T c .;- . torfeltwre and reversion to me cuy nA i,tt naa u;r.v,n fovo f- t.aa. c,iwOLJ f;,.nJ .v... (uiu ttiicn nc fjew ingiiEi io.M Hum mi cuutv tutunu piuKiiHB. icjikcu uth u i nan rMtdtnt owners. Virtually at him he feels like throwing Up the sponge and not pay- a few case, children had been kePt(aBthe hrg nen.-ree4dent owners of mrmnvMu at home for half a day or so owing j , IL Drf Prtoee n have Oeorge their property to re-i satisfactory. There had' been sev-i ( , , The city eounctl nere has enoor-. eed a resefetlen which vas pajsed . by the leeat selieoi board protect-teC at the aetien of the provincial sewemMstt in evstfeg grants to . a bird in the centre of the would be!cheW year right sanctuary city Association In place of Mrs. city Treasurer Wilharn O Fraser amosi unusual signu j. h. Rue wno. aitnougn elected.; . (found tt ImpaartWe to accept the! a supply of fret vaeetae arrtwd SUNKEN GARDENS Some years ago the Daily News suggested that some steps might be taken to form a sunken garden around the pond where the ducks are now in possession. The railway and Mis p. Downey were .appointed company has done splendid work in beautifying the hill'0 ,he wtta committee, adjoining but the sunken garden off el's greater oppor-j luniues man anyining eise in me cuy. it is aireaoy a na-i M.c Hnymon tural park but the danger is that someone will wish to put;"ir narniall k. 1 !.!! k.1 1 1K . 1 1 . 'l ' m h oumung mere some uay anu ueiaee it. a cnurcn is to De erected on its edpe as soon ns sufficient money has been l collected, lhat will damage it very considerably. We think the church people would be serving the city better by helping to beautify the spot. It has been suggested that the city should remit all taxes on the garden provided the railway company will beautify it. SOUR she rounfcispagile fer school pur-1 posea. The etty ot Pjrtnce George brokii atut even en its financial opra-j tfoas far the year 1331 apart front j the fact that a sarplas of some $6090 is the sinking fund account was used up, according to the fin-) ancial statescent for the ol. jonice. Mrs. w. n. Dooason was ( here recently and the three physl- named vtce-piesMeat. clans of the ctty are now giving tno-Mrs. W. H. Doestoon and Mrs. J icuhttom to aU lottl people who de-H. Rife were elected to represent a. There has been no outbreak of the organisation on the library jnnallpojc here so far. committee while Mrs. R. J. Raabe' The Fort George District Corner? i vative AssoclaUon, at its annual j meeting, elected officers for U) i coming year as follows: president. ! A. McB. Young: vice-president, B. t, IL Bunion; secretary. S. J. Watson, treasurer. M. C. Wiggins; exeeuUvev A. E. Stole. A. D. Meffatt. James Quayle. A. P. Anderson. Levi Oat-lam. F. Banten. Frank Green. O. N. llaydon. T. Hughes and D. O. Williams. man has been elected secretary of; Csillaon of Kmtocish Chapter, Im-! DfiDT CTMPQfiM pettel Order. Daoehtets of the Em-! VIV 1 Ollf ir OV11 pire, here. She saceeeda Mrs. Cun- f Miss Ethel Beynon aw wno remaned. conveners or committees have j birthday party given by all the been made as foBows welfare. Mrs. j young people of Port Simpson on J. W. Lang.; soetel. Mrs. C. W. Rock- the occasion of her fifteenth blrth- haber; publicity. Mrs. F. BushneM. day. ; Councillors of I Anyox Community ANYOX, March T. W Cavers, j u. w. Alien, r. a. Faulkner, E. R. i Jahnaori Fl M rlal a s puu v HOSPITAL HOARD. , AT PRIXilBlrXUB-FOR YEAR CHOSEN PRINCB OEORQE. March j Memoers of the hospital bcirui here this year are: Government served and evvryone had a very enjoyable time. Ml Velma Selkirk, sfeter of Mrs. T. W. Falconer of Alice Arm, was married in New Westminster on the euest ' Monday of this week. The bride has ; ,ten visited in Alice Arm. of honor at a very pleasant surprise Mr. and Mr. Charlea Ripley re-'iurnM home last Thursday after a visit In Anyfcx. I Work to about xnpleted on the Oevemment Agent 8 H. Hosklns Iftae new bridge being built by the!and Provincial Constable Sam Ser-inrftan nM.rtm.nt fnr Prt Rimn-Jvice were visitors here on official son. The thl " ",c "'"Ul1 building of bridge haajuuuc" i been left entirely in the hands of T tp 1 , j' the chief councillor and council, v LiCdHUe EiieClcU'wh are directing the work under ;tne auttiortty of the department. Mrs. Chief Irnest F. Dudoward, wife of , Councillor Dudoward, was' Isdian Agent, will be here part In the ceremonies. L k - 1. ALICE ARM Agent Oeorge MlUbum, Aid. W. L The AHce Arm Athletic Assocla Birthdays Are Celebrated Dresser and a' H Kirby have been hotM Bt a d,nner tlven to all who.Mr,. Crosby and Mrs. iTeeee Han-.tMi h-4u . were employed in the building of' errd ilr Wosaen et Moie Community League for 132. rt. J. ( A. Manning sjxI T. N. Youngs were oefjte4jsndjklflte. tile new bridge on Wednesday. About 190 were invited in the P. S. heart Legion A. C. HalL j Wotnen uf .Moosehoart Legion ce- j Preparation. "a'under way tor an OffLal nl nt th new '"V1 WWt'.-.Vrvt : V'KW' nne on mumUjt w. p. Co nirl tTiirer. Mrs J ' frwi lnv S?iJfilghU There ere 4(nhembersjpre-1 rent and tables wre bautifully de corated with flowers and a hnge birthday cake. ) Mrs. Crosby was presented with f a cut glass butter dish and Mrs. Preece with a cut glass cream Jug 'Armstrong, Mrs. Witttara PnMer. W. tlen held another deAghtfpl card and sugar bosln. L. Huvhes. WttHam Ceoo. C. W rvariv at th ra.h ttmue last Pri. After sunner ardt were ulaved Ferry and F. A. Matheson. , day evening Refreshments were The party broke up about midnight. The . pjggeftWashiriB will not Scare You . . . tw'th an ABC Playmayd (Model bj ELECTRIC WASHER , Selling for only $109 Pay. Only $.00 DOWN Balance spread over 24 months How quickly and thoroughly the A B C handles the biggest washing. Just snap the switch and IT works instead of YOU . . . and the wash is ready for the line in almost no time. Have this wonderful washer in YOUR home. It will free you from washday toil: give longer life to all fabrics. Made to sell at a remarkably low figure . . .without the least sacrifice in depend able working quality. Remarkably LOW PRICED WASHER Nothing You're Seen Compares With This Washing Machine THE NEW ABC PLAYMAYD It washes everything thoraushlr. kt gently. Qalet. smesta. dependable. A popular-price perrclain washer that Is complete In every rrsprcL Approved by NMlhern Electric. DURING MARCH YOUR'S FOR $5.00 D0WH Phone 210 for a demonstration 4 Northern British Columbia Power Comoany Ltd. rt t IIP ucsncr oiock rnnce ju nrr IK to time. For more than r 4 IffiliiPt! 'llffl! yearsthe Dank of Montreal BM ; pI'S'' i I ! J H 1 has given safety for funis gj flHIW and dependable financu! lliffliii''''ilSl 5rv,ce lo an evcr-incru lillllBlr 'i yilll "g ""mber of customers. ., I BANK OF MONTREAL j Established 1817 I : TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCFSS OP If you lose any tiling, tryL