It rc r E RENT Modern bungalow, Fully Equipped Tor Diving and Avenue. McCutcheen, Ml Oeneral Salvaee Work Avenue West. (tf) Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES 7F.NT- April 1, C-roora mo- id near Booth School, phone Blue 817. tt r,,F'NT Steam heated apart-five large rooms, kltcher. cpiitrally located; $30.00 inn'h. Apply, MeC&ffery, i & Collart Ltd. : A;T Any person can do on Third Avenue and ck1 living quartets bvl vi the cottage next door tot D.tily News. Only $20 a- h Its n great opportunity t FOR SALE M.E Rhode Island Roosters PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Hose, Cowan & Latta V Phone 234 fOUGHS Apply ovtf throat and chart Iwillow mull of ' ICKS Ow 31 Million Jmt. r.mtly . Boats and Scows of all deserlp tions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes fcr Hire BARGAINS IN OAs ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel In any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone Day or Night 564 P.O. Box 1564 NOTICX U Oto. Bacon. lAStt NOTllh brtfcy jivtn that 1. landi far Mtmtaatan to nurpli.ut KHKIWlDf ecmoaaoc miner. In Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 Open Evenings C Excnange Blfci,, ld. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer Phone 17? for Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack ' Pine. tt IX Till: MATTFK OF THE TKATION ACT" Umto to apply ammlaaloner of : l52LtB',H.r B.t. wa. annotated tt. -k. and br.-ing Eggs. 13. $1.00. nv-S Zn'j"' S " t n.mers. pair $2.00. Lawsd- P-nt of w. oonuinur o ! he, Sn Blue 430. P.O. Box 924. 5T forthwith. EXCHANGE iiv desires board ant! u privatevlamUy. Phone! GENTS WANTED nan for one hundred this country; expr-essary: no selllnij; i :id collect. Should nHj ilars weekly. Shamas! nipany, New Toronto,! l.tMl ACT Intention to onplr tn l-M-e Oetobw 37, 1931. GEO. OACON. MOOSE HALL FOR RENT Ro.e. 28 ft. x 8 ft.. 4.AHNigntuance sza.oo WANTED tt Public Meetings $20.00 Concert $35.00 Boxing Match $35.00 Store For Rent AUCTIONEER List you goods with us Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red C37 WOOD FOR SALE Any Length Apply T. Glenn and II. Vieretk T. L K. TRANSFER Phone Green 609 Reasonable prieej Orders Promptly Attended mifflrftras . "1 ..,. .,J MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE ! utve at umitners. sr . una Btn d- of January. A D . 1833 H B. CAMPBELL. I Official Admlnlatncor : 4 m-Bm, y mil ,1 1 m UNRESERVED SALE Of Exclusive Household Furniture On Saturday, March 12 at 2 p.m. At Suite 8 Besner Apartments On Instructions received from the owner, I will sell by public auction the following articles: LeSage Piano; 3-piece Chesterfield Suite; 9-tube Majestic Radio; Wilton Rug, 9xl0-o; Wilton Rug,! Dutrtet x Prtnoe Rit-;A compete assortment of FURNI- 27x54; Axmlnster Rug. 9x9; Solid .''uarvmtiAFtX)ORCOVERma.-Bt- Walnut ComblnaUon SecreUire & iw.ijre adjouiinii the True-1 rvthin for the WINDOW. If you Sewing Cabinet; Solid Walnut Dln- rlltnTVn selling out we will AUCTION ner Wagon; Chesterfield end Jfcble; , i nmrtot vour Boods or pay casn outngni. ' u "omf L CaU us up. Prunpt service, irwne upataon a merehiutdla.n,. I T78 iuindt to appur for a :!l n Uis deMTlbetf latMM ;; lit a pout planted at the i r:ier of tlie fractloiml i Dm- raetlotial 8out!i-eai i e?4. Qtweti Charlothi Ii-the net 3uth Mie chain i ' ' ' low water mark: thw ' ' -atr mark tn SnMtli-1 i "'. 20 ohaJin mare r.i "Mi of the 3outh-rt cor-irt irnctioual Wemt half o: .'! 8outii-raM quarter ol Ln. i e N.u'li oiie chain lu ri 'i 1 1 South-went eorne. ' N' ii!,.atefy following thu I' 'iiwlary of the ukl Lot rf. : m.iii) i,t irm to point of com : nnd oouttOHI'ig two Ci less. I 1 i:K HOME OIL DISTRIBUTOns LIMITED, ' 'I rp Nelson I Page, Agent. ' '".ivy 7tU iaa. rhe AUCTIONEER I'" Crating Wrapping General Furniture Repairs I ;t your goods with me PHO. j DAWES Phone Black 120 i Mackenzie's Furniture & Auctioneers Painting and Paperhanging By Day or Contract Charges Reasonable J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 Card Table. Wamut Smoker Stand; 109-piece Japanese Dinner Service; 2 Table Lambs: 1 pair MaxfWd Parriah Pictures: Walnut Dressing I Table; 4-foot Bad complete; let of Pictures, Dishes and Miscellaneous 'Aitteke. MUST RE SOLD ; For Further Particulars G. J. D tut i ' ' naTm MILLIE THE TOILER" UljfCM ULLIE, I'M NOT GOIMO TO AlTBMPT AH fiHAWAI Cl ABOUT rtH6 or f ten i ar' THIS MO M- . . J awes Phone Black 120 The Auctioneer I BfcV, TMfi BOS'S . ' s rop- ' ' THE MARKET Prices current on the local retail market today are as follows: Butter Fancy cartoned, lb 30 (No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs .80 Flour Flour, 49's, No.l hard wheat . l.CO Pastry Flour, 10 lbs 50 Fish Smoked Kippers, lb 13 Salmon, fresh, lb 25 Halibut, lb 15 Eggs B. C. Fresh Pullets, doz. .28 B. C. Fresh Firsts, doz 30 ! B. C. Fresh Extras, doz FowL No. 1, lb. Meais 34 .40 .30 Roasting Chicken, lb 35; Ham, sliced, first grade 40 j Cottage Rolls, Jb 22 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb .20 j . ; Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .. .35 1 ADMixH- iPork shoulder, lb 15! jPork, loin, lb. 22 PATRICK liimiv .Mi i.vii.i.E. (Pork, dry salt, ID .25 DCiEVSKIt iAvrshlrp R.-lron. lh 3D Tak notice that ty order of the Hon- , . , , ,. onrable Aula? MorrUon. Chief Juntlte ' Veal, Shoulder, lb .20 of the Supreme Court of British C- Veal, loin, lb. I 20 Admtal.tratar of t.v , Bf . P0' t, lb. 15 4 .... lfHh,lM. A Df V..ltt.. IV. m. n IB . ' rmni . .... . ... .... ... ... iieei. roasc. Drime no. 10. 2uc to .23 nomiMMh. .r . n ,H.,. iif ! psrueB nvmg cwima iikw in'. : " mile. Miitheriy tram Tubu.h hit f TSJSrtZt Lamb, shoulder, lb - 20 Beef, steak, lb. 25c to (30 Lamb, leg, lb. 30c to 25 Lamb, chops, lb 20 Mutton, shoulder, lb 15 Tegetablea Potatoes, 12-115 lbs. 2i sack, $1.65 fia 2.00 B. C. Beets, bulk, 0 lbs 2& Parelav hnnrh 10' California Celery, head 25 Brussels Sprouts, B.C., lb. 18c to .20 Spinach, Cal, lb 20 Garlic, lmporte, per lb 40 Cabbage, green, .05 Calif. Head Lettoee, head 12c to .15 Cal. Cauliflower 2Sc to .35 1 Sweet Potatoes, lb 10 i Onions, lb .051 Bulk Turnips, 10 lbs .25' Carrots. 8 lbs. .25, Cal. New Carrots, 2 bunches . .35 i Parsnips, lb. .051 Leeks, bunch 08 Hothouse Cucumbers, each .... .25' Apples j delicious, fancy box 3.25 tfewtons, fancy, box 2.90 1 Wewtons, C grade, box 2.80 1 Te-wtons, household, box 2.10 1 Wlnetaps, fancy, box 2.S0! Wtneaaps, C grade, box 2.80 Fruits Valencia Oranges, des, 25c to .. .70 1 bir II Lemons, uamorrna, large 40' , , , . t j M nmrwf r,.it nfliifornin in White. 100 lbs . .... 5.50 Walnuts, broken shelled .40; Walnuts, shelled halves 0 L . . araprxit. Florida. 12 Vic to 2 reed f'ullfiwnh VmnaM. rinr,j. lh Ifl ... . .. . '' PCAnUtS J5 Dried Frttlts Extracted lionet, pr Jar Oorab llonty Oataa. bulk, lb, 84 to Lemon and aran Pel . Black Cooking lgs, lb. Currants lb Citron Peel White Figs, lb fc Apples, dried Peaches, peeled T Apricots, lb Prunes, 60-70, lb; JO: Prunes, 30-40, lb. Prunes, 40-50, lb. Raisins. Cal. seedless, 2 lbs. Sugar 5 Yellow, 100 lbs. i -THE rWTjrP l-tl HAVE fVITH IN i EACH OTMHt WO V MAT TBI. NAJVAAT ltTUATVOU ACIV.E sr r TTi Phone 98 wiieflk no. j AiDerra Bananas, 2 lbs M Wheat, Bulkley Valley Rhubarb, hothouse, lb, No. 5 Alberta 20 Fine Barley Chop ......... 15 Pure. lb. 13c to i t ii urn 1 L UJ JVI I 1 aBT I ... IK I . Xil Lard 12 Vi .Compound, lb.. 13c to 35,. nuts i Almonds, shelled Valenclas . 5.00 California soft shelled Walnuts Something to Explainlu The Daily News The paper that Northern and Central British Columbia people look to to keep them informed on world news and the problems peculiar to the north. The Only A. B. C. paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton. The Daily News goes into all the- TOWNS AND VILLAGES , MINING CAMPS LUMBER CAMPS PAPER MILLS FARMING CENTRES FISHING CAMPS It is the paper that is read by the fishermen, miners, workers and operators throughout a district twice as large as the three Maritime Provinces of the east. When a person wishes a message to go to the people of Northern and Central British Columbia there is only one way of sending it, and that is through the columns of the Daily News. The future is full of hope. The Daily News is making plant to keep pace with the progress of the country. No one can afford to be without it. The cost is small. Delivered by Carrier, in Prince Rupert, per week, 10c. v Mailed to any address in Northern or Central B.C., $3 a year. Mailed to points in Canada, Britain or United States, $6 a year. -75 :- 1.65. , Oals 1.75 . 25' Ban 1.35 ! . .33 sherts. '. 1.40 . .15 Middlings - 1.85 1 . .2 Barley 1.70 .12 Vi Baying Mash 2.65, fl ILuf Citian v Qll 1 . "r. T. X4. DVERTISINO COPk '! .15 Ground Oil Cake 3.00 20 Fine Oat Chops 1.85 h, " m I a. 1 .20 Crushed Oats 03 1.80 3J"t v m ttj-'i V f OH, CJ'T CA'S '. .TOM -, I S i M ! P &ka? I f VMEUL Mail Schedule a N. ... TRAINS j CLOSES AT POST OFFICE: For the East il ur the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt- Monday, Wednesday and Fr days 3 pjn. day 2 j From the Fast ? Ftonn the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur Satarday. Tuesday and Thursdays : 10:40 0 m.' day ... 10:4o am MUST BE IN EARLY Copy for display, advertise- ments should be In the hands ' For Vancouver-Tuesday . 12:30 noon Thursday 9 p.m. Friday .. March 13 and 23 From Vancouver- Sunday .... By Westover. mm a m .11 p.m. pjn. pm, l of the printers not later than ' Wednesday....- 10:30 ajn. ' il5 3 p.m. the day prtr.r to publt- I Friday pjn. .15 cation. This Is necessary to en- March 9, 19 and 30 am. t able best positions to be se- For Stewart and Anyox .50 cured. Sunday . 8 pjn J5 Wednesday ....3 p.m ! a! fednrsday. March 9, I9'Z . THE DAILY NEWS PACTS FIVE I I W 1 ws m n m w Wi w nou sanas oi reoole Read She Advertisements on Iras rage tverv Dav RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT it CLASSIF1 ED ADVERTISE MENTS r,nt, for sale and all other small For advertisements In this section chafed at the rate of 2 cents word per Insertion with six Insertions for the price of four. a By the month the charge is 25c a word. No advertisement taken for less than 50c. FQIt RENT Grocery. tfj SALVAGE & TOWING OR Five roomed "11 It's on oi unoer the water we intnt, $15 a month. Mussa:- do n Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. cnmopRACTic j W. C. Aspinall i Three Year Oraduate Chiropractic .ii la .MS f