Lday March 1, 1032 tint fiAiLT iftffi PAOK THREE anniversary AUTHORITY ONE OF TUB i celebrated Local Items 57 OF BOARD Basketball, Auditorium, tonight. IMOw, more than ever 111 before, you make an .investment ia quality you have your Ivtea t! :ies tailored at Tip Tea For quality governs lea every purchase, our Fcrery step of tailoring. leor every service to the custqmer. Yet, specialize ation and the employment of our vast resources in the world markets make our low price possible lor hne British woollens. current New York and London srj tea. tailored to your individual measure. Come in and see the new Sprir-j umples and styles tomorrow, ONE PRICE 21 TO MEASURE I CREVATTO Corner Fulton & Ctli St. I'rince Uupert, B.C Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD "Pfralinit jiircc Dry Docks l capacity; xo.ooplons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers ,or attrt and Wood Vessels S"!-,i,,?'llt'"h!nery - nu uvernauied 'fn and Itrass Casting tItnlfic and Acetylene Weldlnt S,-l"n DtrrIck for eaTy L,ftj At , S " m the Dally News. Now Reside and Mrs. William n vtrv Patrick, for twenty years resident oi t-nnce Rupert, recently celebrated their golden wedding anniversary In Victoria, where they have resided for the past two years, with a reception at their home pn Quadra Street hr the Capital City. Many former residents of Prir Rupert were among the guests at vne iunction which was largely attended. The tooms of the home were attractively decorated for the occasion with spring flowers. The wedding cake, which was cut by the bride of fifty years ago. wa. sent from Derby. Enaland. as a Kift from a younger sister residing i there. There were numerous pretty and useful gifts. Mrs. F. Jordan was in charge of the decorations and cut the Ices. Mrs. W. H. Whiteley assisted In receiving the gueats. Mrs. II. I,. Johnson and Mrs. F. W. Hollann, both former reaidents of Prince Rupert, presided at the prettily decorated tea tables. Among former Prince Rupert residents who attended the reception as guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Alder. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fraser Mrs. M. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. W E. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. E. p. Johnson. A. E. SJocomb. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Perry. Miss Marie Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Starr, Mrs. A. L. Carruthere. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Oreer. Mrs. T. D. PaUullo and Mrc C. CoUIson. Mr. Klrkpatrkk was born in Clabby County. Fermanagh. Ire land, seventy-one years ago while nu wire was born at Worksop, Notts, England, seventy years aira. They were married on February IS 1882. at St. Margaret's Anglic Church in Clabby where Mrs. Klrkpatrkk. then Miss Swindells, war then teaching school. They cam.' to Canada in 1910 from Derby England, and resided in Prince RupcrJuUntil 1930 .when MrKlik Patrick was superannuated from I the service of the customs depart ment. During their stay in Prince Rupert they took an active part In work of the United Church. Mrs Klrkpatrick sitting as an alderman and member of the hospital, school and library boards. Mr. Klrkpatrick is a member of the Oddfellows' order and a past grandmaster lr. England. - A picture of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk patrtck appeared on Monday oi last week on the social page of the Victoria Dally Times. ANNOUNCEMENT Jasper Wildfire Coal is now tht hottest in the domestic field. Gov eminent analysis shows it to bo tin highest in D.T.U.'s and less ash. H starts quick and lasts longer. Fur- j thermore, for your benefit don't i think for one minute because our roal is lower in price that we arc dvlng you a cheaper grade as other coal dealers my state to you. Your next order "Jasper Wildfire," egg or lump. Note our adv. for cash prices and save your dollars tf Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Income Tax Returns Save expense by having them prepared promptly and accurately. GEORGE HOME & CO. Arcountants and Auditors ,3 Second Ave. I'hone 387 GLADIOLUS 10 Choice varieties in mixture 100 Bulbs prepaid for $2.50 FLO WEKFI ELDS COMPANY Ask for list Duncan. B.C. BUY CANADIAN GROWN Sweet Pea Seeds Varieties and quality the WORLD'S BEST selection of Also up-to-date DAHLIAS-Including all the latest types. Write for our Free Catalogue CKOSLAN!) BROS. DUNCAN, aC. Miss Jessie Marie De Both makes her delicious Apple Dumplings with Magic Baking Powder "X7HENayoung VY housewife asks me what baking powder she should use," says Miss De Both, director of the famous De Both Home Makers' Cooking Schools, "this is my advice: Use the best-one that is pure, uniform and invariably dependable. You can't use second-rate baking powder and expect first-rate results. "My experience with Magic has been particularly happy. I find that it never varies that it is consistently reliable. And I know it is pure, and free from harmful ingredients." Statements by other well-known cookery authorities give wholehearted support to Miss De Both's judgment. . . . In fact, the majority of dietitians and cooltry teachers throughout Canada use and recommend Mapc txcltumly. Appls Dumplings 1 quart Sour 1 H eupt milk 2 tcaapoooa Matte Sufir Baking Powder Cinaamon H teipooa tal. . Applet .lablrtpoona b&ttrr Sift Into bowl Sour, baking powder ad Mil Rub in tb butter. Add cold milk to make toft dough. Tore out on to Soured board and roll into heet. Cut m aquarca. Peel and core the ap plea. Place an apple on each aquart of doufh. Fill the cor with a entail piece of butter, eutar and a little cinnamon. Told the dough over, taking cate that there are no opening, ae the eteara inaide dumpling cooks the apple while dough ia baking. Druah dumplings with a little cream, and place in greased paoa. Bake ia moderate ovea at 430 F. about 40 minutes. Serve with cresra or hard sauce. thatrlaiiKlasnlsie "CONTAINS NO ALUM This etattmant on every tin la your uaraotte that Ingle Beklnt siaWF "Jltftl if raw der la If from alum or soy harmful Intra- dim I. SI a4e la Canada FREE COOK nOOK-Whtn you bate at home, the new Mafic Cook Book will live you dozens of recipes for delicious baled foods. Write to Standard Brsnds Ltd., Fraser Ave. & Liberty St., Toronto, Oat. Bryant Company Limited Quality Mens & Boys' Wear New and complete stock of Iho best lines of made in Can-v ada clothing -and. furnishings Fashion Craft Suits, $25.00 and up. Made to measure and ready for service ; BROCK HATS Stanfleld's and Ceetec Underwear Arrow and Forsyth Shirts (tilth Slrect Prince Ituperl Oh yes, that reminds mo I have to go to the Fleet Cafe for my waffle. Gee! they are good, tylth that nice home-made syrup. 51 Moose Whist Drive and Dance to- n&ht 8:30. Prizes, Refreshment. 50c. Dance only, from 10:30 till 1:30 35c. Commissioner and Mrs., Henry will address a public welcome meeting tonight at 8 In United Church. Sam Jabour will return to the city on the Prince George Thursday from a trip to Anyox on Insurance ' business. , Why pay more? Best Alberta ioollrs rgg Coal $11 per ton. j Albert Si McCaffery Ltd. Phone I 11C or 117. tf j Mr. and Mrs. M. H. MacPherron arrived in the city on this morning's train from Terrace for a brk;T visit to town. Mr. MacPheraon is a member of the staff of the Lakelie Lake hatchery. Lieut. Col. S. P. McMordlc. D. S. O., manager of the Capitol Theatre, who has been on a week's trip to Vancouver on theatre business, is expected to return to the city cn the Prince Oeorge tomorrow morn ing. Bert's Taxi, Phone 678. "Service" is our motto. Give us a call. tf Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Andrew Johnstone, returned to port at 9:30 this morning - from; Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 this af ternoon for Vancouver and way-ports, t Sergeant Grennan and Consta ble Henry of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, after having made i he round trip north from here to Anyox and Stewart, were paasene-?rs aboard the Cardena today pro needing to Ocean Falls. STOP! LOOK1 1JJSTEN! Fleet Barber liop, next u Hunt's store on water front, has also gone off the gold standard Hair cuts 50c; shaves 26c.; Showe: Baths 35c; Children's Hair Cut-25c. Thank you. M CoL C. W. Peck,, V.C, D.8.O., ol Sindey, Vancouver Island, is expected to pay a visit to the city this month In connection with hi' duties as a pensions commissioner, vfany of his former friends here ire looking forward to seeing him. Robert Elmhurst, father of W j. Elmhurst, who died here tact week and whose funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon, arrived .n the city on this morning's train from Winnipeg. Mr. Elmhurst wax .'ailed here on account of his son's jerious condition and it was only this morning on the train that he 'earned of his death. A declaration of reault of the recent referendum of policing of the city was presented to the city jquncil last night by City Solicitor E. F. Jonea. returning officer, and filed. The return showed that (here had been 609 votes for continuing the provincial police system. 296 for going back to city police and three spoiled ballots. A recommendation from the finance committee that lot 14 ai.d half of lot 16. block 19, Section 8. for which G. Rosin has made an offer of $40 be advertised for sale was adopted by the city council a' last night's meeting. The propertv Is assessed at $60 for land 'whtie a house thereon has been valuated by the city engineer at $75. It is necessary by Btatutc for the ely to advertise for sale any tax property which has a building upon it. Lieutenant-Commissioner Root Henry, leader of the Salvation Army for Canada West with head quarters in Winnipeg, arrived In the cUy on the Cardena this morning after a brief visit to Por'. Simpson, accompanied by Mrs. Henry and Staff Captain Joseph Acton of Wrangell, divisional commander for Northern British Co lumbia and the Yukon. Tonight there will be a meeting of welcome for Commissioner Henry in Firs United Church and tomorrow a'f- ternoon Commlasoner and Mm. Henry will leave by train and visit Interior points on their way .back to Winnipeg. City - Council Discusses Powers otJ Commission' Oven Provincial Police Report Presented After considerable discussion in the course of which Aid. Casey inti mated that he intended to go to the highest authority possible before he would be content to waive his responsibilities as a member of the board of police commissioners following the decision of the people to stay with the system of provincial policing oi, the municipality, the city council last night filed a report from the city solicitor which had been asked for by the mayor in regard to the authority of the police commission under the provincial police plan. Mr. Jones, In his report, pointed out that, under the original agree ment entered into in 1926, the superintendent of provincial police had charge of city policing, the cov ering act reading that "all officers and constables shall be subject to his 'the superintendent's absolute control, direction and Judgment." In view of the fact that the police commission was, therefore, dives ted of any authority in connection with city policing, the city solicitor could see no object in the police commission calling meetings as any action it might take would be entirely futile. Mr. Jones recalled that a previous opinion of his that the commission was divested of authority had been confirmed in reference to the law firm of Patmorc ti Fulton. The council, if it desired, could appeal for a ruling on the subject, to the attorney-general's office. The mayor explained that he had requested Mr. Jones for the report He had understood that, under provincial policing, the police commission ceased to function. Having been asked to call a meeting of the police commission, he (the mayor) was desirous of ascertaining it it could sit as a legal body. It would seem foolish for the commission to Mt if it possessed no Jurisdiction. Aid. PUlsbury questioned whether the matter had anything to do with the city council. Aid. Collar t explained that he understood the election of police commissioners had been held only agnlmt the possibility of a change being made from provincial to city policing and that the police commission would function only If there were a city police. Under provincial policing, he saw no necessity for a police commission operating. Mayor's Fairness After thanking the mayor for fairness he had displayed, Aid. Casey expressed the opinion that this matter did not come within the province of the city council. He wished to have the position of the Why Pay a high price for fine clothes when Tip Top Tailors will make to your measure any of their wide range of fine all-wool fabrics 00 Til TOP TAILORS P. Crevatto Corner Sixth and Fulton Street Radio Tubes Tested FREE With the Jewell Tube Tester MclUE imOS., LTlX PRIVATE SALE Household Furniture Afternoons of Thursday and Friday, March 3 and 4 Piano. Radio, Chesterfield Suite, Bedroom Suite, Wilton and Axmlnstcr Rugs. Pictures, Lamps, Dishes, Miscellaneous Furniture and Kitchen Utensils. STAN MOHAN Suite 8 Ilesner Apartments 9MMAT?MuntMFiMMMMMMMMMM&M wMMMwmuflmrFntB a t - r -r IF you ask youi; grocer simply for a tin of beans yoa will often get the boiled or steamed variety. Only Heinz beans, of all the well-known makes, are actually baked. You know the difference between a boiled and a baked potato. There is the same difference in beans. The Heinz process of oven-baking retains all the flavour. In a Heinz tin you find a perfection of plump, mealy, golden-brown goodness. Once you have tried Heinz oven-baked beans you'll always want the extra flavour and food value Heinz provides at so reasonable a cost. H E IN Z MADE AT UAMINGTON. ONTAMO. FOt KCARUT A OUAITU Of A CENTURY OVEN "OI? A JC baked mm JDimjra 3 police commission ruled upon by the highest authority possible. Meantime, he was of the opinion that the provincial police was working for the city merely on a contract basis and, therefore, it came within the confines of municipal authority to pass upon the work being done under the contract. He felt That the police commission was not called upon to relinquish its diligence and responsibility with respect to seeing that the laws were enforced according to statute. The police commission or any citizen or citizens had the right, he believed, to appeal to the attorney-general if it could be seen where the laws were not being enforced. "I Intend to exercise my responsibility as a police commissioner in spite of the communication before the house," declared Aid. Casey. Or. motion of Aid. Pillsbury, seconded by Aid. Casey, the solicitor's report was ordered filed. TheFish which made "Rupert Brand" SMOKED LACK CO! Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ' 8!tir,rrt nt I'rince Ruptrt for Yuiio.oter: T.S.tt. t'ATALA EVERY Tl'ESIMY, 120 IM. Via Ocean Falls, arriving Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S. AKhKNA EVCRY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight tpprox. Weekly saUingi to Port Slmpaon, Alice Arin. Anyox. Stewarv and Nui Rivti points Sunday. S p.m Puruicr information retarding all aaUlogi and tlcktu St ritlNlT RUfKRT AGENCY: hreohd Avenue. Phone S8 mu TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City aaaaaBK Jl FOUR KINDS all baited! with tomato saucs AND PORK IN TOMATO 8 AUt WITHOUT MEAT (VEGETARIAN) BOSTON STTUS WITH FORK RED KIDNEY BEANS WITH PORK 4 City accounts for the two weeks ending February 20, totalling 4,-052.05 were passed for payment at last night's council niceang. Announcements Moose whist drive and dacct-March 1, 8:30. Eagles' Social Dance Friday March 4, dancing 0 30 to ViO Gentlemen 50c. LaUic:;, n-fresh -merits. Everybody wefcume. Pioneer Banquet March 10. St. Patrick Celebration, Catholic Hall, March 17. Scotch Dance April 1, I.O.D.E Boy's Band benefit. Catholic Women s League Spring Sale April 7. Prince Rupert Famous COAL Satisfaction guarantee with Our Famous Ed son and Bulk-ley Valley COAL, No. 1 Bulk-ley Valley Wheat. Oats and Barley. Pratt's Chick Food, Seeds and Fertilisers. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONE 58 & 55S '-It