THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAIzy, 60¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OUTSIDE CANADA—Daily, $8.00 sar; p $2.50 per year, dtrictly in advance, wih trae 5p TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application, Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SBEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. eee ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, ‘Trafalgar are. “The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not the invader of private life and the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a keeper of the public conscience.’’—Henry Watterson. aa STILL THERE IS NO AMBULANCE DaILy EDITION. SATURDAY, JUNE 3 Once again, the city has had the painful spectacle of seeing an injured workman with limb and bone crushed into pulp, jolted pain- fully through the streets on a jolting rig, for lack of an ambulance or even a stretcher system. To the men at work in the rock cuts, on the railway track, and on the wharf, who are in constant danger of accident, the question is a serious one. So far, although the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway company has donated $500 towards the cost of a proper city ambulance, neither the city council nor the Hospital Board have even discussed the matter, though one body has been specially asked to do so. Perhaps the knowledge that another unfortunate has been carried in a rig from the extreme west of the,town to the Hospital, will,waken up the authorities to a sense of their duty in the matter. The question of an ambulance is of more importance than how to give voting power to an honorary president, or some of the unseemly bickerings which have marked the council proceedings of late. » sy Be THE GRAND TRUNK ASSESSMENT = Owing to the near approach of the time when the citizens will be called upon to vote on the above question to bind the city to an agreement covering a long period of years, and owing also to the evident reluctance shown in certain quarters to discuss the question with the citizens, the Daily News will print a series of editorial articles dealing with the various aspects of the question. In so doing, there is no desire to sway the minds of the electors either for or against the proposed settlement. The aim will be to state the case fairly, without prejudice, without exaggeration, and without rhetorical appeal, letting the issues be clearly seen, and allow- ing the facts to make their own appeal to the individual mind. Our chief concern is not which way the electors will vote, but that the electors may know what it is they are voting for or against. ARTICLE NO. 4—THE “BY-PRODUCTS” OF THE ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT There are anumber of chemical manufacturing processes like the production of soda cake and those industries that Sir John Brunner and Mr. Alfred Mond specialized in, where the by-products, properly treated were shown to be of enormously greater value than the main product which evolved them. Incidentally, millions were picked up thereby from the waste heaps of Lancashire and the Black Country. Such is the situation in regard to the proposed assessment agree- ment with the Grand Trunk Pacific. The first and obvious product would be the reduction of the company’s tax bill from the original amount of $101,497 to $15,000 at the expense of the private lot-owners. That is a simple matter. But the matter does not end there: Arising out of this main product there would be a harvest of by-products, which completely overshadow in their totalled magnitude the main product of the agreement. The effect upon the general assessment has been dealt with in a previous article, and is alreadly noticeable on this year’s assessment of the privately owned lots. Other re-actions which will be dealt with in this series, among other things, will be the re-actions on the real estate market; the re-actions on the mercantile interests; the re-action on the labor market; the re-action on the waterfront develop- ment and manufacturing development of the city; the re-actions on the borrowing power of the city, and the municipal enterprises, and a discussion of alternative methods of dealing with the question. The term re-action is used in its scientific sense, to denote sequence of effects, and is not intended to imply that the effects are necessarily retrograde, The first re-action that the proposed assessment settlement would have—quicker even in its effect than any re-action of the real estate market, which is always very susceptible to external influence— would be on the borrowing power of the city. This is because a money by-law is to be submitted to the people in three weeks. Indeed it would be most likely that the money by-law, asking sanction for the borrowing of a sum of $500,910 for a water-works would be submitted on the same day] as the sanction to reduce the Grand Trunk Pacific assessment to $15,000 a year. Under the Municipal Clauses Act, the limit of the borrowing powers of British Columbian cities is fixed at 80 per cent of the assessment. At fifteen mills on the dollar (which was last year’s tax rate) a payment of $15,000 would make the Grand Trunk Pacific company's property rank as security for civic borrowings as equivalent to $1,000,000 of assessment, If the tax rate should be greater than 15 mills, the value of the railway company’s property as security for borrowings, would be even less than a million. Thus at 20 mills the city could only borrow on it as if it were worth three quarters of a miition. {n other words, for every million dollars of exemption the citizens grant, there is a shrinkage in the borrowing power of the city of $800,000. To reduce the Grand Trunk assessment from $7,291,000 as it was last year to $2,819,500 as it is this year means a shrinkage in the city's borrowing power of $3,569,600. ‘To still further reduce it to $15,000 a year as the present agreement proposes, means at the lowest com- putation-—at a 15 mill rate—a further reduction of $1,451,600. When it is remembered that the money so capable of being borrowed is the city’s capital, the magnitude of this first by-product of the proposed agreement will be clearly seen. A step which means the cutting off of millions of capital is a serious one. Cities are as dependent on their capital as all other corporations, It is lack of capital which usually drives cities into the arms of electric light, and gas, and power, and street railway, and waterworks companies. It may be pointed out by some that by increasing the assessment nmr = — = of the private lot-owners by 66 per cent, the assessor has made up over three millions of the four millions which he has taken from the railway company’s share of taxation, and thus in large part preserved the city’s borrowing power. This is true—on paper. But the con- sequences of attempting large borrowing on the basis of a speculative- value were indicated in this column on May 19th last, in an article entitled ‘“‘The Dangers of a Speculative-Value Assessment.” And granting the force of the argument to the full, granting that the inflated values shown on the assessment will pass unquestioned on the money markets, the fact still remains that over four millions of assessment have been removed, upon which capital for civic enter- prises could have been raised, and that efforts are being made to still further exempt the railway company’s property from taxation. The argument is capable of extension. If private lots which last} year were worth 34,700,822 as a basis for borrowing, are this year valued at $7,820,830, an increase of 66 per cent, then the railway company’s lands which last year we:e valued at $7,291,500 should 2 000, ney at the same rate of increase be security for borrowing $9,7 and the city’s capital instead of being impaired by a loss of $5,021,200 if the proposed agreement is ratified, is actually being impaired by a loss of $8,910,000. The matter does not end here, but enough has been shown on this phase of the subject to make clear the duty laid on those who send the agreement on to the citizens, to explain the nature of the document before inviting the citizens to support it. H. F. McRAE F. R. C. BROWN H. F. McRae & Co. Financial Agents BRANCH: VANCOUVER SECOND AVE., PRINCE RUPERT A FEW CHOICE OFFERINGS FROM OUR LIST Block Cash 18 $5, 000 1 650 12 800 28 250 31, 82 1 100 We have one very choice buy in Section 1 which we cannot advertise— absolntely central—small cash. Also several close-in lots at $25 month. Section Price 6 6 6 900 each 7 525 each Special Prices IN MEN’S SPRING SUITS Reg. $20 and $25 Suits Now $15.00 in Martin O'Reilly SECOND AVE. PRINCE RUPERT Read The Daily News And Get All the News | SAYS SHE HAS ~ BEEN “LISTED” Mrs. Wm. B. Leeds Tells of a Form of Marriage Brokerage . (Colonial Press Despatch) June 3.—Mrs. William B. Leeds, wife of the American multi-million- aire, who, in a speech before a coterie of wealthy United States citizens now temporarily residing in Paris, declared that she had discovered a plot on the part of French detective agencies to furnish fortune-hunting noblemen with in- formation regarding eligible Amer- ican women of prominence in the MRS. WM. B. LEEDS Mrs. herself market Leeds de- has by financial world. been these she placed on the would-be marriage bureaus, received clares that and as a result has ot marriage from needy nobility. The the and distinctly unflattering offers matter has been brought to attention of the authorities, it is expected that investigation, with many arrests, will follow. a_ thorough NO COURT TILL JUNE 19 News of Altered Date for Su- preme Court, Civil Cases, Received Today. Word from Vic- toria this morning by Mr. Arthur Cuthbert, the Court Registrar, that the sitting of the Supreme was received Court here for civil cases has been adjourned from June 15 to June 19. to the special the 2t Have got next lunch in the Royal Cafe right pric er at 1911 The Bank of British North America 76 Years in Business. 1836 Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Money Earning Money Small weekly or monthly de- posits in a Savings Account soon count up—Interest compounded at highest current rates. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, Prince Rupert Braach— F. S. LONG, Manager. sever il | “Cores Sleeplessness, Headache Et — MATHIOUS om, NERVINE POWDERS. Absolutely Harmless in Their Effect If your dealer does not keep them we will mail ‘ou a box (18 powders) on receipt of 26 cents y J.L. MATHIEU Co., Props. Sherbrooke, P.Q . -Church Services - FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services every Sunday in the Empress Theatre, 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m Sunday School and Bible Clase at 2.20 p. m REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HEAD OF CENTRE ST. Services every Sunday at 1i am, and 7.50 p.m. Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Baraca | Bible Clase 8 p.m. | REV. W. H. McL EOD B.A 8.D THE Paston THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH i BET WEREN CENTRE ST. AND Gnd AVE Services every Sunday at 11 am. and 7.40 p.m Sunday School at 2.30 p.m, | REV. ©. BR. SING, B.D. Pastor SALVATION ARMY CITADEL TOP OF SIXTH STKERT Sunday Services 11 a.m, 3 m, §& p.m Sunday School 1.50 p m. Public Services Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday at & p.m. Everybody wel- come, ENSIGN JOHNSTONE, C'm'p’o orricer ee LAND PURCHASE N( Bkeena Land Wistrie Take notice that I Prince Rupert, 1. « || to apply for permis. | | described latte, ; Commencing at a pos: => TICE corner of Lot § lanes is south 20 e} horth 20 ch 4 of commencement News. Dated April 8, 1911 Pub. April 29 Skeena Land Distric Take notice that G Rupert, 4, ¢ oer intends to appl fe following deseribed Commencing at miles and one-half from the mouth of thence west 80 che thence wact 50 chains, ¢! a Dated March 17, 19/1 | Pub. April 22. Coast Range 6 Take notice that sumkalum, occupa | for permimion to pu lands: Commencing at a corner of Lot S955, the south 40 chains, th. north 40 chains to piace Dated March 18, 1911 Pub April 16. Skeena Land Dis Take notice that | Rupert, B. C., occupa for permission to pur lands Commencin, wide of bx ihe cont! uence 1-2 milen west (r chains north, thence ehaing south, thence commencement, « lem. Post marke i Dated April 22, 1911 Pub, April 29. “ _Skeena Land District Take notice that |, M a. Commencing at a ; south and (2) two thence 50 chains east Dated April 20, ivi) Pub. May 15 cs Land Distrie NON-EMPLOYMENT IN VANCOUVER Major Gibson Just Returned to Rupert Talks on Strike Major Gibson returned to. the city by the Prince George this Stay he a good morning after a six week's At there down below. the time left Vancouver deal of talk about the impending was general strike. ‘Tonight,’ said Major Gibson, “a mass meeting will be held in Horse Show the men will decide on their cam the Building when paign. Business men in Vancou- disturbed at There the any ver are not greatly the prospect of the strike. are sO many unemployed in city just now. There will b amount of labor available, indeed, is more than enough now there I saw many signs of unemploy ment on the streets when I came away. Young fellows evidently respectable and unaccustomed to job were sandwich boards, and I tell you they looked And the keep new batches them that the carrying trains of tne hungry. pouring in Che arr ved immigrants have yet, conditions. trouble is newly got not g ; ; bearings and are not the My impression of the labor situation their up to new at Vancouver is that much misery rill be caused by the strike, and the men « 1 do*®not see how an win,”’ Do away with this. Patronize a white laundry. Whitejlabor only at Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 Bankrupt Estate of The Brin Furniture Company Sale ii FOR SALE 5-room House on 8th Avenue and McBride, $700 cash, easy terms. JOHN DYBHAVN Exchange Block Prince Rupert NO REASONABLE OFFER Acting under instrictions of the creditors we are forced to dispose of this stock before July ist... Entire stock of High-class Furniture, Carp- ets, Rugs, Stoves, Btc., will be sold regardless cf cost. HUVIUGOCRQOUOAGUECUGOATEOUOGEOEUGESTOUAGGELUUGAORUU AEE REFUSED Now is the time to furnish your home at prices that you will never have a chance to Goagein, 3 3 8) & 3 Mr. W, Staples of Vancouver is now in charge of the salesroom, 2 ties ot C. B. LOCKHART Assignee == | each month in the Carpenters Hall, at 8 p.m, The Insurance People BVERY CLASS OF INSURANCE, GET OUR RATES The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Phone 160 Third Avenue and Fulton St S. O. E. B.S. , The Prince Rupert Lodge, No, 818, Sons of England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in Take notice that Cathe Alberta, occ a of for permiasion to pur lands Commencing at a 5 Miles weet and hail « of Stanley Creek Harbor, Graham Leland thence 40 chains eax thence 40 chains wee and containing 100 a Dated Mareb 17, 1911 * Pub Apr. 7. Skeena Land Dis Take nouce that | Rupert, Lb. Cc. to apply for per deseribed lands weet 50 cha Dated April 20, 19 Pub. May 15 Skeena Land Distr Take not ce Rupert, B.C. 5 for permission to ; that | ommencing a east 80 chains, th« commencement, « ated April l4, ly Pub. May 13 Stikine Land Dist Take notice that graph Creek, | apply for permi described Commer mile north bank of Stikic thence north 4 thence south 40 ct and containing 5 Deted Feb. 11, 1 Pub. April 7 Commencing « quarters of @ mile d on the east side of tt east 40 chains, t west 40 chains, the of commencement or leas. Dated Feb. 10, 191 Pub, April 7 Skeena Land District Take notice that B. C., oceupatio to apply for perm iss described lands Commencing at miles weet and ef Stanly Creek, chains, thence wee chains, thence east 4 Dated March 17 Pub. April 22 Skeena Land Take notice tha of Toronto, Ont to apply for per described lands Commencing at corner of L east 60 chains, the 20 chains to He slough southerly taining 160 acres © Dated April 6, 19! WILLI Pub, April 29. Skeena Land Distr Take notice that | Prince Rupert, B. ( to apply for permi described lands Commencing at «& bank of Exchumeike ! from ite confluence #0 chains east, the chains west, thence commencement, conta Dated April 21, 191! Pub, April 29. Skeena Land D Take notice that ! Rupert, B.C., occupa to apply for permis deacribed lands Commencing af & and 120 chainge south f lot 1788, Coast Dist chains, thence east 4 chains, thence west 4 point of commence more or less. Date Mar, 20, W911 Pub. Apr, 4, 191! LAND LEA: Skeena Land Distric! Take notice that Wi!) Rupert, B, C., occup® to apply {ox perm doseribed lands: Commeneing at a pe south of the In Goose Bay and on the © thence south 80 chains 40 chains to Goose ba post, containing S20 acre Dated March 8, 191! Pub, April 16. Skeena Land District Rupert, B, C., to apply for permissio” sewer 1 lands: Commencing at & post P south of the Indian Goose Bay on the east #!c« north 100 chains along * more or leas. F. V. CLARK, See P. O, Box #12, Prince Rupert Dated Mareh 8, 1911. Pub, April 15, MRS, JOHN B, C., occupation tried © for perma to puret lanc White and Fiat rivers, thene thence 50 chains west, the I norich ndian HKeserv’ 80 chains, thence weet 40 0Or igs aft WILLIAM M Take notice thac Hum naster eypation m4 occu} e janie Reserve wre Ut thence west 60 chains more thence 100 ehains alone Pre chains more or leas to POF R ” nuMe™