5& Si Just the sound of Rice Krispies crackling in milk or cream makes you hungry. And how good these roatted rice bubbles taste! Delicious with fruits or honey for breakfast, lunch or supper, Use in recipes in place of nutmeats. Order from your grocer in the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Thete fine liquor, mellowed by the year, are bought with every confidence. i In view of the general Remand for c Von Hef s of premier Is a vti-; eeonomy. Trustee J. J.Gtllis sug- ltor jn dty having arrive i' gested at the meeting of the school from nortn on oje cardena 1 board last niaht that some steps be j yesterday. ! taken towards obtaining an ainel-' . i ) toration of the exorbitant price now 1 There were forty-five passengers ' j being paid tar eteetriear energy in aboard the steamer Prlneess Norah; the schools. He thought that $W5jwnJen wa& ta port today bound i per month was nnifch to high a cost : from Vancouver to Skagway. There ' fef-Heetrfttty nsed W the schools iWere no pacngers for Prince Rn- and moved that the secretary be in-, pert on the vessel. ' srtrueted to communicate with the f city utilities committee seeking its' Northland Navigation Cos m- (support in a move toward getting jorship Belllnglum arrived in porr. ja more reasonable rate frora thefat 9 oekwfr this morning ftomj I Northern B. C. Power Co. Kctrhitxu with two carloads of ! The motion was seconded by fresh halibut for transshipment , I Trustee carried. iand 3c Arthur Brootcsbank Mars, 13,000, and Cold Storage. 4c Majestic. 16.000. AUln, 4c and 3a Canadian Cape Beale. 42.000, Cold Storage. 3.5c and 2c. Clipper II. 6.000. Unome. 5.500; Pair of Jacks. 9,000. Cold Storage, 4e and 2c. Rose Spit. 9.000. AUln. 4.1c and 2c. ikScotlanet HUDSON'S WW, BEST PROCURABLE SCOTCH UUICIfV WW WB,V HIGHEST POSSIBLE HUDSON' 1 This advertbemtnt is not published or displayed by the Llquoi Control Riviril nr liv t.h Cnrmmni r Hritiik (Vlumhl( i vmj6 in riAfj "To smokers who roll their own I stand for the best cigarette papers ever . packed for convenience In double-slotted cutomatic booklets , . on sale everywhere . . also packed free with Turret, OgdenS, Rex, Old Chum and Repeater cigarette tobaccos!" PURE RICE CIGARETTE PAPERS Stoon Helltnthal. well knoma Uerny of Juneau, was a pa3:sn-ger aboard the Prineess Korah to day returning to the Alaska Cap ital after a trip to various poian In the United States, including Seattle and I-os Angeles. The following Is from the Twen ty Years Ago column of the Van couver Province: "Vancouver officials of the OTP. announced to day that rails have been laid to Tete Jaune Cache. A large amount of steel and supplies for workmen and teams have been hauled to that point" Rt Rev. A. H. Sovereign, newlr- eiected Bishop of the Yukon, was aboard the Princess Norah today bound from Vancouver to Dawson where the former will assume hit- new ecclesiastical duties Bishov Sovereign addresed a luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club dur ing his brief visit here today. Pre sident William Cruicksbank beini in the chair. Bishop Sovereign has been for years a prominent member of the Vancouver Oyro Club. Steamship Sailings For Vaneoaver Tuesday ss. Cardena . 1:30 pm. Thursday as. Pr. Oeorge 10 pjn. Friday as. Venture, midnight. Ss. Princem Adelaide 10 pm. Mar. 13 ss. Prln. Koran pjn. Mar. 23 ss. Prin. Norah pm. Ktem Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge . Fi idiy w. Venture ... SS. Princes Adelaide -r P-m 10:30 ajn. pjn. ... p.m Mar 9--ss. Prin. Norah, a.m : Mar. IS &. Prln. Norah . a.m. ' Mar. 30 m. Prln. Norah ajn. I i i IFnr Naa IMrvr and Prl S!inpo 1 Sunday as. Cardena .. 9 pjn. ; Vrvm Nats River ft Port Srmpn j j Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 ajn. Tor Stewart aad Arrox Sunday m. Cardena 9 n.m. 'Wed-s. Pr. Oeorge 4 pm. i Krom Stewart and Anyox -j Tuesday ss. Cardena 11 30 a.m.' Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge .. 8 pjn. ' lr Ocean Fallv- ' Tuesday as. Cardena 1 :30 pmr. Thurs. ss. Pr. Oeorge . 10 put.. Friday sa. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn. From Ocean Fall Wed. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 am : Friday s. Venture midnight Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. i For Queen Charlotte Islands j Mar. S ss. Prince John 10 pjn. Mar. 19 ss. Prince John 10 pjn.! Frera Queen Charlotte Islands ( March 3 as. Prince John ajn.; March 17 ss. Prince John March 31 as. Prince John Tor Alaska Mar. 9 sa. Prin. Norah . ! Mar. 10 m. Prln. Norah Mar. 30 as. Prln. Norah Ffom Alaska .'Mar, 13 ss. Prln. Norah L Mir. 23-m. Prln. Norah . rronii isKeeiia . myer Friday--as. Venture' ." .... SP.UN TAKING TO GOLF ajn. I ajn. I i ajn.1 ajn. ajn. pjn. pjn. pjn. Oolt Is becoming a popular sport in Spain. There are now excellently kept courses at Madrid, San Cugat del Vallas. Santander 27 holes), Palma de Mallorcs, BUbaor San Ee-jbastlan, Seville, Zarauz, Algeclras and Barcelona. ")lE DAILV KEWS PAGE FOUR hear! Lower Rate For i ' 1 Local Items 1 SPORT NEWS hear! Lighting Sought ! -I Mr. and Mrs. A. Main of SonnT-1 B - V (Tiusue J. J. gium muiM 5u ls.jjjg were overnight visitors in Yachting Trophy WON TITLE j E) i KdTR 1 .. Erbitant rke For ?lee.tricitjr. .iw-having --arrived from the I: KaEU Jl. ! In Schools Each Month iskeena River on vesterdaVs train HICK Kit I SI' IKS H i Halibut Landings The following Is the scale of ebarjrea made for readmit notices: Marriage at.d Engagement announcements 82. Birth Notices 60c Funeral Notices SI. Cards of Thanks, J2. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. and East over 1 Haitwavs. the Canadian National There was not a quorum at the rtgater monthly meeting of the PrbV Rupert Retail Merchants' .Association last night owing '.a v I many cf the members having other ,m"..an. , nfageinentr, so no business wa Eureka. 4,000, AUln, 4.1e and jo 2c. j tnmsacted. wertn. 4g.ixw, uow storage, j-oo and Je. j Onah, lSuBM: ; Tongas. 10.000, Yachting trophies are coming dffche toe at Los Angeles in readiness for coming Station Lead Canadian JFMO.lt UIILIAICHS Mar. Jl- Jewelers vs L of N Mar. 15- Eiseesa v. Jer!ers Mar 15-1. of N. vs. Hawks. Mar. 22 Jewelers vs. Empress. INSK1ING Eaisstad Head Field In 50 Kilometer Ski Race and Become: The Canadian Champion BURNS tAKB, March 9:--Kaar; Fng.Ud C. Bu.ns Lake won t: Canadian Skkhs dnmplomhtp when he wjh the coaumed even-Mcvtrra! He r. on h wjy v. st where he w'.U take In the ".Vfj'.ern t'anadvin skllrw Ch.inir o:i ;h!p 'vnts. ami will ro d.iu'o- rompct.' Mi iR.-tad neided a1' Canidian ;u.d Aurr. - en'ric s in the 50 Kilr-nv er SU Rare at the Olympw C!;.i:n ; , nshii) cames at Lake Pla-m. txt:enth lown U' :i-t a?!. I with tx.-'.'lVnt tirnv. Kaa-.-::.! .; ".'-h is ci'.'b cuptain of tht Omine. - Fki Cli'b. has 'more than iti'i -U 'i Iwa! !:.itri imposed : h.n wht 'i cio.?d the Qraineca Ski Ciub and friends to help in i.'unnr.g hU trip to New York ir.tl E.;tern Canada. Badminton at Hieh School Keen Interest Taken In Recent Tournament Basketball ! Abandoned Principal D. H. Haziness, prln-1 eipal of King Edward High School rvported to the school board at Its meeting last night that a badminton tournament had been heM during the past month far pupils of his school, keen Interest having been taken In the contest. rwfetK!t KaH ttmA h shut. Tc f nrVPI CPfl Idoned owing to lack of a suitable " "jotoee to play. The floor of the Fair i Building had been found to be too National Recreation Aseoekatfeti Criboage League reaulta last night were as follows: Round House. 17; Oeneral Office. 10. Station. It; Car Shops 11. W L- Pta. StaUaa . US 1 1U General Offtee lil 1M 111 Round House 100 107 108 Car Shops 96 138 M Hockey Scores TUESDAY SCOHKS Detroit 0. Boston 2. New York Americans 1. Canadians s. Chicago I . New York Rangers 6. She's An Expert With Rifle If -f , wondei Mary is Ajk: -,h ii . v . t :!.-! vill knock n; down And no i? oi thr bt si shots at Pltwburq t'niverslty ly h.Uf the story, she is quite a beauty too BASKETBALL SCHEDULE March M PanUjen va, C. N. R. Tuxts vs Htgh School. Cardinal. ,maaotu. LeaKMiltf iona va. JaniV jMareh IS 8. 6. vhBTn. r; Tuxia Merchants ' Cardinals va. Arntwona. Rovcth v Japanese. Peace Scroll j Is Accepted School Board Derides to Take Offer .Made Ity Canadian Legion j On motion of Trustee Brooks-bank and Sehubert, the board of school truie4 last night agreed to aeeept an dfiir from the Canadian Lacton to present the schools with framed scrolls bearing a peace text which the plan is to have inscribed by pupils selected from each school. The matter had been laid on the table for a month from the February meeting ALASKA WKATIIER j ! Juneau High. 33: low. 20. I Ketchikan High, 30- low, 23, J I V HEADACHE Nerves on ed. A he-.td that thrill. ou run t stop urk. but yoa nm ntop the pnin in a hurry. Aspirin ill du it e ery lime. Take two or three Ulitett. a swallow tA jaier, r, and anu you you're re ux ux cooiIortuMr cooJortuHr j nere e's i arikm a holnmg half-way about Ute of Apiria. 'i ill alwaxs hntoitie relief when you tale t cfim thrte tables. Thew tebkts should be hi every SMft, ofSec. ml borne. Heady to relieve any sudden ache or paw, front's RnunUhitf trrfh to lombaen. Doirt suffer with that nearahiu. neunti. ti any lim- i. throat (,- follow tl . in-isnl Apin:i . ct;riall it bottle. A ... thry orr I, ,r the h. ,tt . stoma h you h.i r quick (.::' rompli'ir ! store er- ASPIRIN iTRAOOMWIK Rf. A NEW THRILL that COi BUCKINCHAI TREATED WITH ULTRA-VIOLET NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY B304 n rxMPLB Cltarcd Endt IttllAT 7Tm lKJkr 1 laVU Haiti