B Jrinlc In following program will be i a' the Pioneers' Annual Ban- fee whirh will be held In the fee Hull. Thursday evening: Br v Projrar Sinning or "O Canada" ion. Rev. Grant Holllng-minute silence.) t-i Um Hfi irni .4lt elnrrlrttT' WaVrn Ifarn l; ' tj kill' .411 WMP V 1 V - II - t - V 1 . TT1P I' 111 LfV & . UlllfiLIi . 3) selection: J. Arseneau .Cameron. A!";le Hunter. i & banjo selection: Meters. by a big dance. ' le banquet music will be ' by Miss Nellie Lawrence ;:upiLs for banquet and dance, sion to dance only, la- r.rnU 50c. Tickets (or ban- in be obtained at the door. zi' welcome. . T ...i . - ... ... MfoLAMP to work bin VHMM Sleep soundly tonight OVft LTI N E" Hi Leer Banquet In Moose Hall Tomorrow Night TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE LOCAL ITEMS Walter eLon Bcheeler. Califor nia mining engineer, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah today bound (or Skagway whence ne wui proceed Into the Atlia district. P. H. Oanty, well known Skagway merchant, was a passenger on board the Princess North today returning north alter a trip to Seattle. He was accompanied by Mm. Oanty. A. budget (or the month of February totalling $7,487.09, made 'up of $6,761.11 In salaries and $725.03 In accounts, was passed by the board of school trustees at Its regular monthly meeting last night. In order to whip some backward student into shape. Principal D II. Hartness informed the school board last night that home work was being given some pupils with personal supervision of the teach ers Immediately after school each day. Other forms of special atten tlon were also being practised. Miss S. A. Mills, principal of Borden Street School, reported to the school board last night that her school had been inspected dur in the past month by T. W. Halt. inspector of schools, who had made a favorable report. Miss Mills re quested that the board supply a new flag for her school, the present one being badly tattered. mm AKING . . cleaning dustinj . . . . sewina . . tronine . . every moment, your eyes arc busyl Guar J your tyes . . and avoid wrinkles, headaches and "nerves." Fill your sockets with Edison Mazda Lamps . . for their soft, restful light helps you to do your work faster, and more comfortably. tNJOY A 1 Dl TREAT, TRV L-110 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT YORK W sa A' m if you lose anything, try a classified ad. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Rupert East Church Shamrock Tea, heme cooking and candy sale, March 17, 3 to 6 p.m. Social ev ening 8 p.iu." -( t. 'iii c I.! ' v oii-aiucr' vejitaar. apixi rants, left last night for.'prtherA B. C. ports, making her first trip as an oil burner. Twenty Years Aeo column, Vancouver Province. .JUST AKKIYEO, Irch sup-ply of Nanaimo-Wcllington Coal, vyood per Joad. Egg coal $11 per Ion,'-Albert & McCaffery, Ltd., I'hones 116 and 117. tl Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Chambers who recently married In the south were passengers aboard the Prin cess Norah today bound from Van couver to Dawson where they will reside. Mr. Chambers Is a machinist at-Dawson. " John O. Painter, of the Detroit News, was a passenger aboard thn Princess Norah today bound for Skagway enroute to the Yukon country and Alaska. From White-horse he will fly north In a plan- which Is now on Its way from D -.- trolt. It having been rumored that Stan Moran of the 99 Taxi was gc ing out of business, Mr. Moran when seen stated that this was not true. He was In business with three good cars and would be going stronger than ever this sprln? and summer. "Tell the people to Just call 99 and we do the rest," be said. 53 The Empire Stevedoring Co. LtO. of Vancouver has Issued a large map of the British Columbia coast which shows all the mainland from the southern boundary of ther&rlnee to and including the ertuary of the Skeena River and the Alaskan border. Large Insets showing the harbors of the coast Include, among other ports, Prince Rupert. A letterfrqm Miss Margaret Palmer, secretary of the Women's Ca nadian Club, read at last night's meeitmr of the board of school fc-tf tfetee$JMtkedwh. board for having -permitted the- use of the auditorium of Booth Memorial School, last week for a public meeting which was addressed by Dr. II. S. Thomson of the Canadian Dental Hygiene Council. . The regular monthly meeting of the board of school trustees was i held last evening in the city coun-i ell chamber. Those present were W I J. Greer, chairman; Arthur ! Brooksbank, J. J. Glllls. W. O. Ful-!ton arid D. C. Schubert, trustees J. O. Williamson, secretary: Miss E A. Mercer, Miss S. A. Mills, MIm Margaet Palmer. Miss Jwsle Mof-fatt aud D. JI. Hartness. principals; Miss E. Roe. domestic science supervisor, and Eric Gee. manual training supervisor. IWM A- Hotel Arrivals New Royal Hotel THE HOTEL WORTH WHILE Hot ti Cold water: Steam Heat 75c. PER DAY AND UP J. Zarelll Trlrphonr tSI ' BUY CANADIAN, GROWN Sweet Pea Seeds Varieties and quality the WORLD'S BEST Also up-to-date selection of DAHLIAS Including all the latest types. Write tor our Free Catalogue CKOSLAND BROS. DUNCAN, B.C. Irwin Bruyn, who has been on a trip tc Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere In the south, returned to the, city on, the.Pince George -this raorplng. ' . i Louts Schultz, well known Atlin merchant, who has been on a bus-lew trip to Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah this morning returning to hl3 horns in the north. The school board last night left In the hands of Chairman W. J. Greer and Trustee J. J. Glllls the matter of repairing a gutter at Seal Cove school which was damaged recently by snow sliding off the roof of the building. COLIC "Really, I think BABY'S OWN TABLETS are wonderful," writes Mrs. Allan P. MicDonild, Northfield, Ont "My baby has no more colic pains." Don't let vour I baby suffer five BABY'S OWN TABLETS. For colds, fever, upset stomach, constipation, Absolutely harmless. 25c 2)2 Dr. Williams' BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mr. aud Mrs. Sydney H. Peterson of Ketchikan were passengers on board the Princess Norah today returning to the "First City" after a visit to Seattle and elsewhere In the south. Mr. Peterson Is a broth - cr-ln-law of Edgar Anderson, CP. R. agent at Ketchikan. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wataon of Premier are passengers aboard the Prince George today returning to their home In the north after a trip to Vancouver and elswhere hi the south. Mrs. Watson, before rur marriage last September, was Miss Helen Crawford, daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. J. Crawford of Stew-at. Principals of King Edward High School and Booth Memorial School. their monthly reports presented to the school board at its meeting last night, referred to addresses which had been delivered during the month by Rev. Dr. J. Wesley Bready and Dr. Harry S. Thomson, both of Toronto. Keen Interest had been taken In the addresses In each case. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now the hottest in the domestic field. Gov ernment analysis shows It to be the highest in B.T.U.'s and less ash. It starts quick and lasts longer. Furthermore, for your bcnfli don't think for one minute because our coal Is lower In price that we arc giving you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers my state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wildfire," egg or lump. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars, (tf) Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Announcements Pioneer Banquet March 10. Moose Popular Dance, Friday March 11, Gents. 50c. Ladles 35:.. door prizes. Refreshments. Prince Rupert Crlbbage anc Whist League presentation of cupj. refreshments, etc. Commodore Caic March 15. 7:30 pm. Admission 50c. St. Patrick Celebration, Cathonr Hall, March 17. Eagles' Social ; Dance Friday. March 18, dancing 9:30 to 1:30 Gentlemen 50c. Ladles, refreshments. Everybody welcome. Elks' Dance Thursday, March 21. United Church Easter Sate March 31. ... , Scotch pance aM'I 1.6m, BoyVBand beheflf" . ', . Catholic Women-s League Spring Sale April 7. Presbyterian spring sale April U Prince Rupert Singers April 20. Capitol Theatre. Spring Sale, St. Peters Church. May 19. W. Smecton was last night ap pointed by the Library Board ;to be caretaker at, the Library ait a monthly stipend of $12. He takes the place of Percy Miller who Dr. C. Hankinson sailed altertyjtcwtheACatala for VanrouyerwJicrjBWyoung son Is receiving treatment 'for serious injuries sustained several, nion'tftfs " ago. William Elkins of CPU. general agent's staff here returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge thM morning from Esquimau where he has been taking a two weeks' courst In. riaal,rainlng D. E. Murphy, well known locU conductor of the Canadian National Railways, who has been on a p'ralrie run since last fall, arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver. N. C Terry, air engineer for the Canadian Airways Ltd., arrived ti: the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from Vancouver and pro ceeded by train this afternoon to Prince Oeorge where one of th? company's planes Is disabled with motor trouble. The board of school trustees at the suggestion of Trustee J. J. Glllls last night authorized the hooking up of a register in the principal's office at Borden Street-School with the heating system nf the school. In the past the room has been heated by electricity. Staff Captain Acton, divisional commander of the Salvation Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, sailed by the ss. Princess Norah this afternoon on his re turn to his headquarters in Wran gcll after having spent the pait ten days In the city and district. J. Dunlop, who Is to succeed Wells Carfrae as local representa tive of McLennan, McFeely Si Prior Ltd., arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver to assume his new du ties. Mr. Carfrae was .recently transferred from here to Prince Oeorge. NOTICE In future Iwlll not -be respon sible for any accounts contracted by an) one In my name, ERNEST EDWARD SMITH FASHION HINT "How to make my old short skirts conform to the new length was a problem to me until I hit on this plan. I dropped the hems; and as the part that had been turned under was darker than the rest, I redyed the entire dress, after having bleached the Roods, following directions in the Diamond Dyes package. "I used Diamond Dyes for the redyeing, of course. I nave dyed many things with these wonderful colors. They have saved me many dollars and nave never failed to give perfect results smooth, even colors fast to wear and washing. Friends think my things are new when I red ye or tint them with Diamond Dyes, They do give the most gorgeous colorsl" Mrs. G.C, Levis, Quebec Why Pay a high price for fine clothes when Tip Top Tailors will make to your measure any of their wide range of fine all-wool fabrics 27 00 TIP TOP TAILORS P. Cravetto Comer 6tli Ave. and Fulton St. Queen Hatchery 36 W. Cordova St. Vancouver, B.C. Baby Chicks. Queen Quality Leghorn. Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, of high egg production. Catalogue free. QUEEN HATCHERY 36 XV. Cordova SU Vancouver i Stationery Office Supplies Toys Charts Hooks Radios Sewing Machines McRAE IJROS., LTI). PAOB THJtEB m KvL and send me a package CHEESE! The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mramm leare Frlnee Raptrt (r Vinrourrr: r.s.K i'atala r.vr.KV Tir.sim, in p.m. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.b. .:AKIENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midughi appro. WtUj laUingt to Port 8UnpKo, AHc Arai. Anyox. Stewan and Ni Rlvtr points. Sunday, 0 p.m. Further information regarding U aaUtngi and tlckeu at PRINCr RITERT AGENCY: tircond Avrnue. rtinn SUM STILL MORE CARE fcx yew (Ptctedion CARNATION is "Protected at the Source" through the' fostering of tetter dairy stock. Then, Carnation field men check and re-check dairying methods tiscd to produce milk destined for Carnation con-denscries. And then comes still more scientific testing until the can is finally hermetically sealed. In cooking Carnation makes favorite recipes better. Use it with coffee, fruits and cereals. You'll find Carnation economical. ApproT-cd by highest medical authorities for baby feeding that's how good it is! Writ ir frtt Ci BUi J tthj Buk Carnation Ca, Limrttd, 1J4 Abbott St, Vancouver, B.C, Carnation. "from Contented Cows" Milk a MItK FROM CANADIAN COWS, PACKED V CANADA IN CANADIAN-MADt CANS AND OASIS THE HAPPY WAY TO THRIFT SHREDDED iiW H EAT TWO BISCUITS WITH MILK MAKE A COMPLETE SATISFYING MEAL UJ In CunmJa with CunmJlmn Whtat THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. I